



1、某某某公司員工聘用協(xié)議書Empolyme nt Agreeme nt聘用方(甲方 Company:住所 Location:法定代表人 Legal Representative:受聘方(乙方 Employee:工號 Employee ID:國籍 Nationality:護照號碼 Passport Number 身份證號碼 Citizen Identification:戶口所在地Registered Permanent Residence(For Chines 通信住址 Address for correspondence:甲、乙雙方本著平等自愿、誠實信用、協(xié)商一致的原則,就甲方聘用乙方的有關(guān)事項

2、達成如下協(xié)議:This Employment Agreement(the“ Agreement ” is entered into on the date of the lastsig nature (the“ Effective Date ” by and betwee n the compa ny as ide ntified in the coverpage (the “ Compan/ and the empOsyidentified in the cover page (the“ Employee”In con sideratio n of the mutual premises a

3、nd cove nants set forth here in and for good andvaluable con siderati on the adequacy of which is hereby ack no wledge by the parties, and the nu tualben efits to be derived thereforem, the parties agree as follows:1 聘用期限 Employment Period1.1 聘用期為年月日至年月日。The employme nt period is from (MM DD,YYYY to

4、 (MM DD,YYYY .1.2 聘用期限屆滿甲方希望繼續(xù)聘用乙方的,甲方將在聘用期限屆滿前一個月征 求乙方續(xù)訂聘用協(xié)議的意向,如乙方提出續(xù)訂聘用協(xié)議且甲方同意續(xù)訂的,雙方在本聘用期限屆滿前另行協(xié)商訂立心得聘用協(xié)議。因乙方個人原因未及時續(xù)訂的,甲方不承擔因此引起的責任和后果。Should Compa ny wishes to exte nd the employme nt period upon the term in ati on of theAgreeme nt, Compa ny shall no tify the Employee for consent one month prio

5、r to the termin atio nof the Agreeme nt. The Employee may propose for the consent ofCompany to extend the service period and the two parties shall sign a new employme ntagreeme nt before the term in atio n of this Agreeme nt. Compa ny is free from any liability forfailure to extend the employment pe

6、riod due to reasons of the Employee.2 工作崗位 Position2.1 甲方聘用乙方主要從事崗位工作。乙方同意甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)業(yè)務(wù)需要調(diào)整乙 方工作崗位。乙方同意工作崗位調(diào)整后的薪酬待遇按調(diào)整后的工作崗位相關(guān)薪酬標 準確定。Compa ny employs the Employee as . The Employee agrees that Compa ny has the right tocha nge the positi on of the Employee accord ing to bus in ess n eeds and adjust the E

7、mployees paydi ben efits accord ing to the pay sta ndard of the new positi on.乙方不勝任工作的,甲方有權(quán)對乙方工作崗位進行調(diào)整,調(diào)整后乙方仍不勝任的,甲方有權(quán)解除聘用協(xié)議。Compa ny has the right to cha nge the positi on of the Employee proves in compete nt for thepositi on and may termi nate the Agreeme nt if the Employee proves in compete nt fo

8、r the newpositi on.在聘用期間,乙方工作崗位的調(diào)整,不影響本協(xié)議效力Change in the position of the Employee within the employment period shall not affect theeffective ness of this Agreeme nt.3 工作地點 Work Place3.1 乙方聲明,其明確知悉甲方在全球范圍內(nèi)設(shè)有子公司或分支機構(gòu),并同意甲方根據(jù)工作需要,有權(quán)安排乙方在甲方及直接或間接控制的全球范圍內(nèi)的子 公司或分支機構(gòu)派駐工作。The Employee ack no wledges its kno

9、 wledge of the global divisi ons or bran ches of Company and agrees that Compa ny shall have the right to dispatch the Employee, as n eeded, to workin any global divisi on or branch directly or in directly un der Compa ny.4 試用期 Probation Period4.1 雙方同意按照以下第種方式確定試用期:Both Compa ny and the Employee agr

10、ee to determ ine the probati on period in mode .(a 無試用期。No probati on period.(b 試用期為個月。試用期包含在聘用期之內(nèi)。試用期間乙方有下列情形之一 的,甲方有權(quán)隨時解除本協(xié)議,不須提前通知乙方或向乙方支付經(jīng)濟補償金:A probation of month(s. The probation period is included in the employment period. Duringthe probation period, Company may terminate the Agreement at any

11、 time without prior no tice orany severa nee pay in any of the follow ing cases.1.乙方個人簡歷、職位申請登記表上所提供的信息(包括但不限于學位證、畢業(yè)證、外語等級證書、資格證、身份證明等個人有效證件及信息與本人實際情況不 符的;In formatio n (in clud ing but n ot limited to pers onal certificates and in formatio n suchas the degree certificate, graduate diploma, foreig n

12、 Ian guage compete ncy certificate,career qualifications, and identity certification in the resume or employment application form ofthe Employme nt applicati on form of the Employee does not match the actual situati on.2. 試用期培訓考核不合格或不能通過轉(zhuǎn)正答辯的;The Employee fails to pass the qualification exam after t

13、raining in the probation period or failin the probati on defe nee.3.工作技能與個人書面陳述的任職能力不相符或達不到招聘錄用條件的;TheEmployee s proved competency does not match that mentioned in personal writing or live up tothe employme nt requireme nts.4. 不能保質(zhì)保量完成試用期所要求的工作任務(wù)等情形的;The Employee is un able to fulfill tasks as requi

14、red.5. 乙方具有法律、法規(guī)或甲方規(guī)章制度規(guī)定的可以解除勞動合同的其它情形 的。Other cases in which the performa nee of the Employee may result in the term in ati on of theAgreeme nt by Compa ny pursua nt to laws or regulati ons of Compa ny.5 工作時間和休息休假 Working Hours, V acations and Leaves甲方按國家規(guī)定并結(jié)合生產(chǎn)和工作實際情況規(guī)定工作時間和休息休假,乙方必須遵從甲方相關(guān)規(guī)定并執(zhí)行。C

15、ompa ny shall stipulate work ing hours, vacati ons and leaves of employees in accordranee with n ati onal regulati ons and actual work progress; the Employee isobliged to abide by related regulati ons made by Compa ny.根據(jù)工作需要,甲方可安排乙方異地出差。Compa ny may arrange bus in ess trips of the Employee as n eede

16、d.在本協(xié)議期內(nèi),根據(jù)業(yè)務(wù)需要,甲方有權(quán)安排乙方離崗休假不參加工作及/或不承 擔全部或部分職責。Compa ny has the right to arrange vacati ons for the Employee an d/or make the Employeefree from all or part of the resp on sibilities accord ing to bus in ess n eeds with in the employment period.6 勞動報酬及福利待遇 Salary and Ben efits工資Salary(a 乙方實行月薪制,按照不低

17、于當?shù)卣嫉淖畹凸べY標準確定,具體按甲方規(guī)定執(zhí)行。甲方從乙方的月工資中依法代為扣繳員工應(yīng)繳納的個人所得稅 和社會保險費個人承擔部分費用及中國法律要求的其它扣除(如有后,于每月最后一個工作日前將工資支付給乙方。This Employee shall be paid on a mon thly basis. Compa ny shall determ ine the salary ofthe Employee above the lowest pay sta ndard issued by the local gover nment according toCompany s pay regu

18、lations. Company shall pay the monthly salary to theEmployee by the last worki ng day of each month after deduct ing the in dividual in come taxwithheld, social in sura nee con tributi ons to be borne by the Employee and other withholdi ngs (ifany required by Ch in ese laws. (b 甲方有權(quán)定期或不定期地對乙方工 資進行回顧

19、,并有權(quán)根據(jù)甲方經(jīng)營狀況、乙方工作崗位責任及乙方工作表現(xiàn)、市場薪酬變化等情況決定是否調(diào)整乙方的 工資Company has the right to review the salary of the Employee at regular or irregular in tervalsand make reas on able adjustme nts to the Employee s salary accord ing toCompany s operation status, the Employee s working position and responsibilities, th

20、eEmployee s work performa nee, and the cha nge of pay sta ndards in the market.6.2 加班工資:甲方安排乙方加班的,乙方應(yīng)當填寫加班申請表。對按照甲方規(guī) 章制度批準的加班,甲方將按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定付給乙方加班工資或安排補休。Pay for overtime work: Employee shall complete and submit the Applieati on forOvertime Work whe n worki ng extra hours as arra nged by Compa ny. Comp

21、a ny shall pay TheEmployee or arrange compe nsatio n vacati ons for the Employee accord ing to related nationalregulations for the Employee s overtime work that is approved by Company.6.3 甲方依法為乙方繳納社會保險費及其他法定福利中企業(yè)繳費部分。Compa ny shall pay the part of social in sura nee premium payable by the employer a

22、nd other legalben efits payable by the employer for the Employee.7 勞動保護、勞動條件和職業(yè)危害防護Labor Protection, Labor Conditions and Occupational Hazard Preventior 甲方按國 家和地方有關(guān)勞動保護規(guī)定提供符合國家勞動衛(wèi)生標準的勞動作業(yè)場所、勞動條件 及勞動保護措施,保護乙方在生產(chǎn)工作中的安全和健康。Compa ny shall provide the Employee with work places, work con diti ons and work

23、 protectio nmeasures that meet the n ati on al labor hygie ne sta ndard accord ing to related n ati onal and locallabor protect ion regulati ons to en sure the safety and health of the Employee in the course of work.7.2 乙方工作過程中可能產(chǎn)生職業(yè)病危害的,甲方將按國家有關(guān)職業(yè)病防治的相 關(guān)規(guī)定保護乙方的健康及其相關(guān)權(quán)益。Compa ny shall protect the he

24、alth and related ben efits of the Employee accord ing to relatedn ati onal regulatio ns on occupati onal disease preve ntio n and treatme nt if the Employee s workexposes the Employee to the hazard of possible occupational diseases.7.3 甲方對可能產(chǎn)生職業(yè)病危害的崗位員工依法提供職業(yè)健康體檢。Compa nyshall provide the Employee w

25、ith occupati onal physical exam in ati on as required by the law if theEmployee s work exposes the Employee to the hazard of possible occupational diseases.8 規(guī)章制度 Rules and Regulations甲方有權(quán)定期或不定期地制訂和修訂其規(guī)章制度。Company has the right to formulate and revise its rules and regulations at regular or irregula

26、rin tervals.8.2 乙方應(yīng)當閱讀、理解并遵守甲方規(guī)章制度。乙方同意甲方可以通過多種渠 道公示其規(guī)章制度,包括但不限于內(nèi)部網(wǎng)絡(luò)公告欄、通知、口頭傳達等。乙方有 義務(wù)每季度至少一次通過前述渠道充分了解甲方定期或不定期更新的規(guī)章制度。乙 方未履行前述義務(wù)的,不影響甲方對規(guī)章制度的公示效力。The Employee shall read, un dersta nd, and abide by the rules and regulati ons of Compa ny.The Employee agrees that Compa ny can make its rules and regu

27、lati ons public in channelsincluding but not limited to intranet bulletin, notice, training, and oral information. The Employee isobliged to learn at least once a quarter and fully understand the rules and regulati ons updated byCompa ny at regular or irregular in tervals in the above men tio ned ch

28、a nn els. The failure of theEmployee to fulfill this obligati on shall not affect the effective ness of the rules and regulatio ns ofCompa ny.8.3 乙方違反甲方規(guī)章制度的,甲方可以根據(jù)乙方違規(guī)情形對乙方進行處分直至 解除勞動關(guān)系。此外,若因乙方的違規(guī)行為而給甲方造成任何損失的,甲方有權(quán)依據(jù) 相關(guān)法律規(guī)定或甲方規(guī)章制度要求乙方進行賠償。Company has the right to impose disciplinary action on the E

29、mployee and even terminate the employme nt of the Employee whe n the Employee violates Compa ny or regulationsaccording to the severity of the breach behavior. Ifhe Employee s behavior of breach causesany loss of Compa ny, Compa ny has the right to claim compe nsati ons from the Employeeaccordi ng t

30、o the related law or Compa ny9 甲方的權(quán)利及義務(wù) Rights and Obligations of Company9.1 根據(jù)乙方實際工作能力和甲方工作需要,甲方有權(quán)對乙方的工作崗位、 工作 地點作出調(diào)整。Compa ny has the right to cha nge the work positi on an d/or work place of the Employeeaccording to the Employees actual performanee and Companysbus in ess n eeds.9.2 甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)甲方規(guī)章制度對乙

31、方進行管理。Company has the right to supervise the Employee accordinto Company s adm ini strativeregulati ons.9.3 乙方在聘用期間的職務(wù)成果及其知識產(chǎn)權(quán)歸甲方所有。Compa ny owns the in-service achieveme nts made by the Employee un der the period ofemployme nt and in tellectual property rights thereby.9.4 甲方根據(jù)工作需要可為乙方提供相應(yīng)的在職培訓,并有權(quán)根

32、據(jù)此要求乙方簽訂培訓協(xié)議。s ruless regulationsCompa ny may provide in-service training for the Employee as n eeded by the work and hasthe right to request the Employee to sig n the training agreeme nt.9.5 甲方應(yīng)為乙方提供適宜的工作環(huán)境和工作條件。Compa ny shall provide proper work en vir onment and work con diti ons for the Employee

33、.10 乙方的權(quán)利及義務(wù) Rights and Obligations of the Employee10.1 乙方享有甲方規(guī)定的基本工作權(quán)利及相關(guān)待遇。The Employee shall enjoy the basic work rights and related ben efits stipulated by Compa ny.10.2 乙方有權(quán)獲得相應(yīng)的報酬和晉升機會,并擁有享受本協(xié)議 5.1 條所規(guī)定的休 息休假的權(quán)利。The Employee is entitled to due payments, opportunities for promotion, and vacatio

34、nsstipulated in 5.1 of this Agreement.10.3 乙方享有參加相應(yīng)的業(yè)務(wù)學習和提出工作改進建議的權(quán)利。The Employee has the right to join related bus in ess study and propose suggesti ons on workimproveme nt.10.4 乙方負有嚴格維護甲方的利益和聲譽、遵守甲方的規(guī)章制度的義務(wù)。TheEmployee is obliged to protect the interests and reputation of Company and abide by the

35、regulations of Compa ny.10.5 乙方負有嚴格按照本協(xié)議、甲方規(guī)章制度、乙方簽署的有關(guān)協(xié)議及承諾書等的要求,保守甲方的商業(yè)秘密和技術(shù)秘密的義務(wù)。The Employee is obliged to protect and keep the bus in ess secrets and tech ni cal secrets ofCompa ny pursua nt to this Agreeme nt, regulati ons of Compa ny, and agreeme nt and commitments sig ned by the Employee.10.

36、6 未經(jīng)授權(quán),乙方不得披露、使用、允許甲方或甲方負有責任的任何第三方(包括但不限于甲方的員工、代理人、顧問等使用第三方的技術(shù)秘密、商業(yè)秘密或 其他知識產(chǎn)權(quán),也不得在甲方的工作場所、工作電腦等中持有該等技術(shù)秘密、商業(yè) 秘密或其他知識產(chǎn)權(quán)。The Employee shall not disclose, use, or allow Company or any third partyCompa ny is resp on sible for (in clud ing but no t limited to the employees, represe ntatives and consulta n

37、t of Compa ny to use the tech ni cal secrets, bus in ess secrets or other intellectual propertiesof a third party without prior authorization; nor shall the Employee store the tech ni cal and bus iness secrets an d/or other in tellectual properties in the work place or an any work computer ofCompa n

38、y. 10.7 乙方保證其向甲方提供或陳述的工 作經(jīng)歷、各類證件及其他相關(guān)信息均與本人實際情況相符,不存在任何虛假、欺詐。The Employee shall guara ntee that the work experie nee, all certificates, and other in formation provided for or men ti oned to Compa ny match the actual situati on of the Employee without anyfalsehood or cheat ing.10.8 乙方不得直接或間接地通過任何人、合伙

39、、企業(yè)或其它實體,從事任何可能與乙方在任何時候以甲方的最佳利益行事的職責產(chǎn)生實際或預期利益沖突的商業(yè) 活動。The Employee shall not en gage directly or in directly through any pers on,part nership, en terprise or other en tity, in any bus in ess un dertak ings that will con flict with theactual or an ticipated in terests of Compa ny accordi ng to the re

40、sp on sibility of the Employee to actin the best interest of Company at any time.11 知識產(chǎn)權(quán) Intellectual Property Rights11.1 職務(wù)成果Service Achieveme nts11.1.1 雙方確認,乙方在甲方工作期間(包括離職之日起一年內(nèi),由于履行本人職 務(wù)或甲方安排的本人職務(wù)之外的工作任務(wù),或者主要利用甲方的物質(zhì)條件和業(yè)務(wù)信 息等,自行或與他人共同構(gòu)思、開發(fā)、創(chuàng)造或研制出的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造、實用新型、外觀 設(shè)計、技術(shù)訣竅、產(chǎn)品、計算機軟件、半導體芯片、作品或其他形式的智力成果,其中

41、所包含的或與之有關(guān)的全部知識產(chǎn)權(quán)權(quán)利或其他財產(chǎn)權(quán)利(以下統(tǒng)稱知識產(chǎn) 權(quán)”均歸甲方所有。Both Compa ny and the Employee agree that Compa ny owns all the in tellectual propertyrights an d/or other property rights (here in after referred to as in tellectualproperty rights included in or related to the inventions, practical innovations, appeara ne

42、edesig ns, tech ni cal kno w-hows, products, computer software, semic on ductor chips, works,and/or intellectual achievements in any other form that are solely or jointly made researched,developed, or created by the Employee in perform ing the Employee duties or fulfilli ng other tasksappo in ted by

43、 the Compa ny, or using physical con diti ons and bus in ess in formati on of Company, duri ng the employme nt period (in clud ing withi n one year after the Employee leaves theemployme nt.11.2 乙方同意以所有適當?shù)姆绞酵ㄟ^適當?shù)耐緩剑òǖ幌抻谏暾垖@⒆?冊商標、登記軟件等,相關(guān)費用由甲方承擔協(xié)助甲方或甲方指派的第三方,為甲方取得上述知識產(chǎn)權(quán)在任一國家、地區(qū)或全球范圍內(nèi)的各項權(quán)利。前述適當?shù)姆绞桨?/p>

44、 但不限于:向甲方披露全部相關(guān)信息和數(shù)據(jù),簽署相關(guān)申請書、技術(shù)說明書以及甲方 認為在申請取得該等權(quán)利或向甲方(或其繼承者、受讓人和指定者轉(zhuǎn)讓知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的 專屬權(quán)利、權(quán)屬和利益時所必需的文書。乙方同意,乙方簽署任何該等文書或文件的義務(wù)、或促使該等文書或文件被簽署的義務(wù),在其與甲方的勞動關(guān)系終止之后仍 應(yīng)繼續(xù)存在。The Employee agrees to assist Compa ny or a third Compa ny poin ted by Compa ny to acquire therights pertaining to the aforesaid intellectual pro

45、perty rights in any country or regi on or the whole world forCompa ny in all proper ways through proper cha nn els(i nclud ing but not limited to pate nt applicati on,trademark registrati on and software registrati on; the related expe nses shall be un dertake n by Compa ny.The forego ing proper way

46、s in clude but are not limited to disclosure ofall related in formatio n and data to Compa ny and sig ning related applicati ons, tech ni cal descriptions, and other writ ings and docume nts deemed n ecessary by Compa ny in appl ying for these rights ortran sferri ng the exclusive rights, own ership

47、 and ben efits of the intellectual property rights to Company (orCompany s successor, assignee orappo in ted en tity. The Employee agrees that the Employee s obligati on to sig n thesewritings and documents or assist in getting these writings and documents signed be valid after the term inatio n of

48、the employme nt.11.1.3 甲方有權(quán)使用、轉(zhuǎn)讓或授權(quán)他人使用上述知識產(chǎn)權(quán)而無須獲得乙方的同意、。Compa ny has the right to use, tran sfer, or authorize a third party to use the forego ing in tellectualproperty rights without requesti ng the permissi on of the Employee.11.1.4 上述知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的署名權(quán)(依法律規(guī)定而應(yīng)由甲方署名的除外,由作為發(fā)明 人、制作人或設(shè)計人的乙方享有,并且乙方有權(quán)按甲方有關(guān)規(guī)定獲得相

49、應(yīng)的物質(zhì)獎 勵和精神鼓勵。The Employee, as the inven tor, producer, or desig ner, owns the right of authorship of the forego ingin tellectual property rights(except in cases in which Compa ny owns the right of authorship by law and theEmployee shall be entitled to physical and spiritual rewards accordi ng to rel

50、ated regulati ons of Compa ny.11.1.5 若乙方作為發(fā)明人或設(shè)計人的職務(wù)發(fā)明創(chuàng)造經(jīng)甲方申請并被授予專利權(quán)的,雙方理解并同意甲方應(yīng)當根據(jù)甲方當時正在生效的內(nèi)部相關(guān)規(guī)章制度規(guī)定的獎 勵支付方式和數(shù)額向乙方支付相應(yīng)獎金。If the Employee s service inven tionreati on inven ted or desig ned by the Employeeis gran ted a pate nt right after Compa ny s fili ng in Compa ny s own n ame, both Partiesun d

51、ersta nd and agree that Compa ny shall award the Employee a money prize accordi ng to the payme ntmethod and amount stipulated in the Compa ny-cufresit hefectiveinternal related rules and regulati ons.11.1.6 若甲方因?qū)嵤┣笆霭l(fā)明創(chuàng)造專利并獲得了利潤,或甲方許可其他第三方實 施前述專利權(quán)并收取使用費的,雙方理解并同意甲方應(yīng)當根據(jù)甲方當時正在生效的 內(nèi)部相關(guān)規(guī)章制度規(guī)定的報酬支付方式和數(shù)額向乙

52、方支付相應(yīng)報酬。If Compa ny exploits the foresaid pate nt for inven ti on-creati on to make a profit, orCompa ny grants the lice nse to the third party to exploit the foresaid pate nt to receive the royalty fees,both Parties un dersta nd and agree that Compa ny shall pay the Employee remunerations according

53、 to thepayment metod and amount stipulated in the Company sthen-curre nt effective internal related rules and regulati ons.11.1.7 甲乙雙方同意,甲方向乙方支付的薪酬待遇中,已考慮因乙方職務(wù)發(fā)明創(chuàng) 造被授予專利權(quán)及甲方實施或許可前述專利權(quán)在所有適用法及本協(xié)議下乙方應(yīng)當獲 得的全部獎勵、報酬及其他利益。Both Parties agree that, Company has taken all the reward, remunerations and other in

54、 terest whichthe Employee deserves in all applicable jurisdicti ons and un der this Agreeme nt in to con siderati on in thesalary and ben efits paid to the Employee un der thisAgreeme nt due to: i the Employee s servic&CneetiOnrwhich has bee n gran ted a pate nt right; or iiCompa ny s exploitati

55、 on or gran ti ng the lice nseto the third party of the foresaid pate nt.11.1.8 甲乙雙方同意,若前述專利權(quán)被無效,或甲方合理的認為前述專利權(quán)存在 被無效的可能,甲方有權(quán)不發(fā)放或酌情減少前述獎勵和/或報酬。Both Parties agree that, if the foresaid pate nt is inv alid or unen forceable or Compa ny has reas onable doubt that the foresaid pate nt has the possibility

56、 to be inv alid or unen forceable, Compa ny has theright to withdraw or decrease the foresaid money prize an d/or rem un erati ons here in.11.2 非職務(wù)成果Non-service Achieveme nts11.2.1 乙方在工作期間作出的甲方業(yè)務(wù)密切有關(guān)的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造、產(chǎn)品、計算機軟 件、半導體芯片、技術(shù)秘密和商業(yè)秘密,若本人期望由本人擁有知識產(chǎn)權(quán),應(yīng)及時向 甲方申明。經(jīng)甲方書面核準,確認屬非職務(wù)成果,乙方可擁有知識產(chǎn)權(quán);如乙方?jīng)Q定轉(zhuǎn) 讓或允許使用此項非職

57、務(wù)成果,甲方享有優(yōu)先受讓權(quán)。The Employee shall declare promptly to the wish to solely own the intellectual property rights to theinven ti ons, products, computer software, semic on ductor chips, tech ni cal secrets, and bus in ess secretsinven ted or developed by the Employee that are closely related to the bus i

58、n ess of Compa ny duri ng theperiod of employme nt. The Employee shall own the intellectual property rights after Company sapproval in writtenform, which con firms that the related achieveme nts are made by the Employee whe n off service. Shouldthe Employee decide to transfer or license the intellec

59、tual property rights, Compa ny has the priority for theassig nment.11.2.2 乙方未作申明則推定其為職務(wù)成果,甲方可以使用、授權(quán)第三方使用或向第三方轉(zhuǎn)讓。若日后該等成果被證明為非職務(wù)成果,乙方也不得要求甲方承擔任何責任。The in tellectual property rights achieved by the Employee in abse nee of the declarati on from theEmployee shall be deemed service achieveme nts and Compa

60、 ny may use, authorize a third party to use ortran sfer to a third party these rights. The Employee shall not claim for liabilities of Company if the rightsprove to be non-service achieveme nts later.12 保密 Non-disclosure12.1 保密責任Non-disclosure Liability12.1.1 乙方在甲方工作期間,必須嚴格遵守甲方的保密規(guī)章制度,履行與本人職 務(wù)和工作崗位相應(yīng)的保密


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