1、Specification Approval Sheet鋰離子電池規(guī)格承認書型號:EPT 13450Model: EPT 13450類型:聚合物鋰離子Type: Li-ion polymer制定人Prepared by審核人Checked by批準人Approved by易梅客戶承認Customer Approval公司名:Company Name客戶簽名:Customers Signature:客戶編號:Customers No.:Contents TOC o 1-5 h z Scope fan 范圍 4Product and Model Name產(chǎn)品種類及型號 4Product產(chǎn)品種類 4
2、Model Name 產(chǎn)品型號 4Ratings主要技術參數(shù) 4Outline Dimensions and Appearance夕卜形尺寸及夕卜觀 5Outline Dimensions外形尺寸 5Appearance 夕卜觀 5Performance 性能 5Standard Test Conditions標準測試條件 5Measuring Instrument or Apparatus測試設備 5Standard Charge 標準充電 5Rest Period 擱置時間 5Initial Performance Test 初始性能測試 5Electrical Performance 電
3、性能 6Mechanical Performance機械性能 7Safety Performance 安全性能 7Handling Instructions電池使用指南 8Period of Warranty保質期 9Delivery Condition運輸條件 9Note 備注 9Fig.1 Dimensional Drawing of 外形尺寸圖 PL13450 10Scope適用范圍This specification is applied to BETTERPOWER Lithium Polymer Battery manufactured by BETTERPOWER Battery
4、 Co.,Ltd 本產(chǎn)品規(guī)格書適用于深圳市倍特力電池XX公司生產(chǎn)的聚合物鋰離子電池。The product is ROHS compliant 本產(chǎn)品符合ROHS標準。Product and Model Name產(chǎn)品種類及型號Product產(chǎn)品種類:Lithium Polymer Battery聚合物鋰離子電池Model Name 產(chǎn)品型號:PL13450Ratings主要技術參數(shù)Item項目Rating內(nèi)容Note備注3.1Capacity容量Typical 典型660 mAhDischarge:0.2CmA , 0.2C 放電(130 mA)Minimum 最小650 mAhEnergy能
5、量2.4Wh3.2 Nominal Voltage 額定電壓3.70V1.2 A discharge to 3.3 V, discharge capacity in 620 mAh.1.2A放電到3.3V ,放電容量 在 620 mAh。3.2AC Impedance Resistance內(nèi)阻& 80mQ3.4 Discharge Cut-off Voltage 放電裁至電壓3.3V3.5 Charge Voltage 充電電壓4.20V3.6 Max. Charge Voltage 取大充電電壓4.23V3.7Charge Time充電時間Approx 3.95 hCharge: 164 m
6、A3.8Standard charge current標準充電電流130 mA0.2CmA3.9Max. Charge Current最大充電電流650 mA1.0CmA3.10 Max. discharge current 最大放電電流1200 mA1.85 CmA3.11 WeightApprox 4.0 g3.12 Operating Temperature 工作溫度Charge充電0+45 CDischarge 放電-10+60 C3.13 Storage Temperature 存儲溫度less than 1 month小于1個月-10+45 CRecommended storage
7、 temperature: 20 C , at the transportation運輸時存儲溫度為20 Coless than 6months小于6個月-10+35 COutline Dimensions and Appearance電池外形尺寸及外觀Outline Dimensions外形尺寸See attached drawing for電池外形尺寸參見 PL13450 (Fig.1).外形尺寸圖”。Diameter :(Measured with weighting 300gf at 252 C )直徑:13.5 mm max.(測量時測量儀器作用于電池上的壓力為300gf ,溫度25
8、2C)Length :長度: 46.0 mm max.(不包括極耳)barring sealantThis thickness will be swelling when high temperature storage or operation in high temperature.備注:電池在高溫下貯存或使用時厚度會發(fā)生膨脹。Appearance 夕卜觀There shall be no such defect as scratch, flaw, crack, rust, leakage, which may adversely affect Commercial value of ba
9、ttery.電池外表面清潔,無電解液泄漏,無明顯的劃痕及機械損傷,無變形,無影響電池價值的其它外觀缺 陷。Performance 性能Standard Test Conditions標準測試條件Test should be conducted with new batteries within one month after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise defined, test and mea
10、surement shall be done under temperature of 252叱 and relative humidity of 4585%. The testresults are not affected evidently by such conditions of temperature 1530C or humidity 2585%RH.測試電池必須是本公司出廠時間不超過一個月的新電,且電池未進行過五次以上充放電循環(huán)。除非其 它特殊要求,本產(chǎn)品規(guī)格書規(guī)定的測試條件為:溫度 252C,相對濕度45%75% 。如果已經(jīng)證明測試結果不受這些測試條件影響,實驗也可以在溫度1
11、530 C,相對濕度25%85%的條件下進行。Measuring Instrument or Apparatus測試設備Dimension Measuring Instrument尺寸測量工具The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or more Precision scale of 0.01mm.測量尺寸的儀器精度應大于等于0.01mmVoltmeter 萬用表Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensit
12、ive class having inner impedance more than 10 M Q 萬用表測量電壓及電流的準確度應不低于0.5級,測量電壓時內(nèi)阻不應小于10 MQ oImpedance Meter 阻抗法Impedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method (1kHz LCR meter). 內(nèi)阻測試儀測量原理應為交流阻抗法( 1kHz LCR )。.Standard charge current標準充電電流0.2CmA= 130 mA5.3.2 Max. Charge Current 最大
13、充電電流1.0CmA= 650 mAFull charge condition: Constant current 0.2CmA to 4.2V, Constant voltage 4.2V to 0.05C in all at 252c.滿充條件:0.2C恒流充至4.2V,然后4.2V恒壓充電至截止電流為0.05C ,在252C環(huán)境下充電;Rest Period 擱置時間Unless otherwise defined, 30min, rest period after charge, 30min, rest period after discharge.如無特殊要求,電池充放電間隔為30m
14、in。Initial Performance Test 初始性能測試Item項目Measuring Procedure測試方法Requirements(1) Open-Circuit Voltage 開路電壓The open-circuit voltage shall be measured within 24 hours after standard charge. 標準充電后,24小時內(nèi)測量開路電壓4.15V(2) AC Impedance Resistance 內(nèi)阻The Impedance shall be measured in an alternating current meth
15、od (1kHz LCR meter) after standard charge at 252 C標準充電后,在25 2 C米用交流法測量內(nèi)阻 650mAh(4) 1.0CmA Discharge Capacity 1.0CmA 放電容量The capacity on 1.0CmA discharge shall be measured after standard charge at 252 X標準充電后,擱置 30min , 1.0C放電至3.0V ,測試放電容Discharge Capacity 放電容量由50 mAh(5)Magnification discharge倍率放電Stan
16、dard charging, shelve 5min, 1.2 A discharge to 3.3 V testing discharge capacity.標準充電后,擱置 5min , 1.2A放電到3.3V測試 放電容量。Discharge capacity 620 mAh p放電容量由20 mAh5.6 Electri cal Perfor manc e電性 能測 試5.6.1 Temp eratur e Depe ndenc e of Capa city (Disc harge )不同 溫度 放電特性Cells shall meet the discharge capacity r
17、equirements listed in the below table under respective dischargetemperatures. Low-temperature discharge current of0.5 CmA, (2.75V cut-off) after standard charge at 250.2 CmA, high temperature discharge current of2 c. 土電池在252C標準充電,然后在 30分鐘內(nèi)冷卻或加熱到測試溫度。放電前電池在此溫度下保持1小時,低溫放電電流為 0.2CmA,高溫放電電流為 0.5CmA ,做完一
18、個溫度實驗后,電池在室溫下放置2h然后進行充電(252C),要求如下:Discharge Temperature放電溫度-10 C25 C55 C55 CDischarge Capacity 放電容60%100%95%95%Cycle Life 循環(huán)性能30min rest period after standard charge, 0.5CmA discharge to a cut-off voltage of 3.0V, 30min restperiod, the test shall be terminated when Discharging Capacity 300 times循環(huán)次
19、數(shù)300次Avaiable cycle properties倍率循環(huán)性能1C charged to the 4.2 V, 1.2 A discharge to 3.3 V circulation 100 weeks, residual electric rate of 95%.1C充電到4.2V, 1.2A放電到3.3V循環(huán)100周,殘電率為 95%。Shelf Life 荷電保持能力Item項目Measuring Procedure 內(nèi)容Requirements 備注StorageCharacteristics 1貯存特性11The capacity on 0.5CmA discharge
20、shall be measured after standard charge and then storage at 25 :2 for 30 days.標準充電后電池在 252C的環(huán)境中貯存30天,測 試1.0CmA放電容量(保持容量)Remaining Capacity 85% C5容量保持85% C52After above measured Remaining capacity, the capacity on standard discharge shall be measured after standard charge.1.0CmA循環(huán)3次,測試恢復容量(3周循環(huán)的最 大放電
21、容量)Recovery capacity 90% C5容量恢復90% C5StorageCharacteristics 2貯存特性21The capacity on 0.5CmA discharge shall be measured after standard charge and then storage at 60 :2 for 7 days.標準充電后電池在 602C的環(huán)境中貯存7天,測 試1.0CmA放電容量保持容量)Remaining Capacity 60% C5容量保持60% C52After above measured Remaining capacity, the ca
22、pacity on standard discharge shall be measured after standard charge.1.0CmA循環(huán)3次,測試恢復容量(3周循環(huán)的最 大放電容量)Recovery capacity 80% C5容量恢復80% C5Long Time Storage Characteristics長期貯存性能After about half charge after a period of storage at 25 :t2 C for one year (365 days). The recovery available capacity is 85% C
23、5. The capacity is determined with the capacity of the by the most of preceding three cycles.進行該項實驗的電池應選生產(chǎn)日期到實驗日期不足3個月的電池,貯存前給電池充入 50%的容量,然后開路擱置365天,在252C的環(huán)境條件下0.2CmA 循環(huán)3次,測試恢復容量(3周循環(huán)的最大放電容量),要求如下:容量恢復 85% C5。Plants.the self-discharge 常溫自放電。T he battery charging cross-flow 120min, voltage to 4.0 V,
24、then will the battery in normal temperature environment, open 24h, battery off pressure aside for 7 millvolts 將電池怛流 1C 充電 120min,截止電壓 4.0V ,然后將電池放在常溫環(huán)境下,開路擱置24h,電池掉壓為7毫伏。The battery charging 125min, globe 1C cross-flow 4.0 V, then will the voltage batteries in normal temperature environment, open sh
25、elve 16 days off pressure for 8 battery millvolts.將電池1C怛流充電125min,截止電壓4.0V,然后將電池放在常溫環(huán)境下,開路擱置16天,電池掉壓為 8毫5.6.10 1.2 A magnification discharge. 1.2A 倍率放電。The battery recharging voltage filling to cross 125min 4.2 V, with 1.2 A discharge current to 3.3 V, dischargecapacity for 620 as mAh.將電池怛流充電125min電
26、壓充到4.2V ,用1.2A電流放電到 3.3V,放電容量為620為mAh.5.7 Mechanical Performance機械特性Item項目Measuring Procedure 測試方法Requirements 要求Vibration test振動After standard charge, the battery is to be tested as following conditions: Amplitude:0.19mmFrequency:1055Hz(sweep:1Hz/min)Direction: X/Y/Z axis for 30min. The battery is
27、to be tested in three mutually perpendicular to each axis. 標準充電后,將電池安裝在展動臺上,在X、Y、Z二個垂直方向進行實驗,振動頻率在1055Hz間以1Hz/min的速度變化,位移振幅: 0.19mm ,往復振 動 30min。Battery no electrolyte leakage, smoke or explosion battery voltage p 4.0 V .電池無漏液、冒煙或爆 炸電池電壓a4.0V。Drop Test自由跌落Drop the battery in the shipment condition(f
28、ull- charge)from 1m height onto 1820 mm or thicker concrete with p-tile on it 1 times each of obverse and inverse directions at 252 C 電池振動試驗結束后按卜列條件進行自由跌落試驗: 跌落局度:1.0m ;承接物:1820mm 厚硬木板;跌落方向:沿水平方向正反面各跌落一次。No fire, no explosion, no smoking is obtained. 電池無漏液、冒煙或爆炸ConstantHumidity andTemperatureCharact
29、eristics恒定濕熱Under the temperature of 205 把,after charging thebattery with 0.2C, then put the battery into the constant temperature and humidity oven with55 2 C and 90 95% for 48h, the battery should be no obvious deformation, leakage, rust, smoking and explosion. After testing take out the battery t
30、hen rest for 2h under the temperature of 205 C , 土discharge with 1C to 3.0V.在205C條件下,電池按 0.2C充電結束后,放入 40+2 C ,濕度9095%的恒溫恒濕箱內(nèi) 48h ,電池 應無明顯變形、漏液、生銹、冒煙或爆炸,試驗結束 后將電池取出擱置 2h,在205C條件下,以1C放 電至3.0V。discharge capacity 60%C5放電容量 60% C55.8 Safety Performance女全性能Item項目Measuring Procedure 內(nèi)容Requirements 備注Short-
31、Circuit Test短路測試After standard charge, the battery is to be short- circuited by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery with copper wire having a maximum resista nce load of 0.1 Q .標準充電后,用 0.1 的銅線短路電池的正負極。No explosion, no fire. The temperature of the exterior cell casing shall
32、not exceed 160 . 不爆炸,不起火,電池外 部溫度不超過160 C .6Hand ling InstructioA battery is to be heated in a gravity convection orcirculating air oven. The temperature of the oven isns電to be raised at a rate of 52 c /min to a temperature池使Heating Test 熱沖擊測試of 130 =2 C at which temperature the oven is to remain for
33、 30 minutes before the test isNo explosion, no fire.不爆炸,不起火用指discontinued.南電池放于熱箱中,溫度以(52C) /min的速率升至Read130 2 C 并保溫 30min 。and observ e the follow ing warni ngs andAbnormalCharging TestAfter standard charge, the battery is subjected to a charging current by connecting it to a dc-power supply. The b
34、eginning current is 3.0C, which is to be obtained by connecting a resistor of specified size and rating in series with the battery; the voltage of the dc-power supply is 4.8V. The test time is 2.5 hours.No explosion, no fire.不爆炸,不起火過允電測試precau懷上允電后, 電巡儀/目切工田命甲甲;1M加叵hk源,電壓調節(jié)為 4.8V,通過滑動變阻器調節(jié)電流至tions t
35、o ensure correc3.0CmA ,然后對電池以 3.0CmA充電。測試時間為2.5H。過放電測試The fully discharged cell is continually dischargedt andOverdischargeTestfor 24h with the (30n) XQoad at 23 2七.電池在外境溫度232C的條件下,以0.2C 5A放電至終止電 壓后,外接(30沏)負載放電24hoNo explosion, no fire. 電池不起火、不爆炸safe use of Li-ion重物沖擊測試Impact TestThe battery to be f
36、ully charged with standard charging condition, and put a rod with diameter=15.8mm on the cell, and then heavy block (weight=9.1Kg) crash on the cell from a certain height (height=61.0cm).將滿充后的電池放置于沖擊臺上,將9.1kg重錘自61.0cm m 高度自由落卜,沖 擊已固定在夾具上的電池(電池面積最大的向應與臺No explosion, no fire. 電池不起火、不爆炸batteri es.認 真閱
37、讀下 面的 注意 事回垂且)項,確保使用鋰離子電池。倍特力電池XX公司對違反卜述注意事項而產(chǎn)生的任何問題不予負責。正確Danger!危險!Failure to observe the following precautions may result in battery leakage, overheating, explosion and/ or fire.不仔細閱讀下述事項可能導致電池泄露、爆炸或起火。 Do not immerse the battery in water or allow it to get wet.一 勿將電池投入水中或將其弄濕;Do not use or store
38、 the battery near sources of heat such as a fire or heater.一勿在熱源(如火或加熱器)附近使用或貯存電池;Do not use any chargers other than those recommended by BETTERPOWER.一請使用BETTERPOWER推薦的充電器;Do not reverse the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.一勿將正負極接反;Do not connect the battery directly to wall outlets or car c
39、igarette-lighter sockets.一 勿將電池直接連接到墻上插座或車載點煙式插座上;Do not put the battery into a fire or apply direct heat to it.一 勿將電池投入火中或給電池加熱;Do not short-circuit the battery by connecting wires or other metal objects to the positive (+) and negative(-)terminals.一禁止用導線或其它金屬物體將電池正負極短路;Do not carry or put the batt
40、ery together with necklaces, hairpins or other metal objects.一禁止將電池和項鏈,發(fā)夾和其它金屬物品放置在一起。 Do not strike, throw or subject the battery near a fire or in extremely hot conditions.一 禁止將電芯投放到較熱的容器里。Warning!警告!Failure to observe the following precautions may result inbattery leakage, overheating, explosion
41、and/ orfire.不仔細閱讀下述事項可能導致電池泄露、爆炸或起火。 Do not place the battery in a microwave oven or pressurized container.一 禁止將電池置入微波爐或壓力容器中;Do not use the battery in combination with primary batteries (such as dry-cell batteries) or batteries of different capacity, type or brand.一 禁止與一次電池(如干電池)或不同容量、型號、品種電池組合使用;D
42、o not use the battery if it gives off an odor, generates heat, becomes ct the battery to sever physical shock.如果電池發(fā)出異味、發(fā)熱、變形、變色或出現(xiàn)其它任何異?,F(xiàn)象時不得使用;如果電池正在使用或充電, 應立即從用電器中或充電器上取出并停止使用;Do not pierce the battery casing with a nail or other sharp object, break it open with a hammer, or step on it.一 禁止用釘子或其它尖
43、銳物體刺穿電池殼體,禁止錘擊或腳踏電池;Do not directly solder the battery terminals.禁止直接焊接電池端子。 Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the battery in any way. 禁止以任何方式分解電池。 Do not recharge discolored or deformed, or appears abnormal in any way. If the battery is in use or being recharged, remove it from the device or
44、charger immediately and discontinue use.如果電池發(fā)出異味、發(fā)熱、變形、變色或出現(xiàn)其它任何異?,F(xiàn)象時不得使用;如果電池正在使用或充電, 應立即從用電器中或充電器上取出并停止使用;Keep the batteries out of the reach of children. If a child somehow swallows a battery, seek medical attention immediately.一 電池應放在小孩接觸不到的地方,如果小孩不小心吞咽電池應立即尋求醫(yī)療救助;If the battery leaks or emits a
45、n odor, immediately remove it from the proximity of any exposed flame. The leaking electrolyte can ignite and cause a fire or explosion. 如果電池泄漏或發(fā)出異味,應立即將其從接近明火處移開;泄漏的電解液可能引起火災或爆炸; If the battery leaks and electrolyte gets in your eyes, do not rub them. Instead, rinse them with clean running water an
46、d immediately seek medical attention. If left as is, electrolyte can cause eye injury. 如果電池漏液后電解液進入眼睛,不要擦,應用水沖洗,立即尋求醫(yī)療救助。如不及時處理,眼睛將會受到傷害。Caution!注意!Do not use or store the battery where is exposed to extremely hot, such as under window of a car in direct sunlight in a hot day. Otherwise, the battery
47、 may be overheated. This can also reduce battery performance and/or shorten service life.不要使用處于極熱環(huán)境中的電池,如陽光直射或熱天的車內(nèi)。否則,電池會過 熱,可能著火(點燃);同時這樣也會影響電池的性能、縮短電池的使用壽命。Use the battery only under the following environmental conditions. Failure to do so can result in reduced performance or a shorten service li
48、fe. Recharging the battery outside of these temperatures can cause the battery to overheat, explode or catch fire. 只能在下述條件下使用電池,否則將會降低電池的性能或縮短電池 的使用壽命。在此溫度范圍外使用電池可能引起過熱、爆炸或起火。The isolated measures are needed between battery (the bare Al layer at side and top sealing) and the PCB, and also between ba
49、ttery and electric equipment: especially avoid the Al layer in packing foil contact to cathode or anode (including electric equipment, otherwise this can cause battery leakage or swelling.注意在電芯(側邊和極耳封邊包裝膜斷口位置裸露的鋁層)與保護板、及電芯與用電器具之間采用絕緣結構措施: 特別注意避免出現(xiàn)包裝膜鋁層與正負極(包括用電器具的帶電部分)出現(xiàn)接觸的隱患,否則可能造成漏液氣 脹。Operating e
50、nvironment工作環(huán)境:When charging the battery When discharging the battery When stored up to 30 days When stored up to 90 days電池充電溫度:0c45 c電池放電溫度:-10 C60 c存儲30天:-10 C45 c存儲90天:-10 C35 c超過6個月請及時進行充放一周后如果The voltage for a long time (6 month) storage shall be 3.7V3.9V range.補電到3.73.9V 。In cases where children use the battery, instruct them on the contents of
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