1、源代碼如下:/*ant.c*/#define SPACE 0 x20#define ESC 0 x1b#define ANT_CHAR_EMPTY +#define ANT_CHAR_FOOD 153#define HOME_CHAR H#define FOOD_CHAR F#define FOOD_CHAR2 f#define FOOD_HOME_COLOR 12#define BLOCK_CHAR 177#define MAX_ANT 50#define INI_SPEED 3#define MAXX 80#define MAXY 23#define MAX_FOOD 10000#defi
2、ne TARGET_FOOD 200#define MAX_SMELL 5000#define SMELL_DROP_RATE 0.05#define ANT_ERROR_RATE 0.02#define ANT_EYESHOT 3#define SMELL_GONE_SPEED 50#define SMELL_GONE_RATE 0.05#define TRACE_REMEMBER 50#define MAX_BLOCK 100#define NULL 0#define UP 1#define DOWN 2#define LEFT 3#define RIGHT 4#define SMELL_
3、TYPE_FOOD 0#define SMELL_TYPE_HOME 1#include stdio.h#include conio.h#include dos.h#include stdlib.h#include dos.h#include process.h#include ctype.h#include math.hvoid WorldInitial(void);void BlockInitial(void);void CreatBlock(void);void SaveBlock(void);void LoadBlock(void);void HomeFoodInitial(void)
4、;void AntInitial(void);void WorldChange(void);void AntMove(void);void AntOneStep(void);void DealKey(char key);void ClearSmellDisp(void);void DispSmell(int type);int AntNextDir(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir);int GetMaxSmell(int type,int xxx,int yyy,int ddir);int IsTrace(int xxx,int yyy);int MaxLocation(in
5、t num1,int num2,int num3);int CanGo(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir);int JudgeCanGo(int xxx,int yyy);int TurnLeft(int ddir);int TurnRight(int ddir);int TurnBack(int ddir);int MainTimer(void);char WaitForKey(int secnum);void DispPlayTime(void);int TimeUse(void);void HideCur(void);void ResetCur(void);/* - */
6、struct HomeStruct int xxx,yyy; int amount; int TargetFood;home;struct FoodStruct int xxx,yyy; int amount;food;struct AntStruct int xxx,yyy; int dir; int speed; int SpeedTimer; int food; int SmellAmount2; int tracexTRACE_REMEMBER; int traceyTRACE_REMEMBER; int TracePtr; int IQ;antMAX_ANT;int AntNow;i
7、nt timer10ms;struct time starttime,endtime;int Smell2MAXX+1MAXY+1;int blockMAXX+1MAXY+1;int SmellGoneTimer;int SmellDispFlag;int CanFindFood;int HardtoFindPath;/* - Main - */void main(void) char KeyPress; int tu; clrscr(); HideCur(); WorldInitial(); do timer10ms = MainTimer(); if(timer10ms) AntMove(
8、); if(timer10ms) WorldChange(); tu = TimeUse(); if(tu=60&!CanFindFood) gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Can not find food, maybe a block world.); WaitForKey(10); WorldInitial(); if(tu=180&home.amount=home.TargetFood) gettime(&endtime); KeyPress = WaitForKey(60); DispPlayTime(); WaitForKey(10); WorldInitial(
9、); else if(kbhit() KeyPress = getch(); DealKey(KeyPress); else KeyPress = NULL; while(KeyPress!=ESC); gettime(&endtime); DispPlayTime(); WaitForKey(10); clrscr(); ResetCur();/* - general sub process - */int MainTimer(void)/* output: how much 10ms have pass from last time call this process */ static
10、int oldhund,oldsec; struct time t; int timeuse; gettime(&t); timeuse = 0; if(t.ti_hund!=oldhund) if(t.ti_sec!=oldsec) timeuse+=100; oldsec = t.ti_sec; timeuse+=t.ti_hund-oldhund; oldhund = t.ti_hund; else timeuse = 0; return (timeuse);char WaitForKey(int secnum)/* funtion: if have key in, exit immed
11、iately, else wait secnum senconds then exit input: secnum - wait this senconds, must minin) secuse = (minnow-1-minin) + (secnow+60-secin); else secuse = secnow - secin; /* counting error check */ if(secuse0) gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Time conuting error, any keyto exit.); getch(); exit(3); while(secu
12、se=secnum); return (NULL);void DispPlayTime(void) int ph,pm,ps; ph = endtime.ti_hour - starttime.ti_hour; pm = endtime.ti_min - starttime.ti_min; ps = endtime.ti_sec - starttime.ti_sec; if(ph0) ph+=24; if(pm0) ph-; pm+=60; if(ps0) pm-; ps+=60; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Time use: %d hour- %d min- %d s
13、ec ,ph,pm,ps);int TimeUse(void) int ph,pm,ps; gettime(&endtime); ph = endtime.ti_hour - starttime.ti_hour; pm = endtime.ti_min - starttime.ti_min; ps = endtime.ti_sec - starttime.ti_sec; if(ph0) ph+=24; if(pm0) ph-; pm+=60; if(ps0) pm-; ps+=60; return(ps+(60*(pm+60*ph);void HideCur(void) union REGS
14、regs0; regs0.h.ah=1; regs0.h.ch=0 x30; regs0.h.cl=0 x31; int86(0 x10,®s0,®s0);void ResetCur(void) union REGS regs0; regs0.h.ah=1; regs0.h.ch=0 x06; regs0.h.cl=0 x07; int86(0 x10,®s0,®s0);/* - main ANT programe - */void WorldInitial(void) int k,i,j; randomize(); clrscr(); HomeFoodInitial(
15、); for(AntNow=0;AntNowMAX_ANT;AntNow+) AntInitial(); /* of for AntNow */; BlockInitial(); for(k=0;k=1;k+) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=0;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=0;j=MAXY;j+) Smellkij = 0; SmellGoneTimer = 0; gettime(&starttime); SmellDispFlag = 0; CanFindFood = 0; HardtoFindPath = 0;void BlockIniti
16、al(void) int i,j; int bn; for(i=0;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=0;j=MAXY;j+) blockij = 0; bn = 1+ MAX_BLOCK/2 + random(MAX_BLOCK/2); for(i=0;iMAXX) x2 = MAXX; if(y2MAXY) y2 = MAXY; if(food.xxx=x1&food.xxx=y1&food.yyy=x1&home.xxx=y1&home.yyy=y2) return; for(i=x1;i=x2;i+) for(j=y1;j=y2;j+) blockij = 1; gotoxy(i,j)
17、; putch(BLOCK_CHAR); void SaveBlock(void) FILE *fp_block; char FileNameBlock20; int i,j; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf( ); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Save to file.,FileNameBlock); gets(FileNameBlock); if(FileNameBlock0=0) strcpy(FileNameBlock,Ant.ant); else strcat(FileNameBlock,.ant); if (fp_block = fopen(
18、FileNameBlock, wb) = NULL) gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Creat file %s fail.,FileNameBlock); getch(); exit(2); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf( ); fputc(home.xxx,fp_block); fputc(home.yyy,fp_block); fputc(food.xxx,fp_block); fputc(food.yyy,fp_block); for(i=0;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=0;j=MAXY;j+) fputc(blockij,fp_block)
19、; fclose(fp_block);void LoadBlock(void) FILE *fp_block; char FileNameBlock20; int i,j,k; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf( ); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Load file.,FileNameBlock); gets(FileNameBlock); if(FileNameBlock0=0) strcpy(FileNameBlock,Ant.ant); else strcat(FileNameBlock,.ant); if (fp_block = fopen(Fil
20、eNameBlock, rb) = NULL) gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Open file %s fail.,FileNameBlock); getch(); exit(2); clrscr(); home.xxx = fgetc(fp_block); home.yyy = fgetc(fp_block); food.xxx = fgetc(fp_block); food.yyy = fgetc(fp_block); gotoxy(home.xxx,home.yyy); putch(HOME_CHAR); gotoxy(food.xxx,food.yyy); putc
21、h(FOOD_CHAR); food.amount = random(MAX_FOOD/3)+2*MAX_FOOD/3+1; /* food.amount = MAX_FOOD; */ home.amount = 0; home.TargetFood = (food.amountTARGET_FOOD)?food.amount:TARGET_FOOD; for(AntNow=0;AntNowMAX_ANT;AntNow+) AntInitial(); /* of for AntNow */; for(i=0;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=0;j=MAXY;j+) blockij = fge
22、tc(fp_block); if(blockij) gotoxy(i,j); putch(BLOCK_CHAR); for(k=0;k=1;k+) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=0;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=0;j=MAXY;j+) Smellkij = 0; SmellGoneTimer = 0; gettime(&starttime); SmellDispFlag = 0; CanFindFood = 0; HardtoFindPath = 0; fclose(fp_block);void HomeFoodInitial(void) in
23、t randnum; int homeplace; /* 1 - home at left-up, food at right-down 2 - home at left-down, food at right-up 3 - home at right-up, food at left-down 4 - home at right-down, food at left-up */ randnum = random(100); if(randnum=25&randnum=50&randnum75) homeplace = 3; else homeplace = 4; switch(homepla
24、ce) case 1: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; break; case 2: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; break
25、; case 3: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; break; case 4: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; break;
26、food.amount = random(MAX_FOOD/3)+2*MAX_FOOD/3+1; /* food.amount = MAX_FOOD; */ home.amount = 0; home.TargetFood = (food.amountTARGET_FOOD)?food.amount:TARGET_FOOD; /* data correctness check */ if(home.xxxMAXX|home.yyyMAXY| food.xxxMAXX|food.yyyMAXY| food.amount=0) gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(World init
27、ial fail, any key to exit.); getch(); exit(2); gotoxy(home.xxx,home.yyy); putch(HOME_CHAR); gotoxy(food.xxx,food.yyy); putch(FOOD_CHAR);void AntInitial(void)/* initial antAntNow */ int randnum; int i; antAntNow.xxx = home.xxx; antAntNow.yyy = home.yyy; randnum = random(100); if(randnum=25&randnum=50
28、&randnum75) antAntNow.dir = LEFT; else antAntNow.dir = RIGHT; antAntNow.speed = 2*(random(INI_SPEED/2)+1); antAntNow.SpeedTimer = 0; antAntNow.food = 0; antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD = 0; antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_HOME = MAX_SMELL; antAntNow.IQ = 1; for(i=0;i=SMELL_GONE_SPEED) SmellGone
29、Timer = 0; for(k=0;k=1;k+) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=1;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=1;j=30000|smelldisp9) putch(#); else putch(smelldisp+0); Smellkij-= 1+(Smellkij*SMELL_GONE_RATE); if(Smellkij0) Smellkij = 0; if(SmellDispFlag) if(Smellkij=2) gotoxy(i,j); putch(SPACE); /* of one location */ /* of tim
30、e to change the world */ /* of world change */void AntMove(void) int antx,anty; int smelltodrop,smellnow; for(AntNow=0;AntNow=antAntNow.speed) antAntNow.SpeedTimer = 0; gotoxy(antAntNow.xxx,antAntNow.yyy); putch(SPACE); AntOneStep(); gotoxy(antAntNow.xxx,antAntNow.yyy); /* ant0 is a sepecail ant, us
31、e different color */ if(AntNow=0) textcolor(0 xd); if(antAntNow.food) putch(ANT_CHAR_FOOD); else putch(ANT_CHAR_EMPTY); if(AntNow=0) textcolor(0 x7); /* remember trace */ antAntNow.tracexantAntNow.TracePtr = antAntNow.xxx; antAntNow.traceyantAntNow.TracePtr = antAntNow.yyy; if(+(antAntNow.TracePtr)=
32、TRACE_REMEMBER) antAntNow.TracePtr = 0; /* drop smell */ antx = antAntNow.xxx; anty = antAntNow.yyy; if(antAntNow.food) /* have food, looking for home */ if(antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD) smellnow = SmellSMELL_TYPE_FOODantxanty; smelltodrop = antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD*SMELL_DROP_RA
33、TE; if(smelltodropsmellnow) SmellSMELL_TYPE_FOODantxanty = smelltodrop; /* else Smell. = smellnow */ antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD-= smelltodrop; if(antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOODsmellnow) SmellSMELL_TYPE_HOMEantxanty = smelltodrop; /* else Smell. = smellnow */ antAntNow.SmellAmountSMEL
34、L_TYPE_HOME-= smelltodrop; if(antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_HOME0) putch(FOOD_CHAR); else putch(FOOD_CHAR2); textcolor(7); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(Food %d, Home %d ,food.amount,home.amount);void AntOneStep(void) int ddir,tttx,ttty; int i; ddir = antAntNow.dir; tttx = antAntNow.xxx; ttty = antAntN
35、ow.yyy; ddir = AntNextDir(tttx,ttty,ddir); switch(ddir) case UP: ttty-; break; case DOWN: ttty+; break; case LEFT: tttx-; break; case RIGHT: tttx+; break; default: break; /* of switch dir */ antAntNow.dir = ddir; antAntNow.xxx = tttx; antAntNow.yyy = ttty; if(antAntNow.food) /* this ant carry with f
36、ood, search for home */ if(tttx=home.xxx&ttty=home.yyy) home.amount+; AntInitial(); if(tttx=food.xxx&ttty=food.yyy) antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD = MAX_SMELL; /* of search for home */ else /* this ant is empty, search for food */ if(tttx=food.xxx&ttty=food.yyy) if(food.amount0) antAntNow.food
37、 = 1; food.amount-; antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_FOOD = MAX_SMELL; antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_HOME = 0; antAntNow.dir = TurnBack(antAntNow.dir); for(i=0;iTRACE_REMEMBER;i+) antAntNow.tracexi = 0; antAntNow.traceyi = 0; antAntNow.TracePtr = 0; CanFindFood = 1; /* of still have food */ if(tttx
38、=home.xxx&ttty=home.yyy) antAntNow.SmellAmountSMELL_TYPE_HOME = MAX_SMELL; /* of search for food */void DealKey(char key) int i; switch(key) case p: gettime(&endtime); DispPlayTime(); getch(); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); for(i=1;i=MAXX-1;i+) putch(SPACE); break; case t: if(SmellDispFlag) SmellDispFlag=0; Clea
39、rSmellDisp(); else SmellDispFlag = 1; break; case 1: DispSmell(SMELL_TYPE_FOOD); getch(); ClearSmellDisp(); break; case 2: DispSmell(SMELL_TYPE_HOME); getch(); ClearSmellDisp(); break; case 3: DispSmell(2); getch(); ClearSmellDisp(); break; case s: SaveBlock(); break; case l: LoadBlock(); break; def
40、ault: gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); for(i=1;i=MAXX-1;i+) putch(SPACE); /* of switch */void ClearSmellDisp(void) int k,i,j; for(k=0;k=1;k+) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=1;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=1;j=MAXY;j+) if(Smellkij) gotoxy(i,j); putch(SPACE); /* of one location */void DispSmell(int type)/* input: 0 - Only
41、display food smell 1 - Only display home smell 2 - Display both food and home smell*/ int k,i,j; int fromk,tok; int smelldisp; switch(type) case 0: fromk = 0; tok = 0; break; case 1: fromk = 1; tok = 1; break; case 2: fromk = 0; tok = 1; break; default:fromk = 0; tok = 1; break; SmellGoneTimer = 0;
42、for(k=fromk;k=tok;k+) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=1;i=MAXX;i+) for(j=1;j=30000|smelldisp9) putch(#); else putch(smelldisp+0); /* of one location */int AntNextDir(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir) int randnum; int testdir; int CanGoState; int cangof,cangol,cangor; int msf,msl,msr,maxms; int type; Ca
43、nGoState = CanGo(xxx,yyy,ddir); if(CanGoState=0|CanGoState=2|CanGoState=3|CanGoState=6) cangof = 1; else cangof = 0; if(CanGoState=0|CanGoState=1|CanGoState=3|CanGoState=5) cangol = 1; else cangol = 0; if(CanGoState=0|CanGoState=1|CanGoState=2|CanGoState=4) cangor = 1; else cangor = 0; if(antAntNow.
44、food) type = SMELL_TYPE_HOME; else type = SMELL_TYPE_FOOD; msf = GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,ddir); msl = GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,TurnLeft(ddir); msr= GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,TurnRight(ddir); maxms = MaxLocation(msf,msl,msr); /* maxms - 1 - msf is MAX 2 - msl is MAX 3 - msr is MAX 0 - all 3 number is
45、 0 */ testdir = NULL; switch(maxms) case 0: /* all is 0, keep testdir = NULL, random select dir */ break; case 1: if(cangof) testdir = ddir; else if(mslmsr) if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 2: if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else if(msf
46、msr) if(cangof) testdir = ddir; else if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 3: if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); else if(msfmsl) if(cangof) testdir =ddir; else if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; default:break; /* of maxms */ randnum = random(1000); if(randnumSMELL_DROP_RATE*1
47、000|testdir=NULL) /* 1. if testdir = NULL, means can not find the max smell or the dir to max smell can not go then random select dir 2. if ant error, dont follow the smell, random select dir */ randnum = random(100); switch(CanGoState) case 0: if(randnum=90&randnum95) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else
48、 testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 1: if(randnum50) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 2: if(randnum90) testdir = ddir; else testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 3: if(randnum90) testdir = ddir; else testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; case 4: testdir = TurnRig
49、ht(ddir); break; case 5: testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; case 6: testdir = ddir; break; case 7: testdir = TurnBack(ddir); break; default:testdir = TurnBack(ddir); /* of can go state */ return(testdir);int GetMaxSmell(int type,int xxx,int yyy,int ddir) int i,j; int ms; /* MAX smell */ ms = 0; switch
50、(ddir) case UP: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;i=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i+) for(j=yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;jms) ms = Smelltypeij; break; case DOWN: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;i=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i+) for(j=yyy+1;jms) ms = Smelltypeij; break; case LEFT: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;ixxx;i+) for(j=yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;jms) ms = Smelltypeij; brea
51、k; case RIGHT: for(i=xxx+1;i=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i+) for(j=yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;jms) ms = Smelltypeij; break; default: break; return(ms);int IsTrace(int xxx,int yyy) int i; for(i=0;imaxnum) maxnum = num2; if(num3maxnum) maxnum = num3; if(maxnum=num1) return(1); if(maxnum=num2) return(2); if(maxnum=num3) retu
52、rn(3);int CanGo(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir)/* input: xxx,yyy - location of ant ddir - now dir output: 0 - forward and left and right can go 1 - forward can not go 2 - left can not go 3 - right can not go 4 - forward and left can not go 5 - forward and right can not go 6 - left and right can not go 7 -
53、 forward and left and right all can not go*/ int tx,ty,tdir; int okf,okl,okr; /* forward can go ? */ tdir = ddir; tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) case UP: ty-; break; case DOWN: ty+; break; case LEFT: tx-; break; case RIGHT: tx+; break; default: break; /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty) okf =
54、 1; else okf = 0; /* turn left can go ? */ tdir = TurnLeft(ddir); tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) case UP: ty-; break; case DOWN: ty+; break; case LEFT: tx-; break; case RIGHT: tx+; break; default: break; /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty) okl = 1; else okl = 0; /* turn right can go ? */ tdir
55、 = TurnRight(ddir); tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) case UP: ty-; break; case DOWN: ty+; break; case LEFT: tx-; break; case RIGHT: tx+; break; default: break; /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty) okr = 1; else okr = 0; if(okf&okl&okr) return(0); if(!okf&okl&okr) return(1); if(okf&!okl&okr) retu
56、rn(2); if(okf&okl&!okr) return(3); if(!okf&!okl&okr) return(4); if(!okf&okl&!okr) return(5); if(okf&!okl&!okr) return(6); if(!okf&!okl&!okr) return(7); return(7);int JudgeCanGo(int xxx,int yyy)/* input: location to judeg output: 0 - can not go 1 - can go*/ int i,j; if(xxxMAXX) return(0); if(yyyMAXY) return(0); if(blockxxxyyy) return(
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- 10KV高壓環(huán)網(wǎng)柜(交接)試驗(yàn)
- 綜合單價(jià)的確定
- 張可填充顏色的中國地圖與世界地圖課件
- 9以內(nèi)除法口算(81題)