1、畢業(yè)典禮老師英語祝福語【篇一】畢業(yè)典禮老師英語祝福語1、拍畢業(yè)照三秒的時間卻定格著三年的離別。graduation photo shoot three seconds but fixed threeyears apart.2、浮云一別后,流水十年間。歡笑情如舊,蕭疏鬢已斑。the clouds parted, water ten years. love laughter asthe old, the temples have been spotted.3、我的青春就是課桌上的文字。my youth is the writing on the desk.4、不憂愁的臉,是我的少年;不倉惶的眼,等
2、歲月改變。not the sad face,my boy; do not panicin the eyes,suchas years of change.5、看著同學(xué)錄上你寫給我的話,我開心的流下了淚。looking at the classmate record you write to me, i amhappy to shed tears.6、老師其實也怪可憐的,畢竟要一個人自言自語45 分鐘。in fact, the teacher of the poor, after all, a personshould be automatic speaking for 45 minutes.7
3、、終于完成了九年義務(wù)教育,但是我并不快樂。i finallycompletednine years of compulsory education,but im not happy.8、學(xué)校不準談戀愛,老師們都離婚吧!我們看著副作用。the schoolisnot allowedto fallin love.the teachersare divorced! we re looking at side effects.9、沒有人再去責怪,沒有人再去怨恨。no one to blame, no one to hate.10、今年夏天過后,見到你大概只有夢里了吧。after this summer
4、, it s probably only a dream to seeyou.11、就算老師講的是個毛線球,學(xué)霸也能把它織成毛衣!even if the teacher talks about a ball of wool, he canknit it into a sweater!12、畢業(yè),青春散場了。graduation, the youth press.13、畢業(yè)了,對于一些人,學(xué)生時代也永別了。graduation, for some people, students also farewell.14、我活到現(xiàn)在這把年紀,拿得起放得下的東西只有筷子。i live to the pre
5、sent age, can afford to put things,only chopsticks.15、畢業(yè)了,唱不到結(jié)局卻又難以割舍。今生未完成的歌。graduation, can not sing the end, but it is difficultto give up. songs unfinished in this life.16、上學(xué)最開心的一句話就是:今天班主任不在。the happiest words in school are: "class teacheris absent today.".17、親愛的 . 朋友請不要難過,離別以
6、后要彼此珍重。my dear friends,pleasedont be sad. afteryou leave,please treasure each other.18、六月,請給所有考試的人滿滿的正能量。june, please give all the test people full of positiveenergy.19、在這個夏天我們將會帶著淚水離開這里。this summer, we ll leave here with tears.20、艱難困苦是幸福的源泉,安逸享受是苦難的開始。hardship is the fountain of happiness, and leis
7、ure isthe beginning of misery.21、明年的 9 月 1 號,坐在這個教室的就再也不是我們了。in september 1st next year, sitting in this classroomis no longer us.22、以前的對與不對,在此時此刻都被理解。the old right and wrong are understood at this time.23、如果你為著錯過夕陽而哭泣,那么你就要錯群星了。if you weeped for the missing sunset, you would missall the shining sta
8、rs.24、畢業(yè)了,心中有太多太多的不舍!after graduation, there are too many poor hearts!25、相逢也只是偶然,相逢即刻將又分手。meet alsojustby chance,meet, immediatelywillbreakup again.26、下課鈴聲比國歌還悅耳,上課鈴聲比忐忑還崩潰。the bell rang more sweetly than the national anthem,and the bell rang.27、今天笑著和你分手,但愿不日笑著把你迎接。today laugh and break up with you,
9、 i wish i laughed tomeet you.28、那些以前說著永不分離的人,早已經(jīng)散落在天涯了。thosewhousedtosayneverseparated,alreadyscattered in the end of the world.29、我是如此平凡,卻又如此幸運。真心謝謝大家!i was so ordinary, yet so lucky. thank you very muchindeed!30、當世界給草籽重壓時,它總會用自己的方法破土而出。when the world to seed weight, it will use a way.【篇二】畢業(yè)典禮老師英語祝
10、福語1、綻放最絢爛的笑容,給明天更美的夢。Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.2、親愛的朋友請握一握手,從此以后要各奔西東。Dear friends, please shake hands and go west every nowand then.3、親愛的朋友請不要難過,離別以后要彼此珍重。Dear friends, please don t be sad, and cherish eachother after leaving.4、雖然提前離開了我的兄弟姐妹,但與大家的情誼將伴我一生!Al
11、though I have left my brothers and sisters ahead oftime, my friendship with you will be my life!5、畢業(yè)后不論從事哪種職業(yè),要走向成功,首先應(yīng)對職業(yè)感興趣。Aftergraduation,no matterwhat careeryou are engagedin, to succeed, you should first of all be interestedin your career.6、今日同窗分手,說一聲:珍重!明朝校友相逢,賀一句:成功!Today,my classmatebrokeup
12、 and said,"treasure!TheMingDynastyalumnimeet,congratulations:success!7、昨天的你最勤奮,今天的你最自信,我堅信,明天的你最成功!Yesterday,you are the most diligent.Today you are themost confident. I firmly believe that you will be themost successful tomorrow.8、相逢又告別,歸帆又離岸,是往日歡樂的終結(jié),未來幸福的開端。To meet and say goodbye, sail
13、and sail away is the endof past happinessand the beginningof happinessin thefuture.9、愿你們駕駛著信念鑄造的航船,到希望的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。May you sail in the boat of faith and plough out thesnow-white waves to the sea of hope.10、畢業(yè)了,請再譜一支青春曲,伴隨你我在明天的征途中繼續(xù)奮進!Graduation,pleaseagain a youth song, withyou, I willcontinue to ad
14、vance in the journey of tomorrow.11、離別時,希望你能記住我。不要問,善變的世界,明天是否依然如故。I hope you can remember me when I leave. Do not askwhethertheworldofchangewillremainunchangedtomorrow.12、鮮花絕不嘲笑蓓蕾的細嫩無華,因為含苞才能怒放,才會有滿園春色。Flowers will never laugh at the delicate and delicateflowers, because they can blossom in full bl
15、oom.13、你珍惜今天,又以百倍的熱情去擁抱明天,那未,未來就一定屬于你!You cherishtoday,and embrace the futurewitha hundredtimesof enthusiasm.No, the futurewillbelongto you!14、一個人努力的目標越高,他的才能發(fā)展得越快,對社會的奉獻也就越多。The higher the goal of a person s efforts, the fasterhe develops and the more he gives to society.15、大地上有五色土,海灘邊有五彩貝,樂章里有五線譜,
16、人生中有五彩路。There are five colored soil on the ground, five colored beaches on the beach, and a staff in the movement, and there are colorful roads in life.16、相逢又告別,歸帆又離岸,既是往日歡樂的終結(jié),又是未來幸福的開端。To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the endof past happinessand the beginningof happinessin thefuture.
17、17、社會是一部書,讓我們刻苦地去攻讀,理會它的深意,再去續(xù)寫它的新篇。Society is a book, let us study hard, pay attention toits meaning, and continue to write its new chapter.18、幾年的同窗,我與你結(jié)下了深厚的友誼,愿你我心靈間的交流,直到永遠。Forseveralyears,Ihaveestablishedaprofoundfriendshipwithyou.May thecommunicationbetween youand my heart be forever.19、讓時間在知識
18、的枝條上、智慧的綠葉上、成熟的果實上留下它勤奮的印痕!Let time leave its diligent marks on the branches of knowledge, on the green leaves of wisdom, and in the ripening fruits.20、緊緊地握一握手。手有意,手有情,掌心中千言萬語,也有我難言的秘密。Shake hands tightly. The hand is deliberate, the hand is affectionate, the palm is filled with thousands of words,
19、and there are also secrets that I can not tell.21、同學(xué)啊,讓往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低語,都埋在心底,化作美麗的記憶吧!My classmates, let the sweet whispers of the past daysbeburiedinthebottomofmy heart,andbecomebeautiful memories.22、相見再離別,離別再相聚,秋風(fēng)吹曠野,期待再相會。我珍惜你我的友情。See each other again, leave again, leave again, autumn wind blows, ex
20、pect to meet again. I treasure your friendship.23、天道酬勤。人世間沒有不經(jīng)過勤勞而成為天才的。愿你日夜勤奮,早日成才!Heaven rewards diligent. There is no genius in the world without diligence. May you work hard day and night and become an early success!24、我們是幸運的,逢上這好時光;我們有靈氣,去把握時機,未來在我們身上。We are luckyto have thisgood time;we have t
21、he spiritto seize the opportunity and the future is ours.25、你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鷹, 明天是你們的世界,一切因你們而光輝。You arethebud oftheflowerseason,you are the eaglespreadingitswings,tomorrowisyourworld,everythingis glorious because of you.26、衷心地祝賀你,用智慧、才情、膽略和毅力,開辟出一塊屬于你自己的土地。Hearty congratulations, with wisdom, talent,
22、 courageand perseverance, to open up a piece of your own land.27、火紅的彩霞在雨后,真誠的友誼在別后,流水不因石而阻,友誼不因遠而疏。Fire-red rosy clouds after rain, sincere friendshipafterfarewell,flowingwater is not blockedby stones,friendship is not alienated by distance.28、啊,同學(xué)們,讓我們在飛逝而去的時間波濤上,乘風(fēng)破浪,駛向成功的彼岸!Ah, fellowstudents,let
23、s ridethe wind and break thewaves on the passingwaves oftimeand sailto the otherside of success!29、一聲汽笛,跌落在曠野;無限的惆悵與孤獨,在別離的那一刻,一齊涌上心頭。A whistlefallsin the wilderness;infinitemelancholyand loneliness come to mind at the moment of parting.30、人生路上何須惆悵,天涯海角總有知音。把握機會珍惜緣分,祝愿我們友誼長存。There is always melancho
24、ly in the way of life. There are always friends in the ends of the earth. Seize the opportunity, cherish the fate, and wish our friendship forever.【篇三】畢業(yè)典禮老師英語祝福語1、快樂生活,健康成長,今日桃李芬芳,明日祖國棟梁。Happy life, healthy growth, todays peach and plumfragrance, tomorrow s pillar of the motherland.2、孩子,愿你快快脫去幼稚的嬌嫩
25、,揚起創(chuàng)造的風(fēng)帆,駛向成熟,駛向金色的海岸。Child,may you quicklytakeoffyourchildishdelicacy,raiseyourcreativesails,and sailtomaturity,to thegolden coast.3、是緣分將我們帶到一起,是友情將我們緊緊地相連。It is fate that brings us together. It is friendshipthat binds us together.4、你有涌泉一樣的智慧和一雙辛勤的手,不管你身在何處,幸運與快樂時刻陪伴著你!You have the same wisdom as a
26、 fountain and a pair of hard-working hands, no matter where you are, luck and happiness always accompany you!5、我也并不是總舍不得你走,只是總想看見你的笑容,聽你的笑聲。I am not always reluctantto letyou go, but always wantto see your smile and listen to your laughter.6、風(fēng)吹走了祝福的心絮,雨模糊了期盼的視線,我扎緊了思念的情結(jié),相信總有一天我們會再度重逢!The wind blows
27、 away the heart of blessings, the rain blurs the vision of expectation, I tightened complex of missing, I believe that one day we will again!themeet7、你的稟賦比如一朵火花,如果你用勤懇辛苦去助燃。它必定會變成熊熊烈火,放出無比的光和熱來。Your giftislikea spark,ifyou work hardtofuelit.Itisboundtobecomearagingfire,emittingincomparable light and
28、 heat.8、愿我們做那不顯眼的細小的石子,去鋪設(shè)祖國千里萬里的金光大道。May we make the inconspicuous small stones to pave theGolden Avenue of our motherlandforthousands of miles.9、不管未來有多遙遠,成長的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么時候,我們是永遠的朋友。No matter how far the future is, you have me on the way to grow up; no matter when we meet, we are forever friends.
29、10、畢業(yè)了!真的就這樣一切都結(jié)束了!朋友們,祝我們以后順便幸福!Graduation! Really it s all over! Friends, wish ushappiness in the future!11、經(jīng)歷就是人生的硎石,生命的鋒芒在磨礪中閃光;經(jīng)歷就是人生的礦石,生命的活力在提煉中釋放。Experience is the stone of life, the sharp edge of life shines in the mill; Experience is the ore of life, the vitality of life is released in the
30、 refinement.12、畢業(yè)了, 曾經(jīng)那些不在意的人和事,現(xiàn)在想來多么珍貴。Graduated, once those who do not care about people andthings, now think how precious.13、你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鷹, 明天是你們的世界,一切因你們而光輝!You arethebud oftheflowerseason,you are the eaglewithwings,tomorrowisyourworld,everythingisglorious because of you!14、綿軟的時代,需要剛性的風(fēng)骨;愿你們永
31、遠以精神的富有坦然于世?;畛鲎杂?,活出坦蕩!Soft times need rigid character; may you always livein peace and quiet with your spiritual richness. Livefree, live open!15、幾個人用同樣的鑰匙,打開同一扇門。幾個人用同樣的目光,跟空蕩的寢室說再見。Several people opened the same door with the same key.Severalpeople saidgoodbye to the empty dormitorywiththe same ey
32、es.16、想想曾經(jīng)同桌的我們,高考過后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同學(xué),前途多珍重!Thinkof us who used to be at the same table.Afterthecollege entrance exam, we all went our separate ways.Weare reluctantto partwitheach other.My classmates,what a precious future it will be!17、聚也不是開始,散也不是結(jié)束,同窗數(shù)載凝的無數(shù)美好瞬間,將永遠銘刻在我的記憶之中。Gathering is not the beg
33、inning, scattering is not theend.Thecountlessbeautifulmomentsofclassmates condensationwillalwaysbe engravedinmymemory.18、畢業(yè)時節(jié)雨紛紛,畢業(yè)生們欲斷魂。試問前途何處有,學(xué)生遙指中關(guān)村。Graduates are dying of rain when they graduate. Whereis the future? Students point to Zhongguancun.19、帶著記憶, 帶著幻想, 走向生活, 走向祖國的四面八方。With memory, with
34、 fantasy, to life, to the motherlandin all directions.20、朋友,讓我們守住生命中最美好的時光,別讓它成為褪色的記憶。Friends, lets hold on to the best days of our livesand not let them fade into faded memories.21、柳陰下別百般惆悵,同窗數(shù)載少年情長,望征程千種思緒,愿友情化為奮進的力量!Don t be so sad under Liu Yin.My classmateshave beenyoung for several years. Look
35、ing forward to thousandsofthoughtson thejourney, Ihope friendship willbecome a force for forging ahead!22、室友,對不起,以前我天天欺負你,現(xiàn)在分開了,以后再也不能了。Roommate, I m sorry, I used to bully you every day.Now I m apart, and I can t do it anymore.23、才高八斗, 學(xué)富五車。 若只活百年, 絕可避免江郎才盡。兄弟,再見!Talent is eight, learning is five. If we only live fora hundred years, we will never be able to run out of talent. Bye, brother!24、今日一別,山高水長?;蛟S有的人再也不會見
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