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1、說明:( 1)歡迎使用歐洲文化入門考試大綱 (附( 2)本大綱資料提供: Li Yun掃描整理: Lu Dongbao( 3)本大綱為掃描版本,雖經(jīng)多次檢查,但出現(xiàn)拼寫錯(cuò)誤在所難免,希望各位網(wǎng)友在使用過程中發(fā)現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤后通過發(fā)帖或 Email 告知大家。(ludongbao)IntroductionTWO major elements in European cultureDivision 1Greek Culture and Roman Culture1,Greek culture(1) The Historical Context war between Greece and Troy hig

2、h point of development AlexanderAlexandria(2)social and political structure meaning Of democracy meaning Of people economy-slave laborsports and Olympics(3) Homerthe time Of Homer two epicsthe Story of the two epics(5) DramaHow were plays performed?(b) Sophocleshis contribution and influence(d) Come

3、dy Characteristics Of comedy(6) History(a) Herodotusfather of history-war between Greeks and Persians feature Of his writingobject in writingmain idea of the excerpt(b) Thucydidestwhat he wrot6 aboutmain idea of the excerpt(7) Philosophy and Science.why philosophy developed in ancient GreecePythagor

4、as-founder of scientific mathematicsHeraeleitue-the theory of the mingling of opposites-strife between the oppositesproducing harmonyDemocritus-atomic theory(另外注意 P.27 第二段 )(a) Socrates - his lifehis method of argument trial and the reasonlast part of the speech before he died(main idea)(b) Platohis

5、 Lifehis writinghis philosophy-idealism(c) Aristotle his liferange of his writings his influencedifference b-en Plato and Aristotle(d) Contending Schools of Thought the Cynicsthe Epicureans-their belief misrepresent8tion the Stoics-their theory(e) Sciencecontribution of philosophers like PlatoEuclid

6、-ElementsArchimedes-his contributionapplication of science; five fields(8) Art, Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery(b) Archit6Ctue Parthenon three styles Acropolis at Athens(9) impact(a) spirit of innovation(b) supreme achievement(c) Greek philosophy and its influence innocence of Greek Literature2,

7、 Roman Culture(1 ) Romans and Greeks Latin and Greeksimilarity Of Romans and Greeksone big diff6renceattitude forward Greek Culture(2) Roman History importance of the year 27B.C how to ruleRoman lawEast and West Roman Empires(3) Latin literature(a) ProseCicero what was he noted for?his role and cont

8、ributionhis sayingsCaesar: his rolehis sayings(b) PoetryVirgil; A6neas;the storywhy a tragic hero(4) Architecture, Painting and Sculpture(a) Architecture the Pantheon the Colosseum(c) sculpture t She wolfDivision 2The Bible and Christianity1, General introductionrole of Christianity in western Cultu

9、reimportance Of judeo? Christian tradition the Hebrews2. The Old Testament. two parts of the Bible meaning of testament (1 ) the Pentateuch the first five booksthe creation Of the world and man and woman(a) the fall of manthe main idea Of the Story(b) Noah's Ark the Story(2) The Historical Books

10、the history covered in these works(4) (c) The book of Danielthe story and the visionTorahJews today3,Rise of Christianitytwo beliefs Of Christianity(1)The Life Of JesusJesusSt. petier and St. Pauluprising of Spartacus(2) The Spread Of Christianity suppression of the religion religion of people from

11、all classes Edict Of Milana weapon in the hands of the ruling class 4, The New Testamentorganization of the churchfour accounts about church(1 ) The birth of Jesus-(2) the Last Supperthe main idea of the story(5) The cruxificationthe main idea of the story5. Translations of the Bible the Latin Bible

12、the number of transl8tion today the first English version Authorized versionrevised versionDivision 3The Middle Ages1, General Introductionthe t6rm "Middle Ages"(time span)Europe between the 5th and the 11th centuriesthe reasonfor the name“ the Age Of Faith"classical, Hebrew and Gothi

13、c heritages merged2, Manor and Church(1) feudalism in Europe(a) Growth of Feudalismthe reason for the growth of the power of big landowners fief(b) The Manormanor? manor house? castle(c) Knighthood and code Of Chivalry how to earn a knighthoodcode of chivalry(2) The churchafter 1054,twO divisions of

14、 the church(a) nature of the Catholic Church(P.92 L10 from bottom) the chart(b) Power, Wisdom and Lovemonasteries and conventscontribution of St JeromeAugustine and his worksSt. Benedict(c) classeschurch and kings and noblesthe power Of the popereligion in everyday life(end of P.95 and first 7 lines

15、 of P.96)(3) The crusades reason for the crusadeseffect on the East and the West'''3, Learning and, Science(1) Charlemagne: his life his contribution(2) Alfred the Great(3) Aquinas: profession, writings and arguments 4, Lit6rature(1 ) meaning of "national epic' its importance(a)

16、 Beowulf (the story) (1st paragraph, P. 102)(2) Dante and his master piece(參照 P.176 末至 P.177前三行 )(3) Chaucer and his literary role The Canterbury Tales5, Art and Architecture(2) Gothicthe development Of the Gothic Style the expression of the styleDivision 4Renaissance and Reformation1,GeneraI Introd

17、uctiontime span /definition/ contribution /development2, Renaissance in Italy(1 ) geographical Location and its benefitcity-Statespread of Renaissance(2) new interestrole of intellectualscore of Renaissance philosophythe reIat6d beliefearly humanists(4) Renaissance Art 4. distinct features(b) (i) da

18、 Vincithe man /range of interest /famous works (ii) Michelangelothe man /Style /works (iii) RaphaelMadonna and School Of Athens (iv) Titianhis role and works(5) Decline of the Italian Renaissance reasons for the decline3,RefOrmation and Count6r -Reformationbeginning of reformationgoal of the movemen

19、tdemand and work of the reformistsint6reSts Of the reformists(1 ) Pre-Luther Religious Reformers(a) Wycliffe life and belief(b) Jan Hus preaching in Czech language and result(2) Martin Luther and his doctrine(a) beginning Of the reform(b) reason for the transition of the Cille vire of the Bible(c) h

20、is rolelife/view / definition of Calvinism(P.147- paragraph1)(4) Reformation in England break with the Popethe coming into being Of the Church Of England essence Of the reform,(5) Counter -reformationmeaning of count6r-reformationthe seed -bedthe most important thing the Spanish monarchy did(b) Igna

21、tius and the things he didthe jesuits, their belief, their influence(6) Prot6Stantism and the Rise of Capitalism meaning Of Protestantism and its development the factors contributing to the rise of capitalism(7) Conclusionpolitical and economic situation in Europe before Reformation the language use

22、d before Reformation4,Renaissance in Other Countries(1 ) in France(b) (i) Rabelaisthe man / his writing/Chapter57;man idea(iii) Monteignethe man /his writings(2) in Spain(b) Cervanteshis life/ famous work /the story of the work(4) in England(a) characteristics of the reign of Elizabeth l(c) Shakespe

23、are lif6 and works the story of Hamlet(2) Astronomy Copernicus(5) Political Science and Historiography(b) Machiavelli his role and worksthe two selected passages 6, Summing-up significance of this periodDivision 517th Century1, General introductionthe significance Of the 17th centuryman's place

24、in the universepolitical struggle2. Science(1 ) the theory put forward by CopernicusIif6 of Copernicusthe three laws Kepler(2) life Of Galilei /acceleration in dynamics/law of falling bodies(3) Newton se/lawlif of gravitation /his influence(4) Leibnizhis life /his belief /New Essays Concerning Human

25、 Understanding-three levels of understanding /Contribution (b) the two merits3, Philosophy, Politics and Literature in England(1) Baconhis life and worksbasis of his philosophy -method -inductionview on knowledgeweaning of inductionfamous quotations(2) Hobbesknowledge coming from experiencenature of

26、 man -in a Stat6 of war with one anotherlaws Of naturesocial contract(3) Jone Locke his Lifeknowledge from experiencepolitical philosophy-rejection of divine right of kings and natural rights social contract(4) Milton and the English Revolutioncauses Of the English Revolutiondevelopment of capit8Iis

27、m in Englandthe Puritan MovementCivil War of 1642-CromwellGlorious Revolution of 1688Bill of Rights of 1689John Melton se lifand works Paradise Lost(the story)4.Descartes.French Classicismgeneral situation: the need for a powerful king(1)Descartes; his role(a) 4 roles Of his method(b) doubting-think

28、ing(c) dualism(2) French Classicism 4finition of classicismFrench classicism of the 17th century(3) characteristic of neoclassicism(c) Moliere his rolecontent of his comediesTartuffe5,Art(1 ) Baroque Art(參照 P221 Music)(b) Michelangelo :his role and works (要與 p.135 區(qū)分 )(2) Dutch Protestant Art reason

29、 for art development Rembrandt: his role and worksDivision 6The Age of Enlightenment1, General Introduction(1 ) Enlightenmentdefinitionintellectual originmajor forcefour ramifications(2) Historical background American Revolution French Revolutionindustrial Revolution: developments 2,French Philosoph

30、y and Literature (1 ) Mont6squies(a) content of Persian Letters(b) The spirit of the Laws what it is about redefinition of lawview on government (separation of powers)(2) Voltaire(a) content of the letters(b) content of Candide the quotations(3) Rousseau(a) main idea of The Origin Of Human Inequalit

31、y(b) the kind of society proposed in e Social “contract"Th his view on social contract(e) three famous quot8tions from "The Conf6ssions"(4) Diderotthe thing he was famous for(a) philosophical thought(c) Encyclopedie(d) Elements of Philosophy(e) R.i. Nephew: the first paragraph3, Engli

32、sh Literature(2) Defoe s role and worksstory of Robinson“ Crusoe"(3) Jonathan Swifts role and works cont6nt Of 'A modest Proposal" story Of Gulliver“ s Travels(5) reason why Fielding was considered“father of English Novel ” 4,German Literature and Philosophy(2) Goetherole of Goethe(a)

33、importance of "The Sorrows of Young W6rther'(d) importance of "Faust"(3) Schiller' his role(b) main idea of "Cabal and Love"(d)Whlhelm“ tell ” and what is stresses(4) Kanthis contribution(b) main idea of "Critique of Pure Reason" 6, Music(1 ) the achievemen

34、t of musical Enlightment(a) Bach: Life and role(b) Handel: life and works(2) The Classical Period importance of this period the Viennese School(a) Haydn: his contribution(d) Mozart: life, achievement and contribution synopsis of "The Marriage of Figaro',Division 7Romanticism1, General intro

35、duction(參照 P.309) ?(1) What is Romanticism?Things in common in the works of Romantic writ6rs expression in philosophyexpression in music(2) The French and Industrial Revolution(參照 P.225-P.226) 3, Romanticism in England(1) BlakeWhat did "song of Innocence”and "Song of Experience "show?

36、What were the tones Of these two collections?What do the Lines in London“” show?(2) LakersWhat was the new lit6rary theory?Who were the two young poets?What do you know about them?(3) ByronWhat did he fight for and die for?Why was he liked in China?his works and influence(4) Shelleythe memorable lin

37、e Of "Ode tO the W6st Wind"the story of Prometheus Unbound(5) Keatshuman misery in "Ode to a Nightingaleending of "Ode on a Grecian Urn”4. Romanticism in France(2) Hugothe cause of a riot between the classicists and the Romanticists the thing Hugo was noted forthe plot of Les Mis

38、erable 6, Romanticism in Russia influence Of Romanticism on Russia (1 ) Pushkinmain idea of "Ruslan and Liudmila"the story and the lesson of Boris“ Godunov”the story of“ Eugene Onegin ”What do the two characters in "Eugene Onegin" stand for?(2) Lermontovthe Story of 'A Hero o

39、f our Time"feature Of Lermontovs writings8. Concluding Remarksappraisal of the Romantic Movementtwo factors mentioned by an English writer10, MusicWhat exercised a more direct influence on music?What was the f6ature of Romantic music?(1 ) The Early Romantics?(a) Beethovenlife and works, spirit

40、and techniquerole and contributionthe program that can be seen in his works6th and 9th Symphonies and their f6atures(b) Schubert: his life and role(c) Chopin: life and role(d) Schumann: life and role(e) MendelssohnWhat was so outstanding Of him?(2) The later RomanticsWho should be put in this group?

41、Who were the "three B's"?(b) Tchaikovsky: lif6 and roleDivision 8Marxism and Darwinism1. The Rise of Marxism (1 ) General Introductionthe int6IIeCtual tradition it was associated with the effect it has on various fields (參照 p.535 summing-up)(2) Historical Background(3) The Three Source

42、s(a) German Classical Philosophy(i) HegelWhat did Hegel maintain(ii) Why was Feuerback important?(iii) What did Marx and Engel s aoppt and reject in term of andHegelFeuerbach'ssphilosophies?What is the main idea of the selected passage from the end of P.330 to the beginning of P.332?Lenin's

43、comments (P.336-P.337)(iv) four conclusions Of Marx s historical materialism(b) English Classical Political EconomyWhat is the cornerstone of Marx s economic theory?How did L6nin summarize Marx s economic theory?What are the differences between Marx s economic theory and bourgeoiseconomics theories?

44、(C)Utopian SocialismWhy was it called "Utopian"?(l) Owen(ii) Saint-simon(iii) Chartes FourierWh8t was the problem with them?What is the essence of Marxist socialism?2. Darwinism(1 )General introductionWhat did Darwin discover?What idea did he challenge?his role(3) life of Charles Darwin(4)

45、 Darwin s Works and Theories(a) Origin Of SpeciesWhat is the essence Of his theory Of evolution? What are the four major arguments?What are the three independent generalizations? what are the st6ps in the process of natural selection? What is his evidence for evolution by natural selection?(5) Effec

46、t Of Darwinism(a) On Biology(b) On Theology: opposition from the Church(c) On Social Sciencewhat was the Law Herbert Spencer fOrmulat6d?what is social Darwinism? what is its chief argument?Division 9Realism1, General introduction(1 ) what is realism?what did it emphasize?What did the realists want t

47、o present in their works?what did realism in art and Literature protest against?(2) The Historical Backgroundwhat great changes took place in Europe in the 19th century? How did Political and liberal Leaders react to the social problems brought about by social and economic changes? (Liberals, nation

48、alist, socialist)How did the revolutions between 1830 and 1850s end?what was the consequence?2.ReaIism in France(1) St6ndhaI: his life and work(2) Balzac: his life /the purpose Of "The Human Comedy /features”(3) Flaubert: Life /his prose style /Medame Bovary and its role(4) Zola: life/ what did

49、 he Strongly believe?what was his purpose of writing "Les Rougen-Macquarts?what is the diff6rence of a realist novel and a naturalist novel?what is a novel to a naturalist(5) Maupassantwhat did he writewhat did he try t put across?3, Realism in RussiaWhen did Russian literature emerge? why?(1)

50、Gogolwhat kind Of a writer was he?story of“ The Inspector General"purpose of writing this comedy"Dead souls": the Story and its role(2) Turgenevthe effect of "A Hunt6r's Sketches"the value Of his works(3) Dostoyevsky his lifethe theme Of "Crime and Punishment(4) Tol

51、stoyhis life and workshis contribution to Russian literature(5) Chekhovhis Life and worksdiff6rence with Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy simplicity?most outstanding in his art4, Realism in Northern Europe(1 ) Ibsenimportance of Ibsensubject matter of his playsmaster pieces5, Realism in EnglandHow would you

52、characterize the situation in England in the latter half of the reign of Queen Victoria?(1) Dickens life and works"David Copperfield": what is so outstanding about his novel? the main idea of the selected passage(2) George Eliother life and workstheme of Middlemarch and skill in writing(3)

53、 Thackery his lifethe theme of "Vanity Fair'(4) Hardyhis life and worksthe main feature Of his novels(5) Shawhis lif6 and political viewaim of Fabian Societythe range Of modes covered in his plays6, Realism in the United Stateswhat is meant by "Gilded Age"(1 ) Stowelif6 and the role of "Uncle Tom s Cabin"(2) Whitman lif6 and works his contributionmain idea Of the selected passage(3)Mark Twainhis Iif6 and real name and workswhy is he considered "the Lincoln of American liter


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