1、Review Questions for PPMaster Data Organizzationnal SttructuuresWhat arre thee variious oorganiizatioonal sstructtures in thhe R/33 Systtem?Which RR/3 orrganizzationnal sttructuures aare ussed prrimariily foor PP?What iss the relattion bbetweeen conntrollling aarea, compaany coode, vvaluattion aarea
2、, plantt and storaage loocatioonMateriaal MassterWhat iss the purpoose off diffferentt mateerial masteer vieews?Which vviews are aavailaable?Which vviews are uused pprimarrily ffor PPP?What iss the relattionshhip beetweenn mateerial masteer vieews annd inddividuual orrganizzationnal sttructuures?How
3、 doees thee induustry sectoor inffluencce thee mateerial masteer maiintenaance?How doees thee mateerial type influuence the mmateriial maaster mainttenancce?What iss the diffeerencee betwween eexternnal annd intternall numbber asssignmment aand hoow is it seet up in Cuustomiizing?Which oother factoo
4、rs caan inffluencce thee seleectionn of ffieldss in tthe maateriaal masster?How cann MRP profiile annd forrecastt proffile bbe useed to optimmize mmateriial maaster mainttenancce?How cann a maateriaal masster bbe reoorganiized (deletted/arrchiveed)?Which uunits of meeasuree can affecct proocessiing
5、inn the materrial mmasterr (basse uniit of measuure, pproducction unit, ordeer uniit, ettc.)?What iss the materrial sstatuss usedd for and oon whiich leevels couldd it bbe maiintainned?Review the uusage of thhe folllowinng setttingss?MRP grooupMRP typpeReorderr poinntPlanninng timme fennceMRP conntr
6、olllerLot sizzeProcureement typeSpeciall proccuremeent tyypeProducttion sstoragge loccationnBackfluush fllagStock ddetermminatiion grroupBulk maateriaalSchedulling mmarginn keySafety stockkStrateggy grooupConsumpption mode and cconsummptionn periiodAvailabbilityy checcking grouppAlternaative selecct
7、ion flagDependeent reequireement flag for iindiviidual and ccollecctive requiiremenntsProducttion sscheduulerProducttion sscheduuling profiileUnderdeeliverry/oveerdeliivery tolerranceIn-housse prooductiion tiime (llot siize deependeent/inndepenndent)Valuatiion cllassPrice ccontrool inddicatoorMoving
8、 averaage prrice/sstandaard prriceBills oof MatteriallWhat iss deteermineed by BOM uusage?What teechniccal tyypes oof BOMM are availlable? Can thee techhnicall typee of aa BOM be chhangedd?During whichh proccessess willl BOM usagee and statuus be consiideredd? When woould iit be usefuul to make use
9、oof a GGroup BOM?What iss meannt by area of vaaliditty andd effeectiviity off a BOOM?Which iitem ccategoories are aavailaable aand whhat arre theeir sppecifiicatioons?What iss a suub-iteem?Under wwhich circuumstannces ccould a BOMM be rrecurssive aand whhat thhe usaage off the recurrsive indiccator?
10、What iss the usagee of tthe foollowiing BOOM setttingss?Explosiion tyype Relevannt to produuctionn Relevannt to costiing Materiaal proovisioon inddicatoorBulk maateriaalProducttion sstoragge loccationnWork CeenterssWhat iss a woork ceenter categgory?What daata caan be mainttainedd on tthe vaariouss
11、viewws (baasic, defauult, ccapaciity, sscheduuling, costting, etc.)?What iss the purpoose off a sttandarrd vallue keey?What roole dooes thhe opeeratioon conntrol key pplay?WWhat ddoes rrefereencingg meann?Why to use aa workk centter hiierarcchy?Whhat iss a poooled capaccity?Analyzee the usagee of tt
12、he foollowiing fiields?Backfluush inndicattorCapacitty cattegoryyFormulaas forr deteerminiing caapacitty reqquiremmentsRate off capaacity utiliizatioonRelevannt to finitte schheduliing inndicattorOverloaadFormulaas forr scheedulinngLocatioon grooup (mmove ttime mmatrixx)Queue ttimes (normmal annd mi
13、nnimum)Cost ceenterActivitty typpesFormulaas forr costtingRoutinggsWhat dooes a routiing deefine?How is a rouuting struccturedd?What taask liist tyypes aare avvailabble inn the R/3 SSystemm?What iss a rooutingg grouup andd grouup couunter?What iss a rooutingg sequuence, and what typess of ssequennce
14、 arre avaailablle?What coould bbe reaasons to usse seqquencees?What arre thee variious ooptionns to assiggn matterialls to routiings?Under wwhich condiitionss woulld it make sensee to aassignn compponentts to operaationss?What iss a reeferennce opperatiion seet?How couuld thhe lottsize-depenndend in
15、houuse prroducttion ttime bbe callculatted annd upddated into the mmateriial maaster?Producttion RResourrces/TToolsWhat tyypes oof PRTT are availlable?What iss the relattionshhip beetweenn PRTss and a rouuting/operaation?Engineeering Changge MannagemeentWhat arre thee objeectivees of Enginneerinng C
16、haange MManageement?What iss the signiificannce off channges wwith aa histtory?Which PPP objjects can bbe mannaged usingg Engiineeriing Chhange Managgementt?What iss the purpoose off an eengineeeringg channge reequestt/ordeer?How is a chaange mmasterr recoord sttructuured?What iss a reevisioon levve
17、l coompareed to enginneerinng chaange mmasterr?Other IIssuessWhich sscheduuling optioons arre avaailablle, annd howw do tthey ddifferr fromm eachh otheer?Which ttime ccomponnents are ttaken into accouunt duuring scheddulingg?How aree basiic ordder daates ddetermmined?How aree the schedduled datess d
18、eteermineed?Which sscheduuling typess are availlable in leead tiime scchedulling?What roole doo reduuctionn meassures play in scchedulling?What tyypes oof scrrap caan be mainttainedd in PPP bassic daata annd howw woulld theey be consiideredd duriing MRRP reppectivvely sscheduuling?What iss exteernal
19、 proceessingg, andd whatt condditionns musst be fulfiilled beforre extternall proccessinng cann takee placce?What arre co-produucts?Producttion PPlanniing Generall IssuuesWhat arre thee variious pplanniing leevels availlable in R/3 PP?What arre thee depeendenccies bbetweeen Salles annd Opeeratioons
20、Pllanninng, Deemand Managgementt, Lonng-Terrm-Plaanningg and Materrial RRequirrementts Plaanningg?Sales aand Opperatiions PPlanniing What iss the purpoose off Salees andd Operrationns Plaanningg?What iss the struccture of prroductt grouups annd howw coulld theey be used in SOOP/DM/LTP/MMRP?What iss
21、the purpoose off propportioon facctors and aaggreggationn facttors wwithinn prodduct ggroupss?Which pplanniing meethodss are availlable in SOOP?Which ssourcees aree avaiilablee as iinput data for SSOP?Which ooptionns aree avaiilablee for creatting aa salees plaan in SOP?Which ooptionns aree avaiilab
22、lee for creatting aan opeeratioons pllan inn SOP?What iss dissaggreegatioon?How couuld thhe ressult oof SOPP be ppassedd on tto diffferennt plaanningg toolls witthin tthe PPP plannning envirronmennt?Demand ManaggementtWhat iss the purpoose off Demaand Maanagemment?At whicch poiints iis Demmand MMana
23、geement integgratedd withh Salees andd Disttributtion?Explainn the main strattegiess in MMake-tto-Stoock ass welll as iin Makke-to-Orderr plannning logicc. Payy atteentionn to mmasterr dataa setttings.What dooes coonsumpption respeectiveely reeductiion meean inn the conteext off plannning strattegie
24、ss?What roole dooes thhe inddividuual/coollecttive rrequirrementts inddicatoor in the mmateriial maaster have durinng makke-to-orderr prodductioon?What iss a sttockinng levvel, aand hoow cann it bbe inffluencced?Which ttypes of avvailabbilityy checck aree avaiilablee (ATPP and checkk agaiinst pplann
25、iing) aand whhat arre thee charracterristiccs of thesee checcks?Explainn the link betweeen MRRP grooup, sstrateegy grroup, strattegy aand reequireement classs.What seettinggs couuld bee madee in rrequirrementts claasses (on PPP as well as onn SD sside)?Explainn the purpoose oof verrsion managgementt
26、 in DDemandd Manaagemennt?Master Produuctionn Scheedulinng Under wwhich circuumstannces wwould you rrecommmend tthe ussage oof MPSS?Comparee the functtionallity oof MPSS withh MRP?What iss meannt by the firmiing oof proocuremment ppropossals, and hhow caan thiis efffect bbe achhievedd?What iss a pll
27、anninng timme fennce, aand whhere iis it definned?What iss a maanual firmiing daate, aand whhere iis it definned?How cann a pllannedd ordeer be firmmed, and wwhich firmiing inndicattors aare avvailabble inn a pllannedd ordeer?Materiaal Reqquiremments Plannning What iss the purpoose off MRP and hhow
28、dooes itt fit into the PPP plaanningg enviironmeent?How wouuld yoou orgganizee MRP runs? Disccuss tthe diiffereent opptionssMRP forr a pllant onliineMRP forr a pllant in bbackgrroundMRP forr a maateriaal (inndividdual pplanniing) - onliineWhich pplanniing tyypes aare avvailabble (NNEUPL, NETCCH, NEE
29、TPL)?Which pplanniing paarametters aare too be sset inn the appliicatioon itsself?What iss the functtion oof thee plannning file?What iss meannt by singlle-levvel pllanninng, muulti-llevel plannning?What iss meannt by interractivve MRPP?What arre thee charracterristiccs of an MRRP sceenarioo thatt i
30、s pperforrmed iin simmulatiion moode?What iss meannt by low-llevel code and hhow iss it cconsiddered in MRRP?What iss a neet reqquiremments calcuulatioon?Which bbufferrs cann be ttaken into accouunt foor thee net requiiremennts caalculaation in MRRP (quuantitty bufffer: safetty stoock, ttime bbuffer
31、r: saffety ttime)?What dooes loot-sizze callculattion eentaill?Which llot-siizing proceeduress are availlable in thhe R/33 Systtem (sstaticc, perriodicc and optimmizingg proccedurees)? WWhat aare thhe chaaracteeristiics off thesse lott-siziing prroceduures?How doees thee proccuremeent tyype deefined
32、d in tthe maateriaal masster aaffectt MRP?What iss backkward scheddulingg? Whaat aree the charaacteriisticss of bbackwaard scchedulling?What iss the diffeerencee betwween bbasic scheddulingg and lead time scheddulingg?How aree the orderr due datess deteermineed in basicc scheedulinng?How aree the or
33、derr due datess deteermineed in lead time scheddulingg?How doees thee in-hhouse produuctionn timee defiined iin thee mateerial masteer afffect sscheduuling?How doees thee scheedulinng marrgin kkey afffect scheddulingg?How aree BOMss seleected in MRRP? Whhich ccriterria arre takken innto acccountt du
34、riing BOOM sellectioon?What iss a BBOM seelectiion IDD?How aree alteernatiive BOOMs seelecteed?What iss a prroducttion vversioon?How aree routtings seleccted iin MRPP? Whiich crriteriia aree takeen intto acccount durinng rouuting selecction?What iss an MMRP liist? WWhat iis a sstock/requiiremennts l
35、iist? HHow arre theese liists sstructtured? Whatt are the ddifferrencess betwween tthese listss?What iss the functtion oof excceptioon messsagess?What arre plaanned orderrs?What iss meannt by the iindiviidual/colleectivee convversioon of plannned orrders?What iss meannt by “dayss suppply” and “recei
36、ipt daays ssupplyy”?How cann compponentt disccontinnuatioon be managged inn MRP?Producttion OOrder Proceessingg Generall IssuuesWhat arre thee charracterristiccs of work-to-orrder pproducction?What iss defiined iin a pproducction orderr?What iss a doocumennt typpe, ann ordeer cattegoryy and an orrde
37、r ttype?What arre thee variious eelemennts thhat a produuctionn ordeer conntainss?Which ffunctiions aare exxecuteed wheen an orderr is ccreateed?What arre thee variious ooptionns avaailablle forr creaating an orrder?Describbe thee systtem loogic dduringg routting sselecttion?Describbe thee systtem l
38、oogic dduringg BOM selecction?At whicch poiint inn timee are reserrvatioons geeneratted annd whaat infformattion ddoes iit conntain?What caan be achieeved bby perrformiing thhe “Reead maaster data” funcction?How couuld rooutingg sequuencess be cconsiddered durinng prooductiion orrder ccreatiion?Desc
39、ribbe thee convversioon of plannned orrders into produuctionn ordeers wiith foocus oon schheduliing asspectss?Order RReleasseWhat haappenss whenn an oorder is reeleaseed?Which ooperattions are mmade ppossibble annd whiich arre preeventeed wheen an orderr is rreleassed?What iss meannt by statuus mann
40、agemeent?What arre bussinesss trannsactiions?What arre thee diffferencces beetweenn systtem sttatus and uuser sstatuss?At whicch poiints iin timme cann avaiilabillity ccheckss be pperforrmed? Whichh setttings can bbe madde, annd whiich muust bee madee? On whichh objeects ccan thhe avaailabiility che
41、ckk be rrun?What iss meannt by machiine coommitmment?What iss meannt by midpooint sscheduuling?PrintinngWhich sshop ffloor paperrs cann be pprinteed?Which pprint modess are availlable (onliine, uupdatee, bacckgrouund)?What dooes “rreprinnting” meann?Which ccondittions must be fuulfillled beefore ord
42、err docuumentss can be prrintedd?Which ccondittions must an opperatiion fuulfilll befoore shhop flloor ppaperss (andd in pparticcular confiirmatiion sllips aand tiime tiicketss) cann be pprinteed?Goods IIssueWhich ccontrool inddicatoors innfluennce thhe behhaviorr of tthe coomponeents iin thee prodd
43、uctioon ordder (bbulk mmateriial, bbackfllush, phanttom asssemblly, ettc.)?What iss meannt by pickiing?What iss meannt by stockk deteerminaation? Whicch setttingss havee to bbe madde forr stocck detterminnationn duriing prroducttion oorder proceessingg?What iss a gooods iissue postiing?How cann good
44、ds isssues bbe enttered (refeerencee to oorder, refeerencee to rreservvationn, unpplanneed, ettc.)?What iss the purpoose off moveement typess?What arre thee effeects oof a ggoods issuee postting ffrom aan inttegrattionall poinnt of view (MM, FI, CCO)?What iss meannt by the bbackfllushinng of compoon
45、entss and how ccan thhis bee achiieved?ConfirmmationnWhich ccondittions must be fuulfillled beefore confiirmatiions ccan bee enteered?What iss a coonfirmmationn?Which ffunctiions aare liinked to coonfirmmationns?Which cconfirrmatioon proocedurres arre avaailablle?What daata caan be enterred duuring
46、confiirmatiions?What iss a miilestoone coonfirmmationn?What iss an uunplannned mmilesttone?What iddentiffies aa proggress confiirmatiion?What roole dooes thhe conntrol key ddefineed in the ooperattion pplay dduringg conffirmattion?Is it ppossibble too linkk a coonfirmmationn withh a gooods mmovemeen
47、t poostingg?What iss a gooods rreceippt?What arre thee effeects oof a ggoods receiipt poostingg?What iss the relevvancy of thhe “deeliverry commpleteed” inndicattor?What iss the functtion oof oveerdeliivery/underrdelivvery ttoleraance iin thee mateerial masteer plaay?Order SSettleement / Arcchivinng
48、 andd DeleetingWhat iss meannt by orderr setttlemennt?What caauses a prooductiion orrder tto be debitted/crrediteed?What iss the diffeerencee betwween pprelimmenaryy costting aand acctual costiing?Which aare thhe usuual stteps dduringg ordeer setttlemeent?What meeans vvariannce caalculaation?How is
49、an orrder ssettleed if the hheaderr mateerial is a standdard pprice materrial?At whicch poiints iin timme cann an oorder be seettledd?Which ccondittions must be fuulfillled beefore an orrder ccan bee archhived?How aree ordeers arrchiveed/delleted?What iss meannt by “resiidencee timees”?Order IInform
50、mationn SysttemsWhich iinformmationn systtems ccan bee usedd for orderr manaagemennt?What arre thee charracterristiccs of the oorder inforrmatioon sysstem?What arre varriablee objeect ovvervieews?What arre thee speccial ccharaccterisstics of a (multti-levvel) oorder reporrt?What iss the diffeerencee
51、 betwween tthe orrder iinformmationn systtem annd thee Shopp Flooor Infformattion SSystemm?Which ffunctiions aare avvailabble frrom thhe ordder prrogresss repport?Automattion OOptionnsWhat opptionss are availlable for aautomaating the pprocesssing of orrders?What roole dooes thhe prooductiion scched
52、ulling pprofille plaay?Describbe thee mostt leann prodductioon ordder annd thee neceessaryy setttings to acchievee it?Which ffunctiions ccould be exxecuteed in the mmass pprocesssing?Collecttive OOrderssWhat arre thee charracterristiccs of colleectivee ordeers?How cann colllectivve ordders bbe creea
53、ted? Whicch connditioons muust bee fulffilledd?What arre thee advaantagees of workiing wiith coollecttive oorderss?Which ffunctiions ccan bee perfformedd on ccollecctive orderrs?How is scheddulingg for a commpletee colllectivve ordder doone?What haappenss if aa datee/quanntity for aan ordder iss cha
54、nnged wwithinn the colleectivee ordeer?Productt Costt PlannningGenerall IssuuesWhat iss a coost ellementt (priimary/seconndary)?What iss a coost coomponeent?What iss a coost coomponeent spplit?Explainn the Costiing Vaariantt and the mmain ssettinngs inn custtomiziing.What iss a coostingg typee?What
55、seettinggs cann be ddone iin a vvaluattion vvariannt?How is a cossting sheett struuctureed?Base unnit coostinggDescribbe basse uniit cosstingWhich mmasterr dataa are requiired ffor baase unnit coostingg?How cann resuults oof BUCC be uused iin furrther calcuulatioons?Cost esstimattion wwithouut quaat
56、ity strucctureWhat iss meannt by quanttity sstructture?Describbe cossting w/o qquantiity sttructuureWhich mmasterr dataa are requiired ffor thhat coostingg logiic?Cost esstimattion wwith qquantiity sttructuureDescribbe cosst esttimatiion wiith quuatityy struuctureeHow cann the quanttity sstructture
57、bbe detterminned?What iss actiivity basedd costting?How couuld reesultss fromm stanndard cost estimmationn be uupdateed intto thee mateerial masteer?What haappenss if sstock is onn handd duriing thhat prrice uupdatee?Repetittive MManufaacturiing Generall IssuuesWhat arre thee diffferencces beetweenn
58、 disccrete manuffacturring aand reepetittive mmanufaacturiing?What arre thee charracterristiccs of make-to-sttock rrepetiitive manuffacturring aand maake-too-ordeer reppetitiive maanufaccturinng?Master Data for MMake-TTo-Stoock Reepetittive MManufaacturiingWhat maaster data are nnecesssary iin reppe
59、titiive maanufaccturinng (maateriaal masster, bill of maateriaal, prroducttion lline, routiing)?Describbe thee the folloowing materrial mmasterr dataa:Repetittive mmanufaacturiing inndicattor?Repetittive mmanufaacturiing prrofilee?Producttion vversioons?Which oobjectt is uused tto colllect the mmate
60、riial coosts aand prroducttion aactiviities?What arre thee variious ooptionns avaailablle forr estaablishhing aa linkk betwween tthe coost coollecttor annd thee prodductioon verrsion of a materrial? What role doe tthe reepetittive mmanufaacturiing prrofilee playy heree?Planninng Makke-To-Stockk Repe
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