1、1目目 錄錄目錄目錄1中文摘要中文摘要2ABSTRACTABSTRACT2第第 1 1 章章 緒綸緒綸31 1 多軸加工應 31 2 多軸加工的設備 41 3 多軸加工的趨勢 5第第 2 2 章章 普普通通鉆鉆床床改改為為多多軸軸鉆鉆床床 62 1 生產任務 622 普通立式鉆的選型6第第 3 3 章章 多多軸軸齒齒輪輪傳傳動動箱箱的的設設計計 7 31 設計前的準備72第第 4 4 章章 多多軸軸箱箱的的結結構構設設計計與與零零部部件件圖圖的的繪繪制制14 41 箱蓋、箱體和中間板結構14 42 多軸箱軸的設計. . . .14 43 軸坐標計算30第第 5 5 章章 導導向向裝裝置置的的設
2、設計計31第第 6 6 章章 接接桿桿刀刀具具31外外文文文文獻獻 31總總 結結36鳴鳴謝謝 37參參考考文文獻獻 37中文摘要中文摘要本設計是關于普通鉆床改造為多軸鉆床的設計。普通鉆床為單軸機床,但安裝上多軸箱就會成為多軸的鉆床,改造成多軸鉆床后,能大大地縮短加工時間,提高生產效率。因此本設計的重點是多軸箱的設計,設計內容包括齒輪分布與選用、軸的設計、多軸箱的選用、導向裝置設計等。親,由于某些原因,沒有上傳完整的畢業(yè)設計(完整的應包括畢業(yè)設計說明書、相關圖紙CAD/PROE、中英文文獻及翻譯等) ,此文檔也稍微刪除了一部分內容(目錄及某些關鍵內容)如需要的朋友,請聯(lián)系我的Q&Q:2
3、215891151,數(shù)萬篇現(xiàn)成設計及另有的高端團隊絕對可滿足您的需要關鍵詞:關鍵詞: 多軸鉆床;生產效率;多軸箱3AbstractThe design is about reconstructing the ordinary drill to a multiple drill. The ordinary drill is a single drill. It will improve its productive efficiency, shorten its processing time if assembled a multiple spindle case on. That so ca
4、lls a multiple drill. Hereby, the keystone of this design paper is how to design a multiple spindle heads. The design subjects include the selection and distribution of gear wheel, the design of spindle, and the guiding equipment and selection of the multiple spindle heads, etc.Key words: multiple d
5、rill; productive efficiency; multiple spindle heads普通鉆床該為多軸鉆床專業(yè):機械設計制造及其自動化, 學號:2000121316, 姓名:梁顯垣指導教師:劉杰華,招惠玲,陳敏華 4第 1 章 緒論1.1 多軸加工應用據(jù)統(tǒng)計,一般在車間中普通機床的平均切削時間很少超過全部工作時間的 15%。其余時間是看圖、裝卸工件、調換刀具、操作機床、測量以及清除鐵屑等等。使用數(shù)控機床雖然能提高 85%,但購置費用大。某些情況下,即使生產率高,但加工相同的零件,其成本不一定比普通機床低。故必須更多地縮短加工時間。不同的加工方法有不同的特點,就鉆削加工而言,多軸
6、加工是一種通過少量投資來提高生產率的有效措施。1.1.1 多軸加工優(yōu)勢雖然不可調式多軸頭在自動線中早有應用,但只局限于大批量生產。即使采用可調式多軸頭擴大了使用范圍,仍然遠不能滿足批量小、孔型復雜的要求。尤其隨著工業(yè)的發(fā)展,大型復雜的多軸加工更是引人注目。例如原子能發(fā)電站中大型冷凝器水冷壁管板有 15000 個 20 孔,若以搖臂鉆床加工,單單鉆孔與锪沉頭孔就要 842.5 小時,另外還要劃線工時 151.1 小時。但若以數(shù)控八軸落地鉆床加工,鉆锪孔只要 171.6 小時,劃線也簡單,只要 1.9 小時。因此,利用數(shù)控控制的二個坐標軸,使刀具正確地對準加工位置,結合多軸加工不但可以擴大加工范圍
7、,而且在提高精度的基礎上還能大大地提高工效,迅速地制造出原來不易加工的零件。有人分析大型高速柴油機 30 種箱形與桿形零件的 2000 多個鉆孔操作中,有 40%可以在自動更換主軸箱機床中用二軸、三軸或四軸多軸頭加工,平均可減少 20%的加工時間。1975 年法國巴黎機床展覽會也反映了多軸加工的使用愈來愈多這一趨勢。1.2 多軸加工的設備多軸加工是在一次進給中同時加工許多孔或同時在許多相同或不同工件上各加工一個孔。這不僅縮短切削時間,提高精度,減少裝夾或定位時間,并且在數(shù)控機床中不必計算坐標,減少字塊數(shù)而簡化編程。它可以采用以下一些設備進行加工:立鉆或搖臂鉆上裝多軸頭、多軸鉆床、多軸組合機床心
8、及自動更換主軸箱機床。甚至可以通過二個能自動調節(jié)軸距的主軸或多軸箱,結合數(shù)控工作臺縱橫二個方向的運動,加工各種圓形或橢圓形孔組的一個或幾個工序。現(xiàn)在就這方面的現(xiàn)狀作一簡介。1.2.1 多軸頭從傳動方式來說主要有齒輪傳動與萬向聯(lián)軸節(jié)傳動二種。這是大家所熟悉的。前者效率較高,結構簡單,后者易于調整軸距。從結構來說有不可調式與可調式二種。前者軸距不能改變,多采用齒輪傳動,僅適用于大批量生產。為了擴大其贊許適應性,發(fā)展了可調式多軸頭,在一定范圍內可調整軸距。它主要裝在有萬向.二種。 (1)萬向軸式也有二種:具有對準裝置的5主軸。主軸裝在可調支架中,而可調支架能在殼體的 T 形槽中移動,并能在對準的位置
9、以螺栓固定。 (2)具有公差的圓柱形主軸套。主軸套固定在與式件孔型相同的模板中。前一種適用于批量小且孔組是規(guī)則分布的工件(如孔組分布在不同直徑的圓周上) 。后一種適用于批量較大式中小批量的輪番生產中,剛性較好,孔距精度亦高,但不同孔型需要不同的模板。多軸頭可以裝在立鉆式搖臂鉆床上,按鉆床本身所具有的各種功能進行工作。這種多軸加工方法,由于鉆孔效率、加工范圍及精度的關系,使用范圍有限。1.2.2 多軸箱也象多軸頭那樣作為標準部件生產。美國 Secto 公司標準齒輪箱、多軸箱等設計的不可調式多軸箱。有 32 種規(guī)格,加工面積從 300300 毫米到 6001050 毫米,工作軸達 60 根,動力達
10、 22.5 千瓦。Romai 工廠生產的可調多軸箱調整方便,只要先把齒輪調整到接近孔型的位置,然后把與它聯(lián)接的可調軸移動到正確的位置。因此,這種結構只要改變模板,就能在一定范圍內容易地改變孔型,并且可以達到比普通多軸箱更小的孔距。根據(jù)成組加工原理使用多軸箱或多軸頭的組合機床很適用于大中批量生產。為了在加工中獲得良好的效果,必需考慮以下數(shù)點:(1)工件裝夾簡單,有足夠的冷卻液沖走鐵屑。 (2)夾具剛性好,加工時不形變,分度定位正確。 (3)使用二組刀具的可能性,以便一組使用,另一組刃磨與調整,從而縮短換刀停機時間。 (4)使用優(yōu)質刀具,監(jiān)視刀具是否變鈍,鉆頭要機磨。(5)尺寸超差時能立即發(fā)現(xiàn)。1
11、.2.3 多軸鉆床這是一種能滿足多軸加工要求的鉆床。諸如導向、功率、進給、轉速與加工范圍等。巴黎展覽會中展出的多軸鉆床多具液壓進給。其整個工作循壞如快進、工進與清除鐵屑等都是自動進行。值得注意的是,多數(shù)具有單獨的變速機構,這樣可以適應某一組孔中不同孔徑的加工需要。1.2.4 自動更換主軸箱機床為了中小批量生產合理化的需要,最近幾年發(fā)展了自動更換主軸箱組合機床。(1) 自動更換主軸機床自動更換主軸機床頂部是回轉式主軸箱庫,掛有多個不可調主軸箱。縱橫配線盤予先編好工作程序,使相應的主軸箱進入加工工位,定位緊并與動力聯(lián)接,然后裝有工件的工作臺轉動到主軸箱下面,向上移動進行加工。當變更加工對象時,只要
12、調換懸掛的主軸箱,就能適應不同孔型與不同工序的需要。(2) 多軸轉塔機床轉塔上裝置多個不可調或萬向聯(lián)軸節(jié)主軸箱,轉塔能自動轉位,并對夾緊在回轉工作臺的6工件作進給運動。通過工作臺回轉,可以加工工件的多個面。因為轉塔不宜過大,故它的工位數(shù)一般不超過 46 個。且主軸箱也不宜過大。當加工對象的工序較多、尺寸較大時,就不如自動更換主軸箱機床合適,但它的結構簡單。(3) 自動更換主軸箱組合機床它由自動線或組合機床中的標準部件組成。不可調多軸箱與動力箱按置在水平底座上,主軸箱庫轉動時整個裝置緊固在進給系統(tǒng)的溜板上。主軸箱庫轉動與進給動作都按標準子程序工作。換主軸箱時間為幾秒鐘。工件夾緊于液壓分度回轉工作
13、臺,以便加工工件的各個面。好果回轉工作臺配以卸料裝置,就能合流水生產自動化。在可變生產系統(tǒng)中采用這種裝置,并配以相應的控制器可以獲得完整的加工系統(tǒng)。(4) 數(shù)控八軸落地鉆床大型冷凝器的水冷壁管板的孔多達 15000 個,它與支撐板聯(lián)接在一起加工??讖綖?20 毫米,孔深 180 毫米。采用具有內冷卻管道的麻花鉆,57 巴壓力的冷卻液可直接進入切削區(qū),有利于排屑。鉆尖磨成 90供自動定心。它比普通麻花鉆耐用,且進給量大。為了縮短加工時間,以 8 軸數(shù)控落地加工。13 多軸加工趨勢多軸加工生產效率高,投資少,生產準備周期短,產品改型時設備損失少。而且隨著我國數(shù)控技術的發(fā)展,多軸加工的范圍一定會愈來
14、愈廣,加工效率也會不斷提高。 第 2 章 普通鉆床改為多軸鉆床2.1 生產任務在一批鑄鐵連接件上有同一個面上有多個孔加工。在普通立式鉆床上進行孔加工,通常是一個孔一個孔的鉆削,生產效率低,用非標設備,即組合機床加工,生產效率高,但設備投資大。7但把一批普通立式普通單軸鉆床改造為立式多軸鉆床,改造后的多軸鉆床,可以同時完成多個孔的鉆、擴、鉸、等工序。設計程序介紹如下:2.2 普通立式鉆床的選型2.2.1計算所需電機功率零件圖如圖 1 所示: 圖 1 為工件零件圖,材料:鑄鐵 HT200;料厚:5mm;硬度:HBS170-240HBS;年產量:1000 萬此處省略 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
15、NNNNNNNN 字。如需要完整說明書和 CAD 圖紙等.請聯(lián)系 扣扣 二五一一三三四零八 另提供全套機械8設計地址。 軸承安全1)8102 推力球軸承校核P=Fa (表 3.8-54)jj P=4.091N=30000h(表 13-3) 文獻 6 36091. 4105009606010hLhL軸承安全4.3軸坐標計算為方便在多軸箱上鏜孔,因此進行軸坐標計算是十分重要的。建立如圖 14 坐標系,多軸箱里尺寸如圖示為 220 x180mm,在多軸箱中心安裝主動軸,則主動軸坐標可知(110,90) ,則根據(jù)零件圖,可算出其他各軸坐標,分別如圖所示。第第 5 5 章章 導向裝置的設計導向裝置的設計
16、51 導向裝置組成導向裝置主要由導柱、導套、彈簧組成。導柱的上端與多軸箱中間板上的導套滑動配合,下端安裝在夾具的鉆模板上。9(1)選擇彈簧 用四根彈簧支撐整個多軸箱,粗略估算多軸箱重量:NG9 .4978 . 9105058200240108 . 993每根彈簧負荷:F=124.5N選圓柱螺旋壓縮彈簧(表 12) 文獻 7 ,彈簧中徑,節(jié)距,彈簧絲直徑mmD0 .162mmt640. 6,工作圈數(shù),自由高度.mmd8 . 130nmmHo140(1) 導柱、導套的選擇導柱材料為直徑 16mm,長 303mm,15rGc導套材料為 20 號鋼。第第 6 6 章章 接桿刀具接桿刀具接桿一端為梯形螺
17、紋,與主動軸的內孔滑動配合,通過鍵傳遞扭矩。在梯形螺紋段并設計有斜面,以便調整接桿的延伸量來補償?shù)毒叩哪p量。接桿另一端的莫氏錐孔與刀具的莫氏錐柄相配合。外外 文文 文文 獻獻ItIt isis thethe new-typenew-type injectinject byby shapingshaping technologytechnology1.inject by shaping altogether( inject shaping of at core layers) Adopt and inject shaping help and observe and make one uniq
18、ue structure altogether. first of plastic is injected and fill and enter some types first, then the plastic: second follow first inject person who enter one and keep initial to drive pressure field of flowing closely. At epidermis district and core the sizes of one, measure and publish first and the
19、 materials quantities of second according to correct proportionate relationship, Make one at first complete at second to make one parcel appearance core each. In addition, in cosmetics application, the material is put after second material injecting to have first of epidermis of the small part, So t
20、hat the epidermis of the part of the runner can be totally closed. Inject making one of shaping altogether with the resin of 2 kinds of different colors, form a piece of a layer of blocks of epidermis and core apt to distinguish (Realize inject shaping one as much as all have and have and one very m
21、uch important this core similar epidermis. )If there is not advanced detection technique, usually difficult to distinguish the epidermis - core area and boundary of layer. Inject shaping a new technology altogether. British ici company began to use this technology in the 1970s early, and had made th
22、e basic theory of including, Produce several patents, such as the products and machinery equipment,etc. Now similar to mould mould sandwiches what has been adopted generally ici production technologies,last outer the materials of the epidermis at moulds and in 10layers is material different on core
23、occasionally, So two a kind of material person who a certain one inclusives, and core require and have high radiations very, issue and steep shaping and retrieve performance of utilizing etc at 100% by layers of material. Should be fixed relatively by the excellent choice to select the material for
24、use. After injecting the shaping technology and come out in 15 altogether, can really just popularize and popularize . One a kind of adoptions inject the thick teeth of shaping fails and produces horizontal cross-section altogether. Material to pack nylon epidermis, and pearl material pack the nylon
25、 at - - glass layers of material core. A rate that shrinks material of pearl of glass is extremely low in core one, have good size stabilities. Nylon prevent pearl from grains of material easy problem of denuding that produces by epidermis person who give good and lubricated tooth tooth gear wheel.
26、Already developed several kinds and processed the method of improving new-typly at present on the basis of the basic theory of injecting shaping altogether. At however, in the mould and gas assist paint mould mould. Mould have and paint processing method to adopt low molecular weight polymers as the
27、 outer material, Gas assist mould mould shaping to adopt the nitrogen or another kind of gas as the core one( or core ones) material. Produce and process equipment constant to perfect and improve, satisfy of different use newly and the new technologies demands with product design, Inject technology
28、and will become the rich and potential industrialized extensive production technology method altogether.2.inject by - it compress shaping Inject and compress shaping move perpendicular on dividing into mould line direction by medium-sized s of walls at -. Adopt the method at the shaping, fill mould
29、stage and produce pressure drive melting body flow according to process, But this flowed the degree of depth of one melted variably. At flowing one deeply relatively, pressure drop relatively low, so that heavy areas make pieces of shaping excessive to pigeonhole melting body, And has prevented the
30、material in the twinkling of an eye from responding, these 2 kinds of factors will hinder the flow of the melting body equally. It injects forming process type make pieces of the 14%s of thickness finally by s of degree of depth, After the plastic has been packed 60% - 75% of the type roughly, stop
31、injecting, a of walls of mould is bulldozed at the same time , Until make the wall original shaping of one finally. The final size of making one is defined at this stage . If at mould wall at process fulling of more type before moving, this kind of technology is usually called and cast and press sha
32、ping. On the whole, cast and press shaping to adopt pressure that become to making one go on and protect and pigeonhole in one a piece of variable the type ones of volumeses. Cast and press stage to increase the stages of density, density and then in lying between and solid state plastic change melt
33、ing body. Adopt and cast and press way shaping pre- pressing discs, remaining stress degree of minimising, Make pieces of have remain stress produce and become phenomenon of refracting. It cast and press shaping improvement type activities types types for kinds of new technology in s of walls,inject
34、 its make. Already someone call outside gas to assist shaping law the method, actually these are a kind of misunderstanding, Because the gas has not influenced the melting body flow in type of plastic . During routine inject shaping, protecting and press is while a of volume of keeping type does not
35、 change , Under the function that the pressure flows, add and enter more plastics. Unite, Being emerged by the runner position of the high pressure and making a defect puters supplementary shaping11 Adopt computer assist project( cae) design and analyse and help and shorten design cycle and prevent
36、cost from expensive mechanical fault processing. Commercial emulations daily to indicate size on flowing one code, melt material flows in flowing dishes of system and type with balance, The figure of offeredding and put bestly and runner defining runner at the same time . Calculate pressure of injec
37、ting and shut mould want at different processing terms and material fix by tonnage. And warping rate combine initial to flow into too very accurate to estimate out person who shrink. What is important is and want and make the design tool help and analyse personnel process and go on the operation jud
38、ged while studying or in a certain plan of design skillfully. Understand at results and cant process in order that it is by research object /materials from prerequisite. After consider adopting this kind of method accurate data-in , can make enormous benefit . In addition, economic make design cycle
39、 not to be short and needs produce shorter time the analysis. The one that should point out is, commercial cae procedures usually cant be used directly. It fills and imitate and produce valuable experience but the result must rethink its limitation to estimate again . Use modern computers go on and
40、inject shaping simulated test and limited to pure viscidity fluids only( include the melting plastic of viscoplasticity ). One actual flow form measurable melting body person who flow intoes and performance announce etc. structure by speed, If can carry on the viscoplasticity analysis of high accura
41、cy . At present adopt any other to process way reach this advanced competences, And recent years, at emulation the industrial circle person who take the leads of equipment and the research groups of university already made good progress. Have several a of companies make great efforts and probe emula
42、tion technology, in order to be be able to be being explained moulding the sex instinct act and process the phenomenon of more reality correctly. For example, get together on the influence that the orientation of the possessive chain is distributed to some physics performance and performance . Proce
43、ssing physics is very complicated, but some viscoplasticity is embodied too alike to still totally understood , Perfect the rational processing way and taking shape slow at present even more. These stronger strong ways will be exceeded the production capacity that will be designed at present greatly
44、 .4.reversal inject shaping Comparatively speaking, it is that a relatively new inject shaping chooses parameters that the reversal is injected. The greatest difficult point of this technology is lain in when processing the condition suddenly changeses, To the thing that it will be known little abou
45、t what kind of change behavior plastic melting body will demonstrate . About the rudimentary knowledge of melting body rheology, is not merely the regular shear . Say exactly , the melting body responds( the viscidity and elastic behavior) the characteristic needing expressing, Not only common stabl
46、e state flow speed or shear speed and temperature, but also including pressure and flow the speed in the twinkling of an eye. These characteristics including a lot of content and very difficult to understand. However, if not in heterotypic materials inject respect make substantive progress, need and
47、 make and publish many kinds of different the concrete operational procedures of plasticses. Need and increase a in common use one tired to try on law is in order to getting ripe and accurate control method also another. During routine inject shaping, the type immobilizes in a of walls, some situati
48、ons are left, Still utilize and filling on the mould and protect and press and fall section and move the mould wall . Can adopt 2 kinds of different methods : Person who move s of perpendicular on dividing into mould line direction wall; Rotate a of walls of the slipping type . Fill stage rotatory t
49、ype cores with increasing mould. Through this kind of processing technology, the crooked performance and other mechanical performance of making one has 12gotten great improvement. Polyphenyl drink the water and polypropylene syringe adopt cup the processing method get great to change and break throu
50、gh the ground 2 a piece of products just by second.新型注射成型技術新型注射成型技術1.1. 共注射成型(芯層注射成型)共注射成型(芯層注射成型) 采用共注射成型有助于觀察到制件中獨特的結構。塑料“甲”先注射充入部分型腔,然后塑料:“乙”緊跟著“甲”注射進入型腔并保持初始推動流動壓力場。根據(jù)表皮區(qū)和芯層的尺寸大小,按正確的比例關系計量出“甲”和“乙”的用料量,可制得 1 個內芯層為“甲”外表完全由“乙”包裹的制件。 另外,在化妝品應用方面,有小部分的表皮“甲”料放在“乙”料之后注射,以使?jié)部诓糠值谋砥つ芡耆]合。用 2 種不同顏色的樹脂進行共注
51、射成型的制件,形成一個容易區(qū)分的表皮和芯層區(qū)間(認識到所有的注射成型件中存在有類似的表皮和芯層這一點非常重要。)如果沒有先進的檢測技術,通常難以區(qū)分表皮芯層的區(qū)域及其分界面。 共注射成型并非一門新的工藝技術。英國 ici 公司早在 70 年代就開始應用這一技術,并取得了包括基礎理論,生產產品及機器設備等幾項專利?,F(xiàn)普遍采用的ici 生產工藝類似“三明治模塑”,由于模塑外層表皮的材料與中間或芯層的材料不同,因此兩種材料必須有一定的相容性,并且芯層材料要求具有可高度輻射、發(fā)泡成型和 100%回收利用等性能。選用材料應經多種選擇比較而定。 共注射成型工藝問世 15 年后,才真正得以普及推廣。一種采用
52、共注射成型的厚齒輸制作橫截面。 表皮材料是非填充尼龍,而芯層材料是玻璃-珠料-填充尼龍。芯層中玻璃珠粒料收縮率極低,具有良好的尺寸穩(wěn)定性。尼龍表皮賦予齒輪齒牙良好的潤滑性并避免了珠粒料容易產生的磨蝕問題。 基于共注射成型的基礎理論目前已開發(fā)出幾種新型加工改進方法。例如,模內“上漆”和氣體輔助模塑成型擴大了采用這種工藝的范圍。模內上漆加工方法是采用低分子量聚合物作為外層材料,而氣體輔助模塑成型是采用氮氣或另一種氣體作為芯層(或部分芯層)材料。隨著產品設計與生產加工設備的不斷完善改進,將滿足各種新應用和新技術的需求,共注射技術必將成為富有潛力的工業(yè)化大規(guī)模生產工藝方法。2.2. 注射注射壓縮成型壓
53、縮成型 注射壓縮成型中型腔壁移動方向垂直于分模線。采用這種方法成型時,在充模階段,按工序產生壓力驅熔體流動,但這一個流道的深度是可變化的。在較深的13流道中,壓力下降得較低,以使大面積的制件成型中熔體沒有過度受壓,并避免了瞬間的材料響應,這 2 種因素同樣會阻礙熔體的流動。注射成型過程中,型腔深度可能是最終制件厚度的 14%,在塑料填充了大致 60%75%的型腔后,停止注射,模腔壁周圍同時受到推壓,直至最終制件的壁原成型為止。制件的最終尺寸在這階段確定。 如果在模壁按工序移動之前充滿了型腔,該種工藝通常稱為鑄壓成型。大體上,鑄壓成型是在一個可變體積的型腔內采用不變的壓力對制件進行保壓。鑄壓階段
54、是增加密度的階段,密度緊接著在介于熔體和固態(tài)塑料之間起變化。采用鑄壓方式成型致密圓盤,可把殘留應力減至最低程度,制件上的殘留應力可產生變折射現(xiàn)象。 鑄壓成型的改進型活動式型腔壁是一種新技術,其由注射全體制件固化階段通過多孔的金屬型腔壁以“保壓”制件。這種方法已有人稱為外部氣體輔助成型法,其實這是一種誤解,因為氣體并沒有影響塑料熔體在型腔內的流動。在常規(guī)的注射成型當中,保壓就是在保持型腔體積不變的同時,在壓力流的作用下,添加入更多的塑料。 聯(lián)同在型腔內的保壓流形成了不均勻的壓力分布,有可能在受高壓的澆口位置產生制件缺陷。3.3. 計算機輔助成型計算機輔助成型 采用計算機輔助工程(cae)對加工設
55、計及分析有助于縮短設計周期并可避免代價昂貴的機械失誤。商業(yè)性仿真代碼常用于流道上標明尺寸,以平衡熔料在流道系統(tǒng)及型腔內的流動,同時確定澆口的最佳開設置和澆口的數(shù)目。計算注射壓力和合模噸位要根據(jù)不同的加工條件和材料而定。收縮率及翹曲率結合初始流向也可準確估算出來。重要的是要使得這種設計工具幫助熟練分析人員在某個設計方案或加工研究時進行判斷的操作。結果必須理解為以研究對象和加工/材料為前提。當考慮采用這種方法準確輸入數(shù)據(jù)后,可取得巨大的效益。另外,這種分析經濟性可使設計周期更短和所需的生產時間更短。 應該提醒注意的是,商業(yè)性的 cae 程序通常是不可直接使用的。充模仿真可產生有價值的見識,但結果必須重新對其局限性進行重新考慮估計。應用現(xiàn)代計算機進行注射成型模擬試驗,僅限于純粘性流體(不包括粘彈性的熔融塑料)。可預測熔體流入型腔的實際流動速率組成結構和性能公布等,如可進行高精度的粘彈性分析。目前所采用的任何其它加工方式都不可能達到這種先進水平,并且最近幾年來,由仿真設備的工業(yè)界帶頭者和大學里的研究小組已取得了良好的進展。有幾家公司正在努力探索仿真技術,以求能正確地解釋更多現(xiàn)實的塑性行為和加工現(xiàn)象。例如,聚合物主鏈的取向對局部的物理性能和
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