1、Unit 1 My names Gina第一課時教案示例教學(xué)目標1學(xué)會詢問周圍新同學(xué)的姓名,并且將自己剛認識的好朋友介紹給全體同學(xué)2通過學(xué)生制作名卡或桌卡來提高學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,體現(xiàn)英語的實用性3通過以上任務(wù)活動,掌握形容詞性物主代詞的用法及其與人稱代詞的主格的區(qū)別,并且在第一節(jié)課讓學(xué)生對英語的學(xué)習(xí)產(chǎn)生興趣。4德育目標:熱愛班集體,團結(jié)同學(xué)。教學(xué)重點和難點1形容詞性物主代詞的用法2在任務(wù)活動中掌握you和your,he和his, she和her 的用法3重點句型 (斜體字為擴展句子):Hi / Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening.How are
2、 you? Fine, thank you! / Very well / So-so /All right.Whats your name? My name is / Im Whats his/ her name? His/Her name is 課前準備1學(xué)生課前準備:利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)查閱中英文姓名及初次見面時各國或各地風(fēng)俗,禮儀體會它們的不同之處;準備硬紙片和水彩筆;用英文介紹自己的姓、名。2教學(xué)器材:錄音機、電腦、圖片。3教學(xué)課件:中英文名字展示片。教學(xué)設(shè)計Tasks Students activities Teachers activities1. Game: ask and answer t
3、he question: Whats your name? Students make a self-introduction and pass the sentences one by one. At first, teacher makes a self-introduction.2.Two students act out how to greet people. Act out the greeting forms they are familiar with or they find on net. Show the students the pictures of other co
4、untries customs with computer.3. See who can make the most friends and get the most information. Then report their results with his or hers. Move around to make friends with the ones they are interested in. Make the students move around to make friends with others.4. Design and make their name cards
5、 . Design and make their name cards in groups. Ask them to design their name cards and see which group is the best.教學(xué)過程設(shè)計任務(wù)一:結(jié)識新朋友。1老師首先向?qū)W生做一個自我介紹,將名字寫在黑板上: My name is , My first name is, My last name is 同時介紹一下名字的意義,然后學(xué)生就近結(jié)組,進行自我介紹。例如:一個學(xué)生叫徐燁,他說:My name is Xu Ye. Ye means light;一個叫王超的學(xué)生介紹說: My name
6、is Wang Chao. Chao means Superman。這個任務(wù)能夠激起學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,同時擴大詞匯量。2“Whats your name?”傳句子比賽。學(xué)生按行分組,一個同學(xué)問,“Whats your name?”第二個學(xué)生回答,“My name is ”然后再接著問第三個人, “Whats your name?” 第三個人答,“My name is His/ her name is ”再接著問第四個人Whats your name?”??茨膫€組最先獲勝。任務(wù)二:學(xué)生利用電腦向大家展示他們所搜集的中英文姓,問候語名及各國或各地初次見面時的禮儀,體會它們的不同之處;然后由抽簽決
8、了本單元的關(guān)鍵句型和形容詞性物主代詞,尤其是he and his, she and her;同時運用到一些超出本課教學(xué)內(nèi)容的語言知識,學(xué)生參與性強,最大限度的調(diào)動了他們的積極性,同時也為學(xué)生樹立了英語學(xué)習(xí)的信心。Name Hobbies Other information任務(wù)四:制作姓名卡。制作姓名卡,由小組協(xié)作共同完成名卡的設(shè)計與制作,名卡中要求包括學(xué)生的漢語名字(拼音書寫)和英文名字,其他的內(nèi)容由各組自行設(shè)計,但要求每個人的名卡的設(shè)計要有創(chuàng)意、體現(xiàn)小組的共性、美觀大方、經(jīng)久耐用、語言準確。因此,該任務(wù)既體現(xiàn)個性,又體現(xiàn)共性;既有分工,又有合作。任務(wù)五:作業(yè)。為自己、父母、親朋好友找一個有意
9、義的英文名字,同時將他們介紹給你的同學(xué)們。教學(xué)點評本節(jié)課的設(shè)計體現(xiàn)了任務(wù)型教學(xué)的特點,同時整個任務(wù)鏈的設(shè)計均以學(xué)生的興趣為主,由易至難,逐層遞進,逐步完成各個任務(wù),使學(xué)生在愉快的完成每一個任務(wù)的同時,體會到學(xué)習(xí)英語的樂趣,并使每一位學(xué)生都參與到活動中,都有所提高。本節(jié)課由于是新學(xué)期的第一節(jié)課,在教學(xué)中,本著 “新學(xué)期、新起點、新觀念、新認識”的觀點設(shè)計了四個快樂的任務(wù),同時這幾個任務(wù)相互連接,環(huán)環(huán)相扣,形成了一個完整的任務(wù)鏈。整節(jié)課課堂氣氛活躍,學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣始終很濃。尤其是“找朋友”這個任務(wù),極大地調(diào)動了學(xué)生的積極性,學(xué)生們說出了很多精彩的句子,。而在制作名卡時,各小組通力合作,氛圍和諧
11、亂,在以后課堂中應(yīng)加以指導(dǎo)。教師本身也需要提高對新課標和任務(wù)型教學(xué)的認識,以完善今后的教學(xué)。第二課時教案示例教學(xué)目標1 介紹更多的英文姓名,并且區(qū)分出姓和名;2 學(xué)習(xí)英語中姓名(name/ full name)、姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)的用法;3 通過用英語說出自己的電話號碼的任務(wù),學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)字09;4 制作身份證,以綜合運用所學(xué)的姓名和數(shù)字;5 德育目標:我長大了,學(xué)會對人有禮貌、學(xué)會感激。教學(xué)重點和難點1 了解英語與漢語中姓與名的位置不同,準確掌握英語的姓與名的表達;2 聽懂并能說出電話號碼,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語意識。3 重點
12、句型:Whats your English name?My English name is Whats your last name/ family name?My last / family name is Whats your telephone number?My telephone number is 主題詞 (斜體字為擴展詞):last name family namesecond name surname Tanaka Barnes Green Mitchell Jones Lim Smith Brown Cooper Lockefirst namegiven name Tony
13、Bill Paul Mark Amy Gina Kenji Lisa Chi-yong Mary Kate Katherine Elizabeth Kim Mike Nick Tom Johntelephone number課前準備1 學(xué)生課前準備:父母或朋友的錄音磁帶、硬紙卡片2 教學(xué)器材:電話、小皮球、錄音機、電腦3 教學(xué)課件:身份證課件教學(xué)設(shè)計Tasks Students activities Teachers activities1. Game: throw the ball while asking and answering the question. In groups, one
14、 student throws the ball and asks: “Whats your English name?”, the other one answers it ,then throw the ball again. Do this game first as an example.2. Guess, “Who is he/ she?” Play students tape and ask the other students to guess who the speaker is. Introduce two words: family name and first name.
15、3.Create the Class Telephone Book Interview other students what are their telephone numbers. Direct.4.Check the telephone number from 114. One student is the operator, others can check the telephone number by asking : “Whats s telephone number?” Ask the students to do it,and tell them the rules.5.Ma
16、ke ID Card. They can add some information as a real ID Card. Then, make their own ID Card in groups. Show students the teachers ID Card on the computer.教學(xué)過程設(shè)計一、接力游戲詢問學(xué)生的英文名。首先由教師仿做,教師拿出一個小皮球,任意拋向一名學(xué)生,同時問:“Whats your English name?”,這個學(xué)生接住球并回答:“My English name is ”, 然后由這名學(xué)生將球拋向另一名學(xué)生, 第二名學(xué)生在接物品時必須回答:“M
17、y English name is ,his/her English name is (只要重復(fù)前一名學(xué)生的名字即可)”,然后傳遞下去并問:“Whats your English name?”。最后將學(xué)生分為幾組在組內(nèi)做。在這個活動中,學(xué)生的積極性很高(球必須接住,否則也算做失誤),達到課標中要求的既從學(xué)生的興趣出發(fā),又具備易操作的特點 。二、做“新學(xué)期的新祝愿”。在這個活動中,同時引入姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)與漢語的位置區(qū)別。將學(xué)生所錄制的帶有家人或朋友的祝福的磁帶放在錄音機中,同時用英語介紹:“ His/Her fa
18、mily name is , his/her first name is ,do you know who is he/she? ”然后由其他學(xué)生猜:“This is your father,his name is ”。在猜的過程中,學(xué)生可以加上他們會的其他的信息,例如:他(她)的職業(yè)等,充分展示他們的所長并為猜的學(xué)生提供一些提示性信息,三次機會,猜對了加分。在這個任務(wù)活動操作過程中,給了學(xué)生很大空間去發(fā)揮,也用到了一些本單元未涉及到的句型,例如: Whats he/she? Is he/she in our class? How old is he/she? 等。三、建立班級電話簿。學(xué)生互相
19、詢問電話號碼,用“Whats your telephone number?” 這個句型,并記錄在教師發(fā)的記錄卡上,最后經(jīng)過整理,再加上一些公益電話,形成班級電話簿。附表:Name Family name First name Telephone number四、這個任務(wù)是模仿114查號臺,該任務(wù)利用上一個任務(wù)整理后的班級電話簿去查詢,它要求每一位學(xué)生都要投入角色,尤其是作為話務(wù)員,要求聲音甜美、溫和,態(tài)度和藹。其實施過程是由一個學(xué)生作為話務(wù)員,其他學(xué)生可以任意撥通電話并且詢問:“Whats s telephone number?”,同時話務(wù)員回答:“ His/Her telephone num
20、ber is ”。這項任務(wù)的設(shè)計主要是為了在任務(wù)活動中練習(xí)讓學(xué)生脫口而出09這幾個英文數(shù)字,同時,這項任務(wù)活動的過程中所用到的句型Whats s telephone number?和His/Her telephone number is 中,His和Her 是對上一節(jié)課形容詞性物主代詞的一個復(fù)習(xí),而“ s telephone number”對于本單元在內(nèi)容上是一個補充和提高。五、制作ID Card。首先用電腦展示教師本人的真實身份證的樣本,同時告訴學(xué)生我們的家長及朋友對我們的祝福都是希望我們在新的一年里像一個大人了,那我們就要為自己制作我們的身份證來證明我們長大了,我們會努力做到最好。然后,觀
21、察老師的身份證,有哪些需要更改的,提出更好的建議,制作學(xué)生心中理想的身份證。以下是學(xué)生修改后的身份證:附表:ID CardName: Gender:PhotoAge:Class:School:Address:Postcode:Tele Number:E-mail:ID Card No.:20020500102六、本節(jié)課的作業(yè)設(shè)計是延續(xù)身份證的制作,要求學(xué)生寫一個“自我介紹 ”將本節(jié)課所學(xué)的知識得以提升,字數(shù)不限,我認為這個活動既可以檢驗學(xué)生這兩節(jié)課所學(xué)到的知識,同時又可以對整體學(xué)生的水平有一個了解,應(yīng)該是一項具有延伸性和拓展性的作業(yè)。教學(xué)點評本節(jié)任務(wù)型課程的設(shè)計比起第一節(jié)課的內(nèi)容,有一定難度,
23、望學(xué)生在新的學(xué)期擁有美好的愿望,同時加上朋友的真誠的祝福會對他們的學(xué)習(xí)助以一臂之力,而當(dāng)這個任務(wù)完成時,我感到我的初衷達到了。 另一個任務(wù)做114 臺查詢,是另一個高潮。學(xué)生當(dāng)中有很多人撥打過這個號碼,因此,對這項業(yè)務(wù)相當(dāng)熟悉,學(xué)得惟妙惟肖,做到了“活動要以學(xué)生的生活經(jīng)驗和興趣為出發(fā)點,內(nèi)容和方式要盡量真實;活動要有利于學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語知識 ,發(fā)展語言技能,從而提高學(xué)生實際語言運用能力”。最后制作身份證的活動,學(xué)生將所學(xué)知識與實際生活相結(jié)合,積極發(fā)散思維,制作適合他們并且證明他們是一個成人的證件,這一點符合學(xué)生到初中之后希望他們周圍的人能夠用成人的眼光來看待自己。同時,本節(jié)課的作業(yè)是一項具有延伸性
24、和拓展性的作業(yè),也是寫作的一次嘗試??傊?,這節(jié)課的任務(wù)設(shè)計我認為還是比較成功的,基本達到預(yù)先的想法。但是,它也存在以下幾個需要繼續(xù)探討的問題:第一、在建立班級電話簿的任務(wù)中顯得時間較為倉促,調(diào)整本課時間安排。第二、在制作身份證的過程中,個別學(xué)生的動手能力稍差,導(dǎo)致任務(wù)未完成,需考慮小組互助。Unit 2 Is this your pencil?第一課時教案示例教學(xué)目標能夠掌握常見物品的英文表達能夠詢問教室物品或文具名稱并找到物主能夠綜合運用所學(xué)句型匯報活動結(jié)果教學(xué)向?qū)дZ言目標 學(xué)習(xí)策略與思維技巧 重點詞匯運用this /that 的一般疑問句及其答句;What 引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句及其簡略回答。
25、以游戲的形式,做出推理與判斷,培養(yǎng)綜合分析能力。 pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key,ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebook語言結(jié)構(gòu) 語言功能 跨學(xué)科學(xué)習(xí)Demonstratives this, that;What questions;Yes/No questions and short answersHow do you spell pencil?(Formulaic) 尋找物主 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生繪畫和寫作能力主題詞表pencil, pen,
26、 book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebookExtensive words:textbook; exercise-book; ball-pen; compass; sharpener; rubber; glue; color-pen; sticker; highlight; ball-point; scissors; chalk; file; blackboard; ink; set- square; paper; pamphl
27、et; peg.重點句型(1)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(2)Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(3)Is this/that her/his eraser? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(4) Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an (5)How do you spell pen? P-E-N.主題思維圖及任務(wù)型活動課前準備讓學(xué)生收集并自學(xué)有關(guān)文具或教室物品的名詞,并準備一些實物或圖片。教師事先應(yīng)對學(xué)生常用的文具有所了解,
28、同時收集部分同學(xué)的物品,對于不能出示實物的用具則應(yīng)準備一些簡圖。讓學(xué)生挑選一件自己喜歡的物品或圖片并為該它制作一個英文標簽,即寫出該物品的英文名稱;教師也可根據(jù)將學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)新詞時感覺困難的詞語,制作自己的標簽,將其放入學(xué)生的物品中;同時為各小組準備好活動用的紙盒或袋子。Task One: Lead in-Learning words.教學(xué)目的:學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)文具的英文表達方式需要學(xué)習(xí)和掌握的新單詞與新句型:pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring,
29、 computer, notebook1.Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.2.Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3.Is this/that her/his eraser? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.4.Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an 5.How do you spell pen? P-E-N.Step 1: 出示實物或圖片,問學(xué)生Whats this/ that in English?導(dǎo)入Task One中新詞。(pe
30、ncil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card,baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebook )板書目標詞匯。Step 2: 抽取學(xué)生中的文具由學(xué)生問,學(xué)生答;復(fù)習(xí)上一步所學(xué)單詞。Step 3: 從學(xué)生中收取一部分文具,引入句型Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.或Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. etc.Task Two: Guessing game(
31、 Finding the owners)教學(xué)目的:鞏固目標詞匯和Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. etc.復(fù)習(xí)Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an How do you spell pen? P-E-N.Step 1: 每位學(xué)生將自己準備好的物品放進一個袋子里。Step 2: 教師與一位學(xué)生做示范。為接下來的Group work 作鋪墊。需要用到的句型打在屏幕上。Step 3: 學(xué)生開始做Group work。Step 4: 展示各小組統(tǒng)計的結(jié)果,看哪組同學(xué)在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)猜出的物品的主人最多。Task
32、Three: Competition.教學(xué)目的:培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在一定語境下綜合運用目標語的能力。Step 1: 在小組內(nèi)部將各自的文具匯集到一處。運用句型:This is my .Step 2: 交換小組成員。來自外組的同學(xué)負責(zé)尋找相關(guān)文具的主人。運用句型:Is this your.? Is this Janes ?Step 3: 完成下表并由Group Leader 進行匯報。stationeryOwner sharpener Pencilcase eraser dictionaryHomework:Write down a dialogue using the words and the tar
33、get languages.Preview the content of the next period.Blackboard writingUnit 2 Is this your pencil?Whats this /that in English? Its a/anHow do you spell.?Is this your/Tinas backpack?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his/Marys.教學(xué)點評:本課時以尋找物主為主線,用實物或?qū)嵨锖唸D為學(xué)生提供盡可能真實的場景,讓學(xué)生產(chǎn)生一定的體驗,并在體驗中學(xué)習(xí)、探究,課堂氣氛活躍,學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣高,學(xué)習(xí)
34、效果也較好。同時教師為學(xué)生設(shè)計了一個任務(wù)鏈,加強了活動之間的聯(lián)系,同時活動之間的層次分明,學(xué)生易于接受。本堂課成功的關(guān)鍵是教師課前準備到位,每一個環(huán)節(jié)都使學(xué)生感到新鮮、好奇,在這樣一種心理因素的驅(qū)使下,學(xué)生樂學(xué)、好學(xué),教學(xué)效果倍增。第二課時教案示例Section ThreeTask Three Draw their own family treeTeaching aims 1. Use the language in the true life.2. Learn to write the language structures.Import and difficult points How t
35、o use language in their lifeTeaching methods Listening and speaking; discussing and guessingTeaching apparatuses Tape recorder, pictures, cards, some pictures and photos.Teaching ProcessionDesigns for the class Teachers activities Students activitiesRevision Is this your father?Is that your mother?
36、Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Leading Are they your parents? Yes, they are.Presentation Ask students to present their family treeAdd the words in the box to the family tree.Play the tape.Ask students to read the letter in 3a and then help them to write a letter to EmmaPair work Draw a picture of their fami
37、ly and friends Tell your partner about your pictureAsk them to show their letters and correct their mistakes.Help Ss finish 3b. Present their family tree in the group, and then in the classUse the language:This is my father. His name isThis is my mother. Her name isFinish Ex 1 . Add the words in the
38、 box to the family tree.Ask students to listen again , and choose which pictures are Dace and Lin Hai talking about?Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emmas family. And then write a letter to EmmaRead their letter to the class.Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell their partner about their
39、 pictureTake out their family photo. Write an introduction about the people on the back of the photo.Homework Make their photo Album with some simple introduction.教案點評:整節(jié)課設(shè)計思路清晰,符合學(xué)生的認知能力和認知規(guī)律。導(dǎo)入自然,任務(wù)銜接較好,給學(xué)生一個真實的大任務(wù),以小組為單位,在完成一系列的小任務(wù)的同時,完成大任務(wù),在完成任務(wù)的同時學(xué)會語言。課堂教學(xué)形式多樣,且以學(xué)生活動為主體;能關(guān)注學(xué)生的情感,整個過程以激勵評價為主,以評價
40、促學(xué)生發(fā)展。由于新教材試教時間很短,對任務(wù)型教學(xué)研究還很不夠,學(xué)生在做匯報的時候,如何讓全體學(xué)生用心去聽,是一個急需重視的問題。Unit 3 This is my sister第一課時教案示例Title Unit 3 This is my sisterTeaching aims Targetlanguages This is my sister.That is my brother.This is Harrys brothersThose are Annes parentsIs this Harrys cousin?Are these his brothers?Skills Talk abou
41、t the family membersIntroduce the family members to othersEmotions & cultures To know the usual way to get to know each other.To develop the students ability to communicate and cooperate with others.Learning strategies Using what you know, deducing, personalizingKey words Father, mother, parents, gr
42、andmother, grandfather, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousinImportant & Difficult Points To know the differences between this and that, these and thoseTo grasp the way of introducing family membersTo get the information from the third personTaskdesignation Task 2Teacher-students wedding party taking ph
43、otosStudents Activities Sentence patterns Communication goalIntroduce themselves This is Introduce yourself and the other peopleIntroduce the members of another group That isPairwork: introduce the members of their own group and some other group members These areThose areStep 2 Family MembersA. Brai
44、nstorm. Listen to a clip of the tape. Give me the words and phrases according to the tape. Eg. Who are they? What are they doing?B. Check the answer and listen to the tape again. Complete the simple family tree.Step 3 Wedding partyTask 2Activities Words and sentence patterns Communication goalGuessi
45、ng game: what is happening on Anne Parents, grandparents uncle, aunt, cousin Introduce the family member to the other peopleIntroduce the family tree This is Harrys cousin.These are Harrys parents.Group work:Introduce the family members to other peopleCompetition:Compete with other groupsStep 4 Talk
46、ing about photosActivities Sentence patterns Communication goalDraw the photos Is this Harrys mother?Yes, it is. Get information from the third person.Pairwork: Introduce the photos to the partners. This isThat isThese areThose areGroupwork: Ask some questions about the photos Are these Harrys paren
47、ts?No, they arent.These are Annes parents.Step 5 SummaryList all the sentence patterns so that all the students know the target languages.教案點評:一環(huán)節(jié)設(shè)計思路:首先由學(xué)生熟悉的稱謂引入,將上節(jié)課的單詞進行系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí),為任務(wù)的完成做鋪墊。小組活動為個人的匯報作一個統(tǒng)計,由小組長主持,主要目的之一是促進學(xué)生之間的互相學(xué)習(xí)和合作,學(xué)會去傾聽和辨別,學(xué)會在集體中發(fā)表自己的意見;目的之二,學(xué)會關(guān)心別人,正確表達自己的喜好二課后反思:學(xué)生是活動的主體,課堂上大部分的時
48、間交給學(xué)生,教師的引導(dǎo)是關(guān)鍵。如何一層層的導(dǎo)入,由易至難的階梯狀任務(wù)何時引入,如何引入都是關(guān)鍵所在。同時要注意的是,學(xué)生活動之前的范例一定要明確清晰,要每個孩子都知道做什么和怎么做,活動才會順利的開展,學(xué)生才能在活動中有所得。在課堂設(shè)計上體現(xiàn)了任務(wù)型教學(xué)的主導(dǎo)思想,以任務(wù)貫穿教師教學(xué)和學(xué)生活動的各個環(huán)節(jié)。學(xué)生活動的目的明確,每個步驟教師都給出了活動所需的語言知識內(nèi)容,學(xué)生亦能準確的使用目標語言,在活動中學(xué)習(xí)掌握知識。第二課時教案示例Section ThreeTask Three Draw their own family treeTeaching aims 1. Use the languag
49、e in the true life.2. Learn to write the language structures.Import and difficult points How to use language in their lifeTeaching methods Listening and speaking; discussing and guessingTeaching apparatuses Tape recorder, pictures, cards, some pictures and photos.Teaching ProcessionDesigns for the c
50、lass Teachers activities Students activitiesRevision Is this your father?Is that your mother? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Leading Are they your parents? Yes, they are.Presentation Ask students to present their family treeAdd the words in the box to the family tree.Play the tape.Ask students to read the l
51、etter in 3a and then help them to write a letter to EmmaPair work Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell your partner about your pictureAsk them to show their letters and correct their mistakes.Help Ss finish 3b. Present their family tree in the group, and then in the classUse the language:
52、This is my father. His name isThis is my mother. Her name isFinish Ex 1 . Add the words in the box to the family tree.Ask students to listen again , and choose which pictures are Dace and Lin Hai talking about?Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emmas family. And then write a letter to EmmaRead their
53、 letter to the class.Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell their partner about their pictureTake out their family photo. Write an introduction about the people on the back of the photo.Homework Make their photo Album with some simple introduction.教案點評:整節(jié)課設(shè)計思路清晰,符合學(xué)生的認知能力和認知規(guī)律。導(dǎo)入自然,任務(wù)銜接較好,給
54、學(xué)生一個真實的大任務(wù),以小組為單位,在完成一系列的小任務(wù)的同時,完成大任務(wù),在完成任務(wù)的同時學(xué)會語言。課堂教學(xué)形式多樣,且以學(xué)生活動為主體;能關(guān)注學(xué)生的情感,整個過程以激勵評價為主,以評價促學(xué)生發(fā)展。由于新教材試教時間很短,對任務(wù)型教學(xué)研究還很不夠,學(xué)生在做匯報的時候,如何讓全體學(xué)生用心去聽,是一個急需重視的問題。Unit 4 Wheres my backpackPeriod 1教案示例教學(xué)目標 掌握關(guān)于房間和房間中各種物品的名稱學(xué)會用使用功能句表述事物的具體位置教學(xué)重點 Furniture: table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, drawer, chair, deskProposition: under, on, behind, next to, betweenDaily appliance: alarm clock, CD, video cassette, television1) Where is the baseball? Its in the backpack.2) Where is my computer game? Its under the bed.3) Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.Step
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