



1、課時作業(yè)(九)必修 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection(限時:40 分鐘)I.多項選擇1.After further studying those fossils, Dubois, a Swiss scientist, announcedwith_ that so - called “ Java Man ” was merely an ext inct mon key.A.courage B . certainty C . anxiety D . relief2._ Asa popular programme,The Voice of Chin asucceeded in

2、 calli ng _tomany of the differe nt music styles rather tha n the sin gers appeara nee.A.commitment B . refereneeC. attention D . sacrifice3._To our disappointment, her cancerfailed to_to our treatment butgot worse.A.answer B . appeal C . attach D . respond4 . Hearing that all the employees had come

3、 back safe and sound, the manager said he couldfin ally have a good ni ghts sleep.A.in charge B . in troubleC. in peace D . in relief5 . During the finan cial crisis, the Preside nt agreed to provide 300 millio nof emerge ncy fund to help_un employme nt.A.relieve B . releaseC. resemble D . recommend

4、6 . Seeing the last miner safely come out of the coal mine, the people waitingan xiously at the entrance blew out a breath_ .A.in return B . in reliefC. in additi on D . in peace7 . Bending dow n, he_ the footpri nts that had nt bee n blow n away in thewind, con cludi ng that they bel on ged to a wo

5、lf.A.ignored B . in spectedC. expanded D . defended8 . As is reported on TV, many kinds of animals and plants _ in the worldevery year.C. secure D . worried10. He has impressed his employers considerably and_ he is soon to bepromoted.A.eventually B . thoroughlyC. fin ally D . accord in glyn閱讀理解AAfte

6、r years of tryi ng to bala nee work with motherhood, Karl Smith left her corporate( 公司的)job beh ind to start her own bus in ess.Its been over a decade since this momentrepreneur( 企業(yè)家)began making cakesout of her familyskitchen.During that time, she has managedto grow Magical Moments& Elite Party

7、 Rentals into a well-developedwedding planning and rental operation.Statistics show that these kinds of mommy-ow ned bus in esses are on the rise. Many women say theycant find work that allows them to balance their responsibilities at home.In deed, accord ing to a n ati onal study con ducted by Ipso

8、sReid on behalf of Microsoft Can ada,fifty-four perce nt of female small bus in ess owners agree that being able to work at hometo raise theirfamily is a key reason to leave the corporate world beh ind.“ Being a mom entrepreneur means tr ading a typical 9-to-5 work week fora moreirregular rout ine”,

9、 says Gemma Moore, a busy mother of two who ownsand operatesMG Moore Desig ns, a desig n compa ny specializ ing in website, photography and print media.“ Finding a bus in ess that you can build in the evenings will allow you to spe nd time with your children duri ng the day and con ti nue your bus i

10、n ess after they go to school. ”Nin ety - two perce nt of female small bus in ess owners say that mobile equipme nt and computersoftware can help a momentrepreneur makeher own hours and work whenever she is most productive.In fact, nin ety-five perce nt agree that small bus in ess owners n eed to be

11、_more_tech no logy-savvytha n ever before. The more tech no logy they master,the more successfully they will run their bus in esses.“ Bala nce is a key aspect for most en trepre neurs, but this is especially true for wome n ”,saysRuth Bastedo, Preside nt of Wome n En trepre neurs of Can ada(WEC).“ E

12、n trepre neurs recog nize that todays tech no logy can help themto find work/lifeA. sell out B.put outC. die out D.come out9 .Childre nwont work hard if they feelabout everything in their dailylife.A. con fide nt Bsurebalance while still providing them with the tools and materials they need to grow

13、their bus in esses moreeffectively.”11. Many female employees left their corporate jobs in order to_A.master more and more tech no logyB.support their family in a better wayC.look after their children more carefullyD.carry out their responsibilities as housewives12. What can we know about Gemma Moor

14、e from the passage?A.She has two companies of her own.B.She was once doing trade bus in ess.C. She does not work in the daytime.D. She can arrange her time more properly.13.The un derl inedpart “ be more tech no logy - savvy ”(in Paragraph 5)probablya?means _ .A.save more hours for tech no logyB.spe

15、 nd less money on tech no logyC. have a better kno wledge of tech no logyD.find a better balance in the technical field14. The passage mainly tells us that_A.most women can hardly find suitable workB.new tech no logy can help wome n to find workC. Karl Smith has started her own bus in ess at homeD.

16、momm-yow ned bus in esses can bala nce work and lifeBThere are four types of persons who go to work part -time. These include retirees who want a bitmore in come or socializati on, pare nts who want to spe nd more time with their children,collegeand high school students and temporary agency workersw

17、ho want more experie nce. Many people enjoy the adva ntages of work ing part- time,but ben efits are rarely offered to part-time employees.Most people are hop ing for health in sura nce and retireme ntben efitswhen tak inga job. Traditi on ally,compa nies only offer ben efitsto employees who work 30

18、 hoursor more a week. This is only a 25% reduct ion in hours, so it does nt free up a lot of time for theemployee who needs part-time hours. Even when a part-timer is offered health ben efits, he is rarelyoffered paid time off and retireme nt ben efits. Den tal ben efits are almost n ever offered to

19、 part-timeemployees.Many bus in esses hire part - time employees for the simple reas on of sav ing mon ey. If they workless tha n a certa in nu mber of hours, the employers dont n eed to pay for ben efits. There are compani es, however, that are begi nning to offer ben efits to part-time employees.

20、This in cludes ben efits forhealth, paid time off and retireme nt pla ns. Some compa nies have begu n to offer this in order to takein high quality, trained professi on als who just want part-time hours. If a compa ny wants a qualifiedemployee, it will have to compete with other compa ni es. People

21、who may only want to work part-timemay be forced to take a full-time job to get the ben efits. Compa nies who offer ben efits to part-timers have an adva ntage by offeri ng morechoices to their employees in terms of hours.Con duct ing an Internet search is probably the quickest way to find compa nie

22、s that provide benefits for part-time empl oyees. Many largecorporati onslikeStarbucks, Barnes & Noble and Whole Foods offer ben efits to part-time employees among other things. Look for compa nies that offer a team approach to their employees.Employees are give n choices and part of decisi on-m

23、ak in g in the bus in ess. Busin esses that allowemployee in put are more likely to offer ben efits to part-timers.15. People prefer to work part - time mainly because they_A.dont want to spend more time on workB.have so many household and social affairsC.hope to have more money, time and experienee

24、D.only expect to make more friends16. From the seeond paragraph we can learn that part-timers_A.can enjoy as many ben efits as full-timersB.prefer retireme nt ben efits to health in sura neeC.ofte n retire without enjoying any ben efitD.ofte n enjoy fewer ben efits tha n full- timers17. Whats th e a

25、dvantage of hiring part-time employees?A.They dont n eed the in sura nee.B.They can save employers some money.C.They have no choice but to work hard.D.They can also be changed into full-timers.18. We can infer from the last paragraph that_A.its easy to find compa nies provid ing ben efitsB.compa nie

26、s not allow ing employees in put dont offer any ben efit to part -timersC.Starbucks in En gla nd does nt provide ben efits to full-timersD.employees are often forced to choose their jobs川.完成句子19. I really appreciate _ such a good opport uni ty.I wont let you dow n. (give)我十分感激給我這么好的機會。我不會讓你失望的。20 . Though we used to write to each other regularly but rarelymy letters now. (resp ond)盡管我們過去經(jīng)常通信,但他現(xiàn)在很少回我的信。21.


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