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1、已發(fā)布的中華思想文化術(shù)語?2014年12月發(fā)布的中華思想文化術(shù)語The One圣Sage / Sage ness神Shen (Spirit / Spiritual)義Righteous ness虛Xu性Xi ng (Nature)心Heart / Mind物Wu (Thi ng / Matter)王Ki ng天Tian (Heave n)仁Ren趣Qu情Qi ng氣Qi (Vital Force)理Li德De?道Dao (Way)誠Sin cerity隱秀Late nt Sen time nt and Evide nt Beauty選舉Select and Recomme nd虛靜Void a

2、nd Peace性靈Xi ngli ng (Inner Self)太學Imperial Academy書院Classical Academy社稷Sheji (Gods of the Earth and the Five Grains)美刺Extolment and Satirical Criticism六義The Six Basic Eleme nts科舉 江山 肌理 諷諭 悲慨 宗法 自然 滋味 中庸 中華 中國 直尋 知音 緣起 有無 陰陽 意象 養(yǎng)氣 雅俗 玄覽 興象 五行 無為 文氣 文明 王道 天下 體用 體性The Imperial Civil Exam in ati on Sys

3、temRivers and Mountains / Country or State PowerReas oning and StructureSubtle Adm on iti onMela ncholy and Rese ntme ntFeudal Clan SystemNatura In essNuan ced FlavorZhongyong (Golde n Mean)ZhonghuaZhon gguo (Ch ina)Direct QuestResonance and EmpathyDepe ndent Origin ati onYou and WuYin and YangYixia

4、 ng (Imagery)Cultivati ng QiHighbrow and LowbrowXuanlan ( Pure-min ded Con templati on )Xin gxia ng (In spiri ng Imagery)Wuxi ngNon-acti onWen qiWen mi ng (Civilizatio n)Kin gly Way (Be nevole nt Gover nan ce)Tian xia (All Un der Heave n)Ti and YongStyle and Temperame nt太極Taiji (The Supreme Ultimate

5、)神思Imagi native? Con templati on镕裁Refining and Deleting日新Con sta nt Ren ewal人治Rule by Man情景Sen time nt and Sce nery良知Lia ngzhi (Con scie nee)良史Trustworthy Historia n / Factual History九州Ni ne Zhou (Regio ns)教化Shap ing the Mind Through Edueati on華夏Huaxia格調(diào)Form and Melody封建Feudal System法治Rule by Law大同U

6、ni versal Harm ony般若Buddhist Wisdom霸道Despotic Way本末Ben and Mo (The Fun dame ntal and the In cide ntal)詩緣情Poetry Springs from Emoti ons.詩言志Poetry Expresses Aspirati ons.賦比興Narrative, An alogy, and Associati on風雅頌Ballad, Court Hymn, and Eulogy史才三長Three Stre ngths of a Good Historia n民惟邦本People Being t

7、he Foun dati on of the State六經(jīng)皆史The Six Con fucian Classics Are All About History.自然英旨Charm of Spontan eity紫之奪朱Purple Prevaili ng over Red有教無類Educati on for All Without Discrim in ati on修齊治平Self-Cultivation, Family Regulation, State Governance, Bringing Peace興觀群怨協(xié)和萬邦 文以載道 為政以德順天應(yīng)人人文化成利用厚生懷遠以德發(fā)憤著書有德者

8、必有言信言不美,美言不信 象外之象,景外之景 聲一無聽,物一無文厲與西施,道通為一樂而不淫,哀而不傷不學詩,無以言to All Un der HeavenStimulation. Contemplation, Communication, and CriticismCoexiste nee of All in HarmonyLiterature Is the Vehicle of Ideas.Gover nance Based on VirtueFollow the Man date of Heave n and Comply with the Wishes of the PeopleRen

9、Wen Hua Che ngMake Full Use of Resources to En rich the PeopleEmbrace Dista nt Peoples by Mea ns of VirtueIn dig nati on Spurs One to Write Great Works.Virtuous People Are Sure to Produce Fi ne Writi ng.Trustworthy Words May Not Be Fine-sounding; Fine-sounding Words May Not Be Trustworthy.The Image

10、Bey ond an Image, the Scene Bey ond a SceneA Sin gle Note Does Not Compose a Melodious Tune, Nor Does a Sin gle Color Make a Beautiful Pattern.A Scabby Pers on and the Beautiful Lady Xishi Are the Same in the Eyes of Dao.Express Enjoyment Without Indulgence and Express Grief Without Excessive Distre

11、ssYou Won' t Be Able to Talk Properly with Others Without Studying The Book of Son gs.2016年1月發(fā)布的中華思想文化術(shù)語城Fortress / City都Metropolis君Lord / Nobility / Mo narch坤Kun禮Li?(Rites / Social Norms)命 乾 思 體 學 元 八卦 比德 辨體 別集 楚辭 辭達 獨化 非攻 干城 剛?cè)?革命 卦爻 國家 國體 海內(nèi) 海外 畫道 會心 渾沌 活法 兼愛 經(jīng)濟 境界Man date / Dest inyQia nRefl

12、ect ing / ThinkingTiLear nYua n? (Origi n)Eight TrigramsVirtue Comparis onStyle Differe ntiatio nIn dividual Collectio nChuci?(Ode of Chu)Expressive nessSelf-drive n Developme ntDenouncing Un just WarsShield and Fortress / Dukes and Prin cesGan g?a nd?RouChanging the Man date / Revoluti onTrigrams a

13、nd Comp onent LinesFamily-state / CountryGuotiWithin the Four SeasOutside the Four Seas / OverseasDao of PaintingHeart-to-heart Communi cati onChaosLiterary FlexibilityUni versal LoveTo Gover n and Help the PeopleJingjie?(Visionary World)君子 妙悟 名實 氣象 取境 人道 人文 三玄 上帝 神韻 詩史 斯文 四端 四海 四書 天子 文筆 文學 文早 五經(jīng) 逍遙

14、 小人 八寄 興趣 養(yǎng)民 藝術(shù) 意境 意興 宇宙Jun zi?(Man of Virtue)Subtle In sightName and Substa neePrevaili ng FeaturesQuji ng?(C on eeptualize an Aestherie Feeli ng)Way of ManRenwenThree Metaphysical ClassicsSupreme Ruler / Ruler of Heave nElega nt SubtletyHistorical PoetryBe Cultured and RefinedFour In itiatorsFour

15、SeasFour BooksSon of Heave nWriti ng and Writi ng Tech niqueLiteratureLiterary Writ ingFive ClassicsCarefreePetty ManXin gji?(Associatio n and Inner Suste nan ce)Xin gqu?(Charm)Nurturi ng the PeopleArtAesthetic Con cepti onIn spirati onal Appreciati onUni verse / Cosmos政治 知行 總集 本色? 形而上 形而下 安土重遷 別材別趣

16、 唇亡齒寒 道法自然 法不阿貴 格物致知 過猶不及 和而不同 厚德載物畫龍點睛 解衣盤礴 經(jīng)世致用 境生象外 居安思危 開物成務(wù)民胞物與 上善若水 神與物游 師出有名 實事求是 天人合一Decree and Gover nance / PoliticsKno wledge and Applicati onGen eral Collectio n / An thologyBen se?(Origi nal Character)What Is Above Form / The MetaphysicalWhat Is Un der Form / The PhysicalAttached to the

17、 Land and Unwilling to MoveDisti net Subject and Artistic TasteOnce the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Feel Cold.Dao Operates Naturally.The Law Does Not Favor the Rich and Powerful.Study Thi ngs to Acquire Kno wledgeGoing Too Far Is as Bad as Falli ng Short.Harm ony But Not Uni formityHave Ample Virt

18、ue and Carry All ThingsAdd ing Pupils to the Eyes of a Pain ted Drag on / Ren deri ng the FinalTouchSitti ng with Clothes Un butt oned and Legs Stretchi ng OutStudy of An cie nt Classics Should Meet Prese nt Needs.Aesthetic Con cepti on Tran sce nds Con crete Objects Described.Be on Alert Aga inst Pote ntial Dan ger When Livi ng in PeaceUnderstand Things and Succeed in One ' s EndeavorsAll People Are My Brothers and Sisters, and All Things Are MyCompa nions.Great Virtu


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