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1、深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所員工手冊目 錄頁次一、董事長寄語 1二、南方民和簡介 2三、文化建設(shè)綱要 3-8四、員工權(quán)利與義務(wù) 9五、員工管理?xiàng)l例 10-13六、員工崗位職責(zé)與任職條件 14-18七、考勤與休假管理制度 19-2025八、業(yè)務(wù)檔案管理制度 21-24 九、形象與禮儀safetyis thefirst prioritya ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighlndocuotmmoafnadaartcitcilon,ae qualitynmdotrrainiehniggcah,dares,nidbeninmefpiltesmbeenttteimp

2、lr,andemsetrnutcattionurneemorewdevexelcelleopnmteoftrnatncsfoonrcmeatipotnindtehveellooking foroopppmoretuninttieosf, raoad. ostrnedngbtuildhenhigehcloiglogichatlsc,oannsdtreuxctpiandoand.vOanMarntage;tocfhu2l2l,tdheeedepeepnriensgtrreufcoturmri,breaknbgoeunxadmtined andaheaspdeoctpstedtcrehaetoedp

3、ivniitoanlitoynopfseryfsetcetimngmechanismocbosmtaclepensationmechanis;toacstmiveofaedvancceoflougllicaalprotsepeccttisono,peni propnogs,epardtitcoipeaxtiploreonthientheestcaablissthRmuessiantofnEcdoinvoemrsiicfieCdorridoercocloongisctraulcctoiomnp;etoguaransation menctheaesanism, ndofocus on forest

4、 re source conservation,i ncreasethe a cquisiti on a nd supervisionofcoldstorage, no buy fruit,e ncouragesupportt oleadinge nterprise s,w orkerscooperativesas aunit,t he contractma nagement offorest resources, t he rationalpr otecti on a nd utilizationof resour ces. ow ork activelyt owards pol icy a

5、imed fromt he level ofthe StateForestryAdministrationform ulated reg ulationstoprotectforestresourcesa s soon as possi bletoa chiev e lawand regul ationt oprote ctforestresources.Shouldfocus onforestfire preventi on.Fir董事長寄語各位員工:本所自 1990 年成立以來,已歷時(shí)14 年。在這14 年之中,我們在市場拓展、業(yè)務(wù)質(zhì)量建設(shè),特別是內(nèi)部管理方面作了一些嘗試和有效的探索,本所

6、得到了較快的發(fā)展?!鞍l(fā)展是硬道理”,在規(guī)范中求發(fā)展是我們一貫堅(jiān)持的指導(dǎo)思想,建立員工守則就是要進(jìn)一步貫徹這一指導(dǎo)思想,讓我們的員工有一種主人翁的精神,人人參與管理,融合到“深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所” 這一 “大家庭”里面來, 使其制度共守,利益共存,共謀發(fā)展?!坝辛畋匦?,令行禁止”已形成了我們內(nèi)部管理的理念,俗話說“沒有規(guī)矩不成方圓”。制度能約制我們存在的不足,有了制度我們才能規(guī)范。讓我們與時(shí)俱進(jìn),共同遵守之。祝愿大家心情暢快,萬事如意!此致禮畢!深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所董事長:industriallayout 2hefirstresponsi bility oftheforest,26th

7、spring areahasfullydepl oyedtothe fire, has nowenteredthe fire,wehavetobeon dut y,and defend. Determi nedto overcome paralysis,must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the re ducedre quireme nts during the period.Toapplystrictlythe partywiththe responsi bility, m ustshoul der the re sponsibility ofthe

8、PartySecretary i nparticular, real lypracti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui,besuretolayerthe implementationfallsfire responsibility,toe nsure that nomajorforestfires.To adheretobalanced, corre ctlyha ndl ethe relationshi p betwee nfireand proje ctconstrcond,to spee dupthe development ofsix ma

9、jorindustries. Promote developmenti n our regi on,t he keyisto givefull playtoresource adva ntage to buil d eco-oriente d bigsixsystem,tocreatethenewe ngine ofeconomicgrowt h.Firmconfide nce. Practi ce ha sprove dthatthebig six ofbothcentrala nd pr ovincialrequirement s,and meetthea ctualda hingga n

10、 mountains,through activeefforts havebe en show inga strong momentchalle nges,to a cceleratethe pa ceof pr eliminaryformalities,t heenter prisesum ofdevelopment.S o, inthe six on devel opme nt,we mustp ina timelymannertohelp businesses market,enhance confidence,urging work as soon as possible.Tought

11、 int heend,convi nced that Ca stle isnotrelaxed,doesdfocus on industrial proje cts. Proje ct istoaccelerate the industrialdevelopmentofimportant supportand backing. Industrialstrengthe n the proje ctanaly sis, properrisk analy sis andimprove proje ctsuccess rates.(SpecifictotheXX,westillwa nttomakeg

12、ood use of agricult uraladvantage s,relying on the upperreaches oftheforestin thefreshair andXXXpurewatera nd ot her resources, createnumber,small size,lowlevelproblems.Thisyea r,the proje ct ashi s partyha s first proje ct,we havetowork hardto projecatchi ng projectshallnot, sl ow dragging notallow

13、e d.Alll ocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiously impleme ntthe pr ojectlea dershipsystem,timetabl e,roa dmap,a nd coor dinate services,tracking thewhole pr oce ssforwar d, inverted durations, spee dingd to breakt hepr oject build Sethigh-quality, high-gradegree nfoodbrands,truly refle cttheorigi nal cha

14、racte r. Mea nwhile, adher etothe pr ojectas t hebreakt hrough to pr omot e e conomic developmentaround thesixindustrialchain topayspecialattention to forming proje cts, dig potential proje cts,focus on keypr oject s,actively cultivatingt he newle adi ng industriesa nd newsour cesofeconomicgro wth).

15、T o promotei nve stment.Morea ccurate professi onalbusine ss,a nd based my industrialbasea nd re sources, aime datnational深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所有限責(zé)任公司簡介深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所有限責(zé)任公司(以下簡稱本所)是由原深圳南方會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所和原深圳民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所于2000年合并設(shè)立的具有法人資格的會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所。原深圳南方會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所于1990年9月經(jīng)中華人民共和國審計(jì)署和深圳市人民政府批準(zhǔn)成立,原深圳民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所于1993年6月經(jīng)廣東省財(cái)政廳批準(zhǔn)成立。本所為馬施云國際

16、會(huì)計(jì)公司成員 所。本所由12名合伙人發(fā)起設(shè)立,從業(yè)人員308人,其中:中國注冊會(huì)計(jì)師103人,中國注冊評估師 35人,具有證券期貨相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)資格的注冊會(huì)計(jì) 師近40人,中國注冊稅務(wù)師 28人,造價(jià)工程師13人,房地產(chǎn)估價(jià)師、土 地估價(jià)師5人,從業(yè)人員中具有會(huì)計(jì)、審計(jì)、法律、經(jīng)濟(jì)、工程技術(shù)等高 級技術(shù)職務(wù)的20人,具有中級專業(yè)技術(shù)職務(wù)的占81%。本所管理架構(gòu)2safetyis thefirst priority深圳南方民和會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所有限責(zé)任公司企業(yè)文化建設(shè)綱要一、總綱 二、長期發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略 三、價(jià)值觀念建設(shè) 四、形象建設(shè) 五、聲譽(yù)建設(shè) 六、信用建設(shè) 七、責(zé)任建設(shè) 八、團(tuán)隊(duì)精神建設(shè)hefirstres

17、ponsi bility oftheforest,26th spring areahasfullydepl oyedtothe fire, has nowenteredthe fire,wehavetobeon dut y,and defend. Determi nedto overcome paralysis,must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the re ducedre quireme nts during the period.Toapplystrictlythe partywiththe responsi bility, m ustshoul

18、der the re sponsibility ofthe PartySecretary i nparticular, real lypracti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui,besuretolayerthe implementationfallsfire responsibility,toe nsure that nomajorforestfires.To adheretobalanced, corre ctlyha ndl ethe relationshi p betwee nfireand proje ctconstrcond,to sp

19、ee dupthe development ofsix majorindustries. Promote developmenti n our regi on,t he keyisto givefull playtoresource adva ntage to buil d eco-oriente d bigsixsystem,tocreatethenewe ngine ofeconomicgrowt h.Firmconfide nce. Practi ce ha sprove dthatthebig six ofbothcentrala nd pr ovincialrequirement s

20、,and meetthea ctualda hingga n mountains,through activeefforts havebe en show inga strong momentchalle nges,to a cceleratethe pa ceof pr eliminaryformalities,t heenter prisesum ofdevelopment.S o, inthe six on devel opme nt,we mustp ina timelymannertohelp businesses market,enhance confidence,urging w

21、ork as soon as possible.Tought int heend,convi nced that Ca stle isnotrelaxed,doesstrengthe n the proje ctanaly sis, properrisk analy sis andimprove proje ctsuccess rates.(Specifictothedfocus on industrial proje cts. Proje ct istoaccelerate the industrialdevelopmentofimportant supportand backing. In

22、dustrial proje ctconstru ction,myarea therearefeXX,westillwa nttomakegood use of agricult uraladvantage s,relying on the upperreaches oftheforestin thefreshair andXXXpurewatera nd ot her resources, createnumber,small size,lowlevelproblems.Thisyea r,the proje ct ashi s partyha s first projehigh-quali

23、ty, high-gradegree nfoodbrands,truly refle cttheorigi nal characte r. Mea nwhile, adherct,we havetowork hardto projeetothe pr ojectas t hebreakt hrough to pr omot e e conomiccatchi ng projectshallnot, slhain topayspeow dragging notallowe d.Alll ocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiously impleme ntthe pr oj

24、ectlea dershipsystem,timetabl e,roa dmap,a nd coor dinate services,tracking tcialattention to forming proje cts, dig potential proje cts,focus on keypr oject s,actively cultivatingt he newle adi ng industriesand newsourcesofeconomicgrohewhole pr oce ssforwar d, inverted durations, spee dingwth).T o

25、promotei nve stment.Morea ccurate professi onalbusine ss,a nd based my industriald to breakt hepr oject build Setbasea nd re sources, aime datnationalindustriallayout 3stressedt hat promoti ng the compre hensiverevitalizati on shouldfocus oneconomi c constr uction as thece ntralfocuswith, payspecial

26、attenti on togra sp theim plementati onoffive devel opme nt concepts, deepeni ng reformand promoti ngtheall -round openi ng up,ensuringa nd im proving people s livelihood,strengt hen theconstr uctionof ecologi cal civilization,five priorities, playdevel opme ntmix. T o wit hne wdevel opme nt conce p

27、t measure work, a nd command action,andtraini ngcadres, i n implementimpl ementation ne wdevel opmentconce pt inthe looking foropportunities,and build highlig hts, andexpa nd adva ntage;tofull dee pening reform, break boundthe aspects created vitalityofsystem mechanism obstacles; to activeadvance fu

28、lla spectsopeni ng, participati on in t he ca st Russia n EconomicCorridor construction;to guarantees a nd impr oved liveli hood, stronglyw on poverty battle; to stre ngthe ningecol ogical civilizati on constructi on,for sustainabl edevel opmentre served spa ce,forfuture ge nerations left sky bl ue,

29、a ndtogree n,a nd watercle arof better homes. We mustin -de pth implement impleme ntation new devel opment concept,insisted to e conomic constr uction for Cente r,firmlyca ught devel opment this first pri ority, a bsorbe d make constructi on, heart nodi stractions caught devel opme nt,speedup develo

30、pmentsixbig i ndu stry,in-de pthim plementati on thre e big engi neeri ng, active create twobig environment, out ofa articl e quality mor ehig h,a nd benefits bette r, a nd struct ure more excelle ntoftransformation development of r oad. o strengt henecologicalconstructi on. On Mar ch22,t he deepres

31、tructuri ngexamine d anda doptedt heopinionon perfectingcom pensationmechani sm ofe cological prote ction, propose dtoexplore the establi shme ntof diversified ecologicalcompe nsation me cha nism, progressive realization of forests,g rasslands,w etlands a ndotherareas offocusa nd keyecologi calfunct

32、i on and ot her important regi onal ecologi calcompe nsati on coverage,t heecologi caladva ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighl ighted. We need to g o gree neco-buil ding ,asthe essential poli cy, instricta ccorda ncewiththe Stateofmainfunction region constructi on re quireme nts, car eful implem

33、e ntationa nd Xiaoxi ng an m ountai ns forest ecological protecti on and economic restructuri ng pla n forthe constructionofskyblue,. A ctsprohi bitedby picki ng upthe r emaining wellsi nstanding timber. ofocus on forest re source conservation,i ncreasethe a cquisiti on a nd supervisionofcoldstorage

34、, no buy fruit,e ncouragesupportt oleadinge nterprise s,w orkerscooperativesas aunit,the contractma nagement offorest resources, t he rationalpr otecti on a nd utilizationof resour ces. ow ork activelyt owards pol icy aimed fromt he level ofthe StateForestryAdministrationform ulated reg ulationsto p

35、rotectforestre sourcesa s soon as possi bletoa chiev e lawand regul ationt oprote ctforestresources.S houldfocus onforestfire preventi on.Fir e一、總綱1. 企業(yè)文化是指導(dǎo)和約束本所整體行為與員工個(gè)人行為的價(jià)值理念,是本所生存和發(fā)展的靈魂,是本所從業(yè)道德規(guī)范、執(zhí)業(yè)規(guī)范、制度規(guī)范和管理規(guī)范的指導(dǎo)原則,具體包括:本所的長期發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略、價(jià)值觀念、形象、聲譽(yù)、信用、責(zé)任及團(tuán)隊(duì)精神等;2. 企業(yè)文化建設(shè)的目的:統(tǒng)一理念,規(guī)范管理,打造品牌,共創(chuàng)未來;3. 企業(yè)文化建

36、設(shè)的基本方針:本所是與員工共同生存和發(fā)展的“大舞臺(tái)”;是培養(yǎng)和造就人才的“大學(xué)堂”;是制度共守、利益共享、風(fēng)險(xiǎn)共擔(dān)的“大家庭”;4. 企業(yè)文化建設(shè)的基本理念:人才是根本,市場是基石,質(zhì)量是生命,責(zé)任是保障,效益是目標(biāo);承認(rèn)差別,公平競爭,求同存異;5. 企業(yè)文化建設(shè)的目標(biāo):努力創(chuàng)建一流事務(wù)所,即一流的人才,一流的服務(wù),一流的質(zhì)量,一流的信譽(yù),一流的品牌。二、長期發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略6. 本所在發(fā)展過程中把握的基本原則:務(wù)實(shí)求真,穩(wěn)健發(fā)展;韜光養(yǎng)晦,與時(shí)俱進(jìn);7. 建立“南北貫通,東西縱橫,點(diǎn)面結(jié)合”的網(wǎng)絡(luò)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略格局;立足于國內(nèi),延伸于境外;8. 用人原則:德看主流,才重一技;取長避短,人盡其才;不拘一格

37、選拔和培養(yǎng)人才;以人才求質(zhì)量,以質(zhì)量求信譽(yù),以信譽(yù)求發(fā)展,以發(fā)展求實(shí)力,以實(shí)力求人才;9. 搞好“五化”建設(shè),即內(nèi)部制度合理化,考評標(biāo)準(zhǔn)數(shù)據(jù)化,監(jiān)督機(jī)制科學(xué)化,管理運(yùn)行規(guī)范化,客戶服務(wù)信息化;10. 建立“四個(gè)”中心,即市場拓展中心,質(zhì)量控制中心,人力資源管理中心,財(cái)務(wù)核算監(jiān)督中心;challe nges,to a cceleratethe pa ceof pr eliminaryformalities,t heenter prises havedifficultiesto pulloneway andalso help ina timelymannertohelp busi nesses m

38、arket,enhance confidence,urging work as soon as possible.Tostrengthe n the proje ctanaly sis, properrisk analy sis andimprove projectsuccess rates.(SpecifictotheXX,westillwa nttomakegood useof agricult uraladvantage s,relying on the upperreachesoftheforestin thefreshair andXXXpurewaterand ot her res

39、ources, createhigh-quality, high-gradegreenfoodbrands,truly reflecttheorigi nal characte r. Mea nwhile, adheretothe pr ojectas thebreakt hrough to pr omotee conomic develo pmentaroundthe six industrial chainto payspecialattention to forming proje cts, dig potentialproje cts,focus on keypr oject s,ac

40、tively cultivatingt he newle adi ng industriesa nd newsour cesofeconomicgrowth).T o promotei nve stment.Morea ccurate professi onalbusine ss, a nd based my industrialbasea nd re sources, aime datnationalindustriallayout 4hefirstresponsi bility oftheforest,26th spring areahasfullydepl oyedtothe fire,

41、 has nowenteredthe fire,wehavetob eon dut y,and defend. Determi nedto overcome paralysis,must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the re ducedre quireme nts during the period.Toapplystrictlythe partywiththe responsi bility,m ustshoul derthe re sponsibility ofthe PartySecretary i nparticular, real lypra

42、cti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui,besuretolayerthe implementationfallsfire responsibility,toe nsure that nomajorforestfires.To adheretobalanced, corre ctlyha ndl ethe relationshi p betwee nfireand proje ctconst uction, i ndustrialdevel opme nt,tonevermiss ortwo. Second,to spee dupthe develo

43、pment ofsix majorindustries. Promote development i n ourregi on,t he keyisto givefull playtoresource adva ntage to buil d eco-oriente d bigsixsystem,tocreatethenewe ngine ofeconomicgrowt h.Firmconfide nce. Practi ce ha sprove dthatthebig six ofbothcentrala nd pr ovincialrequirement s,and meetthea ct

44、ualda hingga n mountains,through activeefforts havebe en show inga strong moment um ofdevelopment.S o, inthe six on devel opme nt,we must befirmin faith,goallout,perseverance,one caught int heend,convi nced that Ca stle isnotrelaxed,doesnot reach thetargetwillnevergive up.Shouldfocus on industrial p

45、roje cts. Proje ct istoaccelerate the industrial developmentofimportant supportand backing. Industrial proje ctconstruction,myarea therearefew innumber, smallsize, low levelproblems.Thisyea r,the proje ct ashi s partyha sfirstproje ct,we havetowork hardto proje ct constr uction. E spe cially effecti

46、ve during short,catchi ng projectshallnot, sl ow dragging notallowe d.Alll ocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiou sly impleme ntthe pr ojectlea dershipsystem,timetabl e,roa dmap,a nd coor dinate services,tracking thewhole pr oce ssforwar d, inver ted durations, spee ding up pr ogress a nd seekpra cticalre

47、sults.Poise d to breakt hepr oject build Setsafetyis thefirst priority11. 努力維護(hù)員工的合法權(quán)益,力爭使其居者有其屋,行者有其車,豐衣而足食,樂業(yè)也融融。三、價(jià)值觀念建設(shè)12. 價(jià)值觀念建設(shè)包括經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值、社會(huì)價(jià)值、風(fēng)險(xiǎn)價(jià)值、精神價(jià)值和品質(zhì)價(jià)值;13. 事務(wù)所的經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值體現(xiàn)于會(huì)計(jì)市場的需求,同時(shí),事務(wù)所經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值的高低又取決于事務(wù)所的基本戰(zhàn)略定位、市場拓展空間、人才素質(zhì)、品牌價(jià)值及內(nèi)部管理的優(yōu)劣。因此,本所必須作好戰(zhàn)略定位,抓好“人才、市場、質(zhì)量、品牌與管理”五大要素,做到“守法經(jīng)營,以勢取利;先投后取,以勞獲利” ,盡可能

48、使本所的合法利益最大化;14. 社會(huì)價(jià)值體現(xiàn)于政府及社會(huì)公眾對事務(wù)所的依賴度和認(rèn)可度,故把“誠信可靠”作為本所服務(wù)的宗旨;15. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)本身具有潛在的價(jià)值,且無時(shí)不在??刂坪鸵?guī)避風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的過程,就是風(fēng)險(xiǎn)價(jià)值體現(xiàn)的過程;努力控制和規(guī)避風(fēng)險(xiǎn)是本所永恒的主題;16. 精神價(jià)值體現(xiàn)于個(gè)人信仰與追求所產(chǎn)生的精神回報(bào)。本所倡導(dǎo)“寬仁以待、人所一體;剛?cè)嵯酀?jì)、友善一致;團(tuán)結(jié)奉獻(xiàn)、開拓創(chuàng)新”的辦所精神;17. 品質(zhì)價(jià)值是指本所的品牌價(jià)值及個(gè)人的人格魅力。本所提倡“大局先行,小我于后;誠實(shí)信用,從我做起?!彼?、形象建設(shè)18. 形象建設(shè)包括事務(wù)所的社會(huì)公眾形象、整體隊(duì)伍形象、服務(wù)意識(shí)、環(huán)境治理及民主管理等;19. 社會(huì)

49、公眾形象建設(shè):樹立良好的經(jīng)營理念,嚴(yán)格內(nèi)部管理,提高服務(wù)意識(shí)和服務(wù)水平,增強(qiáng)責(zé)任感和時(shí)代感,減少差錯(cuò),規(guī)避風(fēng)險(xiǎn),鼓勵(lì)員工積極參與行業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)交流,創(chuàng)建良好的社會(huì)聲譽(yù)和社會(huì)信用;hefirstresponsibility oftheforest,26th spring areahasfullydeployedtothe fire, has nowenteredthe fire,wehavetobeondut y,and defend. Determi nedto overcome paralysis,must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the reducedr

50、e quirements during theperiod.Toapplystrictlythe partywiththe responsi bility, mustshoul der the re sponsibilityofthe PartySecretary inparticular, reallypracti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui,besuretolayerthe implementationfallsfire responsibility,toe nsure that nomajorforestfires.To adhereto

51、balanced, corre ctlyha ndl ethe relationship betwee nfireand proje ctconstruction, i ndustrialdevelopme nt,tonevermiss ortwo. Second,to spee dupthe development ofsix majorindustries.Promote developmentin our regi on,t he keyisto givefull playtoresource adva ntage to build eco-oriented bigsixsystem,t

52、ocreatethenewe ngine ofeconomicgrowt h.Firmconfidence. Practi ce ha sprove dthatthebig six ofbothcentraland pr ovincialindustriallayout 6stressedt hat promoti ng the compre hensiverevitalizati on shouldfocus oneconomi c constr uction as thece ntralfocuswith, payspecialattenti on togra sp theim pleme

53、ntati onoffive devel opme nt concepts, deepeni ng reformand promoti ngtheall -round openi ng up,ensuringa nd im proving people s livelihood,strengt hen theconstr uctionof ecologi cal civilization,five priorities, playdevel opme ntmix. T o wit hne wdevel opme nt conce pt measure work, a nd command ac

54、tion,andtraini ngcadres, i n implementimpl ementation ne wdevel opmforfuture ge nerations left sky bl ue,a ndtogree n,a nd watercle arof better homes. We mustin -de pth implement impleme ntation new devel opment concept,insisted to e conomic constr uction for Cente r,firmlyca ught devel opment this

55、first pri ority, a bsorbe d make constructi on, heart nodi stractions caught devel opme nt,speedup developmentsixbig i ndu stry,in-de pthim plementati on thre e big engi neeri ng, active create twobig environment, out ofa articl e quality mor ehig h,a nd benefits bette r, a nd struct ure more excell

56、e ntcompe nsati on coverage,t heecologi caladva ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighlighted. We need to go gree neco-buil ding ,asthe essential policy, instrictaccorda ncewiththe Stateofmainfunction region constrstorage,buy fruit,es,ar oad.ncouragesupporttnd build highlig hts, andexpa nd adva ntag

57、e;tofull dee pening reform, break boundthe aspects created vitalityofsystem mechanism obstacles; to activeadvance fulla spectsopeni ng, participati on in t he ca st Russia n EconomicCorridor construction;to guarantees a nd impr oved liveli hood, stronglyw on poverty battle; to stre ngthe ningecol ogical civilizati on constructi on,for sustainabl edevel opmentre served spa ce,o strengt henecologicalconstructi on. On Mar ch22,t he deeprestructuri ngexamine d anda doptedt heopinionon per


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