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1、大腸大腸 胃的上口胃的上口 屬肺屬肺 肺系肺系 胸壁外上方胸壁外上方 上臂內(nèi)側(cè)前緣上臂內(nèi)側(cè)前緣 入肘入肘 前臂內(nèi)側(cè)前緣前臂內(nèi)側(cè)前緣 中焦中焦 ( (一一) )經(jīng)脈的循行經(jīng)脈的循行(膈肌膈肌)魚際邊緣魚際邊緣 拇指末節(jié)橈側(cè)端拇指末節(jié)橈側(cè)端 中府中府少商少商靈樞靈樞經(jīng)脈經(jīng)脈 (一)經(jīng)脈循行1.肺手太陰之脈,起于中焦;1.the Lung Meridian originates from the middle energizer,2.下絡(luò)大腸2.running downward to connect with large intestine.一、手太陰經(jīng)脈一、手太陰經(jīng)脈 (一)經(jīng)脈循行(一)經(jīng)脈循行

2、3.3.還循胃口3.Winding back, it goes along the upper orifice of the stomach,4.上膈屬肺。4.passes upward through the diaphragm,and enters the lung, its pertaining organ.一、手太陰經(jīng)脈一、手太陰經(jīng)脈5.從肺系,橫出腋下5.From the lung, it comes out transversely from the axilla6.下循臑7內(nèi),行少陰、心主8之前,下肘中6.running downward along the medial asp

3、ect of the upper arm, it reaches the cubital fossa一、手太陰經(jīng)脈一、手太陰經(jīng)脈7.循臂內(nèi)上骨下廉,入寸口7.then it goes continuously downward along the anterior border of the radial side in the medial aspect of the forearm and enters Cunkou.8.上魚,循魚際,出大指之端。8.Passing the thenar eminence, and going along its radial border, it end

4、s at the medial side of the tip of the thumb.一、手太陰經(jīng)脈一、手太陰經(jīng)脈9.其之者,從腕后,直出次指內(nèi)廉,出其端。9.The branch emerges from the posterior wrist and runs along the dorsum of the hand onto the radial side of the tip of the index finger.一、手太陰經(jīng)脈一、手太陰經(jīng)脈4 4、主治概要、主治概要臟腑病臟腑病肺肺咳嗽,氣喘,咯血等咳嗽,氣喘,咯血等胸胸胸悶,胸痛等胸悶,胸痛等喉喉咽喉腫痛等咽喉腫痛等呼吸系統(tǒng)呼

5、吸系統(tǒng)臑臂臑臂上臂上臂前臂前臂手手內(nèi)側(cè)前緣痛、內(nèi)側(cè)前緣痛、厥冷、掌中熱厥冷、掌中熱經(jīng)脈病經(jīng)脈病經(jīng)脈循行部位經(jīng)脈循行部位【Indications】Diseases of the lung,chest and throat,etc and diseases of the regions along the course of this meridian腧穴(腧穴(Acupoints)本經(jīng)共11穴:中府(LU1)、云門(LU2)、天府(LU3)、俠白(LU4)、尺澤(LU5)、孔最(LU6)、列缺(LU7)、經(jīng)渠(LU8)、太淵(LU9)、魚際(LU10)、少商(LU11) 2The Large I

6、ntestine Meridian of Hand-YangmingThe Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming經(jīng)脈循行經(jīng)脈循行大腸手陽明之脈,起于大指次指之端,大腸手陽明之脈,起于大指次指之端,The Large Intestine Chanel of Hand-The Large Intestine Chanel of Hand-Yangming Yangming starts from the tip of the starts from the tip of the index finger,index finger,循指上廉,出合谷兩骨之

7、間,循指上廉,出合谷兩骨之間,proceeding upward along the radial side proceeding upward along the radial side of the index finger,through the of the index finger,through the interspace of the first and second interspace of the first and second metacarpalmetacarpal bones bones 上入兩筋之中,上入兩筋之中,and entering the depress

8、ion between the and entering the depression between the two tendons(two tendons(extensorextensor pollicispollicis longus longus brevis).brevis). (The course of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming)and經(jīng)脈循行經(jīng)脈循行循臂上廉,入肘外廉,循臂上廉,入肘外廉,It then goes upwards along the lateral It then goes upwards alo

9、ng the lateral anterior aspect of the forearm and anterior aspect of the forearm and enters the lateral side of the elbow.enters the lateral side of the elbow.上臑外前廉,上肩,出髃骨之前廉,上臑外前廉,上肩,出髃骨之前廉,F(xiàn)rom the elbow it proceeds upwards From the elbow it proceeds upwards along the lateral anterior aspect of al

10、ong the lateral anterior aspect of the upper arm and reaches the highest the upper arm and reaches the highest point of the shoulder jointpoint of the shoulder joint上出于柱骨之會上,上出于柱骨之會上,F(xiàn)rom there,it crosses the anterior From there,it crosses the anterior border of the border of the acromion(acromion(肩

11、峰)肩峰) upwards upwards and reaches the Governor Vesseland reaches the Governor Vessel(主動(主動脈)脈). .(The course of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming)經(jīng)脈循行經(jīng)脈循行下入缺盆,絡(luò)肺,下膈,屬大腸。下入缺盆,絡(luò)肺,下膈,屬大腸。It then enters the supraclavicular It then enters the supraclavicular fossa and descends to connect with

12、 fossa and descends to connect with the lung channel.It continues to the lung channel.It continues to travel through the diaphragm further, travel through the diaphragm further, where it pertains to the large where it pertains to the large estine. 其支者:從缺盆上頸,貫頰其支者:從缺盆上頸,貫頰 ,入下齒中;,入下齒中;.I

13、ts branch splits from the Its branch splits from the supraclavicular fossa and runs upwards supraclavicular fossa and runs upwards along the neck,passes through the cheek along the neck,passes through the cheek and enters the gums of the and enters the gums of the lower teethlower teeth. .(The cours

14、e of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming)經(jīng)脈循行經(jīng)脈循行還出挾口,交人中還出挾口,交人中 左之右、右之左,上挾左之右、右之左,上挾鼻孔。鼻孔。It then It then curvecurves around the corner of s around the corner of the mouth and the mouth and intersectintersects at the s at the philtrumphiltrum with the opposite side of the with the opposi

15、te side of the same channel,with this intersection same channel,with this intersection the channel on the right hand proceeds the channel on the right hand proceeds to the left while the left to right,It to the left while the left to right,It finally finally terminateterminates on the lateral side s

16、 on the lateral side of the nose. of the nose. (The course of the Large Intestine Merifian of Hand-Yangming)主治概要主治概要 summary of the indications頭面、五官疾患和熱病、皮膚病、腸胃病、頭面、五官疾患和熱病、皮膚病、腸胃病、神志病神志病Diseases of the headDiseases of the head,face and the five sense face and the five sense organs;organs;febrilefeb

17、rile diseases, diseases, dermatosesdermatoses, , enterogastricenterogastric disease ,mental illness. disease ,mental illness. 經(jīng)脈所過部位的病證經(jīng)脈所過部位的病證conditions along the pathway of the channel.conditions along the pathway of the channel. 本經(jīng)共本經(jīng)共2020穴:穴:商陽商陽(LI1)(LI1)、二間、二間(LI2)(LI2)、三間、三間(LI3) (LI3) 、合谷合谷

18、(LI4) (LI4) 、陽溪陽溪(LI5) (LI5) 、偏歷、偏歷(LI6) (LI6) 、溫溜、溫溜(LI7) (LI7) 、下廉下廉(LI8) (LI8) 、上廉、上廉(LI9) (LI9) 、手三里手三里(LI10) (LI10) 、曲池曲池(LI11) (LI11) 、肘髎、肘髎(LI12)(LI12) 、手五里、手五里(LI13) (LI13) 、臂臑臂臑(LI14) (LI14) 、肩髃肩髃(LI15) (LI15) 、巨骨巨骨(LI16) (LI16) 、天鼎、天鼎(LI17) (LI17) 、扶突、扶突(LI18) (LI18) 、口禾髎、口禾髎(LI19) (LI19) 、迎香迎香(LI20) (LI20) 。 腧穴(腧穴(AcupointsAcupoints)手陽明大


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