



1、Lesson 8 寓言1主持 正義 的狐貍獅子和老虎決斗, 山林里的動物都躲在遠遠的地方觀陣。它們就像觀看比賽那樣為各自的朋友取勝而呼喊助威。唯有狐貍和狼蹲在草叢里, 一聲不響。老虎和獅子都受了傷, 但仍撕咬在一起不分勝負。這時, 狼沉不住氣了, 問狐貍 : 你看老虎和獅子誰能打贏 ? 當然是獅子。 狐貍肯定地說。 那我現(xiàn)在就站在獅子一邊 , 狼說 , 獅子打勝了, 不會虧待我的。 不 , 不 , 狐貍趕緊向狼獻計, 你應該站在老虎一邊。 老虎會被獅子咬死的 ! 狼說。 對呀 , 狐貍說 , 老虎被獅子咬死, 獅子必定也受了重傷,那時你沖上去緊緊咬住獅子的喉嚨 那樣做 , 對我有什么好處 ?

2、狼兩眼閃著貪婪的光芒, 問。 事情明擺著 , 狐貍說 , 第一、你師出有名一一為死者報仇;第二、你把獅子咬死, 從此威鎮(zhèn)山林 ; 第三、獅子和老虎都死了, 你就可以安心地在山林中為王。 狼被狐貍說動了, 當老虎被獅子咬死, 狼就猛沖上去咬住獅子的喉嚨。獅子雖受了重傷, 仍能和狼博斗。最后, 獅子的喉嚨終于被狼咬斷, 而狼也奄奄一息了。這時, 狐貍沖上去, 毫不費力地咬斷了狼的喉嚨。然后, 它莊嚴地向山林里的動物宣告 : 獅虎爭斗, 是光明正大的較量。而狼趁獅子重傷而咬死它, 則是不講信義的, 因此, 我必須懲罰它 ! 2主持 正義 的狐貍獅子和老虎決斗, 山林里的動物都躲在遠遠的地方觀陣。它們

3、就像觀看比賽那樣為各自的朋友取勝而呼喊助威。唯有狐貍和狼蹲在草叢里, 一聲不響。老虎和獅子都受了傷, 但仍撕咬在一起不分勝負。這時, 狼沉不住氣了, 問狐貍 : 你看老虎和獅子誰能打贏 ? 當然是獅子。 狐貍肯定地說。 那我現(xiàn)在就站在獅子一邊 , 狼說 , 獅子打勝了, 不會虧待我的。 不 , 不 , 狐貍趕緊向狼獻計, 你應該站在老虎一邊。 老虎會被獅子咬死的 ! 狼說。“ 對呀 ,” 狐貍說 ,“ 老虎被獅子咬死, 獅子必定也受了重傷,那時你沖上去緊緊咬住獅子的喉嚨 ”The “Righteous” FoxA lion and a tiger were dueling.All the an

4、imals of the forest hid themselves far away to watch the battle. As they watched, each animal cheered for his own friend. Only a fox and a wolf squatted silently in a thick growth of grass.Eventually, both the lion and the tiger were seriously wounded, but they continued to fight fiercely. The match

5、 appeared even. Finally, the wolf could no longer keep quiet.“Who do you think will win, the lion or the tiger?” he asked the fox.The lion, of course, the fox answered with conviction. Well then, Im on the lions side, said the wolf. If he wins, he will treat me well. No, no, the fox said immediately

6、, suggesting, you should support the tiger. But the tiger will be bitten to death! exclaimed the wolf.Exactly, said the fox. If the tiger dies, surely the lion will also be seriously wounded. At that moment, you can rush at the lion and tear out his throat. . . 3 那樣做 , 對我有什么好處 ? 狼兩眼閃著貪婪的光芒, 問。 事情明擺著

7、 , 狐貍說 , 第一、你師出有名一一為死者報仇;第二、你把獅子咬死, 從此威鎮(zhèn)山林 ; 第三、獅子和老虎都死了, 你就可以安心地在山林中為王。 狼被狐貍說動了, 當老虎被獅子咬死, 狼就猛沖上去咬住獅子的喉嚨。獅子雖受了重傷, 仍能和狼博斗。最后, 獅子的喉嚨終于被狼咬斷, 而狼也奄奄一息了。這時, 狐貍沖上去, 毫不費力地咬斷了狼的喉嚨。然后, 它莊嚴地向山林里的動物宣告 :“ 獅虎爭斗, 是光明正大的較量。而狼趁獅子重傷而咬死它, 則是不講信義的, 因此, 我必須懲罰它 !” What will I gain from such a thing? asked the wolf, his

8、eyes glaring greedily.It is very simple, the fox said. First, the reason for your fight is to avenge the dead; second, after killing the lion you will be famous for your prowess throughout the forest; and third, once the lion and the tiger are dead, you can set your mind at rest as the unrivalled ki

9、ng of the forest. Inspired by the foxs speech, the wolf rushed in after the tiger was dead and attacked the lions throat. Although the lion was seriously wounded, he still fought with the wolf. In the end, the lions throat was torn in two as the wolf was at his last breath.At that moment, the fox quickly attacked the exhausted wolf, tearing his throat in half. Later he solemnly proclaimed to all the animals of the forest: The


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