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3、c J . Journ al of A pplied Polymer S cien ce, 2005, 97( 2 : 443 448. 11 M art in G C, T ungare A V . M odelin g t he rh eological an d diel ect ric propert ies during t hermoset cure J . Polym eric M at erials Sci ence and Engin eer ing, 1988, 59: 980 984. 報 , 2003, 23( 增刊 : 167 170. S hen Chao. In

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5、e resin sys tem f or R TM process J . A ct a M at eriae Composit ae Sinica, 2006, 23( 1 : 56 62. 8 郭戰(zhàn)勝 , 杜善義 , 張博明 , 等 . 先進復合材料用環(huán)氧 樹脂的固 化反應和化學 流變 J . 復 合材 料學 報, 2004, 21( 4 : 146 151. G uo Zh ans hen g, Du S hanyi, Zhang Bom ing, et al. Cu re kin et ics and chemorheological b ehavior of epoxy r esin

6、 us ed in ad ( 上接 28 頁 KEYWORDS FOR COMPOSITES co mputational modelling damag e mechanics finite element ana lysis( FEA laminate mechanics micro mechanics numerical analysis stat istical pr operties/ met ho ds radiog r aphy sur face analysis thermal analysis ultr aso nics cutt ing ext rusion fibre c

7、onver sion processes filament w inding for ging for ming prepreg pultrusio n recy cling resin film infiltrat ion ( RFI resin flow resin tr ansfer moulding ( RTM sintering slip casting stitching surface treatments tape thermal analysis thermo plastic resin thermo sett ing r esin too ling tow w eav in

8、g E: MANUFACTURING/ PROCESSING assembly auto clave auto matio n br aiding casting chemical vapour depo sitio n ( CV D compression moulding conso lidation cur e heat treatment injectio n mo ulding isostatic pr ocessing jo ints/ jo ining knitting lay up ( manual/ automat ed liquid metal infiltr ation machining melt spinning moulding co mpo unds powder pr ocessing prefor m D: TESTING aco ustic emissio n chemical analysis electro n micr oscopy fractog raphy mechanica


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