1、補償貿(mào)易合同本合同于_年_月_日在中國_簽訂。甲方為:中國_公司法定地址:_電話:_電傳:_乙方為:_國公司法定地址:_電話:_電傳:_第一條貿(mào)易內(nèi)內(nèi)容(一) 乙方向向甲方提供用用于生產(chǎn)的_型機機械_臺,以及各各種其他輔助助機械設(shè)備,并并同時提供各各類機械設(shè)備備所必需的附附配件及備用用件,以 及及在生產(chǎn)過程程中各種必需需的測試儀器器。具體的各各類機械設(shè)備備、測試儀器器、附、配件件、備用件之之型號、名稱稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)數(shù)量、價格、包包裝要求、交交貨期限等,由由雙方另行 簽訂設(shè)備進進口合同,作作為本合同不不可分割的一一部分。(二) 甲方用用乙方提供的的機械設(shè)備所所生產(chǎn)的部分分產(chǎn)品以及其其他商品,或或經(jīng)
2、雙方協(xié)商商,用_工廠生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)的_商品來償付付全部機械設(shè)設(shè)備的價 款款。具體的償償付商品的名名稱、數(shù)量、價價格、交貨期期限等,由雙雙方另行簽訂訂補償商品供供貨合同,作作為本合同不不可分割的一一部分。設(shè)備備進口合同與與補償商品供供貨合同可合合 并為補償償貿(mào)易購銷合合同(見附件件)。第二條支付條條件與方式由 甲乙雙方對對開信用證,即即由甲方分期期開出以乙方方為受益人的的遠期信用證證,分期、分分批支付全部部機械設(shè)備的的價款;乙方方開出以甲方方為受益人的的即期信用證證,支付補償償商 品的貨貨款。甲方用用乙方支付補補償商品的貨貨款,來支付付全部機械設(shè)設(shè)備的價款。當當乙方支付的的貨款不能相相抵甲方所開開的遠期
3、信用用證之金額時時,其差額部部分由乙方用用預(yù)付貨 款款方式,在甲甲方所開的遠遠期信用證到到期前匯付甲甲方,以使甲甲方能按時議議付所開的遠遠期信用證。甲甲方所開的遠遠期信用證的的按期付款,是是基于乙方按按規(guī)定開出限限期信用證 及按規(guī)定預(yù)預(yù)付貨款。乙乙方保證按規(guī)規(guī)定開出信用用證及預(yù)付貨貨款。第三條償付期期限甲 方用_年零_個月,分分月和商品償償付全部機械械設(shè)備的價款款。償還日期期自第一批機機械設(shè)備到貨貨后約_個月后開開 始,原則則上每月償還還的金額是全全部機械設(shè)備備價款的_分之_。甲甲方可以提前前償還,但需需在_個月前通知知乙方。在甲方用補償商商品償還機械械設(shè)備價款期期間,乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)按本協(xié)議項項下的
7、,并并可根據(jù)情況況部分或全部部免除違約責責任。第十三條仲裁裁凡 是有關(guān)本協(xié)協(xié)議或執(zhí)行本本協(xié)議而發(fā)生生的一切爭議議,應(yīng)通過友友好協(xié)商解決決。如不能解解決,則應(yīng)提提交_國_仲裁委員會會按 _仲裁程序序在_進行仲裁。仲仲裁適用法律律為_國法律。該該仲裁委員會會作出的裁決決是最終的,甲甲乙雙方均受受其約 束,任任何一方不得得向法院或其其它機關(guān)申請請變更。仲裁裁費用由敗訴訴一方負擔。第十四條文字字、生效本合同用中、_兩種種文字寫成,兩兩種文字具有有同等效力。本合同自簽字之之日起生效,有有效期為_年。期期滿后,雙方方如愿意繼續(xù)續(xù)合作,經(jīng)向向中國政府有有關(guān)部門申請請,獲得批準準后,可延期期_年年或重新簽訂訂
8、合同。甲方(簽字):_乙方(簽簽字):_年_月_日_年_月_日簽訂地點:_簽訂地地點:_附件Party AA: _Comppany, Chinaa.Addresss:_Tel: _Telex: _Party BB: _ CommpanyAddresss: _Tel: _Telex: _Articlee 1Inntroduuctionn(1)Partty B sshall proviide Paarty AA withh _machiines oof moddel _to be ussed inn prodductioon.Aloong wiith thhem shhall aalso bbe
9、proovidedd variious kkinds of suupportting mmachinnery,aaccesssoriess and sparee partts it needss,and the vvariouus kinnds off meassuringg and testiing innstrumments requiired iin thee courrse off prodductioon,Thee speccific modells, naames,sspecifficatiions, quanttity,uunit ppricess,packking rrequi
10、rrementts andd the deadlline ffor deeliverry shaall bee speccifiedd in aan addditionnal coontracct to be maade beetweenn the both partiies,whhich wwill sserve as a integgral ppart oof thee conttract.(2)The totall costt of tthe enntire machiinery and iits suupportting eequipmment sshall be paaid too
11、Partty B oof thee partt of tthe prroductts andd/or oother commooditiees prooducedd by PParty A witth thee machhineryy suppplied by Paarty BB.It mmay allso bee paidd to PParty B of (a ceertainn prodduct)tturnedd ort by .(This practtice iis herreinaffter rreferrred too as aa makee-up ppaymennt).Thhe s
12、peecificc namees,quaantityy and unit pricee of tthe prroductts to be deeliverred ass makee-up ppaymennt,andd the deadlline ffor deelinerry,aree to bbe speecifieed in an addditioonal ccontraact beetweenn the two ppartiees on produucts-ssupplyying aas makke - uup payyment,wwhich shalll be tthe inntegr
13、aal parrt of the ccontraact.Thhe twoo addiitionaal conntractts menntioneed aboove maay be mergeed as one ccalledd buy - andd selll conttract on coompenssationn tradde.Articlee 2Teerma oof PayymentThe twoo partties sshall open a L/CC in ffavourr of eeach oother.I.e.PParty A shaall oppen,att reguular
14、iintervvals,llong-tterm LL/C inn favoour off Partty B tto payy in iinstalll mennts thhe enttire ccost oof thee machhineryy and its ssupporrt sigght L/C in favouur of artyy A ass a paaymentt for the ccost oof thee prodducts to bee deliiveredd by PParty A.Parrty A shalll pay for tthe tootal ccost oof
15、thee machhineryy and its ssupporrting equippment with the ssum off moneey whiich Paarty BB shalll payy the produucts tto be delivvered by Paarty AA as aa makee - upp paymment.IIn casse thee moneey to be paaid byy pairry B iis nott enouugh too coveer thee valuue of the llong - termm L/C is deetermiin
16、ed bby thee at - sigggt L/CC openned byy Partty B aand itts dowwn payyment as sttipulaated iin thee conttract .Partty B ggraranntees to fuulfil what is reequireed of it too do aas menntioneed herrein.Articlee 3Deeadlinne forr PaymmentParty AA shalll payy the totall costt of tthe maachineery annd its
17、s suppportinng equuipmennt supppliedd by PParty B by delivveringg the produucts iit prooducess to PParty B as a makke - rrp payyment on a monthh - too - moonth bbasis , andd pay is offf witthin aa prerriod oof _ yeaars annd _montths.Thhe payyment shalll starrt appproximmatelyy _ montths affter tthe
18、fiirst ddeliveery off the machiinery is maade .IIn priinciplle,thee sum to bee paidd per monthh shalll be _ perceent off the totall amouunt duue to be paaid foor thee machhineryy Partty A ccan maake itts payyment aheadd of sscheduule wiith a noticce givven too Partty B _ mmonthss in aadvancce.Durrin
19、g tthe coompenssationn periiod ,PParty B shaall oppen a L/C iin favvour oof Parrty B,ccoveriing thhe tottal ammount , at sightt , irrrevoccable , divvisiblle andd assiignablle ,inn accoordancce witth thee releevant proviisionss in tthe buuy - aand - sell contrract oon commpensaation tradee.Articlee
20、4Cuurrenccy forr PriccingProductts proovidedd by eeitherr partty shaall bee pricced inn termms of_.AAll thhe iteems suupplieed by Partyy B,inncludiing maachineery ,tthe reequireed appparatuus,acccessorries aand sppare pparts shalll be ppricedd direectly in teerms oof _ aboove meentionned ;wwhile the
21、 pproduccts prrovideed by Partyy A ass a maake - up paaymentt for the mmachinnery ssuppliied byy Partty B sshall be fiirst ppricedd in tterms of RMMB as orherr simiilar eexportts at the ttime tthe coontracct is made and tthen tthe prrices in RMMB shaall bee turnned innto thhose iin _ aboove meention
22、ned acccordiing too the curreent exxchangge ratte at the ttime.Articlee 5Innteresst RatteParty AA shalll payy the interrest oon itss longg - teerm L/C andd the down paymeent off Partty B.TThe annnual interrest rrate iis agrreed uupon aat _%.Articlee 6Teechniccal SeerviceeAfter aarrivaal at the ddest
23、innationn portt,the machiinery shalll be aassembbled bby Parrty A.When Partyy A beelievees it is neecessaary ,PParty B shaall seend itts tecchniciians tto proovide on-thhe-spoot insstructtions and oother requiired ttechniical aassisttance durinng thee courrse off asseemblinng. Paarty BB shalll be li
24、ablle forr the lossees inccurredd in tthe cooures fo asssemblling aas a rresultt of ttechniical ddefaullt of its pprat.After aapprovval byy bothh partties, Partyy B shhall ssend aa grouup of technnicianns to Chinaa to ffaciliiate tthe coomplettion oof thee projject. The ccost iincurrred inn Chinna s
25、haall bee bornne by Partyy B.Articlee 7Addditioonal EEquipmmentIn the coursse of impleementiing thhe conntractt if iit is foun necesssary that ,in aadditiion too the machiinery and aaccesssoriess alreeady llistedd in tthe prrovisiions, some addittionall itemms of the eequipmment aand meeasuriing ann
26、d tessting apparratus are nneededd, an addittionall ordeer shaall bee agreeed uppon thhroughh negootiatiion .TThe ittems tthus aadded shalll be iincorpporateed in the ccontraact.Articlee 8InnsurannceAfter bbeing delivvered in Chhina, the mmachinnery aand itts suppportiing eqquipmeent shhall bbe inss
27、ured by Paarty BB. Thee unfooreseeen lossses iin connnectiion wiith thhe equuipmennt shaall bee indeemnifiied foor by the IInsuraance CCompanny firrst too the insurrer (PParty B) inn casee the equeppment has aalreaddy beeen paiid offf for and tthus ttransfferredd intoo Partty Ass posssessioon.Theen
28、a pproporrtionaal parrt of the ssum paaid byy the Insurrance Compaany shhall bbe alllottedd to PParty A to coverr the paymeent Paarty AA has alreaady maade foor thee itemms of equippment invollved tthe loosses.Articlee 9Liiabiliity foor BreeachEither partyy shalll be liablle forr a brreach of coontr
29、acct in accorrdancee withh the proviisionss in tthe coontracct andd shalll inddemniffy forr all the llossess thuss if PParty B shoould ffail tto makke purrchasee of tthe prroductts to be deeliverred byy Partty A aas makke - uup payyment , or Partyy A shhould fail to deeliverr the produucts ffor coom
30、penssationn . Inn suchh casee, thee breaachingg partty shaall paay to the oother a summ as aa finee , whhich sshall accouunt foor _ % oof thee totaal cosst thee prodducts in quuestioon.Articlee 10PPerforrmancee GuarranteeeTo guarranteee the impleementaation of thhe conntractt, eacch parrty shhall ss
31、ubmitt to tthe otther aa perfformannce guuaranttee isssued by a bank agreeed by both partiies. TThe guuaranttee baank off Partty A iis Bannk of Chinaa, whiile thhat off Partty B iis _ Bannk.Articlee 11AAmendmment oof thee ConttractWhen thhe conntractt needds to be ammendedd in ccertaiin parrticullar
32、 caases, the aamendmment ccan bee effeected only afterr it iis agrreed uupon bby botth parrties throuugh coonsulttationn.Articlee 12FForce Majeuure Either partyy shalll nott be hheld rrespossible for ffailurre or delayy to pperforrm alll or aany paart off the contrract ddue too floood, fiire eaarthq
33、uuake , drougght , war oor anyy otheer eveents wwhich coulee not be prredictted att the time of thhe connclusiion off the contrract, and ccould not bbe conntrollled, aavoideed or overccome bby thee partties. Howevver,thhe parrty efffecteed by the EEvent of Foorce MMajeurre shaall innform the oother
34、partyy of iits occcurreence iin wriitten as sooon ass posssible and tthereaafter send a cerrtificcate oof thee Evennt isssued bby thee releevant authoority to thhe othher paarty bbut noo lateer thaan 15ddays aafter its ooccurrrence.In the Eventt of FForce Majeuure laast ovver 1220 dayys, booth paart
35、iess shalll neggotiatte thee perfformannce orr the termiinatioon of the ccontraact.Articlee 13AArbitrrationnAll dissputess arissing ffrom tthe peerformmance of thhis coontracct shoould bbe setttled throuugh frriendlly neggotiattions. Shouuld noo setttlemennt be reachhed thhroughh engootiatiion, tthe caase shhall tthen bbe subbmitteed forr arbiitratiion too the Chinaa Inteernatiional Econoomic aand Trrade AArbitrrationn Commmissioon(Beiijing) and the rrules of thhis Coommiss
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