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1、新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大學(xué)英語(第二版)綜合教程 課后練習(xí)答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Wordsimpressivechecked inpersecution4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a, Active Reading 24 dete

2、ct admirable subway inadequate scribbling 5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle 1 the first sentence: b the second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running l

3、ate6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to that 3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.4 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can' t read5 It occurs to me that I've run out of clean clothes.6 Has it occurred to hi

4、m that he doesn' t know what to write for his term paper?7 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldn't recognize him as a foreignerCollocations8 1 spilt out of2 burst into tears3 clean language4 easiersaid than done9 climb through 6 signed up for7 burst into b

5、loom 8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 121(b) 2 (b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words31 juicy 2 frank 3 perception 4 nonsense 5 resort 6 gloomy 7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous5 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked tothe seaside rest

6、aurant.)6 region 4 discarded 5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking 7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty 6 teaseReading and Interpreting6 1,2,4Active Reading 2Dealing with unfamiliar words4 1 melted 2 properties 3 account for inherit 8 manufacturing 9 release5 luxury (2) nourishin

7、g (3) mould condensed (7) flavour(8) popularity(9) genetic (a genetic)(10) traitLanguage in UseWord Formation4 stimulated5 confess 6 crushed 7(4) manufacturer snap (6)1 airsick carsick non-fiction helpful seasickshopaholicnon-smokerspoonfulnon-stopworkaholic2 1 seasick 2 shopaholic 3 helpful 4 non-s

8、top 5 non-smoker 6non-fictionLeaving out words3 1and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs,prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other.4 On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was a battery of implements used to crack

9、 the shells .5 The next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans, a process first tried in 1825.6 Condensed milk is a thick, sweet milk sold in cans.7 Hormones are a chemical substance produced by your body. Collocations4 1 intellectual property2 developed / got. taste for3 re

10、leased .film 4great/strong emotion5 personal property / enormous wealth6 implemented . plan /policystrategy7 inherited . looks8 speed up . processUnit 4Active Reading 1Dealing with unfamiliar words31 whimper 2 rattle 3 jingle 4 mute 5 thudNow decide what word you can use to describe the sound of:(a)

11、whimper (eg The whimpering dog was to escape to the corner of the room.)(b) mute (eg The enemy were coming nearer and nearer, so he muted his friend's shout; they must not be heard.)(c) thud (eg There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.)(d) rattle (eg The old taxi rattled down the street.)

12、(e) jingle (eg Just then there was the jingle of keys outside the door.)4 1 tossed 2 tones 3 fascinating 4 stacked; cashier5 significant; fund (My grandfather gave a significant sum of money to my college fund.)6 determination; defined51(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) 6(a) 7(b) 8(b) 9(b)Active Reading 23 c,

13、 a, d, b, d, cDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 1 perfectionist 2 innate 3 distracted4 protective 5 outgoing 6 spoil 7mood8 legend (She was a Hollywood legend.)51 perfection 2 innately 3 outgoing 4 protect 5 spoiled 6 mood 7 distractions 8 legend / legendary61(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(b) 5(a)Reading and interpre

14、ting7 1 It means to be born into a rich or privileged family (they have enough moneyto have silver spoons for the newborn baby).8 It is easy to obtain and you don't have to make an effort for it.9 It refers to one of the basic parts that something is made from, which is very important for later

15、development.10 You are likely to remember them m a way that will cause problems in the future (a similar expression is bottle it up, like keeping something in a sealed bottle).11 You are likely to talk about something which has been worrying you, so you feel better about it later.12 It is likely to

16、be very funny (similar expressions are / killed myself with laughter /I fell about laughing).Language in Useas / when1 The first sentence: (b) Dad rolled the coins after the jar had been filled.The second sentence: (a) Dad was driving the car and at the same time was looking at his son.2 1 When 2 Wh

17、en 3 As 4 as 5 When 6 as 7 WhenEmphasis3 1 You definitely need to be a perfectionist to succeed.4 My parents" role in our success really was that important.5 All your parents want is the best for you.6 One of the things I love about my father is his sense of humour.7 All you have to do to succe

18、ed is to work hard.Collocations41 significant composers 2 drop by 3 showed determination / demonstratedperseverance4 pension fund 5 showed determination 6 dropped . off 7 bad moodTranslation5在美國絕大多數(shù)美國人都與有血緣關(guān)系或婚姻關(guān)的人一起生活。大部分美國夫妻兩三個孩子,雖然更大的家庭也并不少見。一個美國家庭通常包括父母及未成年子女。中老人一般不跟已婚子女住在一起。 不過,父母常常與成年子女保的聯(lián)系、假朋

19、的時候,大家庭的成員(包括祖父母、姨媽/姑姑、舅舅/叔叔及堂/表兄弟姐們等)常一起聚餐。過去孩子長大后很少有人愿意跟父母住在一起。但是近年米,越來越多的美國年輕人大學(xué)畢業(yè)后回家與父母同住。有些人決定住在家里,一邊努力工作一邊攢錢,直到有一天他們有能力自立門戶。這是一個現(xiàn)實的決定,因為現(xiàn)在一個人要想實現(xiàn)自給自足就需要在學(xué)業(yè)和職業(yè)上付出大量的努力。6 Chinese parents pay a lot of attention to their children's education. They hold thatchildren are more willing to accompli

20、sh complicated tasks if adults can give themis taproper guidance. Therefore, "teaching by giving step by step directionsas the best way to educate children. In recent years, under the influence of Westernideas of education, Chinese parents are beginning to give more priority to fosteringindepen

21、dence and creativity in children. They encourage their children to attendinterest classes to learn painting or music. They hope that their children will become all-round individuals by constantly learning and exploring.Unit 5Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding3 c, a, c, d, a, a, c4 unexpected

22、exaggerated Historically objectively Poverty Similarly instinctively identifies5 reactions; horror chase echoes startled unfolded eroded oddest frameActive Reading 2Dealing with unfamiliar words3 bureau (2) rely on (3) feedback (4) surveys (5) editorial (6) revenue close down4 1 capture 2 establishe

23、d; Nevertheless 3 estates 4 integrity 5 compact; Moreover 6 claims51 dumb down2 turn to3 cut it down5 reminds .4 put away (Please turn off your mobile phones and put them away) of61(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(b) 6(a) 7(a) 8(a) 9(b)Reading and interpreting71(a) 2(a) 3b) 4(b) 5(a) 6(b)Language in UseWord For

24、mation:1 downtowndownload downgradedownstairs downmarketdownturn2 1 go down 2 turned me down 3 stand down 4 got down 5 handeddown 6 brought down 7 broke downSo + inversion + that3 1 So odd was the newsreader' s accent that I couldn' t understand what shewas saying.4 So incredibly bad was the

25、 language on that programme that I switched off the TV.5 So exaggerated was the story that it had to be completely rewritten.6 So slow were Fr ank ' s reactions that he wasn' t able to avoid hitting the car infront.Collocations7 1 general / growing / recent trend2 follow / obey instinct 3 cl

26、aimed responsibility4 basic / natural instinct5 establishedreputation assessimpact7 great / significant impact8 Historical evidence / researchTranslation 5社交網(wǎng)站是美國人生活的重要組成部分。有大約三分之二的美國成年網(wǎng)民使用像臉書、推特、我的空間或領(lǐng)英這樣的社交媒體平臺。與家人和朋友聯(lián)系是他們使用社交媒體工具的首要因。一些社交媒體用戶到這些網(wǎng)站上去是為了與現(xiàn)在的朋友和家人保持取系,有的人即是為了聯(lián)系已失去聯(lián)系的故友。分享共同的興趣愛好,結(jié)交新

27、朋友、閱讀公眾人物的評論、尋找潛在的浪漫情緣也是人們使用社交網(wǎng)站的原因。社交網(wǎng)站也可以用作信息網(wǎng)站,人們可以在社交網(wǎng)站上與網(wǎng)友分享信息。要想了解自己喜愛的球隊的比賽得分和消息,人們可以登錄他們的推特賬戶去查看,而不用搜索面向大眾群體的信息網(wǎng),如 紐約時報的官網(wǎng)或娛 樂與體育節(jié)目電視網(wǎng)。6 A recent survey indicated that the number of people accessing the Internet bymobile phone has overtaken the number of Internet users on computers. Onlineac

28、cess on mobile phones has risen to 85.8%. The mobile phone has become thefifth mass medium after the traditional four media television, radio, newspapersand magazines. With online access by mobile phone, Chinese people are enjoyingthe convenience and benefits of all kinds of new media like MicroBlog

29、, WeChat andpodcasts. The vividness, real-timeness and interactivity of such media haveattracted many young people. While WeChat' s circle of friends (moments) enables people to communicate and interact frequently with friends, podcasts meetpeoples need for self-expression and displaying individ

30、uality.Unit 8Active Reading 1Reading and understanding31(b) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)Dealing with unfamiliar words4(1) negative (2) depression (3) aspirations (4) minor (5) emotional (6)individual (7) persist5 (1) psychological (2) disorders (3) specifically (4) reluctant (5) killer (6) glorious (7) caree

31、r(8) realistic (9) recover61(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a) 8(b)7 CActive Reading 2Dealing with unfamiliar words51 soles 2 concentration 3 elbow 4 infections 5 destructive 6 variation7 stride; glow8 measure 9 lifetime6(1) maintained(2) gear(3) efficient (4) enhancing(5) limbs(6)immune alert (8) re

32、lieve(9) motivating71(b) 2 (a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a)Reading and interpreting 81(c) 2(c)Language in UseWord formation: re-1 (a)2 1 It ' a good idea to reread it. 2 They retake the exam. 3 You shouldreconsider it.4 The first thing to do is to reboots.5 You can reapply 6 You should renewit.7 The

33、y may decide to rebuild their house. 8 The doctor should reassure the patient.before / during / after which8 In the first sentence, which refers to "long periods of stress In the second sentence, which refers to "weeks or months9 1 I thought about the problem for a long time, after which I

34、 decided how I wasgoing to solve it.10 She went jogging for an hour, during which a lot of thoughts went through her mind.11 I suggest you take a week off work, during which you can relax and spend time with your family.12 Marzia spent a month on a low-fat diet, after which she felt healthier.13 I&#

35、39;d like you to read this report carefully, after which we will discuss it.14 Shane spent three months in that boring job, during which he was depressed.15 My brother has been working as an educational psychologist for seven years, before which he had been trained as a mit oneself to doi

36、ng something5 3.5,66 1 I committed myself to working harder this month.2They committed themselves to providing financial help.3The government should commit itself to supporting this project.4We have committed ourselves to providing the money for the new hospital.7 1 maintain contact / links / relati

37、ons2 brilliant / promising career3 killerdisease8 realistic chance 5 minor surgery 6 psychological problem 7 be on the alert8 make a career moveTranslation8瑜伽源于印度,是身體、心理、情神方面的修行或訓(xùn)練。真正使瑜伽在西方得到普及的人8 . K. S.艾楊格。艾楊格出生在一個窮苦的家庭。在童年時代,他受到過瘧疾、流行性感冒和肺結(jié)核的折磨。醫(yī)生預(yù)言他活不過 20歲。16歲那年他接觸到了瑜伽。在此后的六年串,這個年輕人靠練瑜伽完全康復(fù)了。195

38、2年,小提琴家耶胡迪.梅紐因在印度遇見艾楊格,并把他帶到了倫敦。艾楊格在倫教教瑜伽。他向人們表明瑜伽適合每一個人。對于遭受身體病痛和精神壓力雙重折磨的現(xiàn)代人而言,瑜伽是幫助他們協(xié)調(diào)身心,達到內(nèi)外平衡的途徑。9 Health qigong is popular in China Every morning in the parks, we can see people performing this exercise 。 It ' s traditional health -maintaining exercise, which requires patience and focus.

39、After long-term practice in a peaceful state ofmind, those under high pressure can achieve both physical fitness and mental serenity. With the development of modern science, traditional health qigong hasevolved into new forms to meet the needs of modern society.做人最好狀態(tài)是懂得尊重,不管他人閑事,不曬自己優(yōu)越,也不秀恩愛。你越成長越懂

40、得內(nèi)斂自持,這世界并非你一人存在。做人靜默,不說人壞話,做好自己即可。不求深刻,只求簡單。你活著不是只為討他人喜歡,也不是為了炫耀你擁有的,沒人在乎,更多人在看笑話。你變得優(yōu)秀,你身邊的環(huán)境也會優(yōu)化。3 .從今天開始,幫自己一個忙,不再承受身外的目光,不必在意他人的評價,為自己活著。從今天開始,幫自己一個忙,做喜歡的事情,愛最親近的人,想笑就大笑,想哭就痛哭,不再束縛情感的空間,讓自己活得輕松些。4 .很多你覺得天大的事情,當(dāng)你急切地向別人傾訴時,在別人眼中也是個小事,他最多不痛不癢呵呵地應(yīng)和著。因為他不是你,他無法感知你那種激烈的情緒。直到有一天,你覺得無需再向別人提起,你就已經(jīng)挽救了你自己。這世界上除了你自己,沒誰可以真正幫到你。5,我們總是帶著面具走進愛情的,總想展示自己最優(yōu)越的一面,你要接受一個人,不只是接受他的優(yōu)越,而是看清了他的平凡普通卻仍然去深愛。事實經(jīng)常是:我們走著走著,就感覺對方變了,其實我們并沒有變,我們只是走進對方最真實的地方,然后迷失了自己。6 .我捧你,你就是杯子,我放手,你就是玻璃渣子。無論是戀人還是朋友,珍惜在你每一


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