



1、畢業(yè)大學生移動公司實習報告與畢業(yè)大學生英文實習報告合集畢業(yè)大學生移動公司實習報告我是*大學通信專業(yè)畢業(yè)生,上崗前我先是在中國移動*移動營業(yè)廳實習兩個 月。很快兩個月的時間馬上就結束了,在這段時間里,我成功的完成了從學生到移動 員工的角色轉換。雖然有苦但快樂的時間更加多,收獲非常豐富,雖然時間不長,但 我感受頗多,下面就是實習報告:一、對營業(yè)廳內(nèi)的業(yè)務流程有了更深入的了解。理論于實踐,實踐能更好地檢驗 理論。說起容易做來難。在理論的學習過程中,我們總是不以為然。當自己上臺操作 時,這才發(fā)現(xiàn)不是丟東就是落西??上攵?,在以后的實際工作中,一定要腳踏實 地,戒驕戒躁,時刻保持謙虛謹慎的態(tài)度。此外,在

2、熟悉流程之后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)有些流程 過于繁瑣。這就導致了客戶需求服務的短時間性與操作相對長時間性產(chǎn)生了矛盾。二、對營業(yè)廳內(nèi)的工作人員有了更深入的了解。我們知道,中國移動的企業(yè)文化 是正德厚生、臻于至善,這就要求我們的員工不僅是業(yè)務方面的能手,而且還應該 是有愛心、有熱心、有恒心的高素質員工。在實際的工作中,我已真實地見證了這一 切,并且我已深深地感悟到加強自身的道德修養(yǎng)是對每一位中國移動員工的基本要 求。三、對需要服務的客戶有了更深入的了解。通過跟來訪客戶的不斷接觸、交流后 我發(fā)現(xiàn),來訪客戶主要有三種類型:1客戶確實不了解相關業(yè)務,經(jīng)咨詢并了解后表 示滿意,隨即離開??蛻敉耆涣私庀嚓P業(yè)務,經(jīng)再三解

3、釋后仍不明白,因此不情愿離去。3客戶對相關業(yè)務半知半解,由于消費費用個人感覺過多,因此心里稍不平衡, 經(jīng)解釋后即使明白也不情愿離開。針對這幾類客戶,為了提高辦理業(yè)務的效率和客戶滿意度,我感覺可以適當?shù)夭扇∫恍┐胧?,如后兩種客戶在辦完相關業(yè)務后可直接讓 值班經(jīng)理進行咨詢接待??偟膩碚f這次實習效果是非常顯著的,他是我真正進入中國 移動的一個橋梁,是我更加容易理解公司文化,融入公司集體,我相信我以后的工作 更加得心應手。內(nèi)容。畢業(yè)大學生英文實習報告internship experiene in chengdu tiana automotive sstems co.ltd purpose: as an

4、 objet of tiana automotive sstem co. 1td s logistis department of the arehouse keeper to field stud and pratie use our professional knoledge to kno the arehouse keeper s orkflo and ontent. have a better understanding of logistis ork and link theor into pratie bring up orking abilit and solve problem

5、 s abilit. ahieve the target that i an do all i have learned read to have a suessful life in our soial life time: 20*10. 15 20*.4.15 address: #388, chenglong avenue,longquani distrit,chengdu, sihuan provine ,china 610100 compan: chengdu tiana automotive sstem co. ltd. main ontent and experiene: 10 e

6、ars of studing hard, an final1 e in hand. set foot into m long areer as an experimental field ith a outhful momentum. hoever, in realit, i found the future of soial understanding in the universit ampus is an ideal, hile the gap beteen ideals and realit in real life is so big. at the first please let

7、 me introdue m pan in chengdu tiana automotive sstems co.ltd, our pan operating in china sine85, first operation in qinhuangdao , suppling automotive brake lines. we are the one of pan to provide automotive sstems to faw-voiks. as a just inter the soial s student, the manager let me do arehouse mana

8、ge, there are some important things i have to attention. first important is don t make ourselves staring point too high to put . the manager told me beause i as a ne staff so he let me to be a arehouse keeper warehouse keeper is a part of logistis department.as a arehouse keeper the most basi qua!it

9、 is irumspetion then ,i have to kno our pan s produts and kno it ell. seond, hen e deliver goods e must kno there are ho muh the produt in our arehouse. the last important thing is e must obe first in first out .this post looks ver eas, but it not, if i didn t pa attention to the proess, there as a

10、mistake it ill let the data ould not alulate learl and make the finanial loss. sometime i alas exhange idea ith our bookkeeper, beause the need our data to ount as a just inter the soial s student, i need step b step to ork. no ,i am responsible for arehouse manage when i first in this pan everda i

11、1ean the box. fawvolks the request us make the box spotless so it bee an integral part of e must do everda after introdue m job, there are another important things hen e ork, it is have a relationship ith our olleague when i first into the offie, the orking so bus, i didn t kno hat i an do for them

12、and didn t familiar hit them ,i felt ver lonel. as a ne staff in first da, no people talk to ou no people have lunh ith ou , i felt rela sad. i told mself i don t ant do this, i am not happ. when i get bak to home i told to m parents, the told me as a ne staff i must diligent than other staff, stud

13、hard, listen the old staff s arrangement and alas smile to ever one in the next da, i do it. a fe das later the aept me. talk ith me, and give me some job do , i am reall happ. b this internship, i kno a person ho an have a good relations ith other people in everhere, the are fluk after three month,

14、 i ill leave this shool this fieldork s experiene give me a deepl feeling shool is different from the soial. in ollege the teaher ill told us hat things ou should do and hat ou an do. the tcah us ho to be a good person and a good student we an lcarn more knoledge from our teaher, but e just learn ,

15、e don t have hane to do it as a student, c don t have abilit to make mono. our parents give us mono in our shool life, so e don t kno ho hard to make mone this time e set foot in soial leave from the shool, e should carnmonc b our on hands. weare the outh , e have more hane to sho our abilit. there

16、are some sentenesi remembered and i think it an used in our ork and dail life. first years ma rinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm rinkles the soul. worr, fear,this senteneself-distrust bos the heart and turns the spirit bak to dust.if there has aseond youth means atold us to be a brave man, e

17、 must believe ourselves, problem , don t orr and fear , e an solve it better.of the appetite fortemperamental predominane of ourage over timidit, adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of sixt more than a bo of tent. nobod gros old merel b a number of ears. we gro old b desertin

18、g our ideals. don t to be a 1 az man, e should orking hard, hether in life or in ork, don t to be a adventurous third have a strong urious in ork, learn to innovation . whether sixt or sixteen, there is in ever human being s heart the lure of onders, the unfailing hildlike appetite of hat s next and the jo of the game of living. in the enter of our heart and m heart there is a ireless station: so long as it reeives messages of beaut, hope, heer, ourage and poer from men and from the infinite, so long are ou oung last, step b step to be a dependab


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