1、初等教育和學前教育模擬考試題(三)本試卷共100分,考試時間120分鐘題號語文數(shù)學英語總分得分語文部分(共35分)一、本大題共6個小題,每小題2分,共12分。在每小題列出的四個選項中,只有一項最 符合題目要求,請選出來。題號123456總分答案1 .下列詞語中加點的字,讀音全都正確的一組是A.祛除(q u)狡黠(xi d)興奮劑(xing)津津有味(j mg)B.粘連(zh m)答理(d a)烘焙機(pei )引吭咼歌(hdng)C.沸點(f百)哂笑(sh en)撒手锏(jian)一哄而散(hcng)D.抹臉(mo)帛畫(j m)戶口簿(bu)猝不及防(cu)2 .下列詞語中沒有錯別字的一組是
2、A.下榻頭炷香再接再厲風馬牛不相及B.精萃初生犢合二為一畢其功于一役C.畢竟核威攝一成不變天機不可泄露D.輯錄副產品兩全其美不廢吹灰之力3 .依次填入下列句子橫線處的詞語,最恰當?shù)囊唤M是( ) 接到報警后,民警連夜對轄區(qū)內的各個賓館進行了秘密 ,終于在某酒店客房內抓獲販毒人員鄭某,繳獲毒品“搖頭丸”5000多克。 世博會印度館并沒有特別引人入勝的奇幻美景,但這里的各種古老展品假一部部厚 重的歷史畫卷,展示了她的古代文明。 盡管“五四運動”已經成為歷史,但“五四精神”并沒有在歷史的塵埃里,必將激勵著一代又一代的學子奮發(fā)前行。A .查訪 悠遠 湮沒B .查訪 幽遠 淹沒C.察訪 幽遠 湮沒D .察
3、訪 悠遠 淹沒4 .下列語句中,加點的詞語使用最恰當?shù)囊豁検茿. 身為王室后裔的杰克,雖然只有十七歲,又是第一次參加如此重要的媒體見面會,但他應對自如,沉穩(wěn)風趣,性情乖張,表現(xiàn)出了良好的教養(yǎng)。B. 近年來,我們克服了地震、洪水等自然災害,平穩(wěn)渡過了金融危機,取得了令全世界為之側目的成就,國際地位得到大幅度提升。C. 大學畢業(yè)剛剛進入加工廠的那段時光,夏天的悶熱、蚊子的叮咬、往返路程的遙遠 無一不在與人過意不去.,而今也都成了美好的回憶。D. 領導干部應該多到基層,深入調查研究,幫助群眾解決實際困難和問題,把精力花 在推進工作落實、提高效率上,不能粗枝大葉,大而化之.。5. 下列語句中,沒有語病
4、的一項是A. 國內一位從事鐵礦石貿易公司的經理表示,日本大地震給從事鐵礦石交易的企業(yè)提 供了抄底的可能,增加了鐵礦石價格的不確定性。B. 現(xiàn)場的一位工作人員指出,由于是在二十層以上的屋頂實施違章建筑的拆除工作, 高空作業(yè)安全系數(shù)比較大,預計進度將比平地拆除多用時四天。C. 鑒于西班牙半年來經濟低迷、對外借債額度過高的情況,國際信用評級機構標準普 爾公司近日宣布下調西班牙信用等級。D. 大部分經濟發(fā)達國家的緊急救援管理,都是設立專門機構對各類災害和民防事務實 行統(tǒng)一指揮和協(xié)調,這必然需要大量的專業(yè)災難救援工整理參與其中。6. 依次填入下面一段文字橫線處的語句,銜接最恰當?shù)囊唤M是山的對面是山。,w
5、口同浩蕩的秋風,一直不離不棄地陪伴著我,在我的心間長久地凜冽。 高高的山巒,稀疏的人家,我在其中的徘徊,構成了一簾晴爽的秋色 曾經的孤獨無依是我成熟后生命的基調 人家的高處還有人家 山的靜默類似于我之前多少年間的生活,悄無聲息、平平淡淡,我深處其中,愛著自 己的家園 高高低低的村莊像大山的口袋,裝滿孩子們的憂傷和歡樂,零落的房屋在密林壑谷之 間A. B .C.D.二、補寫出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(共11分,每空1分)(1)師者,。(韓愈師說)亦余心之所善兮, 。(屈原離騷)(2) 雖無絲竹管弦之盛,一觴一詠, 。(王羲之蘭亭集序) ,可以為師矣。(論語為政(3) 一 ,只是朱顏改。(李煜虞
6、美人)縱一葦之所如, 。(蘇軾赤壁賦)(4) 今宵酒醒何處, 。(柳永雨霖鈴)此情可待成追憶? 。(李商隱錦瑟),不盡長江滾滾來。(杜甫登高)(5) 人生如夢, 。(念奴嬌赤壁懷古)君子生非異也,(荀子勸學)三、閱讀下文,完成 13題。(12分)最后的絕招聶鑫森“面人雷”,當然姓雷,但叫什么名字,誰也不清楚。北地口音,六十來歲的樣子,骨 格清奇,黃面短須,雙眼特別銳亮,像鷹眼,有點冷。他是吃捏面人這碗飯的,在這個廣 場捏面人差不多有一年了,只要不下雨不落雪,“面人雷”就會準時出來設攤。行頭很簡單:一個小木箱,里面放著捏面人的原料和工具;一個可收可放的小支架, 上面掛著一個紙板,正中寫著“面人雷
7、”三個大字,兩邊各寫一行小字:“為真人捏像;繼絕技傳家?!币灰贿@是一種頂尖的絕技,對著活人捏像,捏誰像誰。他捏面人很快,顧客站 個十來分鐘就行了,稱得上是“立等可取”。顧客滿意了,給十塊錢;覺得不像,他不取分文,而且立刻毀掉,再不重捏一一這樣的情景似乎從沒出現(xiàn)過。他捏面人,先是幾個手指 翻飛,殺叩寸便成型,再用小竹片、小剪刀和細鐵簽修一修,無不形神畢肖。閑空時,“面人雷”會安靜地坐下來,手里拿著面粉,兩只眼睛左瞄右瞅,專捏那些有 特點的人物。真正有特點的人物是那些“老江湖”:算命測字的“半仙”,耍解賣藝的赤膊漢子,硬討善要的乞丐,打鑼耍猴的河南人當然,他也捏那些在廣場游蕩乘機作案的 小偷,江湖
8、上稱這類人為“青插”;專弄“碰瓷”的騙家,手里拎著瓶假名酒,尋機讓人碰 落摔碎,然后“索賠”;還有那些做“白粉”生意的,避著人鬼頭鬼腦地進行交易捏好 了,悄然放入木箱,秘不示人。這么大的廣場,這么大的人流量,各類案子總是會發(fā)生的。負責車站治安的鐵路警察,常會秘密地把“面人雷”找去,請他幫忙破案?!懊嫒死住睍涯切┥姘敢煞傅拿嫒四贸鰜?,冷冷地說:“你們只管抓就是,錯不了。他們知道“面人雷”是靠這門手藝吃飯的,便要按人頭給錢?!懊嫒死住闭f:“這算我的義務,免了!只是 請你們保密,給我留碗飯吃?!毙⊥底チ恕!芭龃伞钡淖チ?。販“白粉”的也抓了。那些面人捏得太像了,一抓一個準。這是個秋天的深夜,無星無月
9、,風颯颯地刮著?!懊嫒死住彼谜悖T栓被撥開了。屋里突然亮起燈,被子被猛地掀開,三條大漢 把“面人雷”揪了起來?!懊嫒死住绷⒖堂靼资窃趺匆换厥铝恕K苕?zhèn)靜:“兄弟,總得讓我穿上衣服吧,風冷人哩?!逼渲幸粋€年紀較大的漢子,臉上有顆肉痣,說:“老哥,是你把我們出賣給了官家,你應該懂規(guī)矩,今晚得做了你! ”“面人雷”笑了笑:“兄弟,你們誤會了,誰使的絆子呢?”“老哥,沒有不透風的墻,你老老實實跟我們走一趟?!薄拔疫@一把年紀了,死也不足惜。兄弟,我捏了一輩子的面人,讓我最后為自已捏一 個吧,給老家的兒孫留個念想。不必擔心一個年老力衰的人,還能把你們怎么樣?!彼麄兺饬??!懊嫒死住贝蛄苛怂麄儙籽?,說:
10、 “謝謝。”然后便拿出一大團面粉和工具,坐在桌前,對著一個有支架的小鏡子捏起來。三個人坐到一邊去,抽著煙,小聲地說著話。“面人雷”很快就捏好了,是他的一個立像,有三寸來高,右手拿著小竹片,左手握 拳。底座邊刻著一行字:手中有乾坤。面人雷自捏像。那三個人拿著面人輪流看了看,隨手擺在桌子上。兩天后,在二十里外的一條深渠里,發(fā)現(xiàn)了“面人雷”的尸體,脖子上有深深的刀痕。公安局刑偵隊隊長,是個年輕人,業(yè)余喜歡搞雕塑。他把“面人雷”的自捏像放在辦 公桌上,關起門看了整整一天。他發(fā)現(xiàn)那支小竹片的尖端,正對著那只握著的拳頭,而那 拳頭從比例上看略顯碩大, 似乎握著什么東西。 “手中有乾坤” ?他小心地掰開了那
11、個拳頭, 在掌心里出現(xiàn)了幾個極小的面人!在放大鏡下一看,眉眼無不清晰,那個臉上有顆肉痣的 漢子,是個黑道上的頭目,曾因詐騙坐過牢。 “面人雷”在臨死前,給這幾個家伙捏了像! 這幾個疑犯很快就被抓捕歸案。追認“面人雷”為“烈士”的報告也隨即批復下來了。 追悼會開得非常隆重,正面墻上掛著“面人雷”的遺像是那尊自捏面人的放大照 片。挽聯(lián)是這樣寫的:手中有乾坤,小技大道;心中明善惡,雖死猶生。(選自小說月刊 2010 年 02 期,有刪改)1. 小說結尾的挽聯(lián)有什么含義?請簡要分析( 4 分)2. 結合文本分析文中劃線句子的作用。 (4 分)3. 請結合文中“面人雷”的“冷”和“笑” ,簡要分析其形象
12、特點。 (4 分)數(shù)學部分(共 30 分)1. 長方體三條棱長分別是 AA =1 AB =2, AD 4,則從A點出發(fā),沿長方體的表面到C的最短矩離是.2設圓x2 y2 4x 50的弦AB的中點P( 3,1),則直線AB的方程為3. 一個球內有一內接長方體,其長、寬、高分別為 5、4、3,則球的直徑為4. 把一個半徑為532 cm的金屬球熔成一個圓錐,使圓錐的側面積為底面積的3倍,則這個圓錐的高應為cm.5. 已知a,b, c為三條不重合的直線,為三個不重合的平面: a / c ,b / c a / b : a /, b / a / b ; a / c, c / a /: a /, a /;
13、a ,b , a / b a /.其中正確的命題是()6. 已知一個圓錐的底面半徑為R,高為H ,在其中有個高為x的內接圓柱.(1) 求圓柱的側面積;(2) x為何值時,圓柱的側面積最大?7.已知一直線被兩直線l1 : 4x y 60 , I2 : 3x 5y 60截得的線段的中點恰好是坐標原5 / 12點,求該直線方程8、求經過直線3x 2y 6 0和2x 5y70的交點,且在兩坐標軸上的截距相等的直線# / 12方程.# / 129、求經過P( 2,4), Q(3, 1)兩點并且在x軸上截得的弦長等于6的圓.英語部分(共35 分)答題卡題號1234567答案題號891011121314答案
14、題號15161718192021答案題號22232425262728答案題號29303132333435答案題號36373839404142答案題號4344答案第一節(jié):單項填空(共20小題;每小題0.5分,滿分10 分)1. In some places in the South of China, car has already becomepopularmeans of tran sportati on.A. a; theB. /; aC. the; aD. the; the2. 一 How do you find the new book by JK Rowling? . I guess
15、 she is out of her talent A. With the help of my motherB. Very boringC. By accidentD. In the library3. Most female workers in Shanghai suffer from connected to the global financialcrisis, according to a recent survey.A. curiosity B. eagernessC. anxietyD. thirst4. To the great of the citizens, no one
16、 else was infected with H1N1 except the 12confirmed cases.A. relaxation B. disappointmentC. reliefD. surprise5. His parents him to work in a big company but he failed them.A. suggested B. demanded C. recommended D. hoped6. All passengers in the accident were sent to the nearby hospital in no time.A.
17、 to find injured B. finding to injureC. to be found injured D. found injured7. It will be less than a year the 2010 Shanghai World Expo starts.A. before B. afterC. whenD. that8. We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that for their son 'bsad behavior atschool.A. are to blameB. is to be blame
18、dC. are to be blamedD. is to blame9. Hello, Peter. Would you please go shopping with me after school? Sorry. Our school is a boarding school. In school days nobody go out ofschool without the head teacher's permission.A. will B. can C. mayD. shall10. There is a real danger the U. S will not keep
19、 its position on the world economicstage.A. where B. that C. which D. one11. I shall never forget those days I lived in the army with the soldiers, has a great effect on my life.A. that; whichB. when; whichC. when; that D.which; that12.If you know _ it was that wrote Gone with the Wind, raise your h
20、and.A. whomB. whichC. whoD. that13. Sunny day, isn't it? Let ' s hope the sunny weather _ for Saturday' s tennis match.A. carries onB. moves onC. keeps upD. goes up14. Why was Professor Liu thun deri ng in the classroom yesterday? A stude nt ' s in terrupti ng his speechthe burst of
21、his an ger.A. set upB. set asideC. set aboutD. set off15. Fined $100! Sir, you know you100 km per hour, don' t you?No, I can ' t have done that, for my car doesn' t do 80.A. have drive nB. had drive nC. are drivi ngD. weredrivi ng16. Nowadays tee nagers like to go to the fast food restau
22、ra nts, as the n ame says,eating doesn' t take much time.A. whichB. whoC. whereD. that17. was most importa nt to her, she told me, was whether she could be admitted toa key university the next year.A. ItB. ThisC. AsD. What8 / 12# / 1218. I would have paidfor the dress if the sales girl had in si
23、sted, because I reallywan ted it.A. twice as muchB. as much twiceC. twice more that D. more# / 12# / 12than twice19. Leonardo Da Vincebirds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of settingthem free .A. is said to be buyingB. is said to have bought# / 12# / 12C. had said to buyD. who said to ha
24、ve bought20. Lucy, could you please spare me a few minu tes?, but I hopea few mi nuteswon ' t turn into an hour.A. It doesn' t matterC. I ' m afraid notB. That ' s kiraf youD. I guess so.# / 12# / 12第二節(jié):完形填空(共 20小題;每小題1分,滿分20 分)My job was to make classroom observations and encourage
25、a training program that would en able stude nts to feel good about themselves and take charge of their lives. Donnawas one of the volun teer teachers who participated in this 21One day, I entered Donna' sclassroom, took a seat in the back of the room and22. All the stude nts were work ing23a tas
26、k. The stude nt n ext to me was fill ingher page with "I Can ' ts. ”"I can ' t kick the soccer ball.I cant get Debbie to like me.# / 12# / 12page was half full and she showed no 24 of stopping. I walked down the row andt do.found 25 was writ ing senten ces, describ ing things they
27、could n# / 12By this time the activity aroused my26, so I decided to check with the teacher tosee what was going on, 27 I noticed she too was busy writing."lean ' get John ' smother to come for a pare nts' meet ing. ”I felt it best28bt to.After ano ther ten minu tes, the stude nts w
28、ere29 to fold the papers in half andbring them to the front. They placed their " ICan' t statements into an empty shoe box. Then Donna 30 hers. She put the lid on the box, tucked it under her arm andheaded out the door. Stude nts followed the teacher. I followed the stude nts. Halfway dow n
29、 the hallway Donna got a shovel from the tool house, and then marched the students to the farthest corner of the playground. There they began to 31. The box of " ICan' ts ”was placed at the 32 of the hole and then quickly covered with dirt. At thispoint Donna announced, “ Boysand girls, ple
30、ase join hands and 33 your heads. ” They quickly formed a circle around the grave.Donna delivered the eulogy (悼詞).“ fends, we gathered here today to 34 the.Maymemory of 'I Can ' t. ' He3i5 by his brothers and sisters'I Can ' and 'I Will'I Can ' t ' rest ii36. Amen
31、! ”She turned the students37 and marched them back into the classroom. Theycelebrated the38 of " ICan' t "Donna cut a large tombstone from paper. Shewrote the words" ICan' t ”t the top and the date at the bottom, then hung it in theclassroom. On those rare occasions when a stu
32、dent39 and said, " I Can ' t, ” Donna40 pointed to the paper tombstone. The student then remembered that " I Can ' t ” wasdead and chose other stateme nt.21. A. jobB. projectC. observati onD.course22. A. checkedB. no ticedC. watchedD.waited23. A. onB. withC. asD. for24. A. scenesB.
33、sensesC. marksD.sig ns25. A. nobodyB. somebodyC. every oneD.anyone26. A. curiosityB. suspectC. sympathyD.worry27. A. andB. orC. butD.so28. A. i nsertB. i nterruptC. talkD. request29. A. taughtB. show nC. forcedD.in structed30. A. addedB. wroteC. madeD.folded31. A. cryB. prayC. digD. play32. A. backB
34、. bottomC. topD.edge33. A. dropB. raiseC. fallD.lift34. A. keepB. tha nkC. forgiveD.hon or35. A. remembere(jB. puni shedC.removedD.replaced36. A. sile nceB. heartC.peaceD.memory37.A. dow nB. upC. offD.arou nd38. A. birthB. pass ingC.lossD. start ing39. A. awokeB. remin dedC. forgotD. apologized40.A.
35、 simplyB. hardlyC. seriouslyD. an grily第二部分:閱讀理解(4小題,每小題1.5分;6分)My gran dfather worked as a carpe nter. On this particular day, he was buildi ng some crates (木箱)for the clothes his church was sending to an orphanage (孤兒院)in Brazil. On his way home, he found his glasses were gone. When he men tally r
36、eplayed his earlier acti ons, he realized what happe ned. The glasses had slipped out of his pocket and falle n into one of the crates. His new glasses were headi ng for Brazil!The Great Depressi on was at its height, and Gran dpa had six childre n. He had spe nt twenty dollars for those glasses tha
37、t very morni ng."It ' s not fair, ” he thought as he walked home an grily.“ I' ve bee n veryfaithful ingiv ingmy time and money tomy work, and now this. ”Several mon thslater, the director of the orpha nage cameto theUn itedStates. Hewan ted to visit all the churches that supported him,
38、 so he came to my gran dfather' s smallchurch in Chicago.He began by thanking the people for thei r kindness in supporting the orphanage.“ Butmost of all, he said, ” must thank you for the glasses you sent last year. You see, some people had just come to the orpha nage, destro ying everythi ng,
39、in cludi ng my glasses. I was desperate. Even if I had the money, there was simply no way of replacing those glasses.Along with not being able to see well, I experieneed headaches every day, so my coworkers and I were very worried about this. Then your crates arrived. When I removed the covers, I fo
40、und a pair of gl asses lying on top. ”He paused long eno ugh to let his words sink in. Then, he continu ed:“ When I tried onthe glasses, it was as though they had bee n made just for me! I want to tha nk you for being a part of that! ”The people liste ned, happy for the miraculous glasses. But they
41、thought it was stra nge because there were no glasses on their list of items to be sent overseas.Sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, my grandfather, an ordinary carpe nter realized his glasses had found a good place to go.41. We know from the text that .A. the author ' grandfather got his glasses back from the director of theorpha nageB. the author's grandfather found that his glasses were at home at lastC. the author ' s grandfa
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