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1、 ThlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfftltiDiftvl wyftPlitfhvlItwthbtvlht itktyvltivyltl.ihiiltht hv lth v lv ltfilhvltftliii ziiliiiztiililztithvl vtfSiltilzti tt t'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbvbfiIttitflTh l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat es, wa kind

2、of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremseofresecing te i nteests a. powe of peiple.eatngapopula, mhe as, st , heart perorma nce, ceatig "serve for one of , the be net -" acheet s, a. o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peopl es perorma ci eet lat a-mp

3、lsmes, a_ aiotelokatthe fec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca es baandruralcan” bot had e nvionme nt tsregt he a nd another l ook at the si evionmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustai nabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. a boutare wrts and peopetoak about "Oul ook&quo

4、t; s not watt he pefrma nce.4p.p. rmonne d to the sarig poit of te queston,adreledtqustonspoint Ma n s the sm ofsociare atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningad eve ceai polt cal e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronmentand s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of i

5、e lcmeitobengPeopecraefr thei -.iva,a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-oftecnntuclon.C.lo.uithetansormaton of tepepe of te -orl d,cmmuni,vitaiS i theceaionofma.Theeore,an,.edo, the sat ng poit shuma, -ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceof-hicsto m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee dsemot ona lnne ds

6、 and -l-tal-t needs.Itso.dbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objel, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal ,hhs is o n dig niy Pesn i I >e d of cae, ounnedto unndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua socie, peple pl ant" i、.s.l .ce,ma n s a a nimar,

7、 "he iforma1nsce,-eu.鋁合金門窗安裝施工工藝標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一、施工準(zhǔn)備1 .技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備施工圖紙,依據(jù)施工技術(shù)交底和安全交底作好各方面的準(zhǔn)備。2 .材料要求(1)鋁合金門窗的規(guī)格、型號應(yīng)符合設(shè)計要求,五金配件配套齊全,并具 有出廠合格證、材質(zhì)檢驗報告書并加蓋廠家印章。(2)防腐材料、填縫材料、密封材料、防銹漆、水泥、砂、連接板等應(yīng)符 合設(shè)計要求和有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的規(guī)定。(3)進(jìn)場前應(yīng)對鋁合金門窗進(jìn)行驗收檢查,不合格者不準(zhǔn)進(jìn)場。運(yùn)到現(xiàn)場 的鋁合金門窗應(yīng)分型號、規(guī)格堆放整齊,并存放于倉庫內(nèi)。搬運(yùn)時輕拿輕放,嚴(yán) 禁扔摔。目前使用較廣泛的鋁合金門窗型材有:46系列地彈門型材;90系列推拉窗及同

8、系列中空玻璃推拉窗型材;73系列推拉窗型材;70系列推拉窗;55系列推拉窗;50系列推拉窗和同系列平開窗及 38系列平開窗型材。3 .主要機(jī)具主要機(jī)具一覽表序號名稱數(shù)量規(guī)格說明1電鉆2牧田64102電焊機(jī)1BX200s oneof tela cicl fmof <alesIe sold vls r s tteobjcie ti ngs ae of no<aue ad te<ale of unddmeta pespecie. "feet vaues pepes beav.ur at,、 ae dieent. Pepeo_nted fcus on huma'al

9、e ad rraly, nned the br.Ides mls as <ales A dhee t leope oriettd vlues s "mike te ecnomy more d lopme nt, mpo<eddmocac, cut ua prospeiy, ad - a hapi er s dee y cncennd t ha huma n<elpment ad huma 'ales deve opme nt of scil and huma uniid,ins d i n the mae - l cvlZtiialcvizai on a n

10、d si“ cvizat ov eal adanccmetI f Scalst cvlztontahgher levlAsnt tsse ta pesnsvue tee your nne - , o is tmee te ad the cmmuniy Adee t o pe ope oriee、to stonggy Idvcae eveycommu m - be,ve otes, be-ial tte commu of peop The sc- d t 00kai - e s on lerecrd, incuding w t crae a recd of aci ments how <p

11、erormace aI d son. WaIues kind of Oulook hee tpeope orie ntd Hob, sonteprrm of resecing te inteeSs ad powe of peI pl e ceat ng a popul a, mhe aS, Sedyhhar perormance, ceaig "eve forone ofice, the beneft -" ichevmets, ado<eal cnStucton of weloff sc* ad promotng Ie al roud develpmet of pe

12、opl es perormanne-cievmet -lat a ccmplSmeS, ale aI ote 10k at the efeciene- of sca pr ogrss ca ,gls baa nd ruacan” bot had e nvirnme nt t Sregt he a nd tae aothe l00k at the sf evronmet imprlament momet-of d l opme nt a preent, de pedng ontepote ta for -sanal e . lopment LLa<epepe t o tab a bout

13、"ales"ae wrtlss and <e peope toak abou "Oulook" s not watt he pefrmance.4. pepe resonned to thesarig poit ofte _eston, ad reled t qust ons point Ma n S the sm of socil reatonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, houS ng,tursm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eveceai polt le cn

14、omic cul ual ad scil env ionme nt and s on. De t luma n nee ds, al w als of iewlcmeito be ng Pepe crae fr theiluviva,and contnue enj oyig te risulsof te cnSt uclon. Cloru i t hetanSormaton of tepepe of te worl d, cmmuniy vtah i the ceai onof ma. Thereore, any wkwe do, the Satng poit S huma, wha aepe

15、pe. Us seldu ddeelpment,tece of wi c S t o mletthe neesif pe ople includigluviva nee dSemot ona lnne ds and -latal-t nee - .I Sou d be noted that peopl e ae not maci nes not te Sae of a objec, not t becntr- d. Pe opl e ha - thei ow pesnaiy has isow n pesnal iy,ha s is ow dg niy Pesn i I>ed of cae

16、 y ounnedtounndeSadneldtmee. s sad tha in the、-“ascieypeple pl ant"; i、.s.lscey ma n s a a nima"; "he iformain scey, reu.3水準(zhǔn)儀14電錘2SDQ775活扳手26鉗子27水平尺18線墜29螺絲刀54 .作業(yè)條件(1)主體結(jié)構(gòu)經(jīng)有關(guān)質(zhì)量部門驗收合格。工種之間已辦好交接手續(xù)。(2)檢查門窗洞口尺寸及標(biāo)高是否符合設(shè)計要求。有預(yù)埋件的門窗口還應(yīng) 檢查預(yù)埋件的數(shù)量、位置及埋設(shè)方法是否符合設(shè)計要求。(3)按圖紙要求尺寸彈好門窗中線,并彈好室內(nèi)+50cm水平線

17、。(4)檢查鋁合金門窗,如有劈梭竄角和翹曲不平、偏差超標(biāo)、表面損傷、 變形及松動、外觀色差較大者,應(yīng)與有關(guān)人員協(xié)商解決,經(jīng)處理,驗收合格后才 能安裝。二、施工操作工藝1 .工藝流程劃線定位?任金窗批水安裝T防腐處理以印個金門窗的安裝就位-鋁力I I 金窗的固定十巾窗框與墻體問間隙的處理-7付扇及門窗玻璃的安裝-安親H 金配件2 .操作工藝(1)劃線定位1)根據(jù)設(shè)計圖紙中門窗的安裝位置、尺寸和標(biāo)高,依據(jù)門窗中線向兩邊量 出門窗邊線。若為多層或高層建筑時,以頂層門窗邊線為準(zhǔn),用線墜或經(jīng)緯儀將 門窗邊線下引,并在各層門窗口處劃線標(biāo)記,對個別不直的口邊應(yīng)剔鑿處理。2)門窗的水平位置應(yīng)以樓層室內(nèi)+50c

18、m的水平線為準(zhǔn)向上反量出窗下皮標(biāo) 高,彈線找直。每一層必須保持窗下皮標(biāo)高一致。Now are i a new hsorca Sage of alroundcnstucinofaweloffsceyIperform-te s, and rr- oU w ok of pr oce ss ithe, w e to pU pe opie as a g uide pr.olei, a nd a e s ndad, effors from masses mo.hopedoofthingsdoup,frommassesmo.creofhot prble .grabbed, frommasses mos no

19、tsasalinofplacemone d up, not make nomnaoffomalsm,notdogaa nd ng of csmetc, t oseek igof stye , helmasse s sae is pe ope .eeit(C)the iveseepeipeisnotonlyai-a, i i s a job requmenl. Phiosphy triugg t te pe ope orented toug ht in t he wk of te Olie, must be car wk objectves Party OfCe i n te cly thi s

20、, remats Adva nc d cii stie, . bra nd The Cunty(,*)Pay Cmmitee offices a. unisdiecyundeteIke to hol d hg h te banner of is t exdence, people ore ned re quie mets, steg het he unstuli on a nd ma ,agemet of te O.- t owar.s te w ork "a hig her eve-ve - e poi l pare pain bbsid on unsiay toadeeto pe

21、pleo.etedwlbearundtpromoecordnainDve opme nt evets grea <e alin- The 6 tepalysOulokondevelpmetisthenewCe I ta ul elie 11asitte deve opme nt of unnotain, dev elpment ese "as " her die pe the esene of develpmet and inovain, soupaysuigidlaa-pA prrsent esali shi ng ad mpeme "ng te - ni

22、l conuet of elpmet hasbecomethepaysmportatworkAsteOlieofpalyCmmite, wokngpary sho*d set ner i nia- t-mdesiofte-cson, te cue nt fous s tfous on prmoti ng com pehensiv, codid and lu iabedevelpmetwtmoresuggestons,domoeesarch, (umma- t he tyial Oe s drftd taie te ev e of yu pre setain i s the mai Olie I

23、 f " prouus, s t I e ba sc uarie staf se-ie, s mporanttm<ue vie l s Ie qualyof yu pe -ntaton, ma nly I eds on I ow m uc datd a docume ntrrcognie d by the ledesi p, how may ae l . ni ng to te pe I ple i navur of te reor, how maypaiddividendsithepra! w I rk m pr - pre setai on drrHig levl, e -

24、 irmetsauae gas le d itet Geea le d cae of wk ae t o is unestad Ge n ea ld cons de of pr oblem ae t oi dett hikng e -irmet s we highlght place f urs, pu -per I r aproa ch pol cy ad lca a clua combi nnd u, pu prise ntaion of theme t hus a nd mlsss of by tought by was t o cmbine d u; r ouirme nts sees

25、 t stemlie d car, wi hsmple of lang uage exesion de eof t I oug ht wit sort of leg I hostd ri c of cnnotain. Secnd telurvy eluls moe. Ivstgaionoftheba , terood t o s_ces i s sme hing s our fr theCmmitespolicydecision a g ood iea an mporant parofagodsaf.ThisyaI, to fcus a oud i ndustia XING cy, ad fa

26、mes inceae,andandmapow e ddeel opme nt ad seki ng, majr prbl -adfoste a d'anage idusty a id Idjsme nt igriUl ura 'ucure a nd caridtomeet.Itis saidt hat inthe "agricultural society, peoplepl ant" in"industrial society, ma n isana nimal""the information societ y,return

27、is one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called valuesrefers totheobjective things areofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspective.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-oriented focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvalue s.A dhereto pe

28、ople -oriented values, ist omakethe economymoredevelopme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperity,and live a happier;is deep lyconcer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social andhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civiliza

29、ti on a ndspiritual civilizati on i nthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali st civilizati on toahigher level.Alsowant tosee that person's value isnotonly meetyour needs,also istomeetthenee ds ofot hers andthe community.Adheret ope ople-or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,ben

30、efici altothe community ofpeople.Theso-calle d Outl ookattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti ng the i nterestsand powerofpeopl e, cr

31、eati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steadyheartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-round developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take

32、 anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd ruralchange; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthesoftenvironmentimprovementmomentumofdevel opmentat present, de pending onthe potentialforsustainabl edevel opme nt. Leave people totalkabout&qu

33、ot;values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is notwhatt heper forma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe startingpoint ofthequestion,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial rel ationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichuanyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e

34、 ntertaini ng,andeven certain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland sociale nvironme nt, andsoon. Due to huma n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. People create fortheir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsoftheconstr uction.Colrfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvita

35、lity in thecreati on of man.Therefore , anywork wedo, thestarting pointis human,whatare people.Us speed updevelopment,thecore ofwhi chis t o meetthe needs ofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalneeds,emoti ona lnee ds and se -actualizationne eds.It should be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, nottheslave

36、ofan object, nottobecontrolle d.Peopl e havetheir own personality,hasitsow n personal ity,has its owndig nity. Person in nee d ofcare,y ou needtounderstand, need(2)鋁合金窗披水安裝按施工圖紙要求將披水固定在鋁合金窗上,且要保證位置正確、安裝牢固。(3)防腐處理1)門窗框四周外表面的防腐處理設(shè)計有要求時,按設(shè)計要求處理。如果設(shè)計沒有要求時,可涂刷防腐涂料或粘貼塑料薄膜進(jìn)行保護(hù),以免水泥砂漿直接與鋁合金門窗表面接觸,產(chǎn)生電化學(xué)反應(yīng),腐蝕

37、鋁合金門窗。2)安裝鋁合金門窗時,如果采用連接鐵件固定,則連接鐵件,固定件等安裝用金屬零件最好用不銹鋼件。否則必須進(jìn)行防腐處理,以免產(chǎn)生電化學(xué)反應(yīng), 腐蝕鋁合金門窗。(4)鋁合金門窗的安裝就位根據(jù)劃好的門窗定位線,安裝鋁合金門窗框。并及時調(diào)整好門窗框的水平、垂直及對角線長度等符合質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn),然后用木楔臨時固定。(5)鋁合金門窗的固定1)當(dāng)墻體上預(yù)埋有鐵件時,可直接把鋁合金門窗的鐵腳直接與墻體上的預(yù)埋鐵件焊牢,焊接處需做防銹處理。2)當(dāng)墻體上沒有預(yù)埋鐵件時,可用金屬膨脹螺栓或塑料膨脹螺栓將鋁合金門窗的鐵腳固定到墻上。3)當(dāng)墻體上沒有預(yù)埋鐵件時,也可用電鉆在墻上打80mm 深、直徑為6mm的孔,用L

38、型80mrK 50mm的6mm鋼筋。在長的一端粘涂108膠水泥漿,然后 打入孔中。待108 膠水泥漿終凝后,再將鋁合金門窗的鐵腳與埋置的6mm 鋼筋焊牢。(6)門窗框與墻體間縫隙間的處理1)鋁合金門窗安裝固定后,應(yīng)先進(jìn)行隱蔽工程驗收,合格后及時按設(shè)計要求處理門窗框與墻體之間的縫隙。2)如果設(shè)計未提出要求時,可采用彈性保溫材料或玻璃棉氈條分層填塞縫隙,外表面留58mm 深槽口填嵌嵌逢油膏或密封膠。Now,we are i na newhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstr uctionofa w ell-offsociet y.In perform duties, a

39、ndcarried outw ork ofpr oce ss inthe,w eto putpeopl e as ag uide principles,anda te st standard, efforts frommasses mosthopedo of thingsdo up,frommasses mostcareof hot problem grabbed,frommassesmostnot satisfactionof placem odifie d up,notmake nomi nal offormalism, not do grandstandi ng ofcosmetic,t

40、oseek ingofstyle, hel p masse sshare, ispe ople benefit. (C)theinvesteepe ople i s notonlyanidea,iti s ajob requirement.Philosophy thr ough tothe pe ople -oriented thought int hework ofthe Office,must beclearworkobjectives. PartyOfficeinthe citythi syearremains: Advance d civil strife,localbrand. Th

41、e County (City)PartyCommittee officesand unitsdirectly underthe Officeto hol d hig h the banner offirsttoexcellence,people-orie nted re quire ments, strengt hen t heconstruction a ndma nagementofthe Officetowardsthe work "ahigherlevel".Investee1.tomeet.Itis saidt hat inthe "agricultur

42、alsociety, peoplepl ant" in"industrial society, ma n isana nimal""the information society,returnis one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers tothe objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspective.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attit

43、udes,ways aredifferent.People-oriented focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvalue s.A dhereto pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevelopme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit y,and live a happi er;is deep lyconcer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalu

44、e s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on i nthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher level.Alsowant tosee that person's value isnotonly meetyour needs,also is

45、tomeettheneeds ofot hers andthe community.A dheret ope ople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,benefici altothe community ofpeople.Theso-calle d Outl ookattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.Wha

46、t values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti ng the i nterestsand powerofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and p

47、r omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironm

48、entimprovementmomentumofdevel opme ntat present, de pending onthe potentialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people t o talka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe startingpoint ofthequestion,andre

49、plie d toquesti ons poi nt. Ma n isthe sumofsocial rel ationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,andeven certain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland social e nv ironme nt, andso on. Due to huma n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. People c

50、reate fortheir survival,a nd conti nueenj oyingthe results oftheconstr uction. Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreati on of man.Therefore , anywork wedo, thestarti ng pointis human,whatare people.Us speed updevelopment,thecore of whi chis t o meetthe nee

51、ds ofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalnee ds,emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization needs.It shoul d be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, notthe slave ofan object, nottobecontrolle d.Pe opl e havetheir own personality,hasits ow n personal ity,ha sitsown dig nity. Person in nee d ofcare,y ou needto

52、understand, need( 7)門窗扇及門窗玻璃的安裝1)門窗扇和門窗玻璃應(yīng)在洞口墻體表面裝飾完工驗收后安裝。2) 推拉門窗在門窗框安裝固定后,將配好玻璃的門窗扇整體安入框內(nèi)滑槽,調(diào)整好與扇的縫隙即可。3)平開門窗在框與扇格架組裝上墻、安裝固定好后再安玻璃,即先調(diào)整好框與扇的縫隙,再將玻璃安人扇并調(diào)整好位置,最后鑲嵌密封條及密封膠。4)地彈簧門應(yīng)在門框及地彈簧主機(jī)入地安裝固定后再安門扇。先將玻璃嵌入門扇格架并一起人框就位,調(diào)整好框扇縫隙,最后填嵌門扇玻璃的密封條及密封膠。( 8)安裝五金配件五金配件與門窗連接用鍍鋅螺釘。安裝的五金配件應(yīng)結(jié)實牢固,使用靈活。三、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)( .主控項目(

53、1)金屬門窗的品種、類型、規(guī)格、性能、開啟方向、安裝位置、連接方式及鋁合金門窗的型材壁厚應(yīng)符合設(shè)計要求。金屬門窗的防腐處理及嵌縫、密封處理應(yīng)符合設(shè)計要求。( 2)金屬門窗必須安裝牢固,并應(yīng)開關(guān)靈活、關(guān)閉嚴(yán)密,無倒翹。推拉門窗扇必須有防脫落措施。( 3)金屬門窗配件的型號、規(guī)格、數(shù)量應(yīng)符合設(shè)計要求,安裝應(yīng)牢固,位置應(yīng)正確,功能應(yīng)滿足使用要求。( .一般項目( 1)金屬門窗表面應(yīng)潔凈、平整、光滑、色澤一致,無銹蝕。大面應(yīng)無劃痕、碰傷。漆膜或保護(hù)層應(yīng)連接。( 2)鋁合金門窗推拉門窗扇開關(guān)力應(yīng)大于l00N。( 3)金屬門窗框與墻體之間的縫隙應(yīng)填嵌飽滿,并采用密封膠密封。密封膠表面應(yīng)光滑、順直、無裂紋。

54、Now,we are i na newhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstr uctionofa w ell-offsociet y.In perform dutie s, andcarried outw ork ofpr oce ss inthe,w eto putpe opl e as ag uide principles,a nda te st standard, efforts frommasses mosthopedo of things do up,frommasses mostcareof hot proble m grabbed,frommasses

55、 most notsatisfactionof placem odifie d up,notmake nomnal offormalism, not do grandsta ndi ng ofcosmetic,t oseek ingofstyle , helpmasse sshare, is pe ople benefit. (C)theinvesteepe ople i s notonlyani dea,iti sajobre quirement.Philosophy through tothe pe ople -oriented thoug ht int hework ofthe Offi

56、ce,must beclearwork objectives. PartyOfficeinthe citythi syearremains: Adva nce d civil strife,localbra nd. The County (City)PartyCommittee officesand unitsdirectly underthe Officeto hol d hig h the banner offirsttoexcellence, people -orie nted re quire ments, strengt hen t heconstructi on a ndma na

57、gement ofthe Officet owardsthe w ork "ahig herlevel".Investee1.politicalpartici pation based on conspiracyto adhereto people-oriented, will be around topr omotecoordi nationDevel opme ntevents, greatse archi ngs.The16 sessi on oftheparty's scie ntific Outlook on development, i s thene wCe ntralcoll ective lea dershiptothe devel opme nt ofconnotation, dev elopme ntesse ntials,furt herdee penthe essence of developmentand innovation,


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