1、 abb - page 1e x t e n d e d a u t o m a t i o n s y s t e m 8 0 0 x a00 functional safety engineering fsm overview abb - page 2functionalsafetynhigh integrity can mean different things to different people nbut it is of critical importance in most of our key markets. none thing is common across our
2、clients.nthey all want their process to react in a controlled manner in critical conditions and reduce risk to people, the environment, and business.intro to functional safety abb - page 3functionalsafetyrisk in our world abb - page 4functionalsafetysafety the hot topic abb - page 5functionalsafetyd
3、isasters that must not be repeated! abb - page 6functionalsafetynhigh integrity can mean different things to different people nbut it is of critical importance in most of our key markets. none thing is common across our clients.nthey all want their process to react in a controlled manner in critical
4、 conditions and reduce risk to people, the environment, and business.what is high integrity automation abb - page 7functionalsafety “functional safety”npart of the overall safety relating to the euc and the euc control system which depends on the correct functioning of the e/e/pe safety-related syst
5、ems, other technology safety-related systems and external risk reduction facilities (iec 61508, part 4)nthe ability of a safety-related system to carry out the actions necessary to achieve a safe state for the equipment under control or to maintain a safe state for the equipment under controlncompar
6、e with safety: freedom from unacceptable risk of harm. abb - page 8functionalsafetyto reduce risk and to protect people, environment and business !risk :- a combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.exxon valdez accident in march 1988liquid gas tank in mexico
7、 city explodes; 334 die - 1984why do we have safety standards ? abb - page 9functionalsafetywhy do we have safety standards ?nfrom iec 61508nsafety instrumented systems have been used for many years to perform safety instrumented functions in the process industries. if instrumentation is to be effec
8、tively used for safety instrumented functions, it is essential that this instrumentation achieves certain minimum standards and performance levels.safety:- freedom from unacceptable risk! abb - page 10functionalsafetynincreased focus on safety, liabilities and standardsniec61508 “good practice” benc
9、hmark for hsenincreased production at ever lower costs.npushing production and equipment to their limitsnreduce maintenance time - supply chain pressures nflexible “quick-change” processesnpersonnel training issuesndwindling technical competencenincrease in hazardous materialswhy the focus on high i
10、ntegrity automation abb - page 11functionalsafetynreliance of safety systems whilst improving productivitynmedia attentionncompetency issuesnemerging and existing legislation and directives ninternational standards (best practice)niec 61508 / iec 61511 / olf070 iec 62061 / ansi 61511 / isa s84nbench
11、marking / performance indicatorsnfragmentation of corporate knowledgensupply chain lack of cohesionpressure in the industry abb - page 12functionalsafetyninternational safety standardsncompliance with standards is a requisite for operationncorporate standards and imagenthe value and reputation of th
12、e brand on the balance sheet is significantninsurancenhigh premiums can fold business nenvironmental considerationsnthe environment is todays headline news nmodernizationnduty of care!iec 61508iec 61511concept designdesign &engineeringinstallation &commissioningoperation &maintenancemodi
13、ficationsfinancial drivers abb - page 13functionalsafetynsafety technologies are changing rapidlynincreasing reliance is placed onsmart equipment:nintegrated control and safety solutions, nreusable safety components and subsystems nautomated tools nfunctional safety and protection of installed syste
14、ms investmentsnincreasing regulatory and social requirementsthe market environment abb - page 14functionalsafetynsafety standards are also changingnthe publication of the international safety standards iec 61508, iec 61511 for the process sector and iec 62061 for machinery are setting global benchma
15、rks as “good practices” in functional safety.nglobalisation .nthe safety-related market is global. ncompanies throughout the supply chain have developed global capability. nend user organisations continually restructuringnliability issuesthe market environment abb - page 15functionalsafetyndemand fr
16、om end-users and others in the supply chain for 3rd party assessment or 3rd party certificationnreputation management. npressure from safety regulatorsthe market environment abb - page 16functionalsafetyncompetency.ncompetency, both at a company and individual level is increasingly seen as a necessa
17、ry pre-requisite to meet contractual and regulatory requirements.nbut which scheme is most appropriate and how can these schemes be compared and implemented?the market environment abb - page 17functionalsafetyngovernmentsnnational and international organizations (ansi/isa and iec)nmedia accidents an
18、d fatalitiesnindustry self regulation is high risk and costlyninsurance companies huge payouts when things go wrongnme and you to ensure protection for ourselves and othersnenvironmentalists remember exxon valdezwho is asking for safety standards ? abb - page 18functionalsafetyincidents leading to t
19、he development of safety standardsnseveso, northern italy july 1976ntcdd (dioxin) releasen35,000+ exposed, environmental impactnresulted in seveso directive (ec) on legal policy of informing citizens of nature and intent of industrial hazardsnucc, bhopal, india december 1984n3,000 deaths, 100,000 in
20、jurednresulted in osha 1910 (s84.01)noccidental, piper alpha july 6, 1988n167 deaths, platform destroyedncreation of hse (offshore) & qualitative risk analysis (qra)njilin city, china, nov 13, 2005ndirect redult: 1 dead after explotion, nindirect result: 80km stretch of contamintated water, 6000
21、+ people evacuated abb - page 19functionalsafetyhistory of the standards and evolutionusainternationalgermanyuk1995iec sc 65iec 61508iso 10418din vde 0801dinvde 19250hse pesohsa cfr1910.119isa ds84.01api rp14c1995draft1995draft19931991198919871974ansi/isas84.0119992005iec 615112003199619921974, flix
22、borough1976, seveso1984, bhopal1986, chernoble1988, piper alpha1989, pasadenaprescriptive standardsperformance standardsansi/isas84.00.01 (iec 61511 mod)2004 abb - page 20functionalsafetythe iec (international electro technical commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising a
23、ll national electro technical committees (iec national committees). the object of the iec is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields.who is iec ? abb - page 21functionalsafetystandards & sector penetrationiec61508i
24、ec62061 : machinery sectormedical sectoriec61513 :nuclear sectoriec61511 :process sectoriec61800 (draft): adjustable speed electric power drive systems abb - page 22functionalsafetystandalone & and sector/product standardsstandaloneiec 61508compliance to iec 61508systems, components & subsys
25、tems to iec 61508iec 62061: machineryiec 61511: processiec 61513: nuclearsector & product implementationsproduct (power drives)compliance to iec xxxxxsubsystems/components to iec 61508 used in sector implementations abb - page 23functionalsafetyiec 61508 nfunctional safety of electrical/electron
26、ic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems.na eight part international standard covering all safety lifecycle activities.nconcept. nspecification.ndesign.nimplementationnoperation maintenance & modification abb - page 24functionalsafetythe challenges of assuring functional safetyniec 615
27、08 is a complex standard because of the nature of the complex technologies with which it deals and what it aims to achieve.niec 61508 is not a highly prescriptive standard and requires a high degree of competence to assess whether compliance has been achieved. abb - page 25functionalsafetyiec 61508
28、nfunctional safety of electrical/electronic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems.npart 0: functional safety and iec 61508 (iec tr 61508-0)npart 1: general requirementsnpart 2: requirements for electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety related systemsnpart 3: software requiremen
29、tsnpart 4: definitions and abbreviationsnpart 5: examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity levelsnpart 6: guidelines on the application of iec 61508-2 and iec 61508-3npart 7:overview of techniques and measures abb - page 26functionalsafetykey features of iec61508ngeneric standard
30、 to be followed by sector variants ninternational standard - end users and suppliers operate internationallynimproved efficiencies in supply chainnguidance on use of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic systems which perform safety functionsncomprehensive approach involving concepts of
31、 safety lifecycle and all elements of protective systems (other technologies)nrisk-based approach leading to determination of safety integrity levels (s.i.ls)nrisk based, measures proportionate to the risk reduction requirednconsiders the entire safety critical loop (end to end) abb - page 27functio
32、nalsafetyiec 61508niec 61508 is concerned with functional safety, achieved by safety-related systems that are primarily implemented in electrical and/or electronic and/or programmable electronic (e/e/pe) technologies, i.e. e/e/pe safety related systems. the standard is generic in that it applies to
33、these systems irrespective of their application.nmainly for suppliers and manufacturers of electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic safety systems and equipmentnconsiders the entire safety critical loopndefines the safety integrity level (sil) abb - page 28functionalsafetynsafety manageme
34、nt systemnlife cyclenplanningnassessing compliancensupply chainntechnical requirementsnchoice of technologiesnassessment of risknspecifications of function & integrity levelncompetenciesnroles & responsibilitiesnskills & trainingsummary of the key messages in iec 61508 abb - page 29funct
35、ionalsafetytechnologies under considerationnelectricalnelectro-mechanical / relays / interlocksnelectronicnsolid state electronicsnprogrammable electronic systemsnprogrammable logic controllers (plcs);nmicroprocessor based systemsndistributed control systemsnother computer based devicesn(“smart” sen
36、sors / transmitters / actuators) abb - page 30functionalsafetyfunctional safety and iec 61508nwhat is functional safety?nfrom iec 61508 part 4; functional safety, part of the overall safety relating to the euc and the euc control system which depends on the correct functioning of the e/e/pe safety-r
37、elated systems, other technology safety-related systems and external risk reduction facilitiesn“freedom from unacceptable risk of physical injury or of damage to the health of people, either directly, or indirectly as a result of damage to property or to the environment”. abb - page 31functionalsafe
38、tyfunctional safety and iec 61508 (cont.)nwhat is functional safety? (cont)nfunctional safety is part of the overall safety that depends on a system or equipment operating correctly in response to its inputs.nin order to ensure that safety is achieved, both hazard analysis and risk assessment are ne
39、cessary.nthe hazard analysis identifies what has to be done to avoid the hazardous event, or eventsnthe risk assessment determines the performance requirements of the safety function for it to be acceptable. abb - page 32functionalsafetysensoractuatorprogrammable electronicsequipment undercontrol (e
40、uc)srsextent of safety related system abb - page 33functionalsafetyna risk based approach to determine the safety integrity requirementsnan overall safety lifecycle model as the technical frameworknencompasses system aspects (comprising all the subsystems carrying out the safety functions, including
41、 hardware and software) and failure mechanisms (random hardware and systematic)ncontains both requirements for preventing failures (avoiding the introduction of faults) and requirements for controlling failures (ensuring safety even when faults are present)nspecifies the techniques and measures that
42、 are necessary to achieve the required safety integrity.iec 61508 abb - page 34functionalsafetyniec 61508ndefines silncomplete loop (sif)nlifecycleninternationalnwork processes 11external riskreductionfacilitiesrealization1concept2overall scope definition3hazard & risk analysis4overall safety re
43、quirements5safety requirements allocation15overall modification & retrofit16decommissioning12overall installation & commissioning13overall safety validation14overall operation& maintenance9safety-relatedsystems: e/e/pesrealization10safety-relatedsystems: other technologyrealizationoveral
44、l installation & commissioning planning678overall operation & maintenance planningoverall validation planningoverall planningback to appropriate overall safety lifecycle phaseiec 61508 - standard life cycle abb - page 35functionalsafetyiec 61508 and iec 61511process sectorsafety instrumented
45、systems standardmanufacturers andsuppliers ofdevicesiec 61508safety instrumentedsystems designers,integrators andusers iec 61511 abb - page 36functionalsafetyiec 61511title - “functional safety safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector”nthis international standard gives requirement
46、s for the specification, design, installation, operation and maintenance of a safety instrumented system, so that it can be confidently entrusted to place and/or maintain the process in a safe state.nthis standard has been developed as a process sector implementation of iec 61508. abb - page 37funct
47、ionalsafetyniec 61511ndefines 61508 application in process sectorndefines the application of safety instrumented systems for the process industry iec 61511 - standard life cycle abb - page 38functionalsafetystructurenormativeinformativeniec 61511 - structurenpart 1 “framework, definitions, system, h
48、ardware and software requirementsnpart 2 “guidelines for the application of iec 61511-1”. n part 3 “guidance for the determination of safety integrity levels”. abb - page 39functionalsafetywho does it apply to?iec61511 :process sectornend usersnoperation of processndesignersnprocess design housesnsy
49、stem integratorsnsafety system designers and integrators abb - page 40functionalsafetyiec 61511 - scopenprocess (chemicals, oil & gas, paper, non-nuclear power generation)nend-to-end safety instrumented system (sis) - hardware, software, management and human factorsnfull safety lifecycle - speci
50、fication, design, integration, operation, maintenancenintended for integrators / usersnnot for equipment designers / vendors abb - page 41functionalsafetyprinciples (1)nsafety instrumented functions & sils determined from hazard & risk analysisnsafety requirements specificationnreliability m
51、odellingnsystem behaviour on detection of faultnminimum hardware fault tolerancenapplication software development abb - page 42functionalsafetyprinciples (2)nmanagement of functional safetynsafety lifecycle modelncompetencynfunctional safety assessmentnindependencenplanningnconfiguration managementn
52、verification & validation abb - page 43functionalsafetypart 1:framework,definitions,system requirements5management of functional safety6safety lifecycle requirements7verification8process hazard and risk analysis9allocation of safety functions and protective layers10sis safety requirements specif
53、ications11sis design and engineering 12requirements for application software13factory acceptance testing14sis installation and commissioning15sis safety validation16sis operation and maintenance17sis modification18sis decommissioning19information and documentation requirementsiec 61511 abb - page 44
54、functionalsafetypart 2: guidelines for the application of iec61511-15management of functional safety6safety lifecycle requirements7verification8process hazard and risk analysis9allocation of safety functions and protective layers10sis safety requirements specifications11sis design and engineering 12
55、requirements for application software13factory acceptance testing14sis installation and commissioning15sis safety validation16sis operation and maintenance17sis modification18sis decommissioning19information and documentation requirementsfollows the same order and content as part 1 abb - page 45func
56、tionalsafetypart 3: guidance for the determination of silsnrisk and safety integritynnecessary risk reductionnrole of safety instrumented systemnsafety integritynrisk and safety integritynallocation of safety requirementsnsafety integrity levelsnselection of the method for determining the required s
57、afety integrity levelndetermination of silnannex a: as low as reasonably practicablenannex b: semi quantitative methodnannex c: safety layer matrix methodnannex d: semi quantitative calibrated risk graphnannex e: qualitative risk graphnannex f: layer of protection analysis (lopa) abb - page 46functi
58、onalsafetyiec 61511 eng contractor responsibilitiesnarchitectural design to meet target sil requirementsnpfd calculations utilising appropriate reliability data for the desired loop configurationnsil capabilitynarchitecturenhardware and software integrationnverification and validationnfunctional saf
59、ety assessmentsninformation on operation and maintenance requirements - building on manufacturers supplied dataninstructions for testingninstallation and commissioning nfunctional safety management for all design and build activities abb - page 47functionalsafetyiec 61511 owner / end user responsibi
60、litiesnscope definition / hazard & risk analysis nsite tolerable risk criteria established for safety, environmental, asset.nfunctional safety specification requirementsncontribution from all safety function technologies and risk reduction methodsntarget sil for the e/e/pes contributionnoverall responsibility for the management of functional safetynfunctional safety plan at the ou
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