



1、 762 高 分 子 學(xué) 報 2000 年 SYNTHESIS OF NEW ORGANIC/ INORGANIC HYBRID MATERIAL CONTAINING 4 NITRO 4& AMINO AZOBENZENE AND ITS SECOND ORDER NONLINEAR OPTICAL PROPERTIES XI Hongxia, L I Zhong ( T he Research I nstitute of Chemical E ngineer ing , S outh China University of Technology, G uangz hou 51064

2、0 L IANG Zhaoxi ( T he Institute of Polymer Science, Zhongshan Univ ersity, G uangz hou 510275 Abstract Sol g el technology, because of the use of homogeneous liquid solut ions and t he abilit y to f orm g els at room temperature, provides an att ract ive route to t he preparat ion of a three dimens

3、ional inorganic net work, especially f ilms. A t hree dimensional net work of org anic/ inorganic hybrid nonlinear optical ( NL O mat erials can be prepared by doping opt ically active organics int o sol gel liquid solut ion or bonding organic chromophores wit h inorganics at t he temperature below

4、decomposit ion t emperat ure ( T d of organic chromophores w ithout risking t he deg radation of organic component s. T he properties of hybrid NLO mat erials can be t ailored by chang ing t he st art ing chromophores. T he t hree dimensional netw orks can restrict t he dipole alignment relax at ion

5、 of NL O chromphores, so the result ing NL O materials have high NL O susceptibilit y, low optical loss, hig h g lass transition temperatures and good high temperat ure st ability. In this report , a new kind of bonded organic/ inorganic hybrid NLO m at erials ( DO3ASD containing 4 N it ro 4& am

6、ino azobenzene w as sy nt hesized t hrough sol gel process by using glycidox ypropyl trimet hox ysilane ( KH 560 as int ermediates. T he preparat ion process and qualit y of DO3ASD w ere st udied and charact erized by FT IR, 1H NMR, UV VIS, T GA, DSC, SEM and SH G measurements. T he result s show t

7、hat this bonded poly mer f ilm has a high NLO coef ficient ( d 33 of 5 79 10- 7 esu, and ex hibit good SHG st abilit y, t he d 33 values can m aint ain about 93 5% of its init ial value at room t emperat ure f or 90 days, and can maintain about 60% at 100 f or 300min. T hese facts demonst rated t hat t he chemical bonding of the chromophores t o t he SiO2 netw orks can eff ect ively reduce the dipole alignment relaxation of chromophores, thus lead to a bet ter orient at ional st ability . Key words Sol gel t


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