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1、English Learning 1陽山書屋cEnglish Learning1. The Importance of English Learning2. Language and Culture3. English Learning Five Basic Skills grammar vocabulary Some Suggestions on Learning English 4. Teaching Plan 6. Your Scores5. Teaching Mode2陽山書屋cLanguage and Culture1. Introduction2. Three sources of

2、 Chinese culture3. Three sources of Western culture4. Culture difference and English learning3陽山書屋c The Importance of English Learning(1) Identity (International language)(2) Why do we learn English? (Many reasons) a. Educational reason b. Culture communication (globalization) c. Digital age d. Econ

3、omic reason e. Political reasonBack4陽山書屋c Language and Culture 11. Introduction What is language? It is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols for human communication. (The symbols are arbitrary at first, but they are also established by usage and accepted by practice. 具有約定俗成性) The history of English a

4、s a language What is culture? What is the relationship between the two? carrier/rootBack5陽山書屋c Language and Culture 22. Three sources of Chinese culture: a. Confucianism (Confucius 孔子)(Spring and Autumn Dynasty) 孔孟(Mencius) 仁 benevolence (仁者愛人) 禮 中庸之道 b. Taoism (Taoist) -Han Dynasty 無為(doing nothing

5、)順其自然naturalness Laozi道德經 Zhuangzi 逍遙游 c. Buddhism (Buddha) (Sakyamuni) Tang Dynasty 因果報應 In Wei,Jin and South-and-North Dynasty, they three co-existed in China and formed a tripartite confrontation (三足鼎立).Back6陽山書屋cLanguage and Culture 33. Three sources of Western culture: (1) Greek culture (Greece

6、): (2) Roman culture (Latin) (3) Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯來語) Biblical cultureBack7陽山書屋c (1) Greek culture (Greece): mythology and legend philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Literature: Homer Epics; Tragedies the cradle of Olympic Games 3. Three sources of Western cultureBack8陽山書屋c(2) Roman cult

7、ure (Latin)古羅馬通常指從公元前9世紀初在意大利半島中部興起的文明,歷羅馬王政時代、羅馬共和國,于1世紀前后擴張成為橫跨歐洲、亞洲、非洲的龐大羅馬帝國。到395年,羅馬帝國分裂為東西兩部。西羅馬帝國亡于476年。東羅馬帝國(即拜占廷帝國)變?yōu)榉饨▏遥?453年為奧斯曼帝國所滅。傳說根據(jù)傳說,當特洛伊城遭到希臘人進攻的時候,維納斯女神的兒子埃涅阿斯及其追隨者逃出來,沿北非西行穿過迦太基,來到羅馬。羅馬人對世界文化所作出的最為重要的貢獻就是保存了希臘和中東地區(qū)的文化成果。羅馬人在廣泛吸收四鄰各族優(yōu)秀文化成果,特別是古代希臘人的卓越文化成就的基礎上,根據(jù)本國社會、經濟、政治發(fā)展的需要,創(chuàng)

8、造了自己獨特的文化,為世界文化增添了新的內容。羅馬法影響:“羅馬曾三次征服世界,第一次是以武力,第二次是以宗教,第三次是以法律,而這第三次征服也許是其中最為平和、最為持久的征服”。 For more3. Three sources of Western culture9陽山書屋c在政治文化方面,羅馬出現(xiàn)了以下比較重要的人物: 1. 愷撒他是古代羅馬政治家、軍事家。他在文學方面也頗有建樹。傳世之作有高盧戰(zhàn)記、內戰(zhàn)記。對于他,我們要記住一句名言:也就是 “I came, I saw, I conquered.” 2.西賽羅 他是古羅馬政治家、哲學家和最重要的演說家。主要成就在演說詞和書信。 3.

9、維吉爾 他是羅馬文學中最重要的作家。代表作品是阿尼德。 建筑藝術在建筑、藝術方面,羅馬人也做出了突出的貢獻。如:圓形大劇場和建于公元前27年的羅馬萬神殿以及女狼雕塑等。 羅馬精神質樸渾厚、講究實效的民族特性,崇尚美德、忠勇衛(wèi)國、甘于犧牲的愛國精神,嚴明紀律、注重秩序的法治觀念,羅馬政治文化的影響是持久而深刻的。(廣泛性、潛在性、變移性) For more10陽山書屋cThe Middle Age 中世紀(Middle Ages)(約公元476年公元1453年),是歐洲歷史上的一個時代(主要是西歐),自西羅馬帝國滅亡(公元476年)數(shù)百年后起,在世界范圍內,封建制度占統(tǒng)治地位的時期,直到文藝復興

10、時期(公元1453年)之后,資本主義抬頭的時期為止?!爸惺兰o”一詞是15世紀后期的人文主義者開始使用的。這個時期的歐洲沒有一個強有力的政權來統(tǒng)治。封建割據(jù)帶來頻繁的戰(zhàn)爭,造成科技和生產力發(fā)展停滯,人民生活在毫無希望的痛苦中,所以中世紀或者中世紀早期在歐美普遍被稱作“黑暗時代”,傳統(tǒng)上認為這是歐洲文明史上發(fā)展比較緩慢的時期。 Back11陽山書屋c(3) Hebraic culture (Hebrew 希伯來語) a. Bible/Biblical stories: b. Creation c. Original Sin d. Flood e. Noahs ark d. Babel Tower3

11、. Three sources of Western cultureBack12陽山書屋cLanguage and Culture 44. Culture difference and English learning a. custom: fortune, marriage, age, income and so on b. culture loaded words: Color words: red, white Animal words: dragon, dog Number:13, 星期五;6,8,9Back13陽山書屋cVocabulary1 Affix: prefix, suffi

12、x2 Associative method umbrella 雨傘;(聲音聯(lián)想“俺們不來了”;意義聯(lián)想“下雨雨傘”) envelope 信封;(聲音聯(lián)想安慰老婆;意義聯(lián)想寫信信封)bullet 子彈;(聲音聯(lián)想不理它;意義聯(lián)想子彈來了我不理它)coffin 棺材;(聲音聯(lián)想靠墳;意義聯(lián)想靠在墳邊的是什么?棺材)ferment 酵母;(聲音聯(lián)想發(fā)饅頭;意義聯(lián)想發(fā)饅頭需要什么?酵母3 Semantic relationship/meaning compound words: outlook, overcome, stepmother synonym: possibly, probably, mig

13、ht, maybe antonym: clear-vague; large-small; pleasant-unpleasant4 Context5 Learning by ? (heart, context, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)14陽山書屋cFive Basic Skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Speaking4. Writing5. Translating15陽山書屋cListening (1)Listening is a most challenging task fo

14、r college students, but it is very important in all kinds of examinations, e.g. CET4, CET6 (2)How to improve our listening skill? a. confidence (enjoy losing your face) b. do more listening intensive listening: text book extensive listening: VOA, BBC, Songs, Films, Crazy English c. do more imitating

15、 (read after tapes) d. pronunciation, intonationBack16陽山書屋cReadinga. Intensive reading b. Extensive readingc. Fast readingBack17陽山書屋cSpeaking(1) in the classroom: debate, discussion, free talk, telling stories(2) out of classroom: find a partner, in group English corner Back18陽山書屋cWritinga. Vocabula

16、ryb. Grammarc. Recitingd. Practicee. HandwritingF. Accumulation Back19陽山書屋cTranslatingGrowth When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice it is small, but we do not criticize it as “rootless and stemless”. We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it fi

17、rst shoots up out of the earth, we dont condemn it as immature and underdeveloped, nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place, and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.The rose is a rose from the time

18、it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.A flower is not better when it blooms than when it is merely a bud; at each stage it i

19、s the same thinga flower in the process of expressing its potential. 參考譯文20陽山書屋cTeaching Plan in This TermIntensive reading Section A (4 periods) Exercises (2 periods)Extensive (1-2 periods)Fast reading (1 period)Assignment21陽山書屋cYour Scores1 Preview=10%2 Daily scores (assignments)=10%3 Mid term sco

20、re=20%4 Final exam=60% If we do not have midterm exam, the score of final exam will take up 70%22陽山書屋cThank you!23陽山書屋c English is the one of the most widely spoken native languages in the world, and in terms of sheer number of speakers, it is the most spoken official languagein the world. It is the

21、 primary language used in international affairs. The English language has official status even in nations where it is not the primary spokenLanguage. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade and commerce. In many countries, most tourism authorities and other officials incontact w

22、ith the public speak English to interact and engage with tourists and immigrants. It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to anotheruse it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for h

23、elp byradio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the worlds radio broad casts and 70 percent of the worlds mail uses English. At international sportsmeets and international meetings of scientists, English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used. The Status of EnglishBack24陽

24、山書屋cWhat is culture? The word culture is most commonly used in three basic senses:1) excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture 2) an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon o learning 3) the set of shared attitudes, values,

25、goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group. For more25陽山書屋c文化的概念文化是一個非常廣泛的概念,給它下一個嚴格和精確的定義是一件非常困難的事情。不少哲學家、 社會學家、 人類學家、歷史學家和語言學家一直努力,試圖從各自學科的角度來界定文化的概念。然而,迄今為止仍沒有獲得一個公認的、令人滿意的定義。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,有關 “文化” 的各種不同的定義至少有二百多種。籠統(tǒng)地說,文化是一種社會現(xiàn)象,是人們長期創(chuàng)造形成的產物。同時又是一種歷史現(xiàn)象,是社會歷史的積淀物。確切地說,文化是指一

26、個國家或民族的歷史、地理、風土人情、傳統(tǒng)習俗、生活方式、文學藝術、行為規(guī)范、思維方式、價值觀念等。 For more26陽山書屋c文化的概念現(xiàn)代漢語詞典上的解釋: 1.人類在社會歷史發(fā)展過程中所創(chuàng)造的物質財富和精神財富的總和,特指精神財富,如文學、藝術、教育、科學等。 2.考古學用語,指同一個歷史時期的不以分布地點為轉移的遺跡、遺物的綜合體。同樣的工具、用具、制造技術等是同一種文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龍山文化。 3.運用文字的能力及一般知識:學習文化、文化水平。廣義和狹義的文化概念 廣義:人類在社會歷史發(fā)展過程中所創(chuàng)造的物質財富和精神財富的總和。特指社會意識形態(tài)。在階級社會中,文化是階級斗爭的

27、武器。一定文化(當作觀念形態(tài)的文化)是一定社會的政治和經濟的反映,又給予偉大影響和作用于一定社會的政治和經濟,從洪秀全的金田起義、康梁的維新變法、何子淵的教育革新,再到孫中山的民主革命無一不是推動社會向前發(fā)展的動力。 狹義:指意識形態(tài)所創(chuàng)造的精神財富,包括宗教、信仰、風俗習慣、道德情操、學術思想、文學藝術、科學技術、各種制度等。 Back27陽山書屋c13和星期五為何不吉利?西方人就很是忌諱“13”,同時也忌諱“星期五”,要是“13日”這一天正好趕上“星期五”,則被認為更不吉利,稱之為“黑色星期五”。有很多的西方人忌諱“13”,原因是,按照迷信的說法,只要到每月的13日這一天,12個巫婆(wi

28、tch)都要舉行狂歡夜會,第13個魔鬼撒旦就會在夜會高潮時出現(xiàn),給人們帶來災難。因此,西方人不僅忌諱“13”日,也忌諱有“13”數(shù)字。典型的例子就是:西方許多樓房都沒有第13層。 很多西方人也忌諱“星期五”。圣經說,上帝創(chuàng)造了第一個男人-亞當后,從他身上取下一根肋骨又造了一個女人-夏娃。據(jù)說,亞當是在星期五被造出來的,他和夏娃吃禁果也在星期五,他倆死的日子也是星期五,亞當和夏娃的兒子該隱也是在“黑色星期五”殺死了他的弟弟亞伯。 傳說,猶太教(Judaism)以星期五日落到星期六日落為休息日,稱為安息日(Sabbath)。 英國從前常常在星期五處死罪犯、因此星期五有時也叫“絞刑日”。Back28

29、陽山書屋cTake a Break from Work: One-Year Sabbatical to Travel Do you secretly thought of what you think is a great project: a long journey? A gap year is just for you, to see the end of the world. Bid farewell to the daily routines. With a little planning and a maximum of passion for life, this great d

30、ream can come true, without being too complicated or expensive! Who has not dreamed to temporarily leave work, family, friends - and all obligations that are intimately connected - to go on an adventure? Far, very far at the other end of the world.參考譯文Back29陽山書屋cLearn to say NOSaying no is not in it

31、self a very difficult task. It relates everything that is in our minds with this little word, which makes it so difficult to pronounce. Before you learn to say no, you must first identify the nature of the thoughts that accompany the word. You say yourself If I say no, others will discredit me and n

32、ot call me anymore or I always say yes so that others will like me? If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard. To rectify this, a strategy is to ask yourself if your conclusions are realistic and that will make you to really use it. The mere aware

33、ness of your thoughts will excessively help you to be free. 參考譯文Back30陽山書屋c希臘三大悲劇大師 歐里庇得斯:完全將視線從神身上轉移到了人,主角以小人物為主,而非對遠古英雄的崇敬,代表作品包括厄拉克特拉和特洛伊婦女 埃斯庫羅斯:代表作阿伽門農,描寫一個家族復仇的悲慘故事; 索??死账?俄狄浦斯王是他的代表作,展示了富有典型意義的 希臘悲劇沖突人跟命運的沖突; Back31陽山書屋c古希臘神話 古希臘神話是原始氏族社會的精神產物,是古希臘人集體創(chuàng)造的,也是西方世界最早的文學形式,大約產生于公元前8世紀以前。它在希臘原始初民長期

34、口口相傳的基礎上形成基本規(guī)模,后在荷馬、赫西俄德等人的作品中得到充分反映。它產生和反映的地理位置是西起希臘半島,東至小亞細亞半島,南到克里特島的廣大愛琴海地區(qū)。希臘神話是一個廣闊浩繁的系統(tǒng),支脈派系龐雜,傳說故事眾多,并不完全一致。但它具有明顯的家族色彩,包孕著一條血緣的紐帶,存在一個基本脈絡,大體可分為神的故事和英雄傳說兩大部分。 希臘神話中的神祗像人一樣,有情欲,有善惡,有計謀,互有血緣關系,都是人格化了的形象。如天父宙斯就經常下界追逐引誘凡間女子,而他的妻子赫拉則如同一個妒忌心極強的女人一樣迫害她的情敵。但神祗和人的區(qū)別也很明顯:長生不老,可隨意變形,各具特殊本領和巨大威力,其好惡態(tài)度對

35、下界人類的生殺禍福起著決定作用。其中地位最顯赫的神是居住在奧林匹斯山上的十二個主神。 英雄傳說中的英雄都是神和人所生的后代,是半神半人的,具有過人的才能和非凡的毅力。英雄傳說以不同的家族為中心形成許多系統(tǒng),主要包括赫拉克利特的傳說,忒修斯的傳說,伊阿宋的傳說等等。 希臘神話是在漫長的歷史時期內逐漸形成的,神的性格和職責以及故事情節(jié)都有發(fā)展變化??梢哉f古希臘神話是整個西方文學的源頭,后世幾乎所有的作家都曾從古老的神話中汲取養(yǎng)分。 Back32陽山書屋c 孔丘 (前551年9月28日前479年4月11日),字仲尼。排行老二, 漢族人,春秋時期魯國人??鬃邮俏覈糯鷤ゴ蟮乃枷爰液徒逃遥碚撜渭?,

36、儒家學派創(chuàng)始人,世界最著名的文化名人之一。編撰了我國第一部編年體史書春秋。據(jù)有關記載,孔子出生于魯國陬邑昌平鄉(xiāng)(今山東省曲阜市東南的南辛鎮(zhèn)魯源村);孔子逝世時,享年73歲,葬于曲阜城北泗水之上,即今日孔林所在地。孔子的言行思想主要載于語錄體散文集論語及先秦和秦漢保存下的史記孔子世家。For more33陽山書屋c 孟子(前372年前289年),名軻,字子輿(待考,一說字子車或子居)。戰(zhàn)國時期魯國人,魯國慶父后裔。中國古代著名思想家、教育家,戰(zhàn)國時期儒家代表人物。著有孟子一書。孟子繼承并發(fā)揚了孔子的思想,成為僅次于孔子的一代儒家宗師,有“亞圣”之稱,與孔子合稱為“孔孟”。Back34陽山書屋c老子,姓李,名耳,謚曰聃,字伯陽,楚國苦縣(今渦陽縣)人。約生活于前571年至471年之間曾做過周朝的守藏史。老子是我國人民熟知的一位古代偉大思想家,他所撰述的道德經開創(chuàng)了我國古代哲學思想的先河。他的哲學思想和由他創(chuàng)立


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