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1、1.C lass isand the teacher says goodbyethe students.A.over; toC over; for2.Tom livesus.A.nex t3.B neaibyTangshan is quite fem ousC.nearits chha.4.W illyou5.H e is6.They7.The girl8.A.D . neat tothe basketballm atch tom onow.to bok afterhin seKstudents.fetherspoke atthe m eethg yesterday is fiom Shang

2、haiIam notstandhg in fcmtofhin . IamaheadB.backhinC behindD behind of新概念二第112課測試卷一、寫出下列各詞的比較級和最高級(io,)1. laie11. nice2. expensive12. haid3. bad13. tall4. beautifiil14. m uch5. fer15. w e 116. old16. lazy7. busy17. sbw ly8. ill18. m any9. little19. in portant10. few20.good9.A.aganB thenC jistthenD .

3、atonee10.excithg new s it is!A. W hatB. W hatan C . H owD . H ow anW hen Iheairi the bell Igotup in m ediate.11. The play w as veiyA. inteiestingB. intercstedC. to hteiestD. hteiBst12. Hewoxkedand passed the exam .B haxdA haidly13. They are buiHing the bridgeC. hairierD . haidestthe riverA onB overC

4、 byD . above14.do you go to see yourparcnts?A. H ow soon B H ow oftenC H ow bngD . H ow bngA. ByBA tC. InD. To16. The mom isfoilpeople A. fe)mB. atC . ofD. w ith17. Tom wasby a car yesterdayA. knock overB. knockedC knocked over15.m y suxprise, he passed the English exam .D.knocked off18. Ia letter f

5、om m y foun erclassm ate vesteidayA. getB. weededC tookD. accepted19. Tom orrow hea kite in the open air first, and thenboathg h the paik.A. w Ulf; w illgoB w Ulf; doesC is going to fkr; w illdoesD flies; w illgo20. Theea birthday party this Sunday.A shallbeB w UlbeC shallgoing beD . w illgohg to be

6、三、用動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 (10')1. W hen Iwas young, Ioften(walk ) axound the lake.2. Inever fcee) such a b迴 house befoie3 W heie is youruncle? e(go) to Beijig already4. The teacher told the stidents(nottak ) in class 5. The ticket is on the floor W ould you please(pick ) itup form e?6. M aiy (give ) a talk h

7、 class yesteiday aftemoon.7. A lotofSuit tees(phni) on the hUlhs ty ear8. W e(leam ) English nextyear9. Kate(hotdo) eye exercises every day10. They(study) Japanese :for two years 四. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(10 ')1. M ike isfold) in his class.2. The population ofC hina is(laige ) than any other country h the

8、 w orld.3. H e can jim p as(high) as John.4. Tom was(bad ) hurt, so he had to stay in bed fora few days5. Iprefer (更喜歡) the red one, fcr the color is m uch(brght).6. The(nine) unit is quite dfficultfcrm e.7. Jin ak ays com es to schoolfear ) of all8. M iss G ao w ill teach& e ) English nex tteam

9、 .9. (Lucy and L 血)m other cam e to the m eethg yestexday 10. W hrh would you likeGell), basketballorfootball五、翻譯(20f )1. H e has already visited a giea tnum ber of diflfe lent places h Austmlh.2. Jh this way, he has begun his own private“ telephone ” service.3. The hstmm ent has bebnged to our fem

10、購 fora long tin e.4. The ebek w ould strike tw ebe in 1w enty m inutes' tin e.5. W hib 1wo detectives w ere keeping guard at the doox; two others opened the parcel6. 箱了里全部都是報紙和雜志。(fiillof)7. 是我驚訝的是,他居然從來沒有做過家務(wù)。8. 這個酒店比那個酒店要好的多。(hotel;nre )9. 我明天就要出發(fā)去北京了。10他去年在河上建了一座。六、按要求改寫句子。(10)1. D id you see

11、 the car? (ffl yet改寫句子)2. W hy don ' tyou go w ith us?(同 句)3. I borrow ed a book fix)m Tom vests iday.(同 句)youthe car?go w ith us?Toma bookyesteida4. Ittook m e five yuan to buy the book.Ifive yuanthe book.5.M y m otherhas been illsince tw o veais ago.M y m otherilltiv o years.6. H e has been aw

12、 ay fora w eek.僦戈I部分提 )he been aw ay?7. Ihave cleaned the door tw ice.(就戈I部分提)have you cleaned the dooi?七、完型填空(10分)Every Satiiday John talks to M rSm Uh, H e akays _1_ he is going to do2_“I'm going to3_ m y house today.” H e says , or“I m going to4m y car tom onuw .” 0 工house 5too b迪.I ' m g

13、oing to cut6 down nextweekM r S m ith usua!Er says . u Arc you, John?"He7_his friend is not going to clean his house, orw ash his cax; orc utdown any tees, Then he says“ well, 8 m e, John, I,m goiig to 9som e woxk h the house,M r Sm ith often says to his onk child D rk,you going to do anything?

14、 Then do it !D on' tbe10M rG ong-1o-do! ”()1. A saysB talksC tellsD. speaks()2. A anythingB evexythingC . som ethhg()3. A doBm akeC m endD . chan()4. A. driveB stopC buyD w ash()5. A. amB b e C isD are()6. A. itB themC theyDtheir()7. A. tellsB seesC know sDhears()8. A excuseB. tellC . toD for()9

15、. A. doB.haveC. goD.com eD . nothing)10A. other B another C.others D .the other八、理解(100Peopte arc often killed white ciussing the road M ostofthese people are old people and children. 0 Id people arc often killed because they usua can notsee orhearveiy w ell C hildren are often killed because they a

16、re notcarefiil They have to bok and listen befoie they cross the loadA car, truck orbus can notstop very qurk If the vehicle ( 汽)is gohg very fest, itw illtravelm any m etres befcie it stops People don ' talv aysrstandunde this. They think a car can stop w ithh ( 在 內(nèi) )a few m etes The festera ca

17、r is tmvelhg, the longer it takes to stop It is vexy dfficultfora peison to know how fer a car is traveling.The only safe w ay to cioss the mad is to bok w ays, rfehtand left Then if the load is chai; it is safe to cross The 逸htw ay to cioss ihe load is to w a Ik quick It is not safe to iun. Ifpeopl

18、e mn acioss the load, they m ay felldow n.()1.arc often killed w ile ciosshg the loadA. C hildxenB. 0 Id peopleC.O Id w om enD Both A and B()2. C hildrcn are often killed w hen ciosshg the load because.A. they wak too sbw kB. they can ' tsee clearC they are notcaiefiilD they can notgetaway fiom the vehicle quick()3 It isfora driver to stop his vehicle w hen he suddent feds som ethhg w long is hfe>ntofhin .A. earlB. difficult)4. W hen you cioss the load, youA. mnC bok carefiilh7 and w ak quick卜)5. W hrh is nottme?C possib


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