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1、STUDY GSTUDY GUIDE MHR 6451Columbia Southern University24847 Commercial AvenueP.O. Box 3110Orange Beach, AL 36561(251) 981-3771 Fax (251) 981-3815studentsRevissionn 011BTablee off CoonteentssTOC h z t Heading 1,2,Title,1 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222738 Studyy Guuidee Inntrooducctioon PAGEREF _Toc521222738

2、 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222739 Requeestiing Hellp PAGEREF _Toc521222739 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222740 How tto UUse Thiis SStuddy GGuidde PAGEREF _Toc521222740 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222741 Testiing andd Sttudeent Evaaluaatioon PAGEREF _Toc521222741 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222742 SELECCTINNG AA PRROCT

3、TOR FORR YOOUR FINNAL EXAAMINNATIION PAGEREF _Toc521222742 h 77 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222743 Gradiing PAGEREF _Toc521222743 h 77 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222744 Crediits PAGEREF _Toc521222744 h 88 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222745 Commuunicaatioons PAGEREF _Toc521222745 h 88 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222746 Coursse IInfoor

4、maatioon PAGEREF _Toc521222746 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222747 Textbbookk PAGEREF _Toc521222747 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222748 Coursse DDesccripptioon PAGEREF _Toc521222748 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222749 Coursse OObjeectiivess PAGEREF _Toc521222749 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222750 Coursse RReseearcch PPape

5、er PAGEREF _Toc521222750 h 100 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222751 Questtionns ffor Couursee Reeseaarchh Paaperr PAGEREF _Toc521222751 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222752 Chaptter Onee: Humman Ressourrce Mannageemennt: Ann Ovvervvieww PAGEREF _Toc521222752 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222753 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGE

6、REF _Toc521222753 h 122 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222754 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222754 h 112 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222755 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222755 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222756 Chaptter Twoo: Thee Ennvirronmmentt off Huumann Reesouurcee Maanaggemeent PAGEREF _Toc521222756 h 114

7、 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222757 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222757 h 144 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222758 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222758 h 114 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222759 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222759 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222760 Chaptter Thrree: EEquaal EEmplloymmentt Oppporr

8、tunnityy annd AAffiirmaativve AActiion PAGEREF _Toc521222760 h 116 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222761 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222761 h 166 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222762 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222762 h 116 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222763 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222763 h 17 HYPERLI

9、NK l _Toc521222764 Chaptter Fouur: Joob AAnallysiis aand Humman Ressourrce Plaanniing PAGEREF _Toc521222764 h 118 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222765 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222765 h 188 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222766 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222766 h 118 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222767 Chaptter

10、Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222767 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222768 Chaptter Fivve: Reecruuitmmentt PAGEREF _Toc521222768 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222769 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222769 h 200 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222770 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222770 h 220 HYPERLINK l _Toc52122277

11、1 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222771 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222772 Chaptter Sixx: Intternnet Reccruiitinng PAGEREF _Toc521222772 h 222 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222773 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222773 h 222 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222774 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222774 h 222 HYPE

12、RLINK l _Toc521222775 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222775 h 23 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222776 Chaptter Sevven: SSeleectiion PAGEREF _Toc521222776 h 224 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222777 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222777 h 244 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222778 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222778

13、h 224 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222779 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222779 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222780 Chaptter Eigght: TTraiininng aand Devveloopmeent PAGEREF _Toc521222780 h 226 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222781 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222781 h 266 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222782 Chaptter Ovee

14、rviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222782 h 226 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222783 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222783 h 27 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222784 Unit Onee Exxam PAGEREF _Toc521222784 h 228 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222785 Chaptter Ninne: Caareeer PPlannninng aand Devveloopmeent PAGEREF _Toc521222785 h 337 HYPERLINK

15、 l _Toc521222786 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222786 h 377 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222787 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222787 h 337 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222788 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222788 h 38 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222789 Chaptter Tenn: Perrforrmannce Apppraiisall PAGEREF _Toc52

16、1222789 h 39 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222790 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222790 h 399 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222791 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222791 h 339 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222792 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222792 h 40 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222793 Chaptter Eleevenn: Commpennsattionn

17、 PAGEREF _Toc521222793 h 41 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222794 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222794 h 411 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222795 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222795 h 441 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222796 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222796 h 42 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222797 Chaptter Tweelvee: B

18、ennefiits andd Ottherr Coompeensaatioon IIssuues PAGEREF _Toc521222797 h 443 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222798 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222798 h 433 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222799 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222799 h 443 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222800 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222800 h

19、44 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222801 Chaptter Thiirteeen: AA Saafe andd Heealtthy Worrk EEnviironnmennt PAGEREF _Toc521222801 h 455 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222802 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222802 h 455 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222803 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222803 h 445 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222804

20、 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222804 h 46 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222805 Chaptter Fouurteeen: TThe Evooluttionn off Laaborr Unnionns PAGEREF _Toc521222805 h 477 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222806 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222806 h 477 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222807 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc5

21、21222807 h 447 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222808 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222808 h 48 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222809 Chaptter Fiffteeen: Laaborr-Maanaggemeent Rellatiionss PAGEREF _Toc521222809 h 49 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222810 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222810 h 499 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222811

22、 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222811 h 449 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222812 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222812 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222813 Chaptter Sixxteeen: Innterrnall Emmplooyeee Reelattionns PAGEREF _Toc521222813 h 511 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222814 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc5212

23、22814 h 511 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222815 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222815 h 551 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222816 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222816 h 52 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222817 Chaptter Sevventteenn: Glooball Huumann Reesouurcee Maanaggemeent PAGEREF _Toc521222817 h 553 HYPERLINK l _Toc521

24、222818 Chaptter Objjecttivees PAGEREF _Toc521222818 h 533 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222819 Chaptter Oveerviiew PAGEREF _Toc521222819 h 553 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222820 Chaptter Exeerciisess PAGEREF _Toc521222820 h 54 HYPERLINK l _Toc521222821 Unit Twoo Exxam PAGEREF _Toc521222821 h 555Studyy Guuidee Inntroodu

25、cctioonRequeestiing HellpIn orrderr too faacillitaate youur sstuddiess, aa faacullty memmberr haas bbeenn asssiggnedd too yoou aand willl sservve aas yyourr Prrofeessoor. A llettter witth yyourr prrofeessoorss coontaact infformmatiion willl bbe mmailled to youu. YYourr Prrofeessoor wwilll bee avvail

26、lablle tto aanswwer queestiionss yoou mmay havve aas yyou proogreess thrrouggh yyourr sttudiies. Yoou sshouuld dirrectt alll ccourrse queestiionss too yoour asssignned Proofesssorr.You aare reqquirred to makke aat lleasst tthreee cconttactts wwithh yoour proofesssorr. A CConttactt Loog tto rrecoord

27、theese conntaccts witth yyourr prrofeessoor iis llocaatedd affterr thhis inttrodducttionn. Pleeasee coomplletee thhis conntacct llog andd reeturrn iit wwithh yoour Finnal Exaaminnatiion Reqquesst fformm.We caannoot sstreess enooughh hoow iimpoortaant it is thaat yyou takke ffulll addvanntagge oof tt

28、hesse ooppoortuunittiess too esstabblissh aan oon-ggoinng ddialloguue wwithh yoour Proofesssorr. Yoou wwilll fiind thaat tthesse iinteeracctioons witth ffacuultyy wiill be quiite useefull inn heelpiing youu too grraspp coonceeptss, ccrysstalllizze yyourr thhougghtss, aand staay ffocuusedd onn yoour

29、stuudiees. Eaarniing a ddegrree thrrouggh ddireecteed sstuddiess iss tooughh ennouggh. Usse yyourr faacullty. YYoull be glaad yyou didd.The OOnliine Stuudennt/FFacuultyy Foorumm seervees aas “SStuddentt Diiscuussiion Boaard” thaat eenabbless sttudeentss too poost messsagges to fellloww sttudeentss a

30、ss weell as faccultty aand staaff memmberrs oof CCSU. WWe hhopee thhis forrum willl ffostter a ssensse oof ccamaaradderiie bbetwweenn yoou aand youur ffelllow stuudennts andd asssisst yyou as youu prrogrresss thhrouugh youur sstuddiess. OOnlyy CSSU SStuddentts aand Aluumnii arre ppermmittted to usee

31、 thhe fforuum. Whhen youu fiirstt acccesss tthe forrum youu wiill havve tto sset up an acccounnt wwithh yoour namme aand passswoord. TThe Stuudennt SServvicees DDepaartmmentt reevieews alll acccouuntss too veeriffy tthatt thhe uuserr iss a stuudennt oor aalummni befforee alllowwingg acccesss. Thhe f

32、foruum sshouuld greeatlly eenhaancee yoour eduucattionnal efffortts hheree att CSSU. Wee enncouuragge yyou to vissit thee foorumm reegullarlly. Youu caan aacceess thee foorumm att thhe ffolllowiing adddresss: u/foorumm/inndexx.httmlHow tto UUse Thiis SStuddy GGuiddeThrouugh summmarriess, oobjeectiiv

33、ess, sstuddy qquesstioons, annd ppraccticcal exeerciisess, tthiss Sttudyy Guuidee wiill hellp yyou asssimiilatte tthe infformmatiion preesenntedd inn thhe ttextt.This couursee coonsiistss off leessoons thaat aare grooupeed iintoo unnitss. As youu beeginn eaach uniit, notte tthe tittless off thhe lle

34、sssonss thhat commpriise thaat ppartticuularr unnit. TThiss wiill enaablee yoou tto ggainn ann unnderrstaandiing of thee geenerral subbjecct bbeinng eexplloreed aand to dettermminee hoow tthe lesssonns rrelaate to onee annothher. EEachh leessoon bbegiins witth aa brrieff inntrooducctioon, whiich wil

35、ll hhelpp yoou pput thee maaterriall inn coonteext andd maake it eassierr too knnow whaatss ahheadd.Folloowinng tthe inttrodducttionn thheree iss a lisst oof llearrninng oobjeectiivess. Upoon ccompplettingg alll tthe leaarniing tassks forr eaach lesssonn, rreviiew thee obbjecctivves to verrifyy inn

36、yoour ownn miind thaat yyou havve ggrasspedd thhe mmateeriaals covvereed.The SStuddy GGuidde wwilll innstrructt yoou tto ffocuus oon ppartticuularr poortiionss off yoour texxt. RReadd thhe aassiigneed pporttionns ccareefullly andd taake nottes to hellp yyou abssorbb thhe mmateeriaal. Affterr yoou hh

37、avee coomplleteed tthe asssignned reaadinng, revvieww thhe sstuddy qquesstioons lisstedd immmeddiattelyy foolloowinng tthe asssignnmennt (theere willl ttypiicallly be 5-88of theese queestiionss foor eeachh leessoon). FFor eacch qquesstioon, makke ssomee nootess too heelp forrmullatee annsweers, joot

38、tiing dowwn ssomee off yoour ideeas or keyy woordss. Reffer to thee teext freeelyy inn fiinalliziing youur aanswwerss.The aanswwerss too thhe sstuddy qquesstioons mayy apppeaar oon tthe pagges folllowwingg thhe qquesstioons. CCompparee yoour ansswerrs tto tthosse iin tthe Stuudy Guiide. TThiss wiill

39、 hellp yyou esttabllishh a cleear piccturre oof tthe corrrecct aand commpleete ansswerr.Afterr coomplletiing thee sttudyy quuesttionns, turrn tto tthe praactiicall exxerccisees tthatt arre llistted at thee ennd oof tthe lesssonn (nnot alll leessoons havve ppraccticcal exeerciisess). Thhe eexerrcisse

40、s aree ann exxcelllennt wway to appply thee thheorriess annd cconcceptts yyou havve llearrnedd. Eacch eexerrcisse wwilll poose thooughht-pprovvokiing queestiionss thhat willl aassiist youu inn crrysttallliziing youur cconcclussionns. Evven thooughh yoou aare nott reequiiredd too wrritee thhe aanswwe

41、rss too thhe ppraccticcal exeerciisess, yyou aree enncouuragged to do so. Testiing andd Sttudeent EvaaluaatioonThis couursee coontaainss Unnit Exaams thaat ccan be fouund at thee ennd oof eeachh Unnit. TThesse eexamms aare to be takken aftter youu haave stuudieed aall lesssonns iin tthe uniit. Maark

42、 youur aanswwerss too thhe eexamm quuesttionns oon tthe encclossed ansswerr shheetts llocaatedd affterr thhis inttrodducttionn. RRemeembeer tto ccompplette tthe infformmatiion at thee toop oof eeachh annsweer ssheeet yyou usee. Wriite thee cooursse nnumbber, cooursse rreviisioon ccodee, eexamm tyype

43、, annd eexamm nuumbeer. Itt iss neecesssarry tto ssubmmit Uniit EExamms ffor graadinng aafteer ccompplettingg eaach uniit. Thhe UUnivverssityy wiill graade thee exxamss thhen retturnn thhe rresuultss too yoou iin aa tiimelly mmannner.When commpleetinng tthe Uniit EExamms, youu maay uuse youur ttextt

44、boooks andd ottherr avvaillablle rrefeerennce matteriial forr asssisstannce. IIt iis iimpoortaant youu puut ffortth yyourr beest efffortt whhen takkingg thhesee Unnit Exaams. Thhe sscorres youu eaarn on theese exaams willl bbe ffacttoreed iintoo yoour finnal graade forr eaach couursee. Youu wiill no

45、tt bee giivenn ann oppporrtunnityy too immproove youur ggradde bby rretaakinng tthe uniit eexamm. Sinnce theese exaams aree oppen-boook aand no timme cconsstraaintts aare impposeed, youu haave an oppporttuniity to cheeck andd dooublle-cchecck yyourr annsweers. YYou shoouldd noot ssendd inn thhe aans

46、wwer sheeetss unntill yoou aare connfiddentt yoou hhavee annsweeredd alll tthe tesst iitemms ccorrrecttly.Do noot sscheedulle yyourr Fiinall Exxam unttil youu haave succcesssfuullyy coomplleteed aall Uniit EExamms. Youu muust revvieww thhe rresuultss off yoour Uniit EExamms aand corrrecct aany quees

47、tiionss yoou mmay havve mmisssed. TThe purrposse oof tthiss exxerccisee iss too heelp preeparre yyou forr thhe FFinaal EExamm. WWhenn yoou aare reaady to takke tthe Finnal Exaam, pleeasee suubmiit tthe reqquesst fformm loocatted aftter thiis iintrroduuctiion.NOTE:Keeep iin mmindd thhat thee puurpoos

48、e forr coorreectiing youur eerroors on thee Unnit Exaams is to enssuree yoou uundeersttandd thhe ccourrse matteriial befforee yoou ttakee thhe FFinaal EExamm. Thee coorreectiionss wiill nott efffecct yyourr Unnit Exaam sscorres. TTherrefoore, wee sttronnglyy enncouuragge yyou to makke ccerttainn thh

49、at youur oorigginaal aanswwerss arre ccorrrectt.SELECCTINNG AA PRROCTTOR FORR YOOUR FINNAL EXAAMINNATIIONFinall exxamiinattionns aare to be admminiisteeredd too sttudeentss byy ann appproovedd Prrocttor on a ddatee thhat is muttuallly connvenniennt tto bbothh. Exaaminnatiionss arre iideaallyy addmin

50、nisttereed aat ttesttingg ceenteers to be fouund in loccal Higgh SSchooolss, TTradde aand Voccatiionaal SSchooolss, oor CColllegees aand Uniiverrsittiess. Thee Prrocttor musst bbe aa reespoonsiiblee annd rrepuutabble thiird parrty forr whhom theere is no connfliict of inttereest or apppearrancce oof

51、 iimprroprrietty. Scchoool ooffiiciaals, coounsseloors, edducaatioon ddireectoors, suuperrvissorss, eetc. arre wwelll suuiteed ffor thiis ppurpposee. Thee Prrocttor verrifiies thee exxamiinattionn waas aadmiinissterred in thee maanneer ppresscriibedd. In thee prreseencee off thhe sstuddentt, tthe Pr

52、ooctoor wwilll thhen seaal iin tthe proovidded envveloope thee exxamiinattionn annd aanswwer sheeet andd foorwaard to CSUU. Fallsiffyinng pprocctorr innforrmattionn wiill ressultt inn innvallidaatioon oof tthe exaaminnatiion andd maay bbe ccausse ffor terrminnatiion. OOncee yoou hhaveesellectted you

53、ur pprocctorr, ccompplette tthe Exaaminnatiion Reqquesst fformm loocatted at thee ennd oof tthiss Inntrooducctioon aand maiil oor ffax it to thee Unniveersiity at leaast twoo weeekss beeforre yyou inttendd too siit ffor youur eexamm. Thee exxam willl bbe ssentt diirecctlyy too yoour prooctoor.Gradii

54、ngYour graade forr thhe ccourrse willl bbe ddeteermiinedd byy yoour perrforrmannce on thee Unnit andd Fiinall Exxamss. Thee exxamss wiill be weiightted as folllowws:Unnit Exaams =30%Cooursse RReseearcch PPapeer=30%Fiinall Exxam=40%Tootall =1000%Letteer ggraddes willl bbe aassiigneed oonlyy att thhe

55、eend of thee cooursse. Suucceessfful commpleetioon oof tthe couursee reequiiress ann ovveraall scoore of 70% orr beetteer. Thhe ffolllowiing scaale willl bbe uusedd too deeterrminne yyourr cooursse ggradde: A = 90-1000B = 800-899C = 700-799D = 60-69F =59 andd beelowwCrediitsUpon succcesssfuul ccompp

56、lettionn off thhis couursee, yyou willl eearnn thhreee (33) ssemeesteer hhourrs oof ccolllegee crrediit.CommuuniccatiionssThe ooffiice houurs at Collumbbia Souutheern Uniiverrsitty aareffromm 8:00 AM tto 55:000 PMM Ceentrral Staandaard Timme, Monndayy thhrouugh Friidayy. ADDREESSCollumbbia Souutheer

57、n UniiverrsittyPO Boox 331100248477 Coommeerciial Avee Oraangee Beeachh, AAL 365561TELEPPHONNE(8000) 9777-84449 or (2551) 9811-37771FAX (2551) 9811-38815 E-MAIILStuudennt SServvicees HYPERLINK mailto:students stuudenntscollumbbiassouttherrn.eeduBooksstorreboooksttoreeuWEB SSITEEuNOTE: Be surre tto i

58、inclludee yoour namme, stuudennt iidenntifficaatioon nnumbber, annd mmaillingg adddreess on alll coorreespoondeencee.We hoope youu fiind thiis ccourrse inttereestiing andd innforrmattivee. Coursse IInfoormaatioonTextbbookkHumann Reesouurcee Maanaggemeent (8tth eedittionn) bby RR. WWaynne MMonddy, Ro

59、bbertt M. Nooe, andd Shhanee R. Prremeeauxx. Coppyriightt 20002, puubliisheed bby PPrennticce HHalll. ISBBN: 0-13-03222800-6.Coursse DDesccripptioonThis couursee cooverrs tthe majjor asppectts oof hhumaan rresoourcce mmanaagemmentt. It prooviddes an asssesssmennt oof tthe humman ressourrce mannageem

60、ennt ffielld. Toppicss inncluude: eqquall emmplooymeent oppporttuniity, joob aanallysiis, strrateegicc pllannningg, rrecrruittmennt, sellecttionn, ttraiininng, andd peerfoormaancee apppraaisaal. Commpennsattionn, bbeneefitts, saffetyy annd hheallth andd laaborr-maanaggemeent rellatiionss arre aalsoo


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



