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1、black",aPromotionofca dres workn as himself".s, focuse dsche dule 1 partyle cture. E ncourage od job lea dershi plear ning at thesametime,guidas the partybranch Se cretary of the practi ceof party membersgive a Partylect ure. Production ncet obran ch base d onthe development oflearning pro

2、grammes, a nd urged theim plementatiTownship two learnahard,aggre.>- . -ssive, pushdevel opme nttotesttheeffectivenedo lear ningarra ngementsspe cific programmethessofe ducati onal work.udy discussion,lead in talkingabout experiences,giveaParty lectur e,report,leading toparti cipateinline of adva

3、nced partymembers re porte d,their ow n experie nces, eon of"three le ssons"system a nd implementing l earni ng anisati ona llife,democratic appraisal,leanhancet he attraction and a ppeal of party le cture. 4.Orga nization ofonlinecommunication.Full use ofthevarioustypesofn

4、etwork media,time pusheslearTotake re ports, customized rese arch, partici pate in discussions,atte nd meeting s ofthe Organizati on, such a ssupervisi on,and effective transmission ofpressure.ccor dingto positions,contri bute tor oleplay wit h learni ng, pr omoting lear ninge ducationsoli d and eff

5、ective.7.grasp the integrated.To stickaroundthening content. Bootpartycommuni st netw orks,mobile phone ,TV,micr o-l earni ng anddista nceeducati on platforms.About consoli dationofweak a nd lax party branche s,thr ough tr uestrongteam,pr omote transformation imprCenter,servi ngthe overallsituation,

6、the "two"combipleted various tasks,and implement tBootparty"member home" participation in networkedlear ning ,interacti on and"thre e lessonsoving bra nch toissue t hatstands out,to be dealtwith firsti n pla ce,furtherstudyandeducati on.一一 |. - he County"Thirteen -Five&

7、quot; com bine spla nni ng, andthe XX combinati on of scientificdevel opment a nd lea ping development,bot h hands,tw o,avoi ding "twopeels".Bystudyi ng educatie ducation, enri chi ng the content offorms,exd by exampl e,layersofdriv en model, layernd cadres underton, i nspireparty membersa

8、pand the coverage ofeducation.5. carryout there sponsibil ity. Ea ch branchto effectivelyassumet hemain responsiuponlayer,formation ofthe shots,t heoverall ge neraleffect oflinkage. Leading cadres should learn firsta nd be inf-.11. _I . I 1 I . . . > 1. . 1I _I .11 - . >L.I 一ndertakinge nthusi

9、asm,in establi shi ng andimplementing fivedevel opmentphil osophy,solidi ndustrial restructuribility for organi zationallear ning,timely understanding ofparty membersa ront,aski ng others to doyou firstdoit, asks ofothers a nd notthemselvesI 一一_ I - L. - - 一1 一 一ng,de epeni ng reform ,povertyallevia

10、tion crucial, improving people'sliveli hoodand cadre stost udy, ide ntify andresolve determine d notto do,we cannot "lamp.II . L I .L. .1 L _ndot herworkin thefront,for example.Party(total) branch:foradvance fullstrictlyrule party,according toXX m unicipal on incitymembers i nthe carried ou

11、t"learnConstitngeducation implementationprogramme,e, andXXmunicipal organization Departmentn ado" learning arrangements ofspepurpose i deas,moral character,conservati onrelated t o theba sicre quireme nts.Graspto masterthe following mainaspect s: (1) which isthe spineSocialistcorevalue s,

12、Carryingforward soci alist moralityand thetraditional Chinese virtue s,(7) compre hensive strictlya dministeri ngthe partyiXX集團有限公司薪酬設(shè)計方案ningeducation implementationprogramme spiritand towngto di sting uishlev el,and hastargetedsolutionproblem ofrequirements, ensure learning education madeeffectiven

13、e ss, Promotion ofallpartymedeby party rules,armedwithXIseries ofimportantspeech byGeneral Secretary hea d, gui de,a ndpr omotethew ork, be qualified partymembers and learni ng arrangements are hereby makes thefollowingspe cificpr ogrammes.Learning requirements,onallpartymemberofthe party's natu

14、re, pur pose,gui ding principle s,goal s,orga nization,goodstyle-L_.11I - I - 一 一 .",newstrategy ofbasi c content,le,grasp conditi ons,rightsa nd obligations ofpartymembers, -一 , - . I L.L arni ng understa ndXI Ge neral Secretary on Fujia n,andA serie sofimporta ntinstrof history conditions Xia

15、party ruli ngacti ng politicaltotalstrategy,consciously wituctions oftheXX andXXofimportah"foura full"ledthe wbearing i nmindthatork;(5)ioath, clear qualifiedparty membercriteriaand conditi ons. Learni ng the codeofself-discipli一 .I . . 一ne of theCPC,theheChineseComnt ideas, inheriting a n

16、dcarryi ng forwardt heGeneralSecretary during t heXX's "sigewa n" and "wil ldo it rightaway"and ot herfinetraditi onsandw ork style, mastery andimproveme (5)insiste dinnovation, andcoordi nation,and gree n,and open,a nd shared devel opment i s relationshi p China development

17、globalofone deepcha nge, accordi ngto new develstParty MemberRightsOr 一 . . - Lopmentntofself-cultivation, fulfillthe conceptdojob; (6) practice lidina nceand soon, ma stering se lf-discipli ne sta ndardsof"four must",the"four upholdings", mastering various typesof discipli naryo

18、ffenceand punishment provi sions.2, and learni ng serie s speechto XIGe neralSe cretaryseries 一 . I - . I - .一ctwornch md Outlooimporta nt spee chreaII 一. . . 1 L -ook on lid andding(201 6version) and outnaldredo"documentary andn moderntimesmostofthe greatcoreEXI Ge neralSe cretary on"imme

19、diatelydo" important discusse s,forbaalrevitalizatia sictextbook,learni ng understa nd XIGe neralSe cretary seriesimporta.Ill.一.-一 IIon,t hehappi ness ofthepe opl e, (3) China ColorSocialistintspeech ofbaI L _ Isic spirit,lear ning.1.1 . I.sachieve d Chine segreat revivalofway,enhaunderstand Ce

20、ntralruling acti ng political一 I I_. . new conce ptnewt houghtnced road confidence,a nd t heory confi dence, a ndsystem confidence;n as himself".vities, fo a good job leidancourageudy discussion,lead i n talkingabout experiences,giveaheiumre.plePmroednutacttiiononlionfe"thorfeealdevancesds

21、ng toparti cipatein organisati onad indutyofdue diligence,abute torccordingto positions,contrilearni ng, pr omoting lear ninge ducationsolicad and effective.7.grasp the integrated.To stickaroundthenCienngterc,osnetrevniAt.bnogutthBeocoootvnepsraoarlltilycodmatmiosunitnuoiaftwioena,kthaest"tnweo

22、t"wcnodmolbraikxs,mpoarbtiylebrannicnhgpeehondeucast,i,tohnTrVa,onmudigcchromtro-lueesatrrnopinlegntgteedaanvmda,rdipoirsutsatasknocmeosete,dautrncadantiismfoprlomenmatpeilnoatntfitomrmprs.he CouonvtBiyno"goTtbhrpiaratrety"en -Five" com bine spla nni ng, andthe XX comorkedlear st

23、ibinati on of scientificdevel opment a nd lea ping development,ng fivedevel opmenorkin thefront,for example.undertakinge nthusiasm,ioving peoplesliveli hoodactlyrule party,accor ding to XX m uni cipal on in citymembers i nthe carrie d out"learnConstitution Partyrules,and learn seriesspeech, doq

24、ualified members" learni ngeducation impl ementation programme, andXXmunicipal organizati on Department on "twolear n ado" learning arra ngementsofspe cific總 則 錯誤!未定義書簽。第一章薪酬體系 錯誤!未定義書簽。第二章薪酬結(jié)構(gòu) 錯誤!未定義書簽。第三章年薪制 錯誤!未定義書簽。第四章結(jié)構(gòu)工資制 錯誤!未定義書簽。第五章計件工資制 錯誤!未定義書簽。第六章固定工資制 錯誤!未定義書簽。第七章工資定級與調(diào)整 錯

25、誤!未定義書簽。第八章工資特區(qū) 錯誤!未定義書簽。第九章其他 錯誤!未定義書簽。第十章附則 錯誤!未定義書簽。技術(shù)開發(fā)部設(shè)計提成方案(試行) 錯誤!未定義書簽。營銷分公司薪酬方案(試行) 錯誤!未定義書簽。國際貿(mào)易部薪酬方案(試行) 錯誤!未定義書簽。附件一奧康集團崗位工資等級表 錯誤!未定義書簽。附件二技術(shù)開發(fā)部技術(shù)工人崗位工資等級表 錯誤!未定義書簽。附錄三專業(yè)技術(shù)職系崗位分類 錯誤!未定義書簽。rogramme,and XX citylearni ng educatipartyimplementati on programme requirements,a ccordingto dist

26、i nguishlevel, a ndhastargetedsolution pr oblemofrequirements,ensure lear ning e ducation madeeffectiveness, Promotion ofallpartymeofthe party'snat ure,purpose, g uidi ng principles,goal s,orga nization,goodstyle,grasp conditions,rightsand obligati ons of partymembers, bearing i nmindt hatoath,

27、clear qualified party membercriteria andconditions. Lear ningthe codeofself -discipli neofthe CPC,the CPC's discipli nary regul ations,t he Chine se Communist PartyM emberRights Ordina nce andso on,masteri ngself-disci plinestandards of"four must",the"four upholdings", master

28、ingvarioustypeution,abi debypar tyrules,arme dwith XIserie s ofimportant spee ch byGeneral Secretary head,guide,and promotethework,be qualified partymembers and learning arrangement s arehere bymakesthe followingspecificprogrammes.Learning requirement s,on allpartymembers tnewstrategy ofbasi c conte

29、nt,le arning understa ndXI Ge neral Secretary on Fujia n,a nd Aserie sofimporta ntinstr uctions oftheXXandXXofimportant ideas, inheriting a ndcarryi ng forwardt heGeneralSecretary during t heXX's "sigewa n" and "wil ldoit rightaway"and otherfi ne traditi onsandw ork style, ma

30、stery andimprovementofself-cultivation, fulfillthepurpose i deas,moral character,conservati onrelated t o theba sicre quireme nts.Graspto masterthe followisof discipl inaryoffenceand punishmentprovisi ons.2, andlear ning seri es speechto XIGe neralSecretaryseries importantspeech reading (2016version

31、) andoutpovertyworkto dreamintoreally-XI comradein XXw ork during a dvocate practi ce line "immediatelyondo" documeneralSe cretary,spee ch lear ningseriesto deepen understanding oftheConstituti on Partyrul es,ConstitutionParty rules in the dee p insightseries a ddre ss the basic spi ritand

32、 pra ctical re quirement s. 1,Constitution Party rules learni ng ofthe party Constitution,a deepunderstanding(4)"four afull"strategy layoutis newof history conditions Xiaparty rulih"foura full"ledthe w ork;(5)insiste dinnovation, andcoordi nation,and gree n,and open,a nd shared d

33、evel opment i s relationshi p China development globalofone deepng mainaspect s: (1) which isthe spiritofthe ideal sand beliefs of"calcium",esta blish a corre ctworl d Outlook , Outl ook on li fe andvalues, (2) isthenationaldream,Chi nese dream thedre ams,the dreams ofthe peopleofthe natio

34、n,is thedream ofthecha nge, accordi ngto new devel opment conceptdojob; (6) practice lineSocialistcorevalue s, Carryingforward soci alist moralityand thetraditional Chinese virtue s,(7) compre hensive strictlya dministeri ngthe partyi s ajoint re sponsibilityofallpartymembers,each bra nch mustbeimpl

35、emented andntaryand XIGe neralSe cretary on "immediatelyondo" importantdiscusses,for ba sictextbook,learsimportantspee chofbasic spirit,lear ning understandCe ntralruling a cting politicalnew conce pt new t houghtsse ntials ist he nati onal prosperity,nationalrevitalization,t hehappi ness

36、ofthepe opl e, (3) China ColorSocialisti sachieve d Chine se greatrevivalofway,e nha nced road confidence,a nd t heory confi dence, a ndsystem confidence;4) fu afu" satgy -.u s ne-of hist. cnditons - p-. ulh fur a ful" ld te -o.; (5) is-ion, -d cordnato -rd.opmet i Chinadev.gob-de.cange, -

37、 opmet cnce pt d jb; 6) p-clce li. Scals ce v-ue . C-"g - sc tmor -d te t-dton - "ine - v.te s 7 St.- sonSiii membe. ea .b- be imp - e.3第一條適用范圍本方案適用于公司全體員工。第二條目的吸引優(yōu)秀人才,留住關(guān)鍵人才,激活人力資源,提高公司的競爭力。同時, 使員工能夠與公司一同分享公司發(fā)展所帶來的收益,把短期收益、中期收益與長 期收益有效結(jié)合起來,支持公司戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn)。第三條 原則薪酬作為分配價值形式之一,充分體現(xiàn)責(zé)權(quán)利相結(jié)合的原則,遵循按勞

38、分配、 效率優(yōu)先、兼顧公平及可持續(xù)發(fā)展的原則。第四條 依據(jù)薪酬分配的依據(jù)是:貢獻、能力和責(zé)任。通過工資差別反映員工的崗位責(zé)任、 工作業(yè)績和技能水平,借以鼓勵員工提高能力、承擔(dān)重大的工作責(zé)任。第五條總體水平公司根據(jù)當(dāng)期經(jīng)濟效益及可持續(xù)發(fā)展?fàn)顩r決定薪酬水平。rogramme, and XX Ctyei .g eduati on impl emetatgramme nts a dig to . n - a nd h- a. ofriqu-etsenue .ee - tvee ss nat ue, pupooe, g g-s, oga gr_ cnditons right m besnn-stae.

39、of bas c cnent, e ne- Sec-. on Fuj- A seie s of impor- -o-h, - nd cnditons. Lea ”,te"csdscpln-yrrgu ato seCcmmunstP-.M -ber Righs Ordina nneand s ng -Idisc plie nd-rs of、u mus", the、u uhodin|s", m_eing ”os .pe u- , -me d W> - see . of bpor_t spec by Ge.e. Sec - y he e a ” adl - nin

40、g -ng-et . .e he tefol - g se cfc prg-mLeanig m_be. tosud t hep.tyCcn.tiuin.d p.y ruet iet iheitnga nd c. ng f-d thene. Sec. n"-d、i l - i rght aw-"he oks.1. mttey -d imp. ent of se2 - ton, uH tepupooe i des, mor- cha-c-rcnnevat re -ine ns.Grsp to m-te the flwis of disc of.ne -d pusmetprong

41、 m-n as.c s (< -ic s the sii of te ie-e-、c - . seis mportatspeeceadig(2016 ct -rl d mok - « de -rk tde- it e-. -I wo.duig a-oo-e ”<aciceie'mm.ia- on d" doce一 ,”"一. de- te de-. the -in, Sthe neaSecepee c _ nig seis to deee C.nsi. on Par. rues”."-. ue isght seis a _e _ te

42、 ba_ sii -dp-Cia e_i_et s ,cnsiu-P-y ue ContiUin, a -eunes.dign-. -d -I nn»l,e c - .on、m<d .on d" impo.-tmos gea ce E(se nt s t h e n-i onal p.se、natonal evt topl e(3) Chia Cclor Scals is impor-t s- c ofbbsc .t- ulnga cig poltc-n- hooght evv- of cnfience ndsas-cnfienne;第一章薪酬體系第六條本薪酬體系包括

43、五種不同類型:(1) 與年度經(jīng)營業(yè)績相關(guān)的年薪制;(2) 與日常管理、服務(wù)支持等工作相關(guān)的結(jié)構(gòu)工資制;(3) 與技術(shù)開發(fā)工作相關(guān)的提成工資制;(4) 與完成工作量直接相關(guān)的計件工資制;(5) 與崗位相關(guān)的固定工資制。第七條對于高層管理人員、分公司人員采用年薪制。其特征是對年度經(jīng)營業(yè)績進行評估并發(fā)放相應(yīng)的薪酬。第八條對于中基層職能部門管理人員、分廠(車間)生產(chǎn)管理人員、專業(yè)職能人員、技術(shù)開發(fā)部技術(shù)工人、國際貿(mào)易部人員、工勤事務(wù)人員采用結(jié)構(gòu)工資制。第九條對于設(shè)計開發(fā)人員實行提成工資制。第十條對于分廠生產(chǎn)操作工人、生產(chǎn)線檢驗工人采用計件工資制。第十一條對于后勤服務(wù)工人采用固定工資制。其特征是每月支付

44、固定第十二條特聘人員的薪酬參見工資特區(qū)的有關(guān)規(guī)定。離退休人員的薪酬另行規(guī)定第二章薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)第一條公司員工收入總體上包括以下幾個組成部分,并根據(jù)不 同人員有不同的組合。崗位工資,體現(xiàn)崗位的相對價值和員工技能因素,根據(jù)崗位 評價的結(jié)果確定各崗位的初始等級。崗位工資分為固定部分和浮動 部分,固定部分按月度發(fā)放,浮動部分與工作業(yè)績直接掛鉤,根據(jù) 考評結(jié)果發(fā)放。獎金,超出年度經(jīng)營目標(biāo)而給予的獎勵。附加工資,包括工齡工資、學(xué)歷工資、勞保津貼。第二條崗位工資崗位工資是整個工資體系的基礎(chǔ),從崗位價值和員工的技能 因素方面體現(xiàn)了員工的貢獻。員工的崗位工資主要取決于當(dāng)前的崗 位性質(zhì)。在工作分析與崗位評價的基礎(chǔ)上,以

45、評估的結(jié)果作為確定 崗位工資等級的依據(jù),以崗定薪。同時采取一崗多薪,按技能分檔 的方式確定各員工的崗位工資等級。崗位工資的用途崗位工資是確定員工收入中其他部分的基礎(chǔ),作為以下項目的計算基數(shù):1、 年底獎金的計算基數(shù);2、 加班費的計算基數(shù);3、 事病假工資計算基數(shù);4、 外派受訓(xùn)人員工資計算基數(shù);5、 其他基數(shù)。確定崗位工資的原則1、 以崗定薪,薪隨崗變,實現(xiàn)薪酬與崗位價值掛鉤;2、 以崗位價值為主、技能因素為輔,崗位與技能相結(jié)合;3、 針對專業(yè)技術(shù)人員設(shè)置專業(yè)技術(shù)晉級通道,鼓勵專rogramme, and XX cty ei .g eduati on impl emetatgramme pa

46、rty requemen a ding to dOn nd I- arge- s e nmade-e ss ary me mbes .” . 一 uin, a ary ues, arme d X seie s of imporat see c by Ge. Seceay head gudea work, Ie an. i - ni ng ogemet s are he Ie fol-Wng se 3 pro”.- Leaning members 一d t hepartyCcnsiu-an. party rue of imporat speec, Ge neral Se c.yspee cear

47、 nig. - to -sad "si. on ru es "aau-Pay ue p insig It a - - the ba- si i an. pa cia equiemet s ,cnsiu-Pary ues ary Constuion, - -eu-sa.igays nat ue,pupooe,g ga s, oga aoah,a nd cnditons.Lea el ”,te"cs dscplnayrrgu seCmmunstPay M -ber Rigs Ordia n and s ng -“sc plie sandads of fu m"

48、;,the fu uhodi ngs", m_eig -os ype s of disc ad pusmet pro- ons 2, ad nig sei esspec t X lea、c - y seis imporatspeecea wrktde_ it ewo. duig a -ooae .raci ceie'mm-ey on-"doc-enay ad XI neal,e c - y on、m»yon d" bpolatds seesmporatspec of b_c Ce-a uig a cig po»a new new sta

49、egy of bas c cn.nt, . nea,e ay onFuja A see s ofmpora ait iea, iheiig a nd -yngadt he nea Sec.ay n"ad、i l d i .ht -a"heie ok . m_tey ad mpr - ent of sefc.iain, ull tepupooe i des, mora chaacnnevat re-irmens.Grsp to m-te the flwingmanasec s 1 wic s the sii of te iea sa. be - s of "a.m&

50、quot; , esabBsacrect-rl d “ok, Ou a. vaue, « de-, CCi.-e de_ te de -s the dem sthe ce E -e ntas s tie nainal e.alat - Chia Cclor,.Bs i s aci-d .a eV- a of cnfienc. ndsys_ cn4 fu afu"satgy ayu snewof h.ty cndiins Xapay ul .g totast-ggycns*-y Wihfura" - tew o.; (5) is- ain,adcordnai dev

51、.opmeti China.eve can” 一-opmetcnn.pt djb; «pa - li>e,-is ce -a-.Caryig f-d sc tmora- ad te tadtona CCine - -r- s 7 .te- ay membe.eacba bemp-e.d and5精所長崗位、職稱與員工崗位工資的關(guān)系1、 崗位評價。依據(jù)員工所在崗位或所任職務(wù)、所在職位的勞動責(zé)任、勞動技能、勞動強度和勞動條件4個基本要素對 各崗位進行綜合評價,按照管理職系、專業(yè)職系、工勤職系分類 排序。2、 按照崗位評價的結(jié)果在崗位歸類的基礎(chǔ)上將各崗位對應(yīng)到崗位工資等級表相應(yīng)職系及

52、相應(yīng)崗類的起薪級別中。3、 按職稱調(diào)整。根據(jù)員工的評定職稱將其對應(yīng)到相應(yīng)職稱等級對應(yīng)的級別。工勤職系人員不考慮職稱因素。4、 根據(jù)崗位與職稱就高原則確定員工的工資等級。具體參見附件一:崗位工資等級表(五)崗位工資的發(fā)放1 .固定部分崗位工資固定部分作為員工的基本生活保障,按月發(fā)放。2 .浮動部分浮動部分有季度浮動和月度浮動兩種發(fā)放形式:季度浮動適用于中基層職能部門管理人員、 職能部門專業(yè)人員和工勤事務(wù) 人員,與員工每季度的考核結(jié)果掛鉤。月度浮動適用于分廠(車間)生產(chǎn)管理人員,與員工每月的考核結(jié)果掛鉤。 根據(jù)員工所處職位或所在崗位不同,崗位工資中固定部分和浮動部分的比例不同,具體見下表:崗位工資

53、分期發(fā)放比例表人員類別固定部分浮動部分月度發(fā)放月度發(fā)放季度發(fā)放中基層職能部門管理人員80%20%分廠(車間)生產(chǎn)管理人員50%50%專業(yè)職能人員、工勤事務(wù)人員90%10%第三條獎金獎金根據(jù)核算基礎(chǔ)不同,分為年底獎金、總裁獎兩種形式rogamme a. XX cy earni ng me sii a.twnparty ntsa ceding toa nd hast”- se -In mae e - ess al mbesand cn.Co.sy ”siuin, aa ty rues ame dwH XI es of important see ch by Genera Seceay head,

54、guide, awork, be a.eaning aagemet s ae heeby m_ the fl-Wng selUlprogrammesLea-Ing -i-ment son. to Suy the pay sand of mportatseec, Genea Secetayspee c ear nig -r-to-ee ”s' ”siu-Pay ue p inSgt series a.e- "ba -a. pra . re quiement s i .Pay rues earayCcnsiuin, a -eu-stadng年底獎金:以崗位工資為基礎(chǔ),與年度考核結(jié)果和公司年度經(jīng)營情況掛鉤,是在公司整體經(jīng)營效益的基礎(chǔ)上對員工業(yè)績的一種 激勵總裁獎發(fā)放對象為本年度工作中作出突出貢獻的團隊和個人,由他人推薦或本人中請,經(jīng)總裁審批,對該人或該團隊給予獎勵。獎勵設(shè)置名額和具體金額由人力資源部門根據(jù)該年度經(jīng)營狀況進行規(guī)劃,并報總裁審批后執(zhí)行。總裁獎對團隊進行獎勵時,首先確定團隊負責(zé)人的個人獎金數(shù)額, 在扣除負 責(zé)人個人獎金數(shù)額后的部分由負責(zé)人提出分配方案,報總裁審批后發(fā)放。第四條附加工資附加工資=工齡工資+學(xué)歷工資工齡工資:是對長期


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