



1、英國文學(xué)Part 1. Old and medievalBeowulf 貝爾武甫(the national epic of the English people) stricking feature: alliteration, meta phors and understatements.William Langland 威兼。蘭格倫Piers the Plowman 耕者皮爾斯Geoffrey Chaucer 杰 佛利 喬叟1340-1400長詩:The House of Fame 聲譽之堂;Troilus and Criseyde 特羅勒斯與克麗西德小說:Canterbury Tales

2、坎特伯雷故事集-英國文學(xué)史上現(xiàn)實主義第一部杰作(他是最早有人文主義思想的作家,現(xiàn)實主義文學(xué)的奠基人)his contribution to English p oetry: introduced from france the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the heroic coupi et), is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. Who making the dialect of London the standard for the modern

3、 English sp eech.Part 2. The English renaissanceThomas More 托馬斯。莫爾Utopia烏托幫Philip Sidney 菲力普。錫德尼Astro phel and StellaApo logy for Poetry 詩辯Edmond Spenser 埃德蒙。斯賓塞The Faerie Queene 仙后 The Shepherds s Calen牧羊人日歷Francis Bacon 培根1561-1626Advancement of Learning 學(xué)術(shù)的進展;Novum Organum 新工具;New Atlantic 新大西 島;

4、Essays 論文集(Of Studies 論學(xué)習(xí);Of Wisdom for a Man s Se)The founder of English materialist p hilos ophyChrist op her Marlowe克里斯托夫。馬洛Tamburlaine鐵木耳大帝 Dr.Faustus浮士德的悲劇 The Jew of Malta 馬耳他的猶太 人The Passionate Shepherd多情的牧羊人致情人William Shakes peare 莎士比亞 1564-1616The Tempest 暴風(fēng)風(fēng)雨;The Two Gentlemen of Veronaz 維

5、羅納二紳士 ;The Mercy Wives of Windsor 溫莎的風(fēng)流婦人;Measure for Measure 惡有惡報;The Comedy of Errors 錯中錯;Much Ado about Nothing無事自擾;Love s Labour 空愛一場;AMidsummer Night s DreawK夜之夢;The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人;As You_ike It 如愿;The Taming of the Shrew 馴悍記;All s Well That Ends W(皆大歡 喜;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Winter

6、s Tai冬天的故事;The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henry the Fifth/Richard the Third約翰王 /理查二世 /亨利五世 /理查三世;The First/Second Part of King Henry the Fourth亨利四世(上、下) ;The First/Second/Third Part of King Henry the Sixth亨利六世(上、中、下);TheLife of King Henry the Eighth亨利八世;Troilus and Cressida 脫愛勒斯與

7、克萊西達;The Tragedy of Coriolanus考利歐雷諾斯;Titus Andronicus 泰特斯 安莊尼克斯;Romeo and Julet 羅密歐與朱麗葉;Timon of Athens 雅典的泰門;The Life andDeath of Julius Caesar;朱利阿斯 凱撒;The Tragedy of Macbeth 麥克白;The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子復(fù)仇記;King Lear李爾王;Othello奧塞羅;Antony and Cleopatra安東尼與克利歐佩特拉 ;Cymbeline辛白林;Pericles波里克利斯;Venus

8、 and Adonis維諾斯 阿都尼斯;Lucrece露克利斯;The Sonnets十四行詩The Great Comedies: A Midsummer Night s Dream夏夜之夢;TheMercha nt of Ven ice威尼斯商人;As You Like It 如愿;Twelfth Night第十二夜;The Great Tragedies: The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/ 王子復(fù)仇記;Othello奧塞羅 King Lear 李爾王;The Tragedy of Macbeth麥克白;The Later Comedies(romances): Per

9、icles波里克利斯;Cymbeline 辛白林;The Win ter s TO冬天 的故事;The Temp est 暴風(fēng)風(fēng)雨;Part 3. The English Bourgeois revolution p eriodJohn Milton約翰彌爾 頓 1608-1674L Allegro樂的人;Il Penseroso 沉思的人;Comus科馬斯;Lycidas列西達 斯;Areopagitica 論出版自由;Pro Populo Anglicano Defense 為英國人民聲辯;Pro Populo Anglicano Defense Secunda 再為英國人民聲辯 ;Par

10、adise Lost 失樂 園;Paradise Regained 復(fù)樂園;Samson Agonistes 力士參孫John Bunyan 班揚1628-1688The Pilgrim sPas天路歷程;The Life and Death of Mr Badman培德曼先生的一生John Donne 約翰。多恩Songs and SonnetsDevotions upon emergent Occasions(The founder of the Meta physical school of p oetry)John DrydenAll for Love Antony and Cleop

11、 atraAn Essay of Dramatic Po esyPart 4. The eighteenth CenturyJose ph Addison 艾迪生詩:The Campaign 遠征;劇本:Cato加圖名文;Adventure of A shilling 一先令的歷險Richard Steele 理查 德 斯梯爾1672-1729The Christian Hero 基督教徒的英雄 名文:The Spectator Club 旁觀者俱樂部Alexander Pope 蒲柏1688-1744Pastorals 田園詩集;An Essay on Criticism 批評論;Winds

12、or Forest 溫莎林;The Rape of the Lock 卷發(fā)遇劫記;The Duncial 愚人志;Moral Essays 道德論;An Essay on Man 人 論;E pi stle to Dr Arbuthnot 與阿布斯諾博士書Jonathan Swift 斯威夫 特 1667-1745The Battle of Books 書的戰(zhàn)爭;A Tale of A Tub 一個木桶的故事;The Drapier s L布商的書信;A Modest Proposal 個溫和的建議;Guilliver s Trave格列佛游記(AettersVoyage to Lilli p

13、u t/Brobdingnag/La puta,Balnibarbi,Luggnagg,Glubbdubdriba andJapan/The Country of the Houyhnhnms小人國/大人國/拉普他等地/智馬國游記)Danniel Defoe 丹尼 爾 迪福1660-1731(標志著近代英國小說的形成)Hymn to the Pillory 枷刑頌;Robinson Crusoe 魯賓孫飄流記;Captain Singleton 辛格 頓船長;Moll Flanders莫爾弗蘭德斯;A Journal of the Plague Year 大疫年日記Samuel Richard

14、son 理查遜Pamela 帕美拉 Clarissa Harlowe 克拉瑞莎Sir Charles Grandison 格蘭迪生Henry Fielding 亨 利 菲爾丁 1707-1754咖啡屋政客;Don Quixote in England 堂 吉訶德在 英國;The Historical Register for the Year 歷史記事劇本: The Coffeehouse Politician(英國現(xiàn)實主義小說 的奠基者)長篇小說: The History of the Adventures of Jose ph Andrews,and of His Friend MrAbr

15、aham Adams 約瑟 安德魯傳;The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild the Great 大偉人江奈 生 魏爾德傳;The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling 湯姆 瓊斯;Amelia阿美利亞Richard BringsleySheridan理查德。謝立丹The School for Scsanda 造謠學(xué)校 The Rivals 情敵Samuel Johnson 塞繆 爾 約翰生1709-1784A Dictionary of the Engligh Language 英語語言辭典 ;Lives of Poets 詩人傳;Vanity

16、of Human Wishes人類欲望的虛幻;Rasselas拉塞勒斯名文:Letter to Lord Chesterfield給吉士菲爾伯爵的信Oliver Goldsmith 哥爾 斯密 1728-1774he Vicar of Wakefield威克菲爾德牧師傳;The Citizen of the World世界公民;TheDeserted 荒村;She Stoops to Conquer 屈身求愛Thomas Gray 托馬斯。格雷Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 墓園挽歌William Blake 布萊克1757-1827Poetical

17、 Sketches 素描詩集;Songs of Innocence天真之歌;Songs of Experience經(jīng)驗之歌 The French Revolution 法國革命;The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 天堂與 地獄的婚姻;America;Milton;Jerusalem名詩:London;The TigerRobert Burns 彭斯Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect蘇格蘭方言詩集1759-1796名詩:The Tree of Liberty 自由村;Scots Wha-Hae 蘇格蘭人;The Two Dogs

18、 兩只 狗;Holy Willie s Pray威利長老的祈禱;My Heart s in the Highlands我的心呀在高原;A Red,Red Rose 一朵紅紅的玫瑰 John Anderson 約翰 安德生,My Jo;A Man s A Man for A T不管身在何處都須保持尊嚴;Robert Bruces March to BannockburnPart 5. Romanticism in EnglandWilliam Wordsworth威廉華茲華斯An Evening Walk黃昏漫步;Lyrical Ballads抒情歌謠集(與柯勒律治合編);LucyPoems 露

19、西組詩(She Dwett Among the Untrodden Ways;To the Cuckoo 杜鵑頌;l1770-1850Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;The Solitary Reaper 孤寂的刈麥人);Ode on Intimations of Immorality 不朽頌;Ode to Duty 義務(wù)頌;The Excursion 遠足;The Prelude 序曲Samuel TaylorColeridge柯勒律治1772-1834_yrical Ballads;The Fall of the Bastille巴士底獄的毀滅;The Rime of

20、 the AncientMariner 老船夫;Kubla Khan 忽必烈汗;Biographia Literaria 文學(xué)傳記Robert Southey 騷塞Joan of Arc Wat TylerGeorge Gordon Byron 喬治 拜倫1788-1824Hours of Idliness 懶散的時刻;English Bords and Scottish Reviewers英國詩人與蘇格蘭評論家;Childe Harold s Pilgrimage,Cantos I and II,Canto III 1818 恰羅德 哈羅德 游記;Ode to the Framers of

21、the Frame-bill編織機法案編制者頌;Oriental Tales 東方敘事詩 仃he Bride of Abydos 阿比道斯的新娘;The Corsa 海盜;The Siege of Corinth 柯林斯之圍);Manfred曼弗雷德;The Age of Bronze 青銅世紀;Don Juan唐 璜名詩:She Walks in Beauty;The Isles of GreecePercy Bysshe Shelley 波西比希雪萊1792-1822Queen Mab麥布女王;Prometheus Unbound 解放了的普羅米修斯;Adonais阿東尼 斯;The Ce

22、nci 欽契;Song to the Men of England致英國人民;England in 1819;TheMasque of Anarchy 專制魔王的化裝游行;Ode to the West Wind/a Skylark西風(fēng) /云雀頌;A Defence of Poetry 詩辯John Keats約翰濟茲1795-1821Endymion恩底彌翁;Isabella伊莎貝拉;The Eve of Sanit Agnes 圣愛尼節(jié)前夜;Ode on a Grecian Urn 希臘古甕頌;Ode to a Nightingale 夜鶯頌;To Autumn 秋頌;Hyperion 赫

23、披里昂(未完成)20、Charles Lamb 查 爾斯 蘭姆1775-1834Tales from Shakespeare 莎士比亞故事集 ;Alburn Verses 詩集;Essay of Elia 伊利亞散 文集(Dream Children 夢中兒女;A Dissertation unpon Roast Pig 烤豬論;Old China 古 瓷;New Year s Eve除夕;The Praise of Chimney Sweepers 掃煙囪童工贊;TheSuperannuated Man 領(lǐng)取養(yǎng)老金的人;A Bachelor s CompJrfittte Behavior o

24、fMarried Peopie單身漢對結(jié)過婚的人的行為的抱怨)Walter Scott 瓦爾 特 司各特1771-1832詩:The Minstrlsy of the Scottish Border蘇格蘭邊區(qū)歌謠集;Marimion 瑪里恩;The_ady of the Lake 湖上夫人小說: Waverley 威弗利;Guy Mannering 蓋 曼納令;Rob Roy 羅布羅伊;The Heart of Midlothian 米德洛西恩監(jiān)獄;Ivanhoe 艾凡赫;Kenilworth 坎尼爾華斯;Woodstock皇 家獵館;Queentin Durward 昆廷達沃Part 6.

25、English Critical RealismThomas Hood 胡德1799-1845The Song of the Shirt 襯衫之歌;The Bridge of Sighs 悲嘆之橋;Miss Kilmansegg andHer Precious Leg基爾曼塞格小姐和她貴重的腿Ernest Jones 瓊斯1819-1869小說:The Women s Wrongs 婦女們的委屈名詩: The Song of the Lower Class;The Song of the FutureCharles Dickens 狄更he Posthumous Papers of the P

26、ickwick Club匹克威克外傳;Oliver Twist 奧利弗 退斯 1812-1870斯特;American Notes 美國札記;Martin Chuzzlewit 馬丁 朱述爾維特;The OldCuriosity Shop 老古玩店;Dombey and Son 董貝父子;David Copperfield 大衛(wèi) 科波菲 爾;Hard Times 艱難時世;A Tale of Two Cities 雙城記;Great Expectation 遠大前程WilliamMake peaceThackery 薩克雷1811-1863The Book of Snobs 勢利者集;Vani

27、ty Fair 名利場;History of Pendennis 潘丹尼斯的歷 史;The History of Henry Esmond 亨利 艾斯芒的歷史;The Newcomes 紐可謨一 家;The Virginians 弗吉尼亞人Jane Austin 簡奧斯丁1775-1817Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見;Sense and Sensibility 理智與情感;Emma 愛 瑪;Mansfield Park 曼斯菲爾德公園;Persuasion好事多磨;Northanger Abbey 諾桑覺 寺Charlote/Emily/AnneBronte夏洛蒂/愛米麗

28、安妮勃郎特1816-1855Jane Eyre 簡愛;Shirley 雪麗 /Wuthering Height 呼嘯山莊 /Agones Grey艾格尼斯格雷Elizabeth CleghornGaskell蓋斯凱爾1810-1865Mary Barton 瑪麗 巴頓;Ruth 露斯;Cranford 克蘭弗德;North and South 北與南;Life of Charlote Bronte夏洛蒂勃郎特傳George Eliot 愛略特(Mary AnnEvans) 1819-1880Adam Bede亞當(dāng) 貝德;The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊;Silas

29、Marner織工馬 南;Middlemarch 米德爾馬契;Felix Holt,the RadicalPart 7. P rose-writers & Po ets of the Mid & Late 19th centuryThomas Carlyle 卡萊 爾 1795-1881Sartor Resartus 衣裳哲學(xué) / 舊衣新裁;The Life of Schiller 席勒傳;The French Revolution;Heroes and Hero-worshi p論英雄與英雄崇拜Afred Tennyson 丁尼 生 1809-1892Poems of Two Brothers

30、 壎篪;Timbuctoo 提姆巴克圖;The Pricess 公主;In Memoriam H H悼念哈拉姆;Maud 毛黛;Enoch Arden 伊諾克 阿登;ldylls of theKing國王之歌名詩:Ulysses;The Eagle;Break,Break,BreakRobert Browning 勃 朗寧 1812-1889Paracelsus 巴拉塞爾士 ;Strafford 斯特拉福;Pippa Passes 比芭走過;Dramatic Lyrics 戲劇抒情詩;Dramatic Romances and Lyrics戲劇傳奇與抒情詩 (Homehoughts;From

31、Abroad;Prospice向前看);Dramatic Personae 登場人物;Men andWomen男男女女Elizabeth BarrelBrowning 1806-1861Sonnets from the Portuguese葡萄牙十四行詩 ;The Cry of the ChildrenWilliam Morris 莫里斯1834-1896詩:The Earthly Paradise 地上樂園;Chants of Socialism 社會主義歌集;Pilgrims ofTope希望的探求者小說:A Dream of John Ball夢見給翰 保爾;News from Nowh

32、er烏有鄉(xiāng)消息William Hazlitt 威兼赫茲里特1778-1830Characters of Shakespeare莎劇中的人物;A View of the English Stage 英國舞臺一瞥;Lecture on the English Poets 論英國詩人;The Spirit of the Age 時代精 神;Sketches and Essays 素描與隨筆;Table Talk桌邊文談名文:On Familiar StyleGeorge Gissing 吉辛1857-1903小說:Demos 民眾;New Crub Srreet 新窮士街;Born in Eile

33、在流放中誕生;The Private Pap ers of Henry Ryecroft拉伊克羅夫特的日記(散文);Charles Dickens:A CriticalStudy狄更斯研究Robert CouisStevenson史蒂文生1850-1894小說: New Arabian Nights 新天方夜譚 ;Treasure Island寶島;The Strange Case ofDr Jeykell and Mr Hyde 化身博士 ;Kidnapped 誘拐游記: An Inland Voyage 內(nèi)陸游記;Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes騎

34、驢旅行;A Child s Garden of Verses兒童詩園Oscar Wilde 王爾德1856-1900長篇小說:The Picture of Dorian Gray 道林 格雷的畫像童話:The Happy Prince and Other Tales快樂王子詩集:De Prafundis 慘痛的呼聲;The Ballad of Reading Gaol 累丁獄之歌劇作:Lady Windermere s Fan 溫德米爾夫人的扇子;A Woman of No Importance 個無足輕重的婦女;An Ideal Husband 理想丈夫;The Importance of

35、Being Earnest 埃 耐斯特的重要性20 th century English literatureJose ph RudyardKip ling羅德雅德吉卜 林 1865-1936詩集:Barrak Room Ballad 營房詩集;The Seven Seas 七海;Recession and OtherPoems贊美詩及其他;The Five Nations 五國長篇小說:Kim基姆;Captain Courageous勇敢的船長短篇小說:P lain Tales from the Hills;Soldiers There;The Story of the Gadsby;Lif

36、eHandcap 生命的阻力;The Jungle Book;The Second Jungle Book林莽之書;The Lost_egionSamuel Butler 勃特勒1835-1902The Way of All Flesh 如此人生;Erewhon 埃瑞璜;Erewhon Revisited 重游埃瑞璜Jose ph Conrad 康拉德1859-1924長篇小說:Almayer s Folly奧爾邁耶的愚蠢;The Nigger of the Narcissus 水仙號上的 黑鬼;Lord Jim 吉姆老爺;Nostromo 諾斯特羅莫;The Secret Agent 間諜;

37、Chance機 緣;Victory勝利短篇小說:An Out post of P rogress文明的前哨;Heart of Darkness 黑暗的中心;Youth 青春Henry JamesDaisy MillerThe p ortrait of a LadyThe Wings of the DoveTheambassadors The Golden BowlThomas Hardy 哈代1840-1928Under the Greenwood Tree 綠茵下;Far from the Madding Crowd 遠離塵囂;The Return of the Native 還鄉(xiāng);The

38、Mayor of Casterbridge 卡斯特橋市長 ;Tess of the D urbervillesi伯家的苔絲;Jude the Obscure 無名的裘德詩集:Wessex Poems 威塞克斯詩集史詩?。篢he Dynasts統(tǒng)治者三部曲John Galworthy 高爾 斯華綏1867-1933George Bernard Shaw 蕭伯納1856-1950長篇小說:An Unsocial Socialist 業(yè)余社會主義者評論:Quintessence of Ibsenism劇本:Widoer s Houses鰥夫的房產(chǎn);Mrs Warren s Profession華倫夫人的職業(yè) TheDevil s Disciple鬼的門徒;Man and Superman 人與超人;John Bull s Other Island 英國佬的另一個島;Major Barbara 巴巴拉少校;Pygmalion劈克美梁;HeartbreakHouse 傷心之家;The Apple Cart 蘋果車;T


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