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1、Developer: Daphne LiReviewer: Susan Lonergan Cartha OHare John Clarke bcHow to be a Great ACMarch 1998Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. 1Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Getting the job doneManaging upThe perfect client meetingDeveloping personal styleBuilding a rew

2、arding careerKey takeawaysAgenda2Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Getting the job doneManaging upThe perfect client meetingDeveloping personal styleBuilding a rewarding careerKey takeawaysAgenda3Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Bain caseteams a

3、ddress a considerable range of strategic issues.Strategy consultingCorporate strategyBusiness unit strategyPerformance improvement How should a company with many businesses achieve its growth objectives? How should a business unit respond to its competitors? How many manufacturing plants does a comp

4、any need? What products should client produce in each plant?Example:Types of Strategic Issues4Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC CompoutekAxels-4-RentBusiness problem:Answer:First-year AC workstream:Length of case:AC travel:Business unit strategy (PC business unit) Exit the

5、 retail PC market Cut costs through complexity reduction Implement process and organization redesign Phone competitors to gather data about the PC market Analyze client data relating to accounts receivable and inventory turns Build economic modelThree monthsMonthly local visits to client to gather d

6、ata and attend meetingsCorporate strategy (growth strategy) Target and retain most profitable customers through marketing programs and travel agent commission structures Focus on corporate accounts that are already penetrated, but are currently underperforming in share targets Size rental car market

7、 based on secondary research and customer surveys Splice and dice client customer database to establish segments Research other companies retention programs (e.g., airlines frequent flyer)Six monthsWeekly trips to NYC for client task force meetingsExample of Caseteam Assignments5Copyright 1998 Bain

8、& Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Caseteam CoordinatorVice-PresidentManager/CTLExperienced ConsultantNew ACNew ConsultantExperienced ACWhile you may frequently encounter variations, a typical caseteam structure looks like the following:Caseteam Structure6Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc

9、. How to be a Great AC Your mix of responsibilities will vary from case to case.The jobResearch/data gatheringAnalysisCommunicationTeam Market size and dynamics Competitors Client data Customers Database manipulation Models in Excel Regressions Data into appropriate slide format Arriving at the stra

10、tegic answer Blank slides storyline proper format Oral communication informal team meetings with consultant/manger overheads to caseteam Coordinating workstreams with other ACs/consultants Participating in team brainstorming sessions and team meetings Overseeing production for presentations Caseteam

11、 eventsAreas of Responsibility7Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Flawless execution will destine ACs for greatness. They capitalize on the resources available to them, and show a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.Get the job doneExecute on your workpl

12、anCommunicate upUnderstand the “Big Picture”Deliver with zero defects Develop and update your workplan Keep an 80/20 fallback plan Execute - focus on the assigned task After 6-12 months, take a more active role in intellectual leadership of your piece of work Communicate regularly and frequently wit

13、h your manager use Answer-First and 80/20 tag “red flags” seek help prioritizing leverage manager to add additional 10% insight Always “know the why” in the context of the “Big Picture” Perform zero defect analysis document everything proof, proof, proof reality checkKey Success Factors8Copyright 19

14、98 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great ACAlways “know the why” in the context of the “Big Picture”. Why are you doing this work? what is the Big Picture? where is the value? what is the client expecting? What does your analysis mean and why is it important to the client? What are likely quest

15、ions to be asked of you? by your team by your client(s) What sensitivity analyses illustrate responses to potential questions or clarify issues for you? what about client sensitivity analyses? What reality checks can you do to demonstrate knowledge of the why? use of 80/20 benchmarks focus of your q

16、uality checks“Know the Why”9Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC A recent experience at SAC training illustrates the importance of “knowing the why” in the context of the “Big Picture”. Develop presentation on business unit strategyAssignment: The client can be profitable and

17、 should milk its businessHypothesis: Market is growing Client has low cost position Competitors not a threat next largest player higher costAssertions: “We can do a BDP to figure out where our client can lower costs” “Costs are relatively similar”SACs reaction:Data: What did they miss?RCPQuestion:Cl

18、ientCompetitor4.804.905.604.500246Big Picture - “Know the Why”: Example (1 of 2)10Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC More on “knowing the why” - what the ACs missed. “We can do a BDP to figure out where our client can lower costs” “Costs are relatively similar”SACs reaction

19、: Competitor is lowest cost Competitor can lower price to gain share “Milk” is not a feasible strategyWhat they missed: Evaluate the competitive threat, not design “milking” strategyNext step:Data: This team got caught up in the details of the analysis Need to step back and look at “Big Picture”Less

20、on learned:RCPClientCompetitor4.804.905.604.500246Big Picture - “Know the Why”: Example (2 of 2)11Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC After you have performed your analysis, stepping back is essential to getting the Big Picture in focus. Double check your output Are these re

21、sults surprising? Why? Does this all make sense? Put the results on a slide or slides Is there a so what from the slide? What are the implications? What could client responses be? concerns/threats confusion Is there a better way to present the data? audience better representation of key point(s) Wha

22、t does this mean for the client? How does this fit in with Bains work? What is the best way to articulate the key takeaways of the slide: what is your manager expecting? how does this analysis fit into the larger case question(s)?Presenting your data well can be more difficult than performing analys

23、isStepping Back12Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Getting the job doneManaging upThe perfect client meetingDeveloping personal styleBuilding a rewarding careerKey takeawaysAgenda13Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Hi, Manager,What do youwant to

24、talkabout today?Im sorry but Icant give you that info for your update todaytheclient hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do

25、 this market map. None of these companies are public.Whats Wrong With This Picture? (1 of 6)14Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Problem:BDP: No agenda Come with objectives and agendaHi, Manager,What do youwant to talkabout today?Im sorry but Icant give you that info for yo

26、ur update todaytheclient hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do this market map. None of these companies are public.Whats W

27、rong With This Picture? (2 of 6)15Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Problem:BDP: Did not inform manager of roadblocks Provide your manager with frequent updatesHi, Manager,What do youwant to talkabout today?Im sorry but I cant give you that info for your update today the c

28、lient hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do this market map. None of these companies are public.Whats Wrong With This Pict

29、ure? (3 of 6) 16Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Problem:BDP: Did not ask for prioritization Ask manager to reprioritize whenever new work is added to the workplan Let manager know if work is taking longer than anticipatedHi, Manager,What do youwant to talkabout today?Im

30、sorry but I cant give you that info for your update today the client hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do this market map

31、. None of these companies are public.Whats Wrong With This Picture? (4 of 6)17Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Problem:BDP: No back up Always bring backupHi, Manager,What do youwant to talkabout today?Im sorry but I cant give you that info for your update today the client

32、 hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do this market map. None of these companies are public.Whats Wrong With This Picture?

33、(5 of 6)18Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Problem:BDP: Not pushing issues to recommendations If you run into roadblocks, brainstorm and offer alternativesHi, Manager,What do youwant to talkabout today?Im sorry but I cant give you that info for your update today the clien

34、t hasnt given me the data.I had to stay upall night becausemy manager keptadding to my listof things to do!I think the answeris $650M, but cant rememberbut dont worry,I have it atmy desk!I dont know how Im going to do this market map. None of these companies are public.Whats Wrong With This Picture?

35、 (6 of 6)19Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC “Push back” are words you will hear often. When Pushing Back May Be AppropriateWhen Pushing Back May Not Be Appropriate You did the same analysis last week (and the week before) You have a good relationship with your consultant/

36、CTL/manager and believe this analysis is unnecessary Youve been nonstop, without sleep working on this case for 72 hours Some people on your team have been complaining about too much free time and youve been crunching past midnight for the last two weeks Youre on vacation It is unclear to you how th

37、e analysis fits into the greater picture/overall case objectives Your supervisor is being unnecessarily demanding Its your first week on the case You dont know how to do the analysis (ask) You really want to ski/go to the beach tomorrow Youve been devoting most of your time to your other side You ju

38、st got back from vacation Youre sick of this case You dont like the consultant youre working with The work is/appears boring or mundane There are no other resources available to complete piece of work You believe youre too smart for the type of work required You told your roommate you would meet her

39、 for drinks at 6:30Advice on Pushing Back20Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC You know theres a preez on Monday, but you have plans to go skiing for the weekend Its time to be a team player - especially if this preez has been on the calendar for a whileSituationSolution Off

40、er to (1) return after your dinner and (2) come in earlier than the rest of the team to compensate Let your manager know that your aerobics is important to you, but also show some flexibility Go to your doctors appointment. As a rule, let your manager know if you will be out of the office for a cons

41、iderable length of time You know the rest of the team is here crunching, but you would really like to have dinner with a friend whos in town just for today You want to go to my morning aerobics class, but your manager calls a last minute a caseteam meeting for that time You have an important doctors

42、 appointment, but your manager just scheduled a client meeting that you need to attend with herPushing Back: Examples21Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Getting the job doneManaging upThe perfect client meetingDeveloping personal styleBuilding a rewarding careerKey takeawa

43、ysAgenda22Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC PreparationpackingThe AC roleEnsuring the perfect client meetingPreparation: back up & logisticsEnsuring the Perfect Client Meeting23Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Maintain back-up book and leave

44、 audit trail at all times (dont wait until presentation is over!) make back-up user-friendly include sensitivity analyses and other analyses beyond material shown anticipate questions have a cheat sheet Make copies (when appropriate) let your team take notes can use copies to make changes number pag

45、es (blue pencils dont copy) Carry necessary supplies to make corrections, calculations, measurements Anticipate problems (client copiers, broken staplers, etc.) Bring relevant case work outside of presentation older work annual reports, financials sample surveys, models table of contents Keep desk/f

46、iles organized so team members can find needed materials when you are out of the officeGood preparation for client meetings is an investment with astronomical returns.Preparation (Back-up)24Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Know logistics travel plans and options meeting t

47、imes and locations directions phone numbers and contacts Know your position: be prepared to pay for petty cash items offer to drive rental cars coordinate last-minute emergencies/travel changes Never make anyone wait for you travel tip: dont check baggage slows you down in airports leaves you at ris

48、k for lost baggagePrepare to be the logistics point person for client meetings. Assuming that “someone” has taken care of logistics is a prelude to disaster.Preparation (Logistics)25Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Open your briefcase - list its contents What would you ad

49、d if you were traveling to a client presentation tomorrow? Compare your answer to “The Ultimate Travel Package,” which followsPreparation Packaging (Exercise)26Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Pack your briefcase to cover a wide range of contingencies. Dont make assumptio

50、ns about what other team members “should” be carrying. And remember: a hand-drawn slide of last-minute insights is better than a fully-produced slide of errors.“The Ultimate Travel Package”Contact informationToolsOffice supplies Bain and client phone lists Business cards Daily calendar Calculator PC

51、 power cord phone plug files downloaded Clear blank acetates Graph paper Writing paper/ note pad Soft lead mechanical pencils Ruler White-out tape (thick and thin) Paper clips Binder clips Rubber eraser Manila folders Black slide pens (fineline and thickline)“The Ultimate Travel Package”27Copyright

52、1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Review and prepare appropriately to meet the objectives of the client visit understand expectations of your participation (what are you supposed to gain from/contribute to the meeting) Gauge your degree of participation to the meetings make-up as a

53、rule of thumb, the higher the level of clients involved, the less you will talk If your analysis/area of expertise is being discussed, offer insights relevant discoveries questions Ask your manager or CTL what role you ought to play at the very least, play the role of engaged observer If you have cl

54、ient maps attending take the opportunity to build the relationship make sure you prewire get reaction/feedback Always take notes (preparing a summary may be helpful) Always carefully think about what you say and do age is frequently a liability Always be attentive/engaged (dont fall asleep or daydre

55、am)Your involvement at the client will depend on your teams style, but in general:Your Role in the Client Meeting28Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Getting the job doneManaging upThe perfect client meetingDeveloping personal styleBuilding a rewarding careerKey takeawaysAg

56、enda29Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Style (self-projection)Self presentationPreparationSelf-managementCommunicationDeveloping Personal Style30Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Bains culture and relative youth make it easy to forget the import

57、ance of self presentation, especially in non-office setting. Convey confidence, not arrogance make eye contact enunciate clearly project a can-do attitude challenge constructively - ask questions Create a presence remember that professional does not equal no personality interact with others around y

58、ou Make yourself available during reasonable hours dont abuse the no face time policy Dress professionally in line with office and client normsSelf Presentation31Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC Successful ACs regard self-preparation as fundamental to projecting an image

59、of competence, engagement and professionalism. When you meet with others bring calendar HP12C notepad your brain For caseteam meetings understand what issues will be covered talk with supervisor about what you should cover bring relevant materials determine appropriate levels of detail be able to ta

60、lk about implications of your analysis, next steps, etc. For client meetings look and be organized: make sure you have the relevant pieces of analysis be prepared to answer questions about sources/methodologies know how to explain your slides presentation layout (e.g., marimekko, growth share matrix) how analysis was done (if asked) key takeaway/insightPreparation32Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. How to be a Great AC From the


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