1、strictaccorda nce withthe Stateofmain functionregionconstructi on re quireme nts,caref ulimplementation a nd Xiaoxing 'aheacqui sitionand supervisi on ofcolprises,wctionand utilizationof resour ces.workactivelytowardsstressedt hat prom otingthe com prehe nsiverevitali zation shoul d focus one co
2、nomic construction asthe centralfocuswith,payspecibetter homes.We mustin-dept himpleme nt implementati on newdevelopmentconcept,insiste dtoe conomic constructionforCente - I. I.一 . . 一 _ I 一一 一alattention tograsp theimplementationoffive develr,firmlycaug htdevel opme nt thisfirstpri ority, a bsor.I_
3、 I.L - - 一 . -I I- .L .n mountains forestecoolgical prote ction and economi crestructuringopmentconcepts, dee pening reformand promotingthe all-round ope ning up,e nsuring a nd impr oving peopl e's livelihood,stre ngthen t he constructi on ofecologi cal civili zation,"fivepriorities",p
4、lay develbedmake construction,heartnodi stractions caught devel opment, speedupdeve lopme nt "six big industry", in -de pth impl ementation "three bigengineering",active create"two bigenvironment",outofa article一.-.- L . 1- II. . Illi- I . I . LL. . . II.I - - -I- -.- L
5、.II I |_一 .一planfortheconstruction ofskybl ue,.Actsprohibited by pi ckingupthe remainingwell s insta ndi ngtimber. To focusonforestresourceconservation,increase topme ntmix. To with newdev elopmentconcept measure work,andcommanda ction,a ndtraini ngcadres, i n impleme nt implementati on newdevelopme
6、nt conceptinthe l ooki ngforopportunities,aquality mor e high,and be nefitsbetter, and struct uremore exce llentoftransformation development ofroa d.Tostrengt hen ecological construction.On Mar ch22,the deep re structuring examine- _一 一”. I. ! 一 .1 - J一 . I .1 LI -. I- -nd buil d hig hlights, a nd e
7、xpandadva ntage;tofull deepeni ng reform, break bound thea spects create dvitality ofsystemmechanism obstacles; to a ctiveadva ncefull a spe cts ope ning, partici pation "in the cast Russia n Economi c C orridor" construction; to guaranteesandimproved live lihood, strongly won povertybattl
8、e ;tostre ngthening e coolgical civilizati on construction, forsustainadand adopte d the opi niononperfecti ngcom pensation mechanismofecol ogical prote ction, proposed t oexploret heesta blishme ntofdiversifie decologi cal compe nsation mechani sm,progre ssive realization offorests,grassla nds,wetl
9、a ndsand otherarea soffocus andkeyecologicalfunctionand ot herimporta ntregionalecologi calcompe nsationcoverage,theecologicaladvantagepoli cyaimedfrom thelevelofthe StateForestry Administrationformulated regulations to prote ctforestresourcesassoonas possii bleto a chievelawand reg ulationttopr ote
10、ctforestresourceon. Fire safetyis thefirstprioritybledev elopment reserve dspace, forfut uregenerations leftsky blue,a nd togre en,a nd water clearofsofthe regi onwill befurther hig hlighted.We need to g ogreen e co-buil ding,a sthe essential poli cy,inhefirstresponsi bility oftheforest,26thspri nga
11、reaha s fullyde ployedtothe fire,has nowenteredthe fire,wehave tobe on duty,a nd defend.Determine d to overcomeparalysis,must not"Twelve-Five" nofiresin thepast,t hereduce d requirements duringthe period.Toapplystrictlyt he party withthe responsi bility, must shouldert heresponsi bilityoft
12、he PartySecretary inparticular,really practicepi pes,it can nevershuaishouzhangg ui, be suret o layer theimpleme ntationfalls fireresponsibility,toe nsure t hatno majorforest fires.o a dhere t o bala nced,correctly handlethe relationshipbetween fireand project construction, industrialdevelopment,t o
13、 "nevermiss ortwo." Second,tospeedup thedevelopment ofsixmajor industrie s.Pr omote deve lopme ntin ourregi on, thekeyis togivefullplay to resource advantagetobuild e co-orie nted"big six"system,to createthenewe ngine of economicgr owth.Firmconfide nce. Practi ceha sprove dthatth
14、e "big six" ofbothce ntraland provi ncialre quireme nts,a ndmeetthe act ualda hingga n mountains,througha ctiveeffortshave bee nshowi ng astrong moment umofdevel opment.So,int he"six" on devel opment, we must befirm in faith,goall out, persevera nce, oneca ughtint heend, convince
15、d that Castle is not relaxe d,does notreach thetarget will nevergiveup.S hould focuson industrial proje cts.Project is to acceleratethe industrial development ofimportant supporta nd backi ng.Industrial pr oject construction,myareathereare fewin number,smallsize,lowlevelproblems. Thisye ar,the proje
16、ctas his party has"firstproject",wehavetow ork har dto pr oject construction. Especi allyeffectiveduringshortcatchi ng pr oject shall not, slow,draggi ng notal lowe d.Alll ocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiouslyimpleme ntthe proje ctleader shi psystem,timetable ,roadma p, andcoor dinate servic
17、e s,tracking t hew hole processforw ard,inv erted durations,spee ding up pr ogress a nd seek pra cticalre sults.Poise d tobre ak the proje ctbuildSet chall enges,t o acceleratethe pa ce ofpreliminary formalities,the enter prises have difficulties to pulloneway andalso helpin atimely ma nnerto hel pb
18、usinesses market, enhance confidence,urgingworkas soon as possibl e.To strengthe nthe proje ct analy sis,properriskanaly sis and improve proje ctsuccess rates.(Spe cifictot heXX,westil lwanttomake gooduse of agriculturaladvantages,relyi ngon t heupperrea chesofthe forest int he fresha irandXXXpure w
19、ater and other resour ces, createhigh -qualit y,hig h-grade gre enfood bra nds,truly reflecttheoriginal chara cter. Me anwhile,a dher e to thepr oje ct asthe breakthrough topromotee conomi cdevel opme ntaroundthe "six industrial chain" topayspe cialattenti onto forming proje cts,digpote nt
20、ial projects,focuson key proje cts,actively cultivati ng thene wleadi ng industrie sand new sour ces of e conomic growth).To promote investment.Morea ccurate professional business, andba sedmy industrial base a nd resour ces,aime d at national industrial layout現(xiàn)澆混凝土鋼筋施工方案鋼筋混凝土框架結(jié)構(gòu)是多層和高層建筑的主要結(jié)構(gòu)形式??蚣芙Y(jié)
21、構(gòu)施工按設(shè)計(jì)有現(xiàn)澆結(jié)構(gòu)施工、預(yù)制裝配式吊裝施工、預(yù)制與現(xiàn)澆結(jié)合施工等幾種形式?,F(xiàn)澆鋼筋混凝土框架施工將柱、墻(剪力墻、電梯井)、梁、板(也可預(yù)制)等構(gòu)件在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)按施工圖澆筑?,F(xiàn)澆框架混凝土施工時(shí),要由模板、鋼筋等多個(gè)工種相互配合進(jìn)行。因此,施工前要做好充分的準(zhǔn)備工作,施工中要合理組織,加強(qiáng)管理,使各工種密切協(xié)作,以保證混凝土工程施工的順利進(jìn)行。1、施工前的準(zhǔn)備工作( 1)接受技術(shù)交底框架混凝土施工前,全體作業(yè)人員應(yīng)接受技術(shù)人員必要的技術(shù)交底,將技術(shù)部門編制的混凝土工程珠施工方案,在作業(yè)層進(jìn)行全面的理解并實(shí)施。其內(nèi)容包括:1) 工程概況和特點(diǎn):框架分層、分段施工的方案,澆筑層的實(shí)物工程量材料數(shù)量。
22、2)混凝土澆筑的進(jìn)度計(jì)劃、工期要求、質(zhì)量、安全技術(shù)措施等。3)施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)混凝土攪拌的生產(chǎn)工藝和平面布置,包括攪拌臺(tái)(站)的平面布置、材料堆放位置、計(jì)量方法和要求等。4)運(yùn)輸工具和運(yùn)輸路線要相適應(yīng)。如為泵送混凝土?xí)r,對(duì)樓面的水平運(yùn)輸通道,應(yīng)按澆筑順序的先后,用鋼管把輸送管架至澆筑區(qū)域。用雙輪車運(yùn)輸時(shí),用鋼管架好運(yùn)輸通道,高度應(yīng)離板面3050 cm。5)澆筑順序與操作要點(diǎn),施工縫的留置與處理。6)混凝土的強(qiáng)度等級(jí)、施工配合比及坍落度要求。7)勞動(dòng)力的計(jì)劃與組織、機(jī)具配備等。(2)材料、機(jī)具、工作班組的準(zhǔn)備1) 檢查原材料的質(zhì)量、品種與規(guī)格是否符合混凝土配合比設(shè)計(jì)要求,各種原材料應(yīng)滿足混凝土一次連續(xù)澆
23、筑的需要。2)檢查施工用的攪拌機(jī)、振搗器、水平及垂直運(yùn)輸設(shè)備、料斗及串筒、備品及配件設(shè)備的情況。所有機(jī)具在使用前應(yīng)試轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)行。stressedt hat prom otingthe com prehe nsiverevitali zation shoul d focus one conomic construction asthe centralfocuswith,payspecialattention tograsp theimplementationoffive developmentconcepts, dee pening reformand promotingthe all-round
24、ope ning up,e nsuring a nd impr oving peopl e's livelihood,stre ngthen t he constructi on ofecologi cal civili zation,"fivepriorities",play devel opme ntmix. T o with newdev elopmentconcept measure work,andcommanda ction,a ndtraini ngcadres, i n impleme nt implementati on newdevelopmen
25、t conceptinthe l ooki ngforopportunities,and buil d hig hlights, a nd expandadv ntage;tofull deepeni ng reform, break bound thea spe cts create dvitality ofsystemmechanism obstacles; to a ctiveadva ncefull a spe cts ope ning, partici pation "in the cast Russia n Economi c Corridor" constru
26、ction; to guaranteesandimproved live lihood, strongly won poverty battle ;tostre ngthening e coolgical civilizati on construction, forsustainabledev elopment reserve dspace, forfut uregenerations leftsky blue,a nd togre en,a nd water clearofbetter homes.We mustin-dept himpleme nt implementati on new
27、developmentconcept,insiste dtoe conomic constructionforCente r,firmlycaug htdevel opme nt thisfirstpri ority, a bsor bedmake co nstruction, heart nodi stractions caught devel opment, spee dup deve lopme nt "six big industry", in -de pth impl ementation "three bigengineering",acti
28、ve create"two bigenvironment",outofa articlequality mor e high,and be nefitsbetter, and struct uremore exce llentoftransformati on development ofroa d.Tostrengt hen ecological construction.On Mar ch22,the deep re structuring examine dand adopte d the opi niononperfecti ngcom pensation mech
29、anismofecol ogical prote ction, proposed t oexploret heesta blishme ntofdiversifie decologi cal compe nsation mechani sm,progre ssive realization offorests,grassla nds,wetla ndsand otherarea soffocus andkeyecologicalfunctionand ot herimporta ntregional ecologi calcompe nsationcoverage,theecologicala
30、dvantage soft he regi onwill befurther hig hlighted.We need to g ogreen e co -buil ding,a sthe essential poli cy,in - I. I .一 . . 一 _ I 一 一一 一 一 . 1_ .一. _ 一 .一 .一一 _ II. _ IIII_ I I 一.一一.-I一 .一 I_ . - .一 . 一一 _.一 .一II .|_一 . 一一 . . I . .| 一 .1 - J一 _I _. I .1 LI .-一 . I- - - I _| _L . I - - - . 一 I
31、- . III 一 . . I 1-1. - . I >_ 一 -.-.一 . .11I- - " I .I. LII.一 .一.3)灌注混凝土用的料斗、串筒應(yīng)在澆筑前安裝就位,澆筑用的腳手架、橋板、通道應(yīng)提前搭設(shè)好,并進(jìn)行一次安全可靠性的檢查,符合要求后方可進(jìn)行混凝土的澆筑。4)對(duì)砂、石料的稱量器具應(yīng)檢查校正,保證其稱量的準(zhǔn)確性。5)安排好本工種前后臺(tái)勞動(dòng)人員,配備值班電工、翻斗車司機(jī)、看護(hù)模板及木工 和鋼筋工、機(jī)械修理工、水電工等配套工種作業(yè)人員。(3)鋼筋及水電管線的檢查1)模板檢查:模板安裝的軸線位置、標(biāo)高、尺寸與設(shè)計(jì)要求是否一致。模板與支撐是否牢固可靠、支架是否穩(wěn)定。
32、模板拼縫是否嚴(yán)密,錨固螺栓和預(yù)埋件。預(yù)留孔洞 位置是否準(zhǔn)確。發(fā)現(xiàn)問題應(yīng)時(shí)回報(bào)處理。2)鋼筋的檢查:鋼筋的規(guī)格、數(shù)量、形狀、安裝位置是否符合設(shè)計(jì)要求。鋼筋的接頭位置。搭接長(zhǎng)度是否符合施工規(guī)范要求??刂苹炷帘Wo(hù)層厚度的砂漿墊塊或支架是否按要求鋪墊。綁扎成型后的鋼筋是否有松動(dòng)、變形、錯(cuò)位等。檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題 應(yīng)及時(shí)要求鋼筋工處理。檢查后應(yīng)填寫隱蔽工程驗(yàn)收記錄。(4)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的清理工作1)模板清理:模板底木屑、綁扎絲頭等雜物清理干凈。木模在澆筑前應(yīng)充分澆水潤(rùn)濕,模板拼縫縫隙較大時(shí)應(yīng)用水泥袋紙、木片或紙筋灰填塞,以防漏漿影響混凝土 質(zhì)量。2)對(duì)粘附在鋼筋上的泥土、油污及鋼筋上的水銹應(yīng)清理干凈。3)運(yùn)輸路線上
33、的障礙物應(yīng)妥善處理。2、框架結(jié)構(gòu)混凝土的澆筑全現(xiàn)澆框架結(jié)構(gòu)混凝土的澆筑順序:在一個(gè)施工段內(nèi),應(yīng)盡量采用從兩端向中間 推進(jìn),先澆柱、墻豎向構(gòu)件,后澆梁、板等橫向構(gòu)件。( 1)柱子混凝土的澆筑1)柱子混凝土灌注前,柱底表面應(yīng)用高壓沖洗干凈沒有明水后,先澆筑一層 5 10 cm厚與混凝土內(nèi)砂漿成分相同的水泥砂漿(又稱支石混凝土) ,然后再分段分層灌 注混凝土。2)當(dāng)柱高不超過3m,混凝土可用小車由柱模頂直接倒入柱模。當(dāng)柱高超過 3m時(shí),必須用一串筒掛入送料(如圖11-6 所示) 。3) 一般澆入混凝土料深4050 cm時(shí),即可用插入式指示器插入振搗。根部可在hefirstresponsi bilit
34、y oftheforest,26thspri ngareaha s fullyde ployedtothe fire, has nowe nteredthe fire,wehave tobe on duty,a nd defend.Determine d to overcome paralysis,must not"Twelve-Five" nofiresin thepast,t hereduce d requirements duringthe period.Toapplystrictlyt he party withthe responsi bility, must s
35、houldert heresponsi bilityofthe PartySecretary inparticular,really practicepi pes,it can nevershuaishouzhangg ui, be suret o layer theimpleme ntationfalls fireresponsibility,toe nsure t hatno majorforest fires.oa dhere t o bala nced,correctly handlethe relationshipbetween fireand project constructio
36、n, industrialdevelopment,t o "nevermiss ortwo." Second,tospee dup the development ofsixmajor industrie s.Pr omote deve lopme ntin ourregi on, thekeyis togivefullplay to resource advantagetobuildeco-oriented"big six"system,to createthenewe ngine of economicgr owth.Firmconf ide nce
37、. Practi ceha sprove dthatthe "big six" ofbothce ntraland provi ncialre quireme nts,a ndmeetthe act ualda hingga n mountains,througha ctiveeffortshave bee nshowi ng astrong moment umofdevel opment.So,int he"six" on devel opment, we must befirm in faith,goall out, persevera nce, o
38、neca ughtint heend, convinced that Castle is not relaxe d,does notreach thetarget willnevergive up.S hould focus on i ndustrial proje cts. Proje ct is to acceleratethe i ndustrial development ofimportantsup porta nd backi ng.Industrial pr oject construction,myareathereare fewin number,smallsize,lowl
39、evelproblems. Thisye ar,the projectas his party has"firstproject",wehavetow ork har dto pr oject construction. Especi allyeffectiveduringshort,catchi ng pr oject shall not, slow,draggi ng notal lowe d.Alll ocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiouslyimpleme ntthe proje ctleader shi psystem,timetabl
40、e ,roadma p, andcoor dinate service s,tracking t hew hole processforw ard,inv erted durations,spee ding up pr ogress a nd seek pra cticalre sults.Poise d tobre ak the proje ctbuildSet chall enges,t o acceleratethe pa ce ofprelimi nary formalities,theenterpriseshave difficulties to pull oneway andals
41、o hel pin atimely ma nnerto hel pbusinesses market, enhance confidence,urgingworkassoon as possibl e.To strengthe nthe proje ct analy sis,properriskanaly sis and improve proje ctsuccess rates.(Spe cifictot heXX,westil lwanttomake gooduse of agriculturaladvantages,relyingon t heupperrea chesofthe for
42、est int he fresha irandXXXpure water and other resour ces, createhigh-qualit y,hig h-grade gre enfood bra nds,truly reflecttheoriginal chara cter. Me anwhile,a dher e to thepr oje ct asthe breakthrough topromoteeconomi cdevel opme ntaroundthe "six industrial chain" topayspecialattentionto
43、forming proje cts,digpote ntial projects,focuson key proje cts,actively cultivati ng thene wleadi ng industrie sand new sour ces of e conomic growth).To promote investment. Morea ccurate professi onal business, andba sedmy in dustrial base a nd resour ces,aime d at national industrial layoutstressed
44、t hat prom otingthe com prehe nsiverevitali zation shoul d focus one conomic construction asthe centralfocuswith,payspecibetter homes.We mustin-dept himpleme nt implementati on newdevelopmentconcept,insiste dtoe conomic constructionforCente - I. I.一 . . 一 _ I 一一 一alattention tograsp theimplementatio
45、noffive develr,firmlycaug htdevel opme nt thisfirstpri ority, a bsor.I_ I.L - - 一n mountains forestecoolgical prote ction and e conomicrestructuringopmentconcepts, dee pening reformand promotingthe all-round ope ning up,e nsuring a nd impr oving peopl e's livelihood,stre ngthen t he constructi o
46、n ofecologi cal civili zation,"fivepriorities",play develbedmake construction,heartnodi stractions caught devel opment, speedupdeve lopme nt "six big industry", in -de pth impl ementation "three bigengineering",active create"two bigenvironment",outofa article一
47、.-.- L . 1- - 一.-IL. . Illi- I . I . LL. . . II.I - - -I- -.- .-II I |_一 .一planfortheconstruction o.Actsprohibited by pi ckingupthe remainingwell s insta ndi ngtimber. To focusonforestresourceconservation,increase theacqui sitionand supervisi on ofcolopme ntmix. To with newdev elopmentconcept measur
48、e work,andcommanda ction,a ndtraini ngcadres, i n impleme nt implementati on newdevelopment conceptinthe l ooki ngforopportunities,aquality mor e high,and be nefitsbetter, and struct uremore exce llentoftransformation development ofroa d.Tostrengt hen ecological construction.On Mar ch22,the deep re
49、structuring examine- _一 一”. I. ! 一 .1 - J一 _I _. I .1 LI -. I- -ng enter prises,workers' cooperativesasand buil d hig hlights, a nd expandadva ntage;tofull deepeni ng reform, break bound thea spects creat dvitality ofsystemmechanism obstacles; to a ctiveadva ncefull a spe cts ope ning, partici p
50、ation "in the cast Russia n Economi c Corridor"dand adopte d the opi niononperfecti ngcom pensation mechanismofecol ogical prote ction, proposed t oexploret heesta blishme ntofdiversifie decologi cal compe nsation mechani sm,progre ssive realization offorests,grassla nds,wetlapoli cyaimedf
51、rom thelevelofthe StateForestry Administrationformulated regulations to prote ctforestresourcesassoonas possii bleto a chievelawand reg ulationttopr otectforestresourceconstruction; to guaranteesandimproved live lihood, strongly won povertybattle ;tostre ngthening e coolgical civilizat on constructi
52、on, forsustainandsand otherarea soffocus andkeyecologicalfunctionand ot herimporta ntregional ecologi calcompe nsationcoverage,theecologicaladvantage. 一 .一 .on. Fire safetyis thefirstprioritybledev elopment reserve dspace, forfut uregenerations leftsky blue,a nd togre en,a nd water clearofsofthe reg
53、i onwill befurther hig hlighted.We need to g ogreen e co -buil ding,a sthe essential poli cy,in柱子中部開的“門子板”處插入振搗。待澆筑至“門子板” 口下10 cm時(shí),把“門子板” 封死,振搗器移至柱頂處,這時(shí)柱內(nèi)的串筒也可以拿走,在上部邊江筑邊振搗。一般柱高小于3m 的,振搗棒在柱頂也夠得到,就不設(shè)置門子板了。4)澆筑至梁底標(biāo)高下10 cm左右,柱子第一次澆筑就算完成了。如與梁板連續(xù)澆筑,那么,這時(shí)就應(yīng)開始記錄間歇時(shí)間。經(jīng)過2h 才可接著澆筑梁柱接頭處的混凝土。如果工期許可,一般不贊成連續(xù)澆筑。一是
54、鋼筋密無(wú)法下料;二是泮由于鋼筋多容易產(chǎn)生離析;三是振搗不容易進(jìn)行,容易發(fā)生蜂窩、麻面或孔洞等現(xiàn)象。5) 澆搗中要注意柱模不要脹?;蚬亩?;要保證柱子鋼筋的位置,即在全部完成一層框架后,到上層放線時(shí),鋼筋應(yīng)在柱子邊框線內(nèi)。( 2)墻體混凝土的澆筑1)墻體混凝土澆筑,應(yīng)遵循先邊角后中部,先外墻后內(nèi)墻的順序,以保證外部墻體的垂直度。2)混凝土灌注時(shí)應(yīng)分層。分層厚度:人工振搗不大于35 cm;振搗器振搗不大于50 cm;輕骨料混凝土有大于 30 cm.3)高度在3m 以內(nèi)的外墻和內(nèi)墻,混凝土可從墻頂向板內(nèi)卸料,卸料時(shí)須在墻頂安裝料斗緩沖,以防混凝土產(chǎn)生離析。對(duì)于截面尺寸狹小且鋼筋密集的墻體,則應(yīng)在側(cè)模上
55、開門子洞,用斜溜槽投料,但高度不得大于 2m。對(duì)于高度大于3m的任何截面的墻體,均應(yīng)每隔2m 開門子洞,裝斜溜槽投料。4) 墻體上開有門窗洞或工藝洞口時(shí),應(yīng)從兩側(cè)同時(shí)對(duì)稱投料,以防將門窗洞或工藝洞口模板擠變形。5)墻體在灌注混凝土前,須先在底部鋪510 cm厚與混凝土內(nèi)成分相同的水泥砂漿。( 3)柱節(jié)點(diǎn)混凝土澆筑1)框架梁、柱節(jié)點(diǎn)處的特點(diǎn):框架的梁、柱交叉的位置,稱梁、柱節(jié)點(diǎn),由于其受力的特殊性,主筋的連接接頭的加強(qiáng),以及箍筋的加密造成鋼筋密集,采用一般的澆筑施工方法,混凝土難以保證其密實(shí)度。5) 混凝土中的粗骨料要適應(yīng)鋼筋密集的要求:按施工圖設(shè)計(jì)的要求,采用強(qiáng)度等級(jí)相同或高一級(jí)的細(xì)石混凝土澆
56、筑。6) 混凝土的振搗:用較小直徑的插入式制動(dòng)器進(jìn)行振搗,必要進(jìn)可以人工振搗輔助,以保證其密實(shí)性。stressedt hat prom otingthe com prehe nsiverevitali zation shoul d focus one conomic construction asthe centralfocuswith,payspecialattention tograsp theimplementationoffive developmentconcepts, dee pening reformand promotingthe all-round ope ning up,e
57、 nsuring a nd impr oving peopl e's livelihood,stre ngthen t he constructi on ofecologi cal civili zation,"fivepriorities",play develbetter homes.We mustin-dept himpleme nt implementati on newdevelopmentconcept,insiste dtoe conomic constructionforCente r,firmlycaug htdevel opme nt thisfirstpri ority, a bsor bedmake co nstruction, heart nodi stractions caught devel opment, spee dup deve lopme nt "six big industry", in -de pth impl ementation "three bigengineering",active create"two bigenvironment",outofa articlestrictaccordance withthe
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