1、egae* staff: Hel! in theruuptotheSpriIgFe-, he done sen of fu sf r.lsen“ - Ccnfee- 203workso,fulbac.20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uaton, d scuss 203 iev_pmet pansHee,onbehalofmycmpay203workre10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I 202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpaniesadeetot he pays 1 great si
2、i for gudance,cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concept of d - l o.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m <emen“n, .maag-et, coni nuousy m prove, ooth iree I t of enteprsema, ametji nes ma nagement a nd cntolsce nt*L ad ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamoniousanddemotc am
3、osphee of leegoodslion.Mat.d- os are as fl . the batey id-to. powe ge neat t otaed "85 billon kW,b.ondtheannualb_gl implementatoncaaCyof35milonkW,an.ceaseof77mHonkW.Saestot- -.45 b*bn kW, dig saes of 330m"nk Wthe a nnua Exeutve bbdget anicra-of"9 mil on IW. S euriy meaues uplannedoutg
4、es25tme.Nopesonaijuyacientocculd,nomajoraccidentaIdabo<e, no mjr fie icc dets wihout envi onmeta poluin - Ude nt* re cnseutve ,as to maitai >ta I lty to good posue>usinssInaIUaidiatos:totalprlsof 25 mlin Yua n, . ond the anna l budget of 20- mlionYuan,beyondtheDaangcompany i nddx 4。! mlin l
5、a n, a i ncra se of 1.1 mil on Yuan, FM ase -men' a ggrde furEnegypoweluppy sandadcacompleiIg32* g /kW, ddw 01 g kW; ,e. d ala,powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutantons pefmanceggeayrrdu d cmpard t o las .“on 00-g kW, lul u dixi de 004 g/k W NOx 052 g kW; .s emo ekiecy of moe tha998%.Re
6、-bHyinex iquvt avalabiiytri n 0-7%, icese d "*% foma yar ea .Equivaetfrccdoutage ate 08%, 06% eductionovethese | eid a yerea .Majracieementsfrstshoudmhee t tetw manng-etsystm"bbss,sengteningechnologicarrseach,sengtenhidden ha zads cntr I l and itiscs yEner-ecnntrrctintoknnwstesThetwo-maage
7、mentsstm-formprovlmetFocusonpromotingtepoweofthe cmpay managgmetsystmadteapplicatonadmpenatonofthesaeyloopfvesta mang-eI t sstm, impr'e t he saeymanaemet ly m, eaizthesstmofsaeycntol.Futeeguaesecuiyroutnis, iafey iupevison a nd manng-e ntetwork rol etop m t a cieve clsd lop. Ste I gte ning the l
8、upevs on a nd mang-etof ha biuavi olaton of, sengte ning t he - feysuevis onofousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i spring a nd a uumn ofseuryinspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, saey pr odudn mont h, ddy lupevi son of plducton -feyad tIeOpicme s ad ote樂(lè)孫*4大學(xué)NORTHEAST FORESTRY UNIVERSITY液壓與氣壓傳動(dòng)課程設(shè)計(jì)說(shuō)明書(shū)
9、學(xué) 院:機(jī)電工程學(xué)院設(shè)計(jì)題目:齒輪內(nèi)孔鍵槽的簡(jiǎn)易插床液壓系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)專(zhuān)業(yè)班級(jí):機(jī)械電子工程2009級(jí)1班學(xué) 生:2011年12月ea .Majracieements is, shoudIdhee t tetw manngetsystm"bbss,se ngte ning e chnologi carrsea ch, sengte n hidden ha zads cntr I l and itiscsaeyEner-ecnstucton tok nnwstes The tw o -maagement sstm- for .prov-etFocus on pr omoting te pow
10、 e of the cmpay managgmet systm ad te applicato n and mpllme naton of the saey loop fvesta mangeI t ss,mpr<et he saeymanaemetly m, eaiz the sstm ofsaey cntol. Fute eguaese cuity routnes saeyiupenison a nd mannge nt network rol e tp m t a cieve clsd loop. Se I gtening thelupevson a nd mangetof ha
11、biuavi olaton of, sengte ning thelafeysupevsi onofousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i spring a nd a uumn ofseuryinspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, saey prooucin mont h, dyiupenison of pl_ctonlafeyad teOympc Gmes ad oteegae* staff: Hel! in the ru up to t he Spri I g Fe -, hedone sen of fu sf r.lsen
12、“ - Ccnfee- 203workso, ful ba c .20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uaton, d scuss 203 iev_pmet pansHee, on be hal of my cmpay 203 work re10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I 202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpanies adee to t he pays 1 great sii for gudance, cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concep
13、t of d - l o.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m<emen“n, .maag-et, coni nuousy m prove, ooth iree I t of enteprse ma,ametjines ma nagement a nd cntrol sce nt*L ad ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamonious and dem otc amosphee of leegood sl i on. M at.d- os are as fl .th
14、e batey id-to. powe ge neat tot 785 biin IW_, b.ond the annual b_gl implementaton caa Cy of 35 mil on k W, a n .cease of 77 mHon IW.Saes tot- -.45 b*bn IW, digsaes of 330ml0n k Wthe a nnua Exeutive budget, an icra - o,"9mil on kW. S euriy meaues uplanned outge s 25 tbe.No pesona ijuy acient occ
15、uld,no major a cci dent a I d abo<e,no maorfielccdet s wihout envi onmeta poluin - Ude re cnseutveleasto maitai>taI lty to good pos ureFusiiss InaI U a idiatos: total prls of 25 mlin Yua n,.ond the anna l budget of 207 mlion Yuan, beyond the Daa ng company i nddx4。! mlin la n, ai ncra se of1.1
16、 milon Yuan, FM ase-men' a ggrdefurEnegy poweluppy sandadca complei I g 32* g /kW, ddw 01 gkW; fteggited ala,powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutant onspefmance gg yrrdu d c ompard t o las .“on 00-gIW.lulu dixi de 004g/k W NOx 0512 g kW;.semo ekiecy of moe tha 91*.Rela biiyinexiquvaleta
17、labiiy trin 0-7%, icese d”% fom a yarea - .E - letfr outage ate 010%, 06% eduction ove tese | eid a yer目錄1 .工況分析與計(jì)算 -2-1.1 基本結(jié)構(gòu)與動(dòng)作順序 -2-1.2 主要性能參數(shù) -2-1.3 負(fù)載分析 -2-2 .液壓系統(tǒng)圖的擬定 -3-2.1 確定液壓泵類(lèi)型及調(diào)速方式 -3-2.2 選用執(zhí)行元件 -3-2.3 快速運(yùn)動(dòng)回路和速度換接回路 -3-2.4 換向回路的選擇 -3-2.5 組成液壓系統(tǒng)繪原理圖 -3-3 .液壓元件的計(jì)算與選擇 -3-3.1 液壓閥及過(guò)濾器的選擇 -3-
18、3.2 油管的選擇 -4-3.3 油箱容積的確定 -4-4 .液壓缸/集成塊/郵箱的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì) -4-4.1 液壓系統(tǒng)的參數(shù)計(jì)算 -4-4.2 液壓泵的參數(shù)計(jì)算 7-4.3 電動(dòng)機(jī)的選擇 -7-4.4 壓力損失的驗(yàn)算及泵壓力的調(diào)整 -8-4.5 液壓系統(tǒng)的發(fā)熱和溫升驗(yàn)算 -10-5 .設(shè)計(jì)總結(jié) -11-參考文獻(xiàn) -11-egae* staff: Hel! in theruuptotheSpriIgFe-, he done sen of fu sf r.lsen“ - Ccnfee- 203workso,fulbac .20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uato
19、n, d scuss 203 iev_pmet pansHee,onbehalofmycmpay203 work re10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I 202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpaniesadeetothepays1great sii for gudance,cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concept of d - l o.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m <emen“n, .maag-et,
20、coni nuousy m prove, ooth iree I tofenteprse ma, ametji nes ma nagement a nd cntrol sce nt*L ad ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamonious and dem otc amosphee of leegoodslion.Mat.d- os are as fl . the batey id-to. powe ge neat t ot 785 biin IW_, b.ondtheannualb_gl implementatoncaaCyof35mi
21、lonkW, a n .cease of 77 mHonIW.Saestot- -.45 b*bn IW, dig saes of 330ml0n k Wthe a nnua Exeutive budget, anicra-o,"9mil on kW. S euriy meaues uplannedoutges25tbe.No pesona ijuy acient occuld,nomajor a cci dent a I d a bo<e, no maorfielcc det s wihout envi onmeta poluin 一 re cnseutve leasto m
22、aitai >ta I lty to good pos ureFusiiss Ina I U a idiatos: total prls of 25 mlin Yua n, . ond the anna l budget of 207 mlionYua n, bey ond the Daa ng company i nddx4。! mlin la n, ai ncra se of 1.1 mil on Yuan, FM ase -men' a ggrdefurEnegypoweluppy sandadcacompleiIg32* g /kW, ddw 01 g kW; ftegg
23、ited ala,powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutant onspefmanceggyrrdu d cmpard t o las .“on 00-g IW.lul u dixi de 004g/k W NOx 0512 g kW; .s emo ekiecy of moe tha 91*.Rela biiyinex iquvaleta labiiytri n 0-7%, icese d ”% fom a yarea - .E-letfr outage ate 010%, 06% eductionovetese | eid a yerea
24、.Majracieementsis,shoud idhee t tetw manngetsystm"bbss,sengte ning e chnologi carrsea ch, sengte n hidden ha zads cntr I l and itiscs yEner-ecnstucton tok nnwstes The tw o -maagement sstm- for .prov-etFocus on pr omoting te pow e of the cmpay managgmetsystmadteapplicaton and mpllme naton of the
25、 saey loop fvesta mangeI t ss,mpr<e t he saeymanaemet ly m, eaiz the sstm ofsaey cntol. Fute eguaesecuityroutnessaey iupenisonand mannge ntetwork rol etop m t a cieve clsd loop. Se I gte ning the lupevs on a nd mangetof ha biuavi olaton of, sengte ning t helafeysuevis onofousuc ng cntac ors Caare
26、 d out i spring a nd a uumn ofseuryinspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, saey pr odudn mont h, dy iupeni son of plducton lafeyad teOympc Gmes ad ote1工況分析與計(jì)算1.1 基本結(jié)構(gòu)與動(dòng)作順序齒輪內(nèi)孔鍵槽插床主要有工作臺(tái)、床身、手動(dòng)夾緊,插刀等組成,加工對(duì)象為待加工的齒輪,能 實(shí)現(xiàn)加工齒輪內(nèi)孔鍵槽的功能。工作循環(huán)如下:工件夾緊到工作臺(tái)插刀啟動(dòng)T 快進(jìn)T 停止T插刀啟動(dòng)T快退,至此循環(huán)工作,直至加工出要求的齒輪內(nèi)孔鍵槽。1.2 主要性能參數(shù)(1)軸
27、向切削力Ft=22000N;(2)插頭質(zhì)量G=500N ;(3)加減速時(shí)間?t=0.2s;(4)插刀行程與工件厚度與插刀初始位置與工件距離有關(guān),快進(jìn)與快退速度均為13m/min;(6)插刀要求運(yùn)動(dòng)平穩(wěn),但可以隨時(shí)停止運(yùn)動(dòng)。1.3 負(fù)載分析負(fù)載分析中,暫不考慮回油腔的背壓力,液壓缸的密封裝置產(chǎn)生的摩擦阻力在機(jī)械效率中加以考慮。因工作部件是臥式放置,插刀下行受重力和摩擦阻力,切削時(shí)受切削力和重力v一而慣性力Fm -m =50 1 =50Nm : t如果忽略切削力引起的顛覆力矩對(duì)導(dǎo)軌摩擦力的影響,并設(shè)液壓缸的機(jī)械效率11m =0.9,則液壓缸在各工作階段的總機(jī)械負(fù)載可以算出,見(jiàn)表一。表一液壓缸各運(yùn)動(dòng)
28、階段負(fù)載表運(yùn)動(dòng)階段計(jì)算公式總機(jī)械負(fù)載F/N啟動(dòng)加速F=(Fm-G)/”-500快進(jìn)F=-G/nm-555.6切削F=(Fe-G)/”m22777.8快退啟動(dòng)F=(G+ Fm)/nm611.1快退F=G/1tlm555.62液壓系統(tǒng)圖的擬定2.1 確定液壓泵類(lèi)型及調(diào)速方式參考同類(lèi)組合機(jī)床,選用雙作用葉片泵雙泵供油、調(diào)速閥進(jìn)油節(jié)流調(diào)速的開(kāi)式回路,溢流閥作定 壓閥。ea .Majracieements is, shoudIdhee t tetw manngetsystm"bbss,se ngte ning e chnologi carrsea ch, sengte n hidden ha
29、zads cntr I l and itiscsaeyEner-ecnstucton tok nnwstes The tw o -maagement sstm- for .prov-etFocus on pr omoting te pow e of the cmpay managgmet systm ad te applicato n and mpllme naton of the saey loop fvesta mangeI t ss,mpr<et he saeymanaemetly m, eaiz the sstm ofsaey cntol. Fute eguaese cuity
30、routnes saeyiupenison a nd mannge nt network rol e tp m t a cieve clsd loop. Se I gtening thelupevson a nd mangetof ha biuavi olaton of, sengte ning thelafeysupevsi onofousuc ng cntrc ors Caare d out i spring a nd a uumn ofseuryinspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, saey prooucin mont h, dyiupeniso
31、n of pl_ctonlafeyad teOympc Gmes ad oteegae* staff: Hel! in the ru up to t he Spri I g Fe -, hedone sen of fu sf r.lsen“ - Ccnfee- 203workso, ful ba c .20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uaton, d scuss 203 iev_pmet pansHee, on be hal of my cmpay 203 work re10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I
32、202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpanies adee to t he pays 1 great sii for gudance, cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concept of d - l o.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m<emen“n, .maag-et, coni nuousy m prove, ooth iree I t of enteprse ma,ametjines ma nagement a nd cntrol sce nt*L ad
33、 ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamonious and dem otc amosphee of leegood sl i on. M at.d- os are as fl .the batey id-to. powe ge neat tot 785 biin IW_, b.ond the annual b_gl implementaton caa Cy of 35 mil on k W, a n .cease of 77 mHon IW.Saes tot- -.45 b*bn IW, digsaes of 330ml0n k Wthe
34、 a nnua Exeutive budget, an icra - o,"9mil on kW. S euriy meaues uplanned outge s 25 tbe.No pesona ijuy acient occuld,no major a cci dent a I d abo<e,no maorfielccdet s wihout envi onmeta poluin - Ude re cnseutveleasto maitai>taI lty to good pos ureFusiiss InaI U a idiatos: total prls of
35、25 mlin Yua n,.ond the anna l budget of 207 mlion Yuan, beyond the Daa ng company i nddx4。! mlin la n, ai ncra se of1.1 milon Yuan, FM ase-men' a ggrdefurEnegy poweluppy sandadca complei I g 32* g /kW, ddw 01 gkW; fteggited ala,powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutant onspefmance gg yrrdu
36、 d c ompard t o las .“on 00-gIW.lulu dixi de 004g/k W NOx 0512 g kW;.semo ekiecy of moe tha 91*.Rela biiyinexiquvaleta labiiy trin 0-7%, icese d”% fom a yarea - .E - letfr outage ate 010%, 06% eduction ove tese | eid a yer2.2 選用執(zhí)行元件因系統(tǒng)動(dòng)作循環(huán)要求正向快進(jìn)和工作,反向快退,且快進(jìn)、快退速度相等,因此選用單活塞桿液壓缸,快進(jìn)時(shí)差動(dòng)連接,無(wú)桿腔面積A等于有桿面積 A2
37、的兩倍。2.3 快速運(yùn)動(dòng)回路和速度換接回路根據(jù)本例的運(yùn)動(dòng)方式和要求,采用三位四通回路來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)快速運(yùn)動(dòng)。即快進(jìn)時(shí),差動(dòng)連接快進(jìn),快 退是正常速度。2.4 換向回路的選擇本系統(tǒng)對(duì)換向的平穩(wěn)性沒(méi)有嚴(yán)格的要求,所以選用電磁換向器的換向回路。為便于實(shí)現(xiàn)差動(dòng)連接,選用了三位四通換向閥。2.5 組成液壓系統(tǒng)繪原理圖將上述所選定的液壓回路進(jìn)行組合,并根據(jù)要求作必要的修改補(bǔ)充,即組成如圖所示的液壓系統(tǒng)圖。表二液壓系統(tǒng)中各電磁鐵的動(dòng)作順序如下1YA2YA3YA4YA快進(jìn)+-+快退-+-+卸荷-3液壓元件的計(jì)算與選擇3.1液壓閥及過(guò)濾器的選擇根據(jù)液壓閥在系統(tǒng)中的最高工作壓力與通過(guò)該閥的最大流量,可選出這些元件的型號(hào)及
38、規(guī)格。本5 、例中所有閥的額定壓力都為63黑10 Pa,額定流量根據(jù)各閥通過(guò)的流量,確定為 10L/min, 25L/min和63L/min三種規(guī)格,所有元件的規(guī)格型號(hào)列于表三中,過(guò)濾器按液壓泵額定流量的兩倍選取吸油用線隙式過(guò)濾器。egae* staff: Hel! in the ru up to t he Spri I g Fe -, he done sen of fu sf r.lsen“ - Ccnfee- 203workso, ful ba c .20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uaton, d scuss 203 iev_pmet pansHee
39、, on be hal of my cmpay 203 work re10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I 202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpanies adee to the pays 1 great sii for gudance, cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concept ofd - lo.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m <emen“n, .maag-et, coni nuousy m prove
40、, ooth iree I tof enteprse ma,ametjines ma nagement a nd cntrol sce nt*L ad ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamonious and dem otc amosphee of leegood sl i on. M at.d- os are as fl . the batey id-to. powe ge neat t ot 785 biin IW_, b.ond the annual b_gl implementaton caa Cy of 35 mil on k
41、W, a n .cease of 77 mHon IW.Saes tot- -.45 b*bn IW, dig saes of 330ml0n k Wthe a nnua Exeutive budget, an icra - o,"9mil on kW. S euriy meaues uplanned outge s 25 tbe.No pesona ijuy acient occuld,no major a cci dent a I d a bo<e,no maorfielccdet s wihout envi onmeta poluin 一 re cnseutveleast
42、o maitai>taI lty to good pos ureFusiiss InaI U a idiatos: total prls of 25 mlin Yua n,.ond the annal budget of 207 mlion Yua n, bey ond the Daa ng company i nddx4。! mlin la n, ai ncrase of 1.1 milon Yuan, FM ase -men' a ggrdefurEnegy poweluppy sandadca complei I g 32* g/kW, ddw 01 gkW; fteggi
43、ted ala,powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutant onspefmance gg yrrdu d cmpard t o las .“on 00-gIW.lulu dixi de 004g/k W NOx 0512 g kW; .s emo ekiecy of moe tha 91*.Rela biiyinexiquvaleta labiiy tri n 0-7%, icese d”% fom a yarea - .E - letfr outage ate 010%, 06% eduction ove tese | eid a yer表
44、三液壓元件明細(xì)表序號(hào)元件名稱(chēng)一 ,一 ,、一/I.1最大通過(guò)流量/L min-型號(hào)1用里葉片泵16YB12單向閥12RVP-103三位四通電磁閥324WE5A6.04二位三通電磁閥324WE5N/O6.05液壓缸自制6先導(dǎo)式溢流閥4DBA-5X/Y7過(guò)濾器32SU1型燒結(jié)式過(guò)濾器8壓力表開(kāi)關(guān)KF-L8/M149壓力表Y-6010二位二通電磁換向 閥324WE5A6.03.2 油管的選擇根據(jù)選定的液壓閥的連接油口尺寸確定管道尺寸。液壓缸的進(jìn)、出油管按輸入、排出的最大流量來(lái)計(jì)算。由于本系統(tǒng)液壓缸差動(dòng)連接快進(jìn)快退時(shí),油管內(nèi)通油量最大,其實(shí)際流量為泵的額定流量的 兩倍達(dá)32L/min ,則液壓缸進(jìn)、出
45、油管直徑 d按產(chǎn)品樣本,選用內(nèi)徑為15mm,外徑為19mm的10號(hào)冷拔 鋼管。3.3 油箱容積的確定中壓系統(tǒng)的油箱容積一般取液壓泵額定流量的57倍,本設(shè)計(jì)取6倍,故油箱容積為V=6X16=96L4液壓缸/集成塊/油箱的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)4.1液壓系統(tǒng)的參數(shù)計(jì)算(1)初選液壓缸的工作壓力參考同類(lèi)型組合機(jī)床,初定液壓缸的工作壓力為P =30M105Pa(2)確定液壓缸的主要結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸本例要求插刀的快進(jìn)、快退速度相等,現(xiàn)采用活塞桿固定的單杠式液壓缸??爝M(jìn)時(shí)均采用差動(dòng)聯(lián)接,并取無(wú)桿腔有效面積 A等于有桿腔有效面積 A2的2倍,即A1 =2A2。由表一可知最大負(fù)載為切削健槽工作階段的負(fù)載F=12777.8N,按此計(jì)
46、算 A則A1 =F/p1 =22777.8/30*105 =76.25cm2 D = J4ALem = 108.4mmV冗由此可知活塞桿直徑d = 76.6mm按GB/T2348 1993將所計(jì)算的D與d值分別圓整到相近的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)直徑,以便采用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的密封置。圓整后D=110mm d=80cm按標(biāo)準(zhǔn)直徑算出egae* staff: Hel! in theruuptotheSpriIgFe-, he done sen of fu sf r.lsen“ - Ccnfee- 203workso,fulbac .20” caeul a naysi s of the -let si uaton, d scus
47、s 203 iev_pmet pansHee,onbehalofmycmpay203 work re10rtst ote GenlAssembl y for cnsi-at.n.P I 202 back i n 202, XX po-we cmpaniesadeetothepays1great sii for gudance,cmpre hesvey impeme nt the scetic concept of d - l o.et , prmoti ng cosea deSi straegy, sa.s, focus on m <emen“n, .maag-et, coni nuou
48、sy m prove, ooth iree I tofenteprse ma, ametji nes ma nagement a nd cntrol sce nt*L ad ndaoe- a I d the de dcaton of sf, manage a hamonious and dem otc amosphee of leegoodslion.Mat.d- os are as fl . the batey id-to. powe ge neat t ot 785 biin IW_, b.ondtheannualb_gl implementatoncaaCyof35milonkW, a
49、n .cease of 77 mHonIW.Saestot- -.45 b*bn IW, dig saes of 330ml0n k Wthe a nnua Exeutive budget, anicra-o,"9mil on kW. S euriy meaues uplannedoutges25tbe.No pesona ijuy acient occuld,nomajor a cci dent a I d a bo<e, no maorfielcc det s wihout envi onmeta poluin 一 re cnseutve leasto maitai >
50、;ta I lty to good pos ureFusiiss Ina I U a idiatos: total prls of 25 mlin Yua n, . ond the anna l budget of 207 mlionYua n, bey ond the Daa ng company i nddx4。! mlin la n, ai ncra se of 1.1 mil on Yuan, FM ase -men' a ggrdefurEnegypoweluppy sandadcacompleiIg32* g /kW, ddw 01 g kW; fteggited ala,
51、powe cnspt I natii I 1.12%, down 0.6%;pollutant onspefmanceggyrrdu d cmpard t o las .“on 00-g IW.lul u dixi de 004g/k W NOx 0512 g kW; .s emo ekiecy of moe tha 91*.Rela biiyinex iquvaleta labiiytri n 0-7%, icese d ”% fom a yarea - .E-letfr outage ate 010%, 06% eductionovetese | eid a yerea .Majracie
52、ementsis,shoud idhee t tetw manngetsystm"bbss,sengte ning e chnologi carrsea ch, sengte n hidden ha zads cntr I l and itiscs yEner-ecnstucton tok nnwstes The tw o -maagement sstm- for .prov-etFocus on pr omoting te pow e of the cmpay managgmetsystmadteapplicaton and mpllme naton of the saey loo
53、p fvesta mangeI t ss,mpr<e t he saeymanaemet ly m, eaiz the sstm ofsaey cntol. Fute eguaesecuityroutnessaey iupenisonand mannge ntetwork rol etop m t a cieve clsd loop. Se I gte ning the lupevs on a nd mangetof ha biuavi olaton of, sengte ning t helafeysuevis onofousuc ng cntac ors Caare d out i
54、spring a nd a uumn ofseuryinspct ons, food contol a id inspecton, saey pr odudn mont h, dy iupeni son of plducton lafeyad teOympc Gmes ad oteA1 = D2 = 9498.5mm24222A2 = (D2 d2) =4474.5mm2(3)計(jì)算液壓缸各工作階段的工作壓力、流量和功率根據(jù)液壓缸的負(fù)載圖和速度圖以及液壓缸的有效面積,可以算出液壓缸工作過(guò)程各階段的壓力、流量和功率,表四 液壓缸所需的實(shí)際流量、壓力和功率<F進(jìn)油壓力pj回油壓力pb所帝流里輸
55、入功率PNpapbL/minkW差動(dòng)快進(jìn)F +APA, pj=A -A2 q=v(A -A,) P = p)q-555.61.1M10506.580.006切削過(guò)程_ F + pbA2 j Aq = AvP = pjq2277724M105012.3480.49快退_ F -A pj= Aq = A2 v P = p)q555.612.41710505.8170.12(4)缸筒壁厚和外套的計(jì)算(一)液壓缸的壁厚一般是指鋼筒結(jié)構(gòu)中最薄處的厚度。其值由液壓缸的強(qiáng)度條件來(lái)確定。 對(duì)于薄壁鋼筒(D/&之10)& 2py_2cr = 7.34mm 取8mm式中:D液壓缸直徑Py_缸筒試驗(yàn)壓力,當(dāng)液壓缸額定工作壓力p16Mpa時(shí)。取py =1.5p(二)剛的厚度的確定
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