




1、 BALANCE SHEET EFFECTS, EXTERNAL VOLATILITY, AND EMERGING MARKET SPREADSSamuel W. MaloneUniversity of the AndesThis paper studies the determinants of emerging market spreads, and thus of the cost of borrowing for emerging market sovereigns, using recent data from JP Morgans EMBI index for a panel of
2、 19 countries. Controlling for traditional spread determinants, we focus on three additional factors whose importance is suggested by recent work: external shocks, the balance sheet effect of real devaluations, and the degree of current account leverage. We find clear and strong evidence that the va
3、riables in the foregoing categories have an economically and statistically significant relationship with spreads. In particular, we find a major role for the terms-of-trade volatility and the level of current account leverage in explaining spread variation. The result on current account leverage est
4、ablishes an important link between a factor shown to make countries more vulnerable to sudden stops of capital flows, and the premium required by international investors on their foreign debt.JEL classification codes: C33, F34Key words: balance sheet effects, emerging market debt, external volatilit
5、y, country risk premium.I. IntroductionThe study of emerging market spreads, defined as the difference between the yield on emerging market bonds and the yield on US Treasury bonds with the same or similar maturity, extends back to Edwards (1984, 1986). Spreads on debt reflect several factors. In ad
6、dition to a premium for the probability of default on the underlying bond and the recovery rate that investors assume they will receive in the event of default, spreads may include an additional premium related to the liquidity of the underlying bonds, the prevalent degrees of liquidity and risk-ave
7、rsion in the market, and even tax privileges realized by the investor.1In this study, we focus on highly liquid, dollar denominated debt instruments of emerging market sovereigns that are traded in international markets and included in JP Morgans EMBI+ index.Panel data studies of emerging market spr
8、eads that focus on “classic” determinants of sovereign risk include: Rowland and Torres (2004), Adesetal(2000), Eichengreen and Mody (1998), Min (1998), and Cantor and Packer (1996). A good survey can be found in Sobrinho (2004). The “traditional” candidates for the determinants of sovereign spreads
9、, which have found to be significant statistically and/or economically in at least one of these studies, include: the economic growth rate, the debt-to-GDP ratio, the reserves-to-GDP ratio, the debt-to-exports ratio, the exports-to-GDP ratio, the ratio of debt service-to-GDP, the fiscal balance, int
10、ernational interest rates, the default history of the country, net foreign assets, and the domestic inflation rate. We try most of these candidates as control variables in the present study. Despite the contributions of the above literature to understanding the determinants of emerging market spread
11、s, however, an understanding of the importance of balance sheet effects in the presence of sudden stops of capital inflows, and macroeconomic volatility, in provoking financial and debt crises is much more recent. Important papers on the latter topics, respectively, include Calvo, Izquierdo, and Tal
12、vi (2003), Calvo, Izquierdo, and Mejia (2004), and Cato and Kapur (2006). The primary contribution of the present paper is to demonstrate that both balance sheet effects and terms-of-trade volatility have economically and statistically significant effects on the spreads of emerging market sovereigns
13、, after controlling for a variety of other factors that have been shown to affect spreads. In particular, we establish a robust link between the degree of current account leverage, a key variable in determining the impact of sudden stops of capital inflows, and emerging market spreads. We define the
14、 degree of current account leverage, following closely the work of Calvo, Izquierdo, and Mejia (2004), as the value of foreign financing of the current account measured as a percentage of the value of a countrys imports. The rationale for this variable is straightforward: given a sudden stop of fore
15、ign financing of the current account, a country will be forced to reduce its purchases of imports. The percentage of import purchases it will need to forgo in the event ofa sudden stop is an important measure of the duress caused by that event. Calvo, Izquierdo, and Mejia (2004) also emphasize that
16、current account leverage is connected to the degree of real exchange rate depreciation that a sudden stop will require. Another recent paper, by Berganza, Chang, and Garca-Herrero (2004), directly tests the effects of unexpected real devaluations on sovereign spreads, which are presumed to work thro
17、ugh negative net worth effects, as hypothesized for example by Aghion, Bacchetta and Banerjee (2004), and Cspedes, Chang and Velasco (2000). Berganza, Chang, and Garca-Herrero (2004) find that the interaction between unexpected real devaluations and the ratio of foreign debt service-to-GDP is signif
18、icantly associated with higher spreads. In the present study, we show additionally that countries with high values of current account leverage face higher spreads, even after taking into account the direct balance sheet effects due to the interaction between real devaluations and the debt burden. Th
19、us, there are other reasons besides real devaluations, perhaps related to the fungibility of foreign currency revenue for import purchases, which explain the importance of current account leverage for the cost of borrowing.Regarding our finding that higher terms-of-trade volatility is associated wit
20、h higher spreads, this is consistent with the closely related finding of Cato and Kapur (2006) that higher terms-of-trade volatility is associated with a higher number of incidences of default. This finding is intuitive, because higher terms- of-trade volatility is associated with a higher volatilit
21、y of foreign currency income, and countries with more volatile income streams face a higher probability of being in a position in which the value of their foreign debt service needs exceed the value of their foreign currency reserves and short-term revenues. Such countries, as a consequence, face hi
22、gher probabilities of default, and thus lenders can be expected to demand higher premiums on their debt. Our findings are consistent with recent work by Hilscher and Nosbusch (2007), who also find a statistically and economically significant role for the volatility of a countrys terms-of-trade in in
23、fluencing EMBIG spreads.Other recent regression studies of emerging market sovereign spreads include Westphalen (2001) and Ferrucci (2003). In particular, Westphalen (2001) finds that changes in the volatility over the last 20 trading days of the local MSCI countrystock index positively and signific
24、antly affects spreads. This result provides another indication, in addition to the results of Hilscher and Nosbusch (2007) and the present study, that the volatility of fundamentals can be an important determinant of spreads. It is worth noting that the R2 values obtained in our regressions, which r
25、ange from 71% to 91% across the various specifications tested, are noticeably higher than those obtained in the previous studies mentioned. We attribute our ability to explain a significant degree of spread variation primarily to our focus on identifying and testing simultaneously the effects of dis
26、tinct and important categories of factors that have been identified in the literature in particular the term-of-trade volatility and the balance sheet variables inspired by recent work.The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II, we outline a simple theoretical framework for analyz
27、ing the determinants of emerging market spreads that justifies the log-linear form of our spread regressions. Section III then describes the data and independent variables and states the baseline regression. Section IV presents the main empirical results of the paper, including robustness tests of t
28、he baseline regression. Section V analyzes the connection between our current account leverage measure, FDI and portfolio flows, and spreads. Section VI concludes.II. Basic theoretical frameworkAssuming that lenders are risk neutral, there is high capital mobility, and that the return on the soverei
29、gn bond to lenders is zero in the event of default, the sovereign spread s is determined by the following condition, which has been used by others (see Min 1998 and Nogus and Grandes 2001):where r is the risk-free rate and P is the probability of default. If the recovery rate is nonzero and there ar
30、e no fixed default costs, then the above equation generalizes to: where the return in the event of default is given by . For models with more detailed considerations of the costs of default, such as spillover costs, see for example Cato and Kapur (2006). The sovereign spread implied by the above con
31、dition isSimilar to Nogus and Grandes (2001), approaching P with a logistic function such aswhere the variables Xi determine the probability of default, leads to the following log-linear form for the spread equation:We will now describe the data and dependent variables, after which we will state the
32、 baseline regression for the paper, which we adapt from the above equation.III. Dataset and econometric specificationA. The data and independent variablesWe analyze the determinants of the country risk premium on external, dollar denominated emerging market debt using yearly data on the implied coun
33、try spread for the JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index Plus (EMBI+). The EMBI+, according to JP Morgan, is the “most liquid US-dollar emerging market debt benchmark, and tracks total returns for actively traded external debt instruments in emerging markets” (JP Morgan 2004). We take as our sample a
34、ll of the countries (19 in total) that have been part of the index from their first year on the index up until 2004. This time period includes both the Russian debt crisis in 1997-98 and the Argentine default of 2001, as well as the generally very positive performance in emerging market debt seen in
35、 2004. The countries and years used in the study are summarized in Table 1. The dependent variable in our study will be the logarithm of the EMBI+ spread reported by JP Morgan, denoted by log spread. For each year, we use the average monthly spread in that year. The variables used to run the main re
36、gressions discussed in the paper are defined in Table 2.The variables in the study can be grouped into three categories: traditional macroeconomic variables, variables capturing some aspect of external volatility, and variables capturing balance sheet effects. In our preferred regression, we settled
37、 for parsimony on three traditional macroeconomic variables: the ratio of debt-to-GNI (debt-to-gni), the ratio of reserves-to-GNI (res-to-gni), and the five year rolling rate of GNI growth (5year_growth_rate). We also experimented with other traditional variables, such as a measure of openness, the
38、trade surplus, the government surplus (fiscal surplus as a ratio to GDP), and the rate of inflation of the consumer price index, but these did not prove robustly significant.In the second category of variables we include the terms-of-trade (tot) and the rolling ten year terms-of-trade volatility (to
39、t-volatility). Since we include yearly dummies to account for time effects in all of our regressions, there is no scope for including variables such as the US interest rate, or the VIX implied volatility index, which exhibit only time variation.Finally, the third category of determinants consists of
40、 the currency-mismatch variable and the current account leverage variable, CA-leverage, both of which are important for assessing balance sheet effects. In the first case, the currency-mismatch variable is equal to the product of the foreign debt-service-to-GNI ratio and the year-on-year change in t
41、he real exchange rate normalized by the real exchange rate in the year 2000. Second, the CA-leverage variable is defined as the ratio of debt service, minus net exports, to imports, cf. the definition in Table 2 above. Net exports is a proxy for the current account, so this ratio can be interpreted
42、as a proxy for debt service minus the current account, divided by imports: (DS CA)/I. The fraction of debt service not financed by the current account must be financed by a combination of new debt issuance, foreign direct investment flows, other new portfolio investment flows, and income on foreign
43、assets. The first three of these four components, which normally account for the majority of the capital account, may be reduced significantly in the event of a sudden stop of capital inflows. Thus, the numerator in the current account leverage variable represents an approximate upper bound for the
44、shortfall in the receipt of foreign currency income the country would face in the event of a sudden stop.資產(chǎn)負債表的影響、外部波動和新興市場Samuel W. MaloneUniversity of the Andes本文研究新興市場利差的決定因素以及新興市場國家的借貸成本,使用的數(shù)據(jù)來源于摩根大通公司所提供的19個國家的新興市場的債券指數(shù)。為了保證傳統(tǒng)傳播的決定因素,我們集中研究那些受近期影響的較大三個額外因素:外部沖擊的影響,資產(chǎn)負債表的實際貶值以及當前賬戶的杠桿程度。我們找到明確有力
47、例,還本利息占國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的比率,財政收支平衡率,國際利率,國家的歷史比率,國外凈資產(chǎn)與國內(nèi)通貨膨脹率。我們大多數(shù)人這些候因素作為控制變量在研究。 盡管上述文獻在理解新興市場利差的決定因素做出了貢獻,然而,理解資產(chǎn)負債表在影響已存在的資本突然停止流入的重要性,與宏觀經(jīng)濟波動在引發(fā)金融債務危機是很接近的。關于后者的主題重要的文獻,包括卡爾沃,基耶多,和塔爾維(2003),卡爾沃,基耶多,和梅希亞(2004),和卡桃和卡普阿(2006)。主要貢獻本文主要貢獻表現(xiàn)在,資產(chǎn)負債表和在經(jīng)濟學和統(tǒng)計學上的波動性對新興市場國家的利差有著顯著影響,在控制了各種其他因素對利差影響。特別是,我們建立對當前賬戶杠桿
50、違約發(fā)生率。這一發(fā)現(xiàn)是非常直觀的,因為較高的貿(mào)易波動是與較高的外匯收入波動相聯(lián)系的,和國家的更不穩(wěn)定收入流面臨更高的風險概率,其外債服務需求的資金超過其外匯儲備和短期的收入。這樣的國家,因此,面對高額的違約概率,從而可以要求債務有更高的溢價。我們的研究結(jié)果與近期希爾瑟和諾斯布希(2007)的工作是一致的,他們也發(fā)現(xiàn)波動性條件對利差有統(tǒng)計和經(jīng)濟意義的作用。 其他最近研究新興市場主權利差包括威斯特法倫(2001)和(2003)費魯奇。特別是,威斯特法倫(2001)發(fā)現(xiàn),變化的波動性在過去20個交易日對當?shù)氐哪Ω康だ灰桌钪笖?shù)有著積極和顯著影響。這一結(jié)果提供了一個跡象,希爾瑟和諾斯布希(2007)和本文的波動性研究,基本可以成為一個重要的決定利差因素。值得注意的是,R值在我們各種規(guī)格的回歸測試范圍從71%到91%,明顯高于那些在先前的研究所。我們致力于解釋的利差變化的顯著程度,主要是為了我們的重點識別和測試,與此同時我們獨到的見解也已確定在文中,特別我們最近的工作的啟發(fā)對長期的貿(mào)易波動性和平衡性的因素的影響。二、本文的組織在第二部分中,我們勾勒出一個簡單的分析框架的理論決定新
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