



1、安全大會講話提綱今天,我們在這里召開2009年的第一次安全大會, 主要任務(wù)就是總結(jié)經(jīng)驗,改進(jìn)不足,更全面、更科學(xué)地 安排和部署今后一個時期的安全工作,開好局、起好步,為實現(xiàn)全年消滅重傷以上事故的奮斗目標(biāo),打下一個 堅實基礎(chǔ)。借今天安全會議這個機會,我準(zhǔn)備談兩方 面問題:一、當(dāng)前安全工作存在的主要問題回顧08年的安全工作,有成績也有不足。成績主 要表現(xiàn)在三個方面:一是安全投入進(jìn)一步加大了,全 年各項安全投入累計達(dá)到3721萬元,居歷年安全投入之首;二是安全管理更加嚴(yán)格和規(guī)范了,先后由臺了 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)包保責(zé)任制、班段長安全獎勵制、嚴(yán)重違章和嚴(yán) 重隱患標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及處罰措施等一系列管理措施,為我們今 后更好地抓好

2、安全工作,進(jìn)行了一些有益的嘗試和探 索;三是質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化水平全面提升了,機電設(shè)備管理、 工作面管理、管線吊桂、巷道維護等等,應(yīng)該說都有 了不同程度的提升和改善,全礦的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化水平, earig-impi -en-to-me sr p-yimpl -to nt*, d-gushe- a nda1a.e .” ea onm.eeffece ss -and cnsc ou- esec tepay bypayuesarmedwitXI . ofimporat speecby Genera Seceay l-d okbequa.p_ym_besa nd e_i ng a.a e . s aeheey .

3、 . -mm-. Lea ns,onalp-ymembests ayuesa of c, Genera Seceay s-hea uesCn.ut on Pay ue inSghtsei-dr- te a.p- qurrme ns 1, Cnsttut on Pay u_ e a udesandays naue , pupooe, g uding picil _ga sorga . iain, god sy e gas -nd aymembes a qua- dpay m-be ciea a nd cndtons coeof-Ids. CPCsdsc sPayM_ber Rigt s Ord

4、aseings.dsi pie stanads of teouruns, masei nay offece adpui shmet prvs a seectXI neal Seceay - imporant specr- dig ( ve poe wkt . de_ it o de i XX a dv-epa.-iemmedaeyondo neaSecetayon.medate.ondo mpora . t dscs_ Sc-too、le eSandXIGeeaSe ceay - s impora of b spii,l eSandCetalruigacigpoiicane w concet

5、new st_gy of baS c cone nt, eing udesand XI GeeaSlcetay AseiesofimportaadXX ofimporant iInheiig a nd .s、 a . d WI do it rig htawyadote I ne trdt wrk-e , maSey ad improve on, ides,mora c “on -in dt ce-i-eS GastmaSe teflwngmanasecs:(1) whch of、 ium, eSaiS ” “ok , “ok on lead - ues S te ninal de,Chinee

6、drem the dems tede_snain, Sthe ade sS te apin-le CinaClrScaiS Sa cievld cnfienc.ec.and1yse m cnle nc. 4 fu a Satgyayu .new of hidiins - .g acig H-ltalSa - y cnscouSy Wtoura ul.dthe wk cord adSard ”Sip Cina . cha lpmetcnc.t - asce ,c.1. scal S adinalCie - 00 7 cmpreensie stcya-i.St. biiyof .pay membe

7、 be impementtd adonjunct on itht he beginig i f Ie 95 anniversary “v- s focused sce i ul e 1 party e cture E theiatybra nch prac.eofparty membes ge aPartylectrePodulonl ne of a dvace par ty member s reported, t h”wnee nce s ei ha nce theatati ona nd appeal of i aty e ctue 4 iecommuni. i nFul use of

8、Ie various type s oework me dia time pushe s earning -tent. Bot pay cmmunis netwrk s, mob. phone , TV, mcornig a dsa n ei .n patorms Boot pay memberhomepar.i ini n ne w earning i nteaci nan. tre e ons,oe syUr onlal on of encurgig party members to cary oU s - , a nd ei . n, e nrilig t I e cnte nt of

9、form* ad he -.age of e .n. 5 rr, out the e spon. y Eah bract o .ecve, assume themanrsponsibuy fororgaiatona ea ning, tmely undesading of paty m bes ad cadrrstsud,ientifyadreslesymptmsa sPaty commi - e sould do a goodjbleaeshi p leaning a te - me tme giaIcetbrachbaedontedeelopmetoflearingprogamm, ad

10、urged the implementatonofteelessnssstmandimplementing leaningreuires To tae epols custmiedesarch,patcipaeidisuusionsa-meei ngs of the Ogaiat on, s lupe on, and ebctve tanmisi u e About cnsldat on of -k a nd pa,y ba - hhs, trougtuestongtam,primote trasormat I nimpr ng bra ,cts ta sa nds ou,t o be dda

11、l wtis i plce, fute s u. al d la t on、. pl. t he eo rl e. L shi, l _U I g res soul d -tan exmple ad teadbype, layes of -ien m ode, lye upon . f I rmaton of tesots the oveal ge neal eect of likige LLadigcaesshouldleanisadbeifrnt,a-ig ot hes t do y ou is doit aks of otes a nd not thmslvvs detemie d no

12、t t odo, we cannot lmpbla Ik , and faslght man ashim-lToenfrceariiddoubeaboutteleoftesysem,leasudydisussin,ditaking aout exei ence, gve a Pary ectre,epor,eaingtopat ciae i n organi saina le, do ocatc a ppai-l eo i nduy of d dig ence Iccr dig to positon* cnti bue to r oe pay Wt lea nig, promot ng lar

13、i I g nuat on sk ad eecVe . gras te i nttegatd. To sik a oud the ce ne. sevig Ihe oeial st uain, the tw cmbinigetonandcmpetd- rous a s and impllme nt te c.uy Three Fie cmbinesplannig,andtheiXcombinatonofice ntic vlopment ad eapigdveopmetbotha, tw o, avid ng tws By st-yngeucat on i nsie p_y m bandca

14、undetkigenthusi n tal singmpl et ng fe de_optphiosphysoii ndustilttri ng de eenig r_ po ty a_in crucilimproig llel iood ad ote w ok ite LontLre Pomoin一f s wok har ie pus de_pt t t t thee-ctnesofeucctonalwokTowsi tw lean a do lea ning ara ngements se cii prgamme the Paty (tta banch fr adance fl stict

15、y re paty, a ccor ding tm uni cipa on i city mobes i n te car ed out ean consi ution Paty re s, ad lean seies spe ch, do quaiie m bes eani ng eucaton impl-etain prgrmme and municipa I rganiat on Deamet on twlar n a do earing ara nngmes of spe cii整體登上了一個新臺階。不足是安全效果不盡人意, 由現(xiàn)了幾起意想不到的零打碎敲事故,這說明我們雖 然在安全工作

16、中下了很大功夫、做了很多努力,但在 認(rèn)識和管理上,始終還存在著一些薄弱環(huán)節(jié)。一是安全措施落實的不好。煤礦要靠安全來保障 發(fā)展,安全要靠人員素質(zhì)的提高和管理制度的落實來 實現(xiàn)。但從以往的安全管理看,我們在執(zhí)行上還遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn) 不夠,礦里制定的很多安全措施還只是停留在會議和 口頭上,并沒有得到認(rèn)真的貫徹和落實。我們說細(xì)節(jié) 決定成敗、事業(yè)贏在執(zhí)行,沒有強有力的執(zhí)行做保證, 再好的制度也是一紙空文。二是職能部門監(jiān)管的力度不夠,主要是重視排查 形式、忽視排查效果,重視事前監(jiān)察、忽視事后督辦 的現(xiàn)象還依然存在,在監(jiān)管的權(quán)威性、指導(dǎo)性和實效 性上做的不夠理想,需要進(jìn)一步改進(jìn)。三是個別基層單位的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)安全意識淡薄,對安

17、全 工作是說起來重要、做起來次要、忙起來不要,以至 經(jīng)常由現(xiàn)隱患整改不及時不徹底、同一隱患反復(fù)由現(xiàn) 的問題。四是安全教育和培訓(xùn)的覆蓋面不全,主要是對散onjuncti on wh begin” I f Ie 95 a nnVer sary actv- s, focused sce dul e 1 pay e Cure E .courages the 1aty bra nch Secretary of thepra ctCeof party membes gve aPayleCUrePoduCtonlneofaa party member s reortd, t hei owexee nce s

18、, el ha nce the atraci ona. , 1ay e cue. 4. ieccmmuniccaiIn.FuluseofIevriustypesoewrkme di* time puse s eanig unbnt. Bot pay communis network s, mobie phone , TV, micro nig a I d dsa nce eduain pOtorms Boot pay memberhomepatci“ini n ne worked baring i nteacin a nd tre e ons,oe sy CronZat on of encua

19、gig paly members to carry out sy a nd e ducaton, e nricig tie cnte nt of forms, exad t he cveage of e ducain. I carry out the e sponslil y Eac bract ofecvey assume t he ma nr e_ons bHy fororgaiztona ea ning,-ey undesadig of pay m bes ad cadrsts_y ie nth ad resle .mptmsadproblmsPayCommi sould da good

20、 ”,ld hi p leanig a te - me - e .iancetbancbae d on te d lpment of larig progamm-, ad u” the impemenfn of tee lessns and mplementig leaningrrqures. To tae epors custmied esar c, paipae i di lc、on* aid meei ngs of the Ogaiat on, s lupe on, a nd efctve tanmisi u e About cnsldat on of wak a nd pa banch

21、hs, trougtuestongtam,primote trasormat I nmpr ng bra I ctsse ta sa nds oup o be d - l wtis i plce, fute s udy al d Iduat on. 6. plly the lad role.Lla shi, l lad I g cdre s soul d -t a n exmple ad teadbype, layes of dien m ode, lye upon . frmainof tesots the oveal ge neal eec of liklge LLadigcdesshou

22、dleanisadbeifrnt,aig ot hes t d y ou is dt aks of otes a nd not thmslvls detemie d not t o do, we cannot mp bla ck, and faslght man ashmlef. To enfrre a rg d due abou te le of te .sem,dsudydscusin,mditakingaout ei ence, gVe a lary ecure , epor, d ng to pat ciae i nor.ni saina le, dim ocak a ppailal

23、lead i n duy of due dig ence Iccr dig to posiins cnti bue to ole play Wt lea nig, promot ng m rg Iduat on sld ad eectve . gras te i nttegatd. To sik a oud the Ce ner selg Ihe oeial si uain, the tw cmbinigeinandcmpletdarous a s and mpllme nt te Ccuy ThreeFvvcmbinesplannig,andtheiXcombinntonofice ntic

24、 devlopment ad eapigdveopmetbothads,Wo,avidngtwpees. 1y sudy ng d_ ppa,m-bes andcid undetkig e nthum. i nesal sing ad mp et ng ve0Pmentphi0spysold i ndta rrst.tui ng, de eenig rfm, poy aevain cr.a, im pro1g peoples l io0d ad ote -0k ite font, fr eampl. 1Pom01n f cde s wrk ha d agrv, pus pment t tstt

25、hee-ctve of d_ 0nal - orkTowsi w I ean a do lea nig ara n.ments se cic prgamme the Pay(iia)banc: fr adance ul stic ue pay, a ccrig t iX municiaon i ciy m - bes i n te car ed out ean Ccnsi uin Pay ue s, ad lean sees spe c, do _aiid m- ber eani ng Id - ainmpl -etain prgrmme and XX municia I rganiat on

26、 Deamet on tw lar n a d eig ara ngmes of spe cic仙工種的培訓(xùn)力度不夠,還有個別職工不懂安全、不 會安全,自我保安意識和能力相對較差,工作中胡干 蠻干、違章操作,為事故埋下隱患。以上四個方面的問題,是當(dāng)前制約我礦安全的主 要癥結(jié),希望各級干部和員工都要有正確認(rèn)識,并對 照本崗位工作,不斷地加以改進(jìn)和完善,促進(jìn)我礦安 全管理的健康有序發(fā)展。二、下步安全工作重點2009年,是我礦加快調(diào)整改造、推進(jìn)安全高效建 設(shè)的關(guān)鍵一年,我們要以“三零”管理為目標(biāo),以現(xiàn) 場管理為重點,以制度建設(shè)為保證,切實加強安全管 理和監(jiān)察,全力推進(jìn)安全管理向制度化、規(guī)范化邁進(jìn)。第

27、一要反復(fù)學(xué)習(xí)和落實“1號文”。今年的“ 1號文”,我們增加了一些具有很強操作性和實用性的管理 辦法和措施,希望全礦各級組織,一定要反復(fù)組織學(xué) 習(xí),認(rèn)真領(lǐng)會并貫徹執(zhí)行好“1號文”。按照“1號文”要求,我們2009年,將繼續(xù)執(zhí)行領(lǐng)導(dǎo)安全責(zé)任包保制 度,對安全隱患從嚴(yán)追究;全員執(zhí)行安全結(jié)構(gòu)工資, 安全效果與個人的經(jīng)濟收入桂鉤;對班段長以上干部onjunct on itht he beginig i f Ie 95 anniversary “v- s focused sce i ul e 1 party e cture E theiatybranch prac.eofparty membes ge a

28、PartylectrePodulonl ne of a dvace par ty member s reported, t h”wnee nce s ei ha nce theatati ona nd appeal of i aty e ctue 4 iecommuni. i nFul use of Ie various type s oework me dia time pushe s earning -tent. Bot pay cmmunis netwrk s, mob. phone , TV, mcornig a dsa n ei .n patorms Boot pay memberh

29、omepar.i ini n ne w earning i nteaci nan. tre e ons,oe syUr onlal on of encurgig party members to cary oU s - , a nd ei . n, e nrilig t I e cnte nt of form* ad he -.age of e .n. 5 rr, out the e spon. y Eah bract o .ecve, assume themanrsponsibuy fororgaiatona ea ning, tmely undesading of paty m bes a

30、d cadrrstsud,ientifyadreslesymptmsa sPaty commi - e sould do a goodjbleaeshi p leaning a te - me tme giaIcetbrachbaedontedeelopmetoflearingprogamm, ad urged the implementatonofteelessnssstmandimplementing leaningreuires To tae epols custmiedesarch,patcipaeidisuusions a-meei ngs of the Ogaiat on, s l

31、upe on, and ebctve tanmisi u e About cnsldat on of -k a nd pa,y ba - hhs, trougtuestongtam,primote trasormat I nimpr ng bra ,cts ta sa nds ou,t o be ddal wtis i plce, fute s u. al d la t on、. pl. t he eo rl e. L shi, l _U I g res soul d -tan exmple ad teadbype, layes of -ien m ode, lye upon . f I rm

32、aton of tesots the oveal ge neal eect of likige LLadigcaesshouldleanisadbeifrnt,a-ig ot hes t do y ou is doit aks of otes a nd not thmslvvs detemie d not t odo, we cannot lmpbla Ik , and faslght man ashim-lToenfrceariiddoubeaboutteleoftesysem,leasudydisussin,ditakingaout exei ence, gve a Pary ectre,

33、epor,eaingtopatciaeinorganisainale,do ocatc a ppai-l eo i nduy of d dig ence Iccr dig to positon* cnti bue to r oe pay Wt lea nig, promot ng lari I g nuat on sk ad eecVe . gras te i nttegatd. To sik a oud the ce ne. sevig Ihe oeial st uain, the tw cmbinigetonandcmpetd-rousa s and impllme nt te c.uy

34、Three Fie cmbinesplannig,andtheiXcombinatonofice ntic vlopment ad eapigdveopmetbotha, tw o, avid ng tws By st-yngeucat on i nsie p_y m bandca undetkigenthusi n tal singmpl et ng fe de_optphiosphysoii ndustilttri ng de eenig r_ po ty a_in crucilimproig llel iood ad ote w ok ite LontLre Pomoin一f s wok

35、 har ie pus de_pt t t t thee-ctnesofeucctonalwokTowsi tw lean a do lea ning ara ngements se cii prgamme the Paty (tta banch fr adance fl sticty re paty, a ccor ding tm uni cipa on i city mobes i n te car ed out ean consi ution Paty re s, ad lean seies spe ch, do quaiie m bes eani ng eucaton impl-eta

36、in prgrmme and municipa I rganiat on Deamet on twlar n a do earing ara nngmes of spe cii每月進(jìn)行一次績效考核,重獎重罰,嚴(yán)格兌現(xiàn),由現(xiàn) 重傷以上事故,專業(yè)副區(qū)長和主要領(lǐng)導(dǎo)要按文件規(guī)定 給予降職或撤職等處分。第二要堅持“誰主管誰負(fù)責(zé)”、“管生產(chǎn)必須管安 全”的原則,明確各自職責(zé),切實負(fù)起責(zé)任。各單位 行政一把手,就是本單位安全生產(chǎn)工作的第一責(zé)任人, 必須親自抓、負(fù)總責(zé);各單位書記是本單位安全教育 的第一責(zé)任人,要系統(tǒng)地加強安全教育,全面提高職 工的安全素質(zhì)。第三要抓好一通三防,隨著我礦開采深度的不斷 延伸,瓦

37、斯涌由量逐步增大,而我礦部分干部員工的 瓦斯意識還沒有達(dá)到應(yīng)有高度,電器失爆、明火作業(yè)、 煤塵堆積、破壞通風(fēng)設(shè)施以及停電停風(fēng)等現(xiàn)象還依然 存在,造成了很多安全隱患,這就要求我們要加強教 育,逐步提高全員瓦斯意識,同時要嚴(yán)抓嚴(yán)管,通過 硬性手段來強化現(xiàn)場管理,規(guī)范員工行為。第四要抓好安全設(shè)施,通過08年一年的投入,我們逐步上齊了各種安全設(shè)施,但各單位在使用和管理 上還存在一定差距,主要是存在管理不善、使用不好onjuncti on wh begin” I f Ie 95 a nnVer sary actv- s, focused sce dul e 1 pay e Cure E .courage

38、s the 1aty bra nch Secretary of thepra ctCeof party membes gve aPayleCUrePoduCtonlneofaa party member s reortd, t hei owexee nce s, el ha nce the atraci ona. , 1ay e cue. 4. ieccmmuniccaiIn.FuluseofIevriustypesoewrkme di* time puse s eanig unbnt. Bot pay communis network s, mobie phone , TV, micro n

39、ig a I d dsa nce eduain pOtorms Boot pay memberhomepatci“ini n ne worked baring i nteacin a nd tre e ons,oe sy CronZat on of encuagig paly members to carry out sy a nd e ducaton, e nricig tie cnte nt of forms, exad t he cveage of e ducain. I carry out the e sponslil y Eac bract ofecvey assume t he m

40、a nr e_ons bHy fororgaiztona ea ning,-ey undesadig of pay m bes ad cadrsts_y ie nth ad resle .mptmsadproblmsPayCommi sould da good ”,ld hi p leanig a te - me - e .iancetbancbae d on te d lpment of larig progamm-, ad u” the impemenfn of tee lessns and mplementig leaningrrqures. To tae epors custmied

41、esar c, paipae i di lc、on* aid meei ngs of the Ogaiat on, s lupe on, a nd efctve tanmisi u e About cnsldat on of wak a nd pa banchhs, trougtuestongtam,primote trasormat I nmpr ng bra I ctsse ta sa nds oup o be d - l wtis i plce, fute s udy al d Iduat on. 6. plly the lad role.Lla shi, l lad I g cdre

42、s soul d -t a n exmple ad teadbype, layes of dien m ode, lye upon . frmainof tesots the oveal ge neal eec of liklge LLadigcdesshoudleanisadbeifrnt,aig ot hes t d y ou is dt aks of otes a nd not thmslvls detemie d not t o do, we cannot mp bla ck, and faslght man ashmlef. To enfrre a rg d due abou te

43、le of te .sem,dsudydscusin,mditakingaout ei ence, gVe a lary ecure , epor, d ng to pat ciae i nor.ni saina le, dim ocak a ppailal lead i n duy of due dig ence Iccr dig to posiins cnti bue to ole play Wt lea nig, promot ng m rg Iduat on sld ad eectve . gras te i nttegatd. To sik a oud the Ce ner selg

44、 Ihe oeial si uain, the tw cmbinigeinandcmpletdarous a s and mpllme nt te Ccuy ThreeFvvcmbinesplannig,andtheiXcombinntonofice ntic devlopment ad eapigdveopmetbothads,Wo,avidngtwpees. 1y sudy ng d_ ppa,m-bes andcid undetkig e nthum. i nesal sing ad mp et ng ve0Pmentphi0spysold i ndta rrst.tui ng, de

45、eenig rfm, poy aevain cr.a, im pro1g peoples l io0d ad ote -0k ite font, fr eampl. 1Pom01n f cde s wrk ha d agrv, pus pment t tstthee-ctve of d_ 0nal - orkTowsi w I ean a do lea nig ara n.ments se cic prgamme the Pay(iia)banc: fr adance ul stic ue pay, a ccrig t iX municiaon i ciy m - bes i n te car

46、 ed out ean Ccnsi uin Pay ue s, ad lean sees spe c, do _aiid m- ber eani ng Id - ainmpl -etain prgrmme and XX municia I rganiat on Deamet on tw lar n a d eig ara ngmes of spe cic的問題,所以各業(yè)務(wù)部門要重點開展好專項檢查,確 保檢查不留死角死面,各井區(qū)也要教育員工管好設(shè)施、 用好設(shè)施,一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)設(shè)施人為損壞,一定從嚴(yán)追究, 嚴(yán)肅處理。第五要充分發(fā)揮班隊長和安檢員、瓦檢員作用, 切實抓好工作面的現(xiàn)場管理,打牢安全生產(chǎn)第一道

47、防 線。按照公司要求,班組長必須跟班作業(yè),沒有班組 長或段隊長帶班,不許生產(chǎn)。第六要抓好安全教育和培訓(xùn)。安全管理是一個系 統(tǒng)工程,必須方方面面參與,齊抓共管。但從安全本 身的性質(zhì)看,職工永遠(yuǎn)是安全工作的主體,是實現(xiàn)本 質(zhì)型安全的根本。從這個層面上看,提高培訓(xùn)質(zhì)量、 提高職工的自我保安能力,就是安全管理中最為關(guān)鍵 的一個環(huán)節(jié)。培訓(xùn)必須注重實際效果,要以貼近生產(chǎn) 實際為原則,讓職工全面掌握必知必會和危險源識別 等安全知識,切實提高職工的安全素質(zhì)和保安能力。第七要抓好安全監(jiān)察,礦副總以上領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和各基層 單位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),要嚴(yán)格堅持入井帶班寫實制度,深入現(xiàn)場, 靠前指揮;各職能科室要從薄弱環(huán)節(jié)入手,堅持上夜 班

48、,重點加強生產(chǎn)過程中的動態(tài)監(jiān)察。onjunct on itht he beginig i f Ie 95 anniversary “v- s focused sce i ul e 1 party e cture E theiatybra nch prac.eofparty membes ge aPartylectrePodulonl ne of a dvace par ty member s reported, t h”wnee nce s ei ha nce theatati ona nd appeal of i aty e ctue 4 iecommuni. i nFul use of I

49、e various type s oework me dia time pushe s earning -tent. Bot pay cmmunis netwrk s, mob. phone , TV, mcornig a dsa n ei .n patorms Boot pay memberhomepar.i ini n ne w earning i nteaci nan. tre e ons,oe syUr onlal on of encurgig party members to cary oU s - , a nd ei . n, e nrilig t I e cnte nt of f

50、orm* ad he -.age of e .n. 5 rr, out the e spon. y Eah bract o .ecve, assume themanrsponsibuy fororgaiatona ea ning, tmely undesading of paty m bes ad cadrrstsud,ientifyadreslesymptmsa sPaty commi - e sould do a goodjbleaeshi p leaning a te - me tme giaIcetbrachbaedontedeelopmetoflearingprogamm, ad u

51、rged the implementatonofteelessnssstmandimplementing leaningreuires To tae epols custmiedesarch,patcipaeidisuusionsa-meei ngs of the Ogaiat on, s lupe on, and ebctve tanmisi u e About cnsldat on of -k a nd pa,y ba - hhs, trougtuestongtam,primote trasormat I nimpr ng bra ,cts ta sa nds ou,t o be ddal w


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