2022年關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文_第1頁
2022年關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文_第2頁
2022年關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文_第3頁
2022年關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文_第4頁
2022年關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文_第5頁




1、關(guān)于低碳生活作文 作文 低碳英語:An activity about low carbon living 1、低碳生活方式受到人們的歡迎 2、低碳生活的意義 3、我們應(yīng)該 一、 Re ntly,low-carbon bees a high-frequency and fashionable word which gets thegreatest con rn in the world. Low-carbon life means a kind oflifestyle in which people do their best to redu energy consumptionand carb

2、on greenhouse gas emissions. It is of vitalimportan for the whole world to practi the low-carbon lifestyle.Firstly, our natural resour s and energy are limited; therefore, it isabsolutely ne ssary for us to save and protect them. Secondly, inorder to protect our enviro ent from serious greenhouse ef

3、fect, weneed a low-carbon emission. It is low-carbon life that enables our nextgenerations to live a better and superior life. What weshould bear in mind is that the earth is mon home. Thus, every oneis well advised to practi this lifestyle and there are several waysfor us to do this. Firstly, every

4、 one is expected to cultivate theirawareness of saving energy. Then, we are also hoped to help ou milies and friends to live a low-carbon life. Only by doing so can wehope to create a world where all hu ns enjoy a clean and tidyenviro ent. (185words) 二、 Presently,a new lifestyle called low carbon li

5、fe is spreading every corner of ourcountry. The con pts of low carbonare low energy and no waste. It issuch a significant project that I cant wait to present my ideas on howto promote it. On the first pla , a no-carday is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars notonly cause seriou

6、s air pollution but also waste energy. On on-car day,neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school.Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy thefun. On the second pla , we had best not useplastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, itis wi

7、se to use bags which can be reused again and again. Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing esfrom the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out thelights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse ourtextbook and so on. All in all, it weighsgreatly f

8、or all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practi .Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste.Lets do it now. 一只猴子的自述 多少個(gè)世紀(jì)中,我只是地球上一只普通的動(dòng)物,整天四處奔波為尋覓食物,也為逃避高級動(dòng)物的捕殺, 高級動(dòng)物也就是自稱人類的動(dòng)物,給我制作了一大片“樹林”。林中有“山”、有“瀑”,有“花”、有“鳥”,還有滿枝頭的“果實(shí)”??墒?,山不巍峨,瀑不壯觀,花不芬芳,鳥不歌唱,更不用說,果實(shí)也不能吃。盡管如此,每

9、天還是有許多人類來觀賞這假林以及假林中真實(shí)的我。據(jù)說,這星球上已不存在哪怕是一小片真正的樹林了,而我,已成了這星球惟一的低級動(dòng)物。每當(dāng)我看見人類進(jìn)入“林中”后所表現(xiàn)出的歡欣時(shí),我就想,若他們看見了真正的大森林,不知會(huì)有什么樣的表情。 我小時(shí)候,就住在真正的大森林里。那里有藍(lán)天,有碧水,有綠草,有紅花,還有我親密的伙伴們以及其他的住戶。 清晨,林中薄霧被緩緩揭去,陽光透過葉縫照進(jìn)來,在地面上留下一個(gè)個(gè)閃動(dòng)的亮點(diǎn):小鹿們頂著美麗的犄角,徜徉在青青的草地上;鳥兒們歡快地亮開嗓子,吐出清脆的音符;我和小伙伴們嬉鬧著從這棵樹攀到那棵樹森林中繁忙而快樂的一天就這樣開始了。傍晚,夕陽給森林披上了一件奇異的紅

10、霓裳。林中,處處回蕩著母親喚兒歸巢的聲音。這是一個(gè)美麗而祥和的地方。只有老虎出現(xiàn)時(shí),才會(huì)引起騷動(dòng),但老虎不餓時(shí),絕不會(huì)輕易來打擾我們的生活。 但是,人類不知怎的,侵入了我們這個(gè)地方,于是,一場滅頂之災(zāi)悄然降臨。 人類首先抓走了老虎,然后,成群成群地搜捕小鹿,殘忍地鋸下它們美麗的犄角。最讓我驚懼的是人類對待我的親人的手段。我親眼看見:他們怎樣麻利地將我的親人的四肢縛在鐵架上,怎樣從容地敲開他們腦袋,怎樣興高采烈地品嘗那灰白色的腦漿。老虎是為了生存捕食,人類是為了什么? 有時(shí),我真想自絕以免慘遭毒手,可是我不能。母親臨死前,曾這樣預(yù)言:“人類發(fā)跡于智慧,也將毀滅于智慧?!蔽乙H眼看看人類怎樣走上末路。當(dāng)人類千方百計(jì)延長我的壽命時(shí),我也很積極地配合他們,到現(xiàn)在,我已記不清自己有多少歲了。 我知道,這一天即將來臨了。他們砍伐森林,濫采礦藏,鐵爪伸進(jìn)了地核,空氣被污染得無從治理,地球升溫,一年到頭炎熱干燥,風(fēng)沙鋪天卷來,江河漸細(xì)漸斷,X病的疫苗雖研制成功,卻出現(xiàn)了新環(huán)境的怪胎Y病,這種病靠空氣傳播,很快將席卷全球,以智慧自居的人類恐怕再也難逃此劫了。 我要笑,學(xué)著人類發(fā)出那種獰笑;我又想哭,母親


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