1、Create and comprehensive technology in the structure globaldesign of the buildingThe 21st century will be the era that many kinds of disciplines technology coexists , it willform the enormous motive force of promoting the development of building , the building ismore and more important too in global
2、 design, the architect must seize the opportunity , givefull play to the architects leading role, preside over every building engineering design well.Building there is the global design concept not new of architectural design,characteristic of itfor in an all-round way each element not correlated wi
3、th building- there arent externalenvironment condition, building , technical equipment,etc. work in coordination with, andcreate the premium building with the comprehensive new technology to combine together.The premium building is created, must consider sustainable development , namelyfuture requir
4、ement , in other words, how save natural resources as much as possible, howabout protect the environment that the mankind depends on for existence, how constructthrough high-quality between architectural design and building, in order to reduce buildingequipment use quantity and reduce whole expenses
5、 of project.The comprehensive new technology is to give full play to the technological specialty ofevery discipline , create and use the new technology, and with outside space , dimension ofthe building , working in coordination with in an all-round way the building component, thusreduce equipment i
6、nvestment and operate the expenses.Each success , building of engineering construction condense collective intelligenceand strength; It is intelligence and expectation that an architect pays that the building iscreated; The engineering design of the building is that architecture , structure , equipm
7、entspeciality compose hardships and strength happenning; It is the diligent and sweat paid indesign and operation , installation , management that the construction work is built up .The initial stage of the 1990s, our understanding that the concept of global design is abit elementary , conscientious
8、 to with making some jobs in engineering designunconsciously , make some harvest. This text Hangzhou city industrial and commercial bankfinancial comprehensive building and Hangzhou city Bank of Communications financialbuilding two building , group of scientific and technological progress second pri
9、ze speak offrom person who obtain emphatically, expound the fact global design - comprehensivetechnology that building create its , for reach global design outstanding architect in twoengineering design, have served as the creator and persons who cooperate while everystage design and even building a
10、re built completely.Two projects come into operation for more than 4 years formally , run and coordinate ,good wholly , reach the anticipated result, accepted and appreciated by the masses, obtainvarious kinds of honor .outstanding to design award , progress prize in science and technology , project
11、quality bonus , local top ten view , best model image award ,etc., the ones that do not give tothe architect and engineers without one are gratified and proud. The building is createdEmphasizing the era for global design of the building, the architects creation idea and designmethod should be broken
12、 through to some extent, creation inspirations is it set up inanalysis , building of global design , synthesize more to burst out and at the foundation thatappraise, learn and improve the integration capability exactly designed in building , possessthe new knowledge system and thinking method , merg
13、e multi-disciplinary technology. Wehave used the new design idea in above-mentioned projects, have emphasized the globalitycreated in building .Is it is it act as so as to explain to conceive to create two design overview and buildingof construction work these now.1) The financial comprehensive buil
14、ding of industrial and commercial bank ofHangZhou, belong to the comprehensive building, with the whole construction area of 39,000square meters, main building total height 84, 22, skirt 4 of room, some 6 storeys, 2 storeys ofbasements.Design overall thinking break through of our country bank buildi
15、ng traditional designmode - seal , deep and serious , stern , form first-class function, create of multi-functionaltype , the style of opening , architecture integrated with the mode of the internationalcommercial bank.The model of the building is free and easy, opened, physique was made up by thehy
16、perboloid, the main building presented the curved surface surrounded southwards , skirtroom presents the curved surface surrounded northwards , the two surround but becomeintension of gathering the treasure .Building flourishing upwards, elevation is it adopt large area solid granite wall to design,
17、the belt aluminium alloy curtain wall of the large area and some glass curtain walls, andinterweave the three into powerful and vigorous whole , chase through model and entity walllayer bring together , form concise , tall and straight , upward tendency of working upsuccessively, have distinct and u
18、nique distinctions.Building level and indoor space are designed into a multi-functional type and style ofopening, opening, negotiate , the official working , meeting , receiving , be healthy andblissful , visit combining together. Spacious and bright two storeys open in the hall unifiedly inthe Ital
19、ian marble pale yellow tone , in addition, the escalator , fountain , light set off, makethe space seem very magnificent , graceful and sincere. Intelligent computer network center,getting open and intelligent to handle official business space and all related house distributein all floor reasonably.
20、 Top floor round visit layer, lift all of Room visit layer , can have apanoramic view of the scenery of the West Lake , fully enjoy the warmth of the nature. 2)The financial buildingof Bank of Communications of Hangzhou, belong to the purely financial office block, with thewhole construction area of
21、 19,000 square meters, the total height of the building is 39.9meters, 13 storeys on the ground, the 2nd Floor. Live in building degree high than it aroundlocation , designer have unique architectural appearance of style architectural design thisspecially, its elevation is designed into a new classi
22、cal form , the building base adopts therough granite, show rich capability , top is it burn granite and verticality bar and some formaluminum windows make up as the veneer to adopt, represent the building noble andrefined , serious personality of the bank.While creating in above-mentioned two items,
23、 besides portraying the shape of thebuilding and indoor space and outside environment minister and blending meticulously, inorder to achieve the outstanding purpose of global design of the building , the architect , stillaccording to the region and project characteristic, putforward the following re
24、quirement to every speciality:(1) Control the total height of the building strictly;(2) It favorable to the intelligent comfortable height of clearances to create;(3) Meet the floor area of owners demand;(4)Protect the environment , save the energy , reduce and make the investment;(5)Design meticulo
25、usly, use and popularize the new technology;(6) Cooperate closely in every speciality, optimization design. ComprehensivetechnologyThe building should have strong vitality, there must be sustainable development space,there should be abundant intension and comprehensive new technology. Amongabove-men
26、tioned construction work , have popularized and used the intelligent technology ofthe building , has not glued and formed the flat roof beam of prestressing force - dull andstereotyped structure technology and flat roof beam structure technology, baseplatetemperature mix hole , technology of muscle
27、and base of basementenclose new technologyof protecting, computer control STL ice hold cold air conditioner technology, compoundingtype keeps warm and insulates against heat the technology of the wall , such newtechnologies as the sectional electricity distribution room ,etc., give architecture glob
28、aldesign to add the new vitality of note undoubtedly.1, the intelligent technology of the buildingIn initial stage of the 1990s, the intelligent building was introduced from foreigncountries to China only as a kind of concept , computer network standard is it soon , makeinformation communication ske
29、leton of intelligent building to pursue in the world-comprehensive wiring system becomes a kind of trend because of 10BASE-T. In order tomake the bank building adapt to the development of the times, the designer does onesutmost to recommend and design the comprehensive wiring system with the leading
30、 eyes ,this may well be termed the first modernized building which adopted this technical design atthat time.(1) Comprehensive wiring system one communication transmission network, it makebetween speech and data communication apparatus , exchange equipment and otheradministrative systems link to eac
31、h other, make the equipment and outside communicationnetwork link to each other too. It include external telecommunication connection piece andinside information speech all cable and relevant wiring position of data terminal of workspaceof network. The comprehensive wiring system adopts the products
32、 of American AT&T Corp.Connected up the subsystem among the subsystem , management subsystem , arterialsubsystem and equipment to make up by workspace subsystem , level.(2)Automated systems of security personnel The monitoring systems of securitypersonnel of the building divide into the public place
33、 and control and control two pieces ofsystem equipment with the national treasury special-purposly synthetically.The special-purpose monitoring systems of security personnel of national treasury arein the national treasury , manage the storehouseon behalf of another , transporting the papermoney gar
34、age to control strictly, the track record that personnel come in and go out, haveand shake the warning sensor to every wall of national treasury , the camera, infraredmicrowave detector in every relevant rooms, set up the automation of controlling to control.In order to realize building intellectual
35、ity, the architect has finished complete indoorenvironment design, has created the comfortable , high-efficient working environment ,having opened up the room internal and external recreation space not of uniform size,namely the green one hits the front yard and roofing, have offered the world had a
36、 rest andregulated to people working before automation is equipped all day , hang a design adopt thespecial building to construct the node in concrete ground , wall at the same time.2, has not glued and formed the flat roof beam of prestressing force- dull andstereotyped structure technology and fla
37、t roof beam structure technologyIn order to meet the requirement with high assurancethat the architect puts forward ,try to reduce the height of structure component in structure speciality, did not glue and formthe flat roof beam of prestressing force concrete - dull and stereotyped structure techno
38、logyand flat roof beam structure technology after adopting.(1) Adopt prestressing force concrete roof beam board structure save than ordinaryroof beam board concrete consumption 15%, steel consumption saves 27%, the roof beamreduces 300mm high.(2) Adopt flat roof beam structure save concrete about 1
39、0% consumption than ordinaryroof beam board, steel consumption saves 6.6%, the roof beam reduces 200mm high.Under building total situation that height does not change , adopt above-mentionedstructure can make the whole building increase floor area of a layer , have good economicbenefits and social b
40、enefit.3, the temperature of the baseplate matches muscle technologyIn basement design , is it is it is it after calculating , take the perimeter to keep theconstruction technology measure warm to split to resist to go on to baseplate, arrangetemperature stress reinforcing bar the middle cancelling
41、, dispose 2 row receives thestrength reinforcing bar up and down only, this has not only save the fabrication cost of theproject but also met the basement baseplateimpervious and resisting the requirement thatsplits.4, the foundation of the basement encloses and protects the new technology of design
42、and operationAdopt two technological measures in enclosing and protecting a design:(1) Cantilever is it is it hole strength is it adopt form strengthen and mix muscletechnology to design to protect to enclose, save the steel and invite 60t, it invests about280,000 to save.(2) Is it is it protect of
43、of elevation and keep roof beam technology to enclose , is itprotect long to reduce 1.5m to enclose all to reduce, keep roof beam mark level on naturalground 1.5m , is it is it protect of lateral pressure receive strength some height to enclose tochange, saving 137.9 cubic meters of concrete, steel
44、16.08t, reduces and invests 304,000yuan directly through calculating.5, ice hold cold air conditioner technologyIce hold cold air conditioner technology belong to new technology still in our country , itheavy advantage that the electricity moves the peak and operates the expenses sparinglymost. In d
45、esign, is it ice mode adopt some (weight ) hold mode of icing , is it ice refrigerationto be plane utilization ratio high to hold partly to hold, hold cold capacity little , refrigerationplane capacity 30%-45% little than routine air conditioner equipment, one economic effectiveoperational mode.Hold
46、 the implementation of the technology of the cold air conditioner in order tocooperate with the ice , has used intelligent technology, having adopted the computer tocontrol in holding and icing the air conditioner system, the main task has five followingrespects:(1) According to the demand for users
47、 cold load , according to the characteristic of thestructure of the electric rate , set up the ice and hold the best operation way of the coldsystem automatically, reduce the operation expenses of the whole system;(2) Fully utilize and hold the capacity of the cold device, should try ones best to us
48、e upall the cold quantity held basically on the same day;(3) Automatic operation state of detection system, ensure ice hold cold system capitalequipment normal , safe operation;(4) Automatic record parameter that system operate, display system operate flow chartand type systematic operation paramete
49、r report form;(5) Predict future cooling load, confirm the future optimization operation scheme.Ice hold cold air conditioner system test run for some time, indicate control system to besteady , reliable , easy to operate, the system operates the energy-conserving resultremarkably.6, the compounding
50、 type keeps in the wall warm and insulates against heat To the areaof Hangzhou , want heating , climate characteristic of lowering the temperature in summer inwinter, is it protect building this structural design person who compound is it insulate againstheat the wall to keep warm to enclose special
51、ly, namely: Fit up , keep warm , insulate againstheat the three not to equal to the body , realize building energy-conservation better.Person who compound is it insulate against heat wall to combine elevation modelcharacteristic , design aluminium board elevation renovation material to keepwarm, its
52、 structure is: Fill out and build hollow brick in the frame structure, do to hang theAmerican Fluorine carbon coating inferior mere aluminium board outside the hollow brickwall.Aluminium board spoke hot to have high-efficient adiabatic performance to the sun,under the same hot function of solar radi
53、ation, because the nature , color of the surfacematerial are different from coarse degree, whether can absorb heat have great differencevery , between surface and solar radiation hot absorption system ( material radiati on system(C it ay)to come bey ond the differe nee this. Adopt and C 入 value litt
54、le surface materialhave remarkable result , board C 入 value littleaalumi nium have, itsa=0.26, C入=0.4, light gray face bricka=0.56, CAluminium board for is it hang with having layer under air by hollow brick to do,becausealuminium board is it have better radiation transfer to hot terms to put in lay
55、er amongthe atmosphere and air, this structure is playing high-efficient adiabatic function on indoorheating too in winter, so, no matter or can well realize building energy-conservation in winterin summer.7, popularize the technology of sectional electricity distribution roomConsider one layer pave
56、s Taxi gold value , the total distribution of the buildinglocates the east, set up voltage transformer and low-voltage distribution in the same room infirst try in the design, make up sectional electricity distribution room , save transformersubstation area greatly , adopt layer assign up and down,
57、mixing the switchyard systementirely after building up and putting into operation, the function is clear , the overallarrangement compactnessis rational , the systematic dispatcher is flexible . The technologyhave to go to to use and already become the model extensively of the design afterwards.Conc
58、lusionThe whole mode designed of the building synthetically can raise the adaptability of thebuilding , it will be the inevitable trend , environmental consciousnessand awarenessofsaving energy especially after strengthening are even more important. Developing with theeconomy , science and technolog
59、y constantly in our country, more advanced technology andscientific and technical result will be applied to the building , believe firmly that in the near=4.3.future , more outstanding building global design will appear on the building stage of ourcountry. We will be summarizing, progressing constan
60、tly constantly, this is that history givesthe great responsibility of architect and engineer.漢語(yǔ)翻譯建筑結(jié)構(gòu)整體設(shè)計(jì)-建筑創(chuàng)作和綜合技術(shù)21 世紀(jì)將是多種學(xué)科技術(shù)并存的時(shí)代,它必將形成推動(dòng)建筑發(fā)展的巨大動(dòng) 力,建筑結(jié)構(gòu)整體設(shè)計(jì)也就越來(lái)越重要, 建筑師必須把握時(shí)機(jī), 充分發(fā)揮建筑師 的主導(dǎo)作用,主持好各項(xiàng)建筑工程設(shè)計(jì)。建筑結(jié)構(gòu)整體設(shè)計(jì)是建筑設(shè)計(jì)的新概念, 其特點(diǎn)是全面地與建筑相關(guān)的各個(gè) 元素- 外部環(huán)境、建筑構(gòu)造、技術(shù)裝備等協(xié)同,并將高品位的建筑創(chuàng)作和綜合新 技術(shù)融為一體。高品位的建筑創(chuàng)作,必須考慮可持
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