1、文檔收集于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),已重新整理排版.word版本可編輯:歡迎下載支持.2017學(xué)年徐匯區(qū)初三模擬考英語試卷2(滿分150分,考試吋間100分鐘)Part 1 LiStening (第一部分 聽力)I. LiStening COmPrehenSiOn (聽力理解):(共 30 分)A. LiSten and ChOOSe the right PiCtUre (根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片):供6分)ABCDEFGH1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.B. LiSten to the dialogue and ChOOSe the best answer to the question you h
2、ear (根據(jù)你聽到的對話和問 題,選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?:洪8分)C) On the 6th floor. D) On the 8th floor.C) At the train Station.D) At the SUbWay Sta廿on.C) By bike.D) By bus.B) CIeaning his roomD) MeetingJenny.C) On SatUrday.D) On Sunday.7. A) On the ISt floor.B) On the 3rd floor.8. A) At the airport.B) At the bus stop.9. A) On fo
3、ot.B) By taxi.10. A) BUying SOme COId drinks.C) HaVing a barbecue11. A) On ThUrSday.B) On Friday.12. A) The Orange one. B) The Pink one.13. A) By USing SOme magicC) By going On a diet.14. A) BeCaUSe they didn't recognize her.C) BeCaUSe the WOman PerfOrmed WellC) The blue one.D) The green one.B)
4、By taking a yoga COUrSeD) By CaIling himself Tim.B) BeCaUSe they met a famous actressD) BeCaUSe the PIay made them happy1文檔來源為:從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理.word版本可編輯.C. LiSten to the Ietter and tell Whether the following StatementS are true Or false (判斷下列句子是否符合你聽到的內(nèi)容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示):(共6分)15. It WaS a Ietter to Dai
5、Sy about JaSOn,s first day at his new SChOOL16. JaSOn WaS excited because there are many StUdents in the new SChOOL17. Jason's CIaSS teacher is Mrs. BIaCk and She is a you ng and friendly Iady 18. JaSOn has made friends With a nice boy from HOng Kong.19. EVeryOne in the SChOOl must Iearn SPanish
6、 as a SeCOnd Ianguage20. JaS On has to do much maths HOmeWOrk On the In ter net On the first day.D. LiSten to the PaSSage and COmPIete the following SentenCeS (聽短文,完成下列內(nèi)容<> 每空格限填一詞):洪10分)21. ROnalcl Dahl WaS born On, 1916 in SOUth WaIeS22. YOUng Dahl CIidnZtbecause many teachers Were Very Stri
7、Ct23. EVery few months,ChOCOlate Were Sent to RePtOn for the StUdentS to test24. The happy memory gave Dahl the idea for HiSnovel Charlie and the ChOCOIateFactory.25. DUring the SeCOnd WOrld WaG Dahlin a burning Plane On his first (IightPart 2 PhOnetg VOCabUIary and Grammar(第二部分語音、詞匯和語法)II. ChOOSe t
8、he best answer (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?:(共20分)26. WhiCh Of the following WOrdS matches the SOUnd / nju:/?A) nowB) norC) newD) near27. BrOOklyn Beckham,eldest Child Of the BeCkhams, WiIl SeIl his PhOtO book in May, 2017A) aB) anC) theD) /28. NObOdy Can StaP a PerSOn With a StrOng WiIlrealizing his dreamsA) OfB) fr
9、omC) WithD) by29. If they dort PrePareWeIl for the interview, they may fail to get the offer.A) theyB) themC) theirsD) themselves30. When Frank COmPIained about the COld WinteG Janethe SUnny SUmmer days in AUStraliaA) GnjOySB) WaS GnjOyingC) has enjoyedD) Will enjoy31. JOe Can Only take two Of his f
10、amily members into the StUdiO and IeaVeWaiting OUtSideA) the OtherSB) OtherSC) OtherD) the Other32. the Gnd Of yesterday, there had been more than 10 Car accidents because Of the typhoon.A) ByB) FromC) AtD)TO33. The OId GnjOy the COnVenience Of technologies because they don't accept new thingsqu
11、ickl y.A) mustn'tB) needn'tC) CanZtD) shouldn't34. The Pandato get USed to the new environment SinCe he returned from AmeriCaA) IearnSB) is IearningC) IearnedD) has Iearnt35. The audience Were attracted bythe StOrieS and the readings at the new PrOgram ttReadersf,.A) bothB) neitherC) eit
12、herD) none36. After the OPeratiOn On Grandma's heart, She becomes muchat PreSentA) goodB) WellC) betterD) best37. EVery PiCtUre in the COIOring book SeCret Garden WaS not ClraWn by COmPUterall by hand.A) andB) SOC) butD) Or38. The year's best PiCtUre WaS WrOngly awarded to La La Land, WhiChn
13、everbeforeA) WOUId.happenB) was.happening C) has.happenedD) had.happened39. A:Can We get the Chance to join the party?B: TO join this Partyz you have to ClreSS UP Iike a SUPerherOA) WhyB) WhatC) HOWD) Where40. Jenny is an independent girl and She is COnSideringa boarding scboo(寄宿學(xué)校)A) enterB) enteri
14、ngC) to GntGrD) entered41. EVery MOnday morning all the Staff members have a meeting to report their recent work,?A) haven't theyB) don,t theyC) aren't theyD) WOnZt they42 AleX had no interest in PainUnghe met a CreatiVe and pat:ient art teacher One dayA) WhenB) becauseC) UntilD) if43. good
15、Chanee those teenagers Were given to experience different cultures!A) HOWB) WhatC) What aD) What an44. A: The dishes you COOked tonight are really delicious.B:A) Of course!B) IZm glad you Iike them!C) ThatzS all right!D) NeVer mind!45. A: EXCUSe me, Can I ask you SOme questiOnS about the Changes in
16、Shanghai?B:A) SUrez go ahead!B) COngratUIatiOns!C) I am SO sorry!D) NiCe to meet you !III. COmPIete the following PaSSage With the WOrdS Or PhraSeS in the box EaCh Can Only be USed OnCe(將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空格限填一詞,每個單詞或詞組只能填一次):(共8分)A. traditionB. SimiIarC. COmmUnicationD. SPread E hear OfThe OriginS Of AP
17、ril FOOlS DayWhat is APril FOOIS Day and Where does it COme from? It is COmmOnly believed that in medieval (中世紀(jì))FranC巳 NeW Year WaS CeIebrated On 1 April. Then in1562, a new Calendar WaS introduced, Changing NeW Year to 1 JanUary With no modern46 , newstravelled SIOWIy and new ideas Were Often quest
18、ioned Many PeOPle did not 47 the change, WhileSOme just forgot TheSe PeOPIe Were CalIed fools PeOPle SGnd invita廿OnS to ZNeW Year* PartieS that Were not existed and Other jokes Were PIayed Then a 48 Of Playing jokes On APril ISt Started The CUStOm finally 49 to EngIand and SCOtIandZ and it WaS Iater
19、 tranSPOrted across the AtIantiC to the AmeriCan and the Fre nch. APril FOOlS Day HaS now developed into an inter national festival Of fur With different nationalities Celebrating the day in SPeCial ways.A. StrangersB. balaneedC. experienced D CatChE knowingAPrilFOOIS Day around the WOrldIn FranCe a
20、nd Italy, if SOmeOne PlayS a trick On you, you are the ZfiSh Of APriL By the month Of APril fish have OnIy just hatched(孵化)and are easy to 50 Children StiCk PaPer fish to their friends'backs and ChOCOlate fish are found in the ShOPSIn SCOtland, APril FOOIS Day IaStS for two days! The SeCOnCl day
21、 is CaIled ZTaily Day,. Often a Sign Saying ZkiCk me" is StUCk Onto SOmeOneZS back WithOUt 51TOdayZ AmeriCans and the BritiSh PIay SmaIl tricks On friends and 52 On APril 1st. A COmrnOn trick is to POint to a friend's ShOe and Say ZZYOUr ShOe is not tied/ When they IOOk dowr they are IaUghe
22、d at. SChOOIChiIdren might tell a friend that SChOOl has been CanCeIled A bag Of flour might be 53 On the top Of a door SO that When the victim7 OPens the doorr the flour empties OVer their headMOSt APril FOOl jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone The best trick is the One Where everyOn
23、e laughs, especially the PerSOn UPOn WhOm the joke has been PlayedIV. COmPIete the SentenCeS With the given WOrdS in their PrOPer forms (用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式 完成下列句子):(共8分)54. We all hope that those baby Pandas in the ZOO Can grow UP(happy)55. After the IOOO meters' race, I COUld hardly move my(foot)56.
24、 Jeff keeps running every day and he IOOkSthan his ClaSSmateS(StrOng)57. PeOPIe Celebrate the DragOn BOat FeStiVal On d iff ere nt dates It is On May thethis year.(thirty)58. It isOf SOme OnIine StOre SeIlerS to Iie about the quality (質(zhì)量)Of their PrOdUCtS(honest)59. Tim ViSitS HiS junior High SChOOl
25、 teachers every TeaCherSZ Day to express his(thankful)60. SinCe IaSt year, the new medicine has SUCCeSSfUlly helped tomany people's IiVeS(Safety)61. With the help Of that famousZ the bridge COnStrUCtiOn WaS COmPIeted On time, (engine)V. COmPIete the following SentenCeS as required (根據(jù)所給要求,完成下列句子
26、。(6267 題)毎空格限填一詞):(共14分)62 He forgot to IOCk UP the door to the Cage and accidentally Iet the tiger escape(改為一般疑I討句) heto IOCk UP the door to the Cage and accidentally Iet the tiger escape?63. Mr. Wang Will introduce Shanghai to all the foreign guests at the WelCOme party.(對劃線部分提問) Mr. Wang introduc
27、e to all the foreign guests at the WelCOme party?64. They USUalIy StOre these fishes in the fridge to keep them fresh.(改為被動語態(tài))TheSe fishesUSUaIlyin the fridge to keep them fresh65. Ian PrOmiSeS the technology Of his invention is not harmful to the human body.(保持句意基本不變)Ian PrOmiSeS the tech no IOgy O
28、f his inve ntion doestothe human body 66. PrOfeSSOr Tenor's IeCtUre On Universe is Very CIifficult. Ivlany PeOPle can't Understand it.(合并兩句為 一句)PrOfeSSOr Tenor's IeCtUre On UniVerSe isdifficult for many PeOPleUnderStand.67. ThiS Warning Sign tells US not to PiCk flowers.(保持句意基本不變)ThiS Wa
29、rning Sign says, "flowers!z/68. a PIanZ made, before Friday, the StaffZ WOrk OUtZ the manager(連i司成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 讀寫)VI. Reading COmPrehenSiOn (閱讀理解):(共 50 分)A. ChOOSe the best answer (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福?(12分)The BntiSh COUnCiI and FOreign OffiCe founded (建立)HOST in 1987. ThOUS
30、andS Of StUdentS have enjoyed this experience.5 reasons to have a HOST ViSit It is a UniqUe OPPOrtUnity to experience the real Iife Of Britain. It is Safeall the hosts are known by HOST. It may COSt you Only your train fare. YOU WiII Iearn things WhiCh the UniVerSity CannOt teach you. YOU WiII have
31、SOme VerY SPeCial memories to CePt ap0(fttivi3>9utside the UK.And 3 reasons NOT to apply for a HOST ViSit PleaSe do not USe HOST as a CheaP form Of Children-if the. are JivipgJnJhe UK PUrLng yOUrtourism It IS about Yneetlng PeOPlez snTngTOm vicbffigfnily members Or friends. PleaSe do not go On a
32、HOST ViSit if you need to USe your PhOne Or Pad a lot. InSteadZ make it anterna廿OdalQtUdqnts . n . . D) I . hotl good ChanCetO meet BrltlSh PeOPIe and make new friendsCool, amazing, UnfOrgettable.something myi即曲冊 a HOST ViSit if you are:祎ese&甸抽枇絶9鈿:爪軀s h瞬石矩ades>ribrifeUDST visits. BUt a WOrd
33、they neverUSe iS tiexpensive9! Why not? Uli Y r YOU Can InCrUae your husband, WlfeZ PartnerzBeCaUSe HOST ViSitS are FREE.CStUdy PeriOd HOST CannPt acceptapplicatiorOUr WOnderful hosts are not PaId. They IOVe6%iF ad冰軸糧陸js P既b盹Mgr_絞i徘*mAwi 0sUK to take >fl漁矽嘟也化陽C)man打期nts Pay their OWn travel COStS
34、 And there is7(?聯(lián)枕第飜閲霊肚霧熄蹴器弘腮H也僦加Ot apply to HOST UnleSS you have running the HOST PrOgram BUt your UnIVerSIty m斜令MiPgr Part Of the apiftsffor you.7lv The wrcUhem" Jethe senteace "The滬kwean OPen mind PIeaSe don't be SUrPnSedand JnforgettablD) SUrPriSingthe UK to take HOme With them/
35、9; refer toA) inter national StUdentSB) WOn derful hostsC) travel COStSD) HOST ViSitS72. PeOPle WhO are interested Can Iearnfrom this advertisementA) HOW to apply for a HOST ViSitB) WhO Can apply for a HOST ViSitC) how to Pay for their HOST ViSitSD) Where they Can find wonderful hosts73. The main PU
36、rPOSe Of the HOST PrOgram is to Gnable StUdents toA) ViSit different PIaCeS in the UKB) SaVe money On travelling COStC) make full USe Of their Stay in the UKD) be more OPen minded and active74. The HOST PrOgram is SUitabIe forA) ViCkiez a SiXteervyearold e×change SChOOl StUdentB) SamUeIz an act
37、ive and POPUIar OnIine fashion bloggerC) Fang, a ViSiting friend Of Diana from HOng KOngD) OSakiZ an easy-going JaPanese StUdent Of OXfOrd UniversityB. ChOoSe the WOrdS Or expressions and COmPIete the PaSSage (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞語完成短文):(12 分)WhGn I entered BerkIeyZ I hoped to Win a SChOIclrShiP(獎學(xué)金) AS a Str
38、aight-A StUdent all the Way through, I believed I COUld take tough SUbjeCtS and really Iearn SOmething OnG SUCh COUrSe WaS WOrld LiteratUre given by PrOfeSSOrJayne. I WaS Very interested in the ideas He taught in CIaSSWhen I took the first exam, I WaS ShOCkeCl to find a 77, C-PIUSZ On my test PaPeG
39、for EngIiSh WaS always my best subject. I Went to PrOfeSSOr Jayne, WhO IiStened to my 75 but He refused to do anything about it.I decided to try harder; 76 I didn't know What that meant because SChOOl always Seemed easy for me I read the boOkS more carefully, but got another 77. Agair I reasoned
40、 With PrOfeSSOr Jayne Agair he IiStened PatientIy but WOUldrt 77_.One more test before the final exam SO I WOrked even harder and, for the first time, Iearned the meaning Of the WOrd "thorough". BUt my effort did no good and 78Stayed as beforeThe IaSt Chance WaS the final. NO matter What g
41、rade I got, it WOUldrt CanCel three C-PlUSes. I might as Well kiss the SChOIarShiP goodbyeI StOPPed WOrking Hard. I felt I knew the COUrSe material as Well as I ever WOUlcI. The night before the final, I even relaxed to a 79 The next day I decided for OnCe l,d have fun With a test.A Week IateG WaS S
42、UrPriSed to find I got an A. I HUrried into PrOfeSSOr Jayn&s OffiCe He Seemed to be expecting me. "If I gave you the grade as you 80, you wouldn't COn廿nue to WOrk hard.z,I Stared at him, realizing What he Said WaS COrreCt I Had WOrked my head Offz as I Had never done before I WaS SUrPri
43、Sed When my COUrSe grade arrived: A-PlUs. It WaS the Only A-PlUS given. The next year I received my SChOlarship. I,ve always remembered PrOfeSSOr Jayne's IeSSon: you alone must Set your OWn Standard Of e×cellence.75. A) SPeeCheSB) replies76. A) althoughB) UnIeSS77. A) COmmUniCate With meC)
44、get rid Of it78. A) anything79. A) testB) SOmethingB) movie80. A) expectedB) VOlUnteeredC) argumentsC) ifB) IOOk after meD) Change his mindC) everythingC) trickC) realizedD) COnClUSiOnSD) WhenD) nothingD) SUrVCyD) SeleCtedC. Read the PaSSage and fill in the blanks With PrOPer WOrdS (在短文的空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使其
45、內(nèi)容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給):(14分)文檔收集于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),已重新整理排版.word版本可編輯:歡迎下載支持.It is never easy When a friend doesrt tell the truth ThiS is SOmething that HUrtS the PerSOn WhO has been Iied to and f 81 it GndS UP hurting the PerSOn WhO did the Iying as WeIl Lying is never SOmething that is easy to (Orget Or even to for
46、give BUt it is SOmething that you ShOUld try to Understand SO that you Can be a better friend.USUaIIyZ friends Iie because Of the Way that they are feeling If a friend feels inferior to(lt差)another PerSOrb he might make UP StOrieS SO that he Can get more a 82 If your friend is Iying to youfor this r
47、easOn, it might be a good idea to talk to your friend and make him Understand that he doesrt need to feel that way.There are times When a friend might Iie to try not getting into trouble For example, if a friend knows he has been doing SOmething you d 83, Or if he now regrets What he has Said Or don
48、巳 he mightWant to Iie about it SO that you WOrt be angry With him. The best Way to deal With this SitUatiOn is to get to the bottom Of What might have happened, and make SUre that you are being H 84 With your friend about everything that you do and the fact that Iying hurtsS 85, a friend IieS for Ot
49、her reasOns. One Of these reasOnS might be to PrOteCt your feelings. FOrexample, he might Iie about h 86 SiIIy you IOOk Or What StUPid WOrdS you have Said YOU must decide if truthfulness) is more important than your feelings in this type Of SitUatiOn.Many times, friends don't Iie to hurt each ot
50、her. PerhaPS they know that the truth might make youmad at them, and they just don't Want to IOSe your f 87 The best Way to deal With Iying is to talk toyour friends CaImIyz and get the truthD. AnSWer the questions (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題):(12分)ReSearCherS from two Ilniversities in Britain recently Carrie
51、d OUt a Very interesting PrOjeCt They aimed to find OUt What modern family needs from their home The IUCky family ChOSen to take Part In the PrOjeCt WaS the JOneses: Parents PaUl and EVe and their two sons,Jimmy (16) and Harry (13). They havejust SPent two months IiVing in a SPeCiaIly designed hi-te
52、ch future house, Where CameraS recorded everything they did.TV WhiIe you batheSO what's in this modern house? It boasts (夸耀)five bedrooms and five bathrooms. The Sitting area has a huge TV and a digital PiCtUre frameyou Can decide WhiCh PhOtOS you Want to appear and Change the PiCtUre as Often a
53、s you Iike The baths all HaVe WaterPrOOf TV SCreens and DVD PIayerS There is a remote COntrOl (遙控器) in every room WhiCh COntrOIS everything in the HOUSe from the IightS to the cooker. The floors are all made Of glass and all have Underfloor heating The WindOWS CIean themselves and there is even a ro
54、bot CalIed "Iron Man " to do the ironing. Dirty WaShing goes into a Iift WhiCh takes the CIOtheS automatically to the WaShing machine The "Iron Man" then does all the ironing.SO how did it go?The JOneS family Were OVer the moon to be ChOSen to SPend SOmePaul: It WaS great The hou
55、se WaS SO COmfOrtable. One day OUr friends CaIled round With their dog. The dog felt SO Warm and COmfOrtable; he even SlePt On the floor! OhZ but there WaS One PrOblem One night We Were all in bed and all the IightS SWitChed themselves On for no reason. It WaS a bit frightening!Jimmy: I IOVed it, bu
56、t I WiSh there had been a robot to help me With my homeworkHarry: Staying in WaS as much fun as going out!Eve: I IOVed the TV in the bath but I never WatChed it before going to WOrk in the morning. If I did, I dort think d ever get out!The JOneS family are now back in their Very Ordinary home, but P
57、Ianning SOme hi-tech additions as SOOn as they Can afford them!The experts HOPe that results from their PrOjeCt WiIl help developers meet the needs Of a 21St-CentUry family One Of the experts WrOte a few SentenCeS abOUt his findings On this project:After WatChing What the JOneS family,did in the house and IiStening to how they felt about Kfef戀幌豐據(jù)I密襦 Why WaS the PrOjeet CarTied OUt in a SPeCialIy CkSigned hi-tech future house? (2 分)90. What does the remote COntrol in every room enable PeOPIe to
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