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1、同等學力英語真題高頻詞匯詳解一來源: 更新:2009-3-2 14:31:10 點擊次數(shù):5226同等學力英語真題高頻詞匯詳解一同等學力申請碩士學位英語考試1995-2006真題高頻詞匯詳解考前突破詞匯難關(guān)之對策詞匯在英語學習中的重要性自不待言,要想把英語學好,詞匯掌握少了是不可能的。為了幫助考生在考前有效突破這一難關(guān),特提出如下對策:一、區(qū)別不同要求,各個擊破“堡壘”同等學力考試分為口語交際、閱讀、翻譯、寫作、詞匯等專項測試。這些專項測試對詞匯數(shù)量、類型和掌握的熟練程度要求也是差別很大的??谡Z交際所要求的詞匯量不大,但要求熟練程度高。其中對人文教育、科學技術(shù)、生活口語、習語諺語等,必須做到“


3、筆“寫”熟。(4)對其它詞群則主要靠在練習中鞏固與消化。二、集中精力于難點,復(fù)用詞匯靠題練大綱規(guī)定同等學力應(yīng)試考生最低應(yīng)掌握5,300個英語詞匯和300個左右的常用動詞詞組。對其中的2,500個帶星號的復(fù)用詞要求熟練掌握。其學習重點已很明確。且在這2,500左右?guī)翘柕膹?fù)用詞中,其中中學學過的詞就有1,500多。要考的復(fù)用詞中真正生疏的也只有1,000個左右。下面把19952006這11年考題中經(jīng)??嫉降脑~匯列示如下:1.         a little     

4、        2. abolish              3. about4. abuse                       5. acceptable 

5、           6. access7. accident                8. accidentally          9. accomplish10. a ccordingly     

6、;         11. account for           12. account to13. account                  14. accumulate     &#

7、160;     15. accuse16. accustom               17. acknowledge         18. acknowledgment19.   acquaint          20.

8、 acquire          21. across22. act                         23. adapt           

9、                24. adopt25. advantage               26. advertisement     27. advise28.   advocate    &#

10、160;     29. affect            30. alarm31.   like                 32. alive          

11、;      33. alternatively34. amid                      35. amount to         36. amusement37. anticipation    &

12、#160;         38. anxiety             39. anxious40. appeal                 41. appearance     

13、         42. applicable43. apply                      44. appoint               

14、  45. approve46. arouse                   47. arrange                48. ascertain49. asset      

15、60;      50. assign           51. assistance52. associate                53. assure           &

16、#160;      54. attach55. attitude                  56. attribute               57. audible58. avail   

17、60;                  59. available               60. average61. award            

18、0;       62. awareness               63. beating64. be bound to               65. because of      &#

19、160;    66. believe67. beneficial               68. benefit                 69. better than70. blend      

20、;                      71. bravely             72. by means of 73. calm          

21、0;         74. care about           75. care for76. career                    77. carefully    

22、           78. celebration79. center             80. certainly             81. charge82. cheat      

23、                      83. chronic                      84. circulation85. circumstance

24、0;     86. classify                  87. clear88. clue                       89. coll

25、apse              90. collection91. collective               92. collect               

26、60;      93. combination94. come along                 95. come down           96. come out97. come over       

27、;              98. come true               99. commission100.       commitment          10

28、1. complaint             102. comparable103. complicate               104.       component        &#

29、160;     105. compound106. complete                     107. conceive               108. concentrate109. conce

30、rt                 110. concise                 111. conclusive112. conduct           

31、;     113. confidence            114. confident115. conform               116. confront           &#

32、160;   117. confuse118. connection              119. conquer                120. consider121. consideration       

33、122. contest                 123. continually124. contribute              125. contribution         126. convenient

34、127. conventional         128. convey                 129. cope with130. correspondingly   131. cover           

35、60;         132. create133. creative                134. crisis                    135. cr

36、ucial136. curious                 137. currency               138. cut down139. cut in          

37、0;        140. cut off                  141. cut out142. deception                143. decline  

38、;               144. decorate145. dedicate               146. deduce               &#

39、160;  147. define148. definite                149. delay                    150. deliberate151. deliberately   

40、;       152. delicate                153. dependable154. depression               155. derive     &#

41、160;             156. descend157. detach                  158. detain              &#

42、160;    159. detect160. determine              161. device                   162. devise163. different    

43、0;                164. dignity                  165. diligent166. diminish           

44、    167. disappear              168. disappoint169. dispatch               170. display          

45、60;       171. distinctive172. distinguish              173. diverse                 174. dominate175. donation  &#

46、160;            176. down                    177. easy178. effective             

47、0; 179. efficient               180. elaborate181. element               182. eliminate            &

48、#160;        183. emission184. emphasize              185. encounter             186. engagement187. enough     

49、60;           188. entertainment        189. enthusiastic190. establish               191. evaluate       

50、0;       192. evolution193. exchange                     194. excite                 

51、    195. excitement196. exotic                   197. expansion             198. expect199. expectation     &#

52、160;     200. experience            201. exploit202. explore                 203. exposure         &

53、#160;           204. extensive205. exterior                206. exterminate         207. extra bonus208. extra charge   

54、        209. extra price              210. extra tip211. facilitate                     212. fade

55、60;                           213. failed to214. understand           215. famous      

56、60;          216. favorable217. favorite                218. fear                   &

57、#160;  219. feasible220. field                            221. fill in               

58、      222. flow223. follow                   224. forbid                   225.  

59、0;    formal226. formulate              227. fortunately           228. freedom229. fulfill             &

60、#160;     230. function               231. funds232. furnish                 233. gigantic      

61、0;         234. go in for235. go out                  236. go over                 237. good238

62、. grateful                239. guarantee             240. happy241. hard               

63、60;     242. hard to                 243. hard to244. hard to                 245. hastens     

64、           246. have247. hazard                  248. helpful                 249. he

65、sitation250. hint                      251. hitting                  252. holiday253. hurting   

66、;             254. ideal                     255.       identical256.       iden

67、tification          257. identify                258. illuminate259. illustrate                 

68、;    260. magination           261. imagine262. imitate                 263. implement            26

69、4. import265. impose                 266. impression           267. impulse268. in addition to           269. in place&#

70、160;                   270. in return271. in spite of              272. in the long run       273. in turn274. inac

71、curate              275. nadequate            276. incentive277. incident                278. include

72、0;                279. income280. incredible              281. indispensable        282. individually283. induce  &

73、#160;               284. inefficient            285. influence286. infrequently         287.       ingred

74、ient           288. inhabit289. inherit                 290. nitially                 291.

75、       initiate292. initiative                     293. innovate               294. insight295. insp

76、ection              296. install                   297. integrate298. intellect           

77、    299. intellectual           300. intelligent301. intensify                     302. intention      &#

78、160;              303. intentional304. interactive              305. interest                30

79、6. interference307. interior                308. interruption         309. intervene310. interview               31

80、1. invent                  312. investigation313. irregularly              314. judgment          &#

81、160;   315. justify316. keep                    317. kill                       318.

82、kind319. knock                  320. label                     321. last322. lean on     &

83、#160;           323. legible                  324. less325. likely                

84、60;  326. limit                            327. light up328. live                

85、;      329. lively                    330. living331. local                    &

86、#160;       332. majority               333. make out334. make sense             335. make sure       

87、60;      336. make up337. manage                338. management        339. maximize340. mechanize           &

88、#160;  341. melt                            342. memorize343. memory               344. me

89、ntality             345. mention346. method                347. minimize               

90、60;     348. modernize349. morality               350. more than            351. motivate352. motivation        

91、60;     353. motive                  354. municipal355. name                   356. neglect  &#

92、160;              357.       nervously358. nervousness         359. network               360.

93、neutral361. normally                     362. number                363. objective364. obstacle     

94、           365. obtain                   366. on367. on the spot              368. oppose 

95、                 369. optimal370. optimism              371. optimistic          372. optional373. originate&#

96、160;                    374. other than           375. outlook376. overwhelm             

97、377. overwork              378. panic379. paraphrase              380. partially               381.

98、past382. pat                       383. penetrate             384. pension385. perceive       &

99、#160;       386. perception            387. peril388. persecute              389. personality         

100、60; 390. pessimistic391. petition                392.       pinch                    393. plan394. p

101、oint                    395. poise                    396. pollution397. popular     

102、           398. possible                399. practical400. precaution            401. predictable    

103、;       402. premium403. preside           404. prestige              405. presume406. primarily          

104、;    407. priority                 408. privilege409. problem               410. proclaim       

105、0;       411. produce412. proficient              413. profound              414. promise415. promote      

106、60;        416. prosecute             417. protect418. provincial              419. publication       

107、60;   420. punch421. punishment          422. put up with        423. qualification424. raise                    42

108、5. rarely                   426. rather427. rather than              428. reach           

109、          429. reasonable430. reception                     431. recommend        432. reduce433. refer   

110、;                 434. relax                    435. release436. relevant        

111、0;      437. reluctant                     438. remote439. render                  440. re

112、quest                 441. require442. requirement         443. research               444. reserve445. resolu

113、tion              446. resource               447. respectively448. response               

114、;      449. restrict                 450. retrieve   451. rivalry                  452. rotation 

115、60;              453. routine454. run against          455. run for                 456. run into457. run over

116、               458. rural                    459. safety460. salary           &#

117、160;       461. scatter                  462. search463. section                 464. select  &

118、#160;                465. sensible466. sentence                     467. separate       &#

119、160;       468. serial469. set                        470. shoot               &

120、#160;    471. shrug472. shrink                  473. sick                      474. sight475. s

121、imilar                 476. simply                  477. single478. solution          

122、;      479. specialty               480. specification481. specimen                     482. spoil &

123、#160;                   483. stab484. stack                    485. stand for      &#

124、160;              486. standard487. standardize           488. standpoint            489.start490. starve    &

125、#160;             491. stay                      492. steady493. stand up for          494

126、. storage                 495. strategy496. strike                   497. study        

127、60;          498. suppose499. survival                500. suspect                 501. suspend502.

128、suspension              503. sympathetic          504. temper505. temptation              506. tension    

129、;             507. terminate508. testify                  509. think about          510. think for511. think o

130、ut            512. think over            513. think514. together               515. take after    &#

131、160;        516. take in517. take off                518. take on                519. take out520. take over &

132、#160;                   521. take up                 522. touch523. track         

133、60;          524. traditionally         525. transaction526. transfer               527. transient        

134、;             528.       transition529. translate                     530. transmission    

135、;    531. transmit532. transplant              533. transportation       534. trap535. trigger                

136、 536. turn up                537. understand538. unevenly                     539. unfamiliar     &#

137、160;      540. unfavorable541. unfortunately        542. unique                 543. unity544. unnecessarily        

138、0;     545. unsteadily            546. unwell547. up                        548. up to    

139、             549. upset550. used                            551. use up     

140、0;               552. valuable553. value                    554. vanish          

141、0;       555. variety556. verify                   557. very                    

142、        558. via559. volume                 560. voluntary             561. weaken562. weigh     

143、60;            563. wise                      564. with565. witness            &

144、#160;    566. worry                   567. worsen568. would                   569. wound   

145、;               570. zealous通過以上的小統(tǒng)計可以看出,過去年考卷中詞匯部分所考到的重點詞匯集中在常用動詞(包括短語動詞)、常用名詞、形容詞詞組、副詞,還有少量的介副詞性小品詞。這些都是英語詞匯中最活躍的詞匯。由過去可推知未來,今后的命題也還會沿用這個宗旨??忌裟馨炎约旱木性谶@類復(fù)用詞匯上,復(fù)習效果肯定能夠提高較快。對待這些復(fù)用詞匯,單純靠“背”是解決不了問題的,而要在大量的練習中掌握之。同等學力英語1995-2006真題

146、高頻詞匯詳解三三 95-06年真題高頻詞匯 A    同義詞、近義詞替代、辨析 access n.通路,訪問,入門 vt. 存取,接近             approach, close to Finding out about these universities has become easy

147、0;for anyone with Internet _. A. entrance           B. admission            C. access           

148、;   D. entry (2003考題)  accidentally adv. 偶然地,意外地                           casually, unexpectedly  While shopp

149、ing in a department store, I _left my purse lying on a counter of handbags. A. initially                   B. fortunately

150、0;   C. frustratedly           D. accidentally(1995) accomplish vt.完成,達到,實現(xiàn)                      achieve,

151、 complete, fulfill  Computers will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken. (1997) A.implement        &

152、#160;        B. render           C. assign                   D. complete account for 

153、v.說明,戰(zhàn),解決,得分                          explain, make out, say, show, The cashier was asked to _every penny of t

154、he money that he took care of. A. account to                 B. use up               C.

155、60;amount to     D. account for (1995) The fruit _more than half the countrys annual exports. according to a recent report. A. accounts for       

156、;   B. stands for    C. provides for          D. makes for(2006)  on account of  adv.            

157、60;                               Because of  I would recommend this inn highly on account of&#

158、160;its wonderful location. (2004) A. as a result of                             B. because of  

159、0;                    C. with regard to                         &

160、#160;         D. with a view to  address n.地址,致辭,演說 vt.向 致辭,演說               speaking , speech The dean cant see

161、60;you at the moment. He is addressing the first-year students in the lecture hall. A. complaining to    B. arguing with       C. speaking to D.&

162、#160;consulting with (2002) adverse adj. 不利的,敵對的,相反的               bad,disadvantageous,unfavorable Because of adverse weather conditions, the travelers stopped to

163、60;camp.  A. local                  B. unfamiliar                C. good      &#

164、160;               D. unfavorable(2001) advertisement n.廣告                          &

165、#160;      ad.   commercial, The television station is supported by _from foundations and other sources. A. donations          B. advertisements&

166、#160;C. pensions           D. accounts (1999) advocate    vt. 提倡,鼓吹                       

167、    call for, preach, encourage Professor Wu traveled and lectured throughout the country to _education and professional skills so that women could enter the public 

168、world.     A. prosecute                                        B. acqu

169、ire     C. advocate                                         D. pr

170、oclaim (2000)afflunent       adj.富裕的,富足的                                    

171、0;  rich, wealthy  In general, the British people belong to one of the more affluent countries of Europe and enjoy a high standard of living compared to the rest of


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