



1、4 / 4Virtualizati on in Op tical Networks from Network Level to Hardware Level I nvitedAbstract |Full Text: PDF | En ha need HTML ®Jour nal of Op tical Commu ni cati ons and Networki ng. Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .A46-A56 (2013)Jinno, Masahiko; Takara, Hidehiko; Yonen aga, Kazushige; Hirano, AkiraEla

2、stic op tical n etwork ing is attract ing much atte nti on as a p romisi ng soluti on to achieve sp ectrum-efficie nt transport of higher data rates at 100?Gbits/s and bey on d. If we drawan an alogy to virtualizati on in cloud comp uti ng, it can be see n as n etwork level resource virtualizati on.

3、Benefits and Requireme nts of Flexible-Grid ROADMs and Networks In vitedAbstract | Full Text: PDF | En ha need HTML ®Jour nal of Op tical Commu nicatio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .A19-A27 (2013)Woodward, Sheryl L; Feuer, Mark DDue to claims of enhan ced sp ectral efficie ncy and th

4、e ability to accommodate future modulati on formats, flexible-grid n etworks in which the cen ter wavele ngth and p assba nd width of the op tical cha nn els can be set on the fly have attracted wide atte nti on. A flexible-grid recon figurable op tical.Cogn itive Dyn amic Op tical Networks In vited

5、Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTMLJour nal of Op tical Commu nicatio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .A107-A118(2013)de Miguel, Ignacio; Dur n, Ram on J; Jim n<ez, Tamara; Fern ndez, Natalia; Aguado, Jua n Carlos; Lore nzo, Rub n M; Caballero, Antonio; Tafur Mon roy, Idelfo nso; Ye

6、, Yab in; Tymecki, An drzej; Tomkos, Ioa nnis; An gelou, Maria nna; Kloni dis, Dimitrios; Fran cesc on, Antonio; Siracusa, Dome ni co; Salvadori, ElioThe use of cog niti on is a pro mis ing eleme nt for the con trol of heteroge neous op tical n etworks. Not only are cog nitive n etworks able to sens

7、e curre nt n etwork con diti ons and act accord ing to them, but they also take into accou nt the kno wledge acquired through p ast exp erie nces; that is, they in clude.In troduction to the OFC/NFOEC 2013 Sp ecial IssueAbstract | Full Text: PDF | En ha need HTML ®V I Bergman, Keren; Gerstel, O

8、riJour nal of Op tical Commu nicatio ns and Networki ng. Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .OFC1-OFC1 (2013)The 2013 Op tical Fiber Commu ni cati on Conferen ce/Nati onal Fiber Op tic Engin eers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) offered global leaders in the field of op tical commu ni cati ons and n etwork ing the oppo rtu

9、nity to meet and share their work. This .Software-Defi nedOp ticalNetworksTech no logyandIn frastructure:En abli ngSoftware-Defi ned Op tical Network Op erati ons In vitedAbstract | Full Text: PDF | En ha need HTML ®Jour nal of Op tical Commu ni cati ons and Networki ng. Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .A2

10、74-A282(2013)Chann egowda, Mayur; Nejabati, Reza; Sime oni dou, DimitraSoftware-defi ned n etwork ing (SDN) en ables p rogrammable SDN con trol and man ageme nt fun cti ons at a n umber of layers, allow ing app licati ons to con trol n etwork resources or in formatio n across differe nt tech no logy

11、 doma ins, e.g., Ether net, wireless, and op tical. Curre nt cloud-based services are p ushi ng.Desig nIn stalled Fibers In vitedof Cost-OptimalPassive Optical Networks for Small Cell Backhaul UsingAbstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTMLJournal of Op tical Commu nicatio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5

12、Issue 10, pp .A230-A239 J j(2013)二;'Ranaweera, Chathurika S; Iannone, Patrick P; Oikonomou, Kostas N; Reichmann,Kenneth C; Sinha, Rakesh KWith the rece nt pop ularity of mobile data devices, the dema nd for mobile data traffic has grow n rap idly as n ever before. Hen ce, service p roviders are

13、trying to come up with cost-effective soluti ons to battle this ever in creas ing dema nd for ban dwidth in theircellular n etworks. Deployment of a.Performa neeof Cohere ntDifferen tialPhase-Shift KeyingFree-S paceOp ticalCommun icatio n Systems in M-Distributed Turbule neeAbstract | Full Text: PDF

14、 | En ha need HTML ®Jour nal of Op tical Commu nicatio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5 Issue 7, pp .704-710 (2013)r>Samimi, Hosse in; Uysal, MuratIn this paper, we in vestigate the error rate p erforma nee of a cohere nt free-s pace op tical commu ni cati on system with differe ntial p hase-shift

15、 key ing over M-distributed turbule nee cha nn els. In our derivati ons, we exp ress the p robability den sity fun cti on of M distributi on in terms of a series.Multi-stratum Resource In tegrati on for OpenF low-Based Data Cen ter In terc onnect In vitedAbstract | Full Text: PDF | En ha need HTML &

16、#174;Jour nal of Op tical Commu ni catio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5 Issue 10, pp .A240-A248 (2013)Yang, Hui; Zhao, Yon gli; Zhang, Jie; Wang, Shouyu; Gu, Wan yi; Ji, Yuefe ng; Han, Jia nr ui; Lin, Yi; Lee, You ngNowadays, most service pr oviders offer their services and support their app licati ons

17、through federated sets of data cen ters that n eed to be in terc onn ected using high-ca pacity telecom transport n etworks. To p rovide such high-ca pacity n etwork cha nn els, data cen ter in terc onn ecti on is typ ically based.All Programmable and Syn thetic Op tical Network: Architecture and Im

18、p leme ntati onAbstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML ®Jour nal of Op tical Commu ni catio ns and Networki ng, Vol. 5 Issue 9, pp .1096-1110 (2013)Rofoee, Bija n Rahimzadeh; Zervas, George; Yan, Yan; Amaya, Norberto; Sime oni dou, DimitraThis paper rep orts on the desig n, impl eme ntati on,

19、 and evaluati on of a multitech no logy. multirate, and ada ptable n etwork architecture for metr opo lita n/edge areas. It isempo wered by p rogrammability in con trol and data plan es, p rovid ing users with an open n etwork p latform to redefi ne and op timize its.ColorlessFDMA -PONWith Flexible Ban dwidth Allocatio n and Colorless,Low-S peed ONUs In vitedAbstract | Ful


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