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1、1 focus personality analysis fpa性格色彩密碼由來 1 le jias blog: | website: www.fpa why some persons will withdraw from society and live in obscurity and do not trust all men in the world once they get crossed in love? and why some persons will sing to the same situation like forget it . let i

2、t be, and there are countless men in the world and they believe they can restart again? why some persons will be excited and behave like a poet when they meet beautiful girls? and other persons can not speak a full sentence except asking weather and roads when they meet beautiful girls? hi darling n

3、icenice weather le jias blog: | website: www.fpa the behavior of human changes a lot, but the character which controls the behavior has a rule to follow. le jias blog: | website: www.fpa a famous psychologist who built “personality colors system”. a charming trainer worki

4、ng for fpa for 8 years. his clients include universities, multinational corporations and government offices. he frequently appeared on business and psychologies magazines. more ever, hes invited by cctv as a psychologies specialist. biography speech video (3 min) training video (8 min) btv8 video (2

5、5 min) special speech video for mba (12 min) learning china speech video (38min) the author le jias blog: | website: www.fpa le jia named 4 types of personality with 4 colorsred, blue, yellow and green. and revolutionary advance the relationship of motivation and behavior. meanwhile st

6、art the new age of the personality analysis in a popular style. his theory is simple, practical and easy to operate and accepted certificated widely. 1、 regarding my perspective about life, the real me thinks: a the more experiences the better in life, so i always have diversified ideas. b depth in

7、life is more important than width , the goal must prudent, once decide will be persistent in achieving it. c no matter what i do, life must have achievements. d as a man lives will also died, not too hard, enjoy life. 1 1、 關于人生觀,我的內(nèi)心其實是:關于人生觀,我的內(nèi)心其實是: a a 人生體驗越多越好,所以想法極多。人生體驗越多越好,所以想法極多。 b b 深度比寬度在人

8、生中更重要,目標要謹慎,一旦確深度比寬度在人生中更重要,目標要謹慎,一旦確 定就堅持到底。定就堅持到底。 c c 無論做什么,人生必須得有所成。無論做什么,人生必須得有所成。 d d 有生就有死,不要太辛苦,活著就好。有生就有死,不要太辛苦,活著就好。 2、on the return journey after climbing a mountain, i would: a pick a new route, it would be more fun. b follow the previous route as its safer. c pick a new route which is m

9、ore challenging. d follow the previous route because its easier. 2 2、如果爬山旅游,在下山回來的路線選擇上,我更在乎:、如果爬山旅游,在下山回來的路線選擇上,我更在乎: a a 要好玩有趣,不愿重復,所以寧愿走新路線。要好玩有趣,不愿重復,所以寧愿走新路線。 b b 要安全穩(wěn)妥,擔心危險,所以寧愿走原路線。要安全穩(wěn)妥,擔心危險,所以寧愿走原路線。 c c 要挑戰(zhàn)自我,喜歡冒險,所以寧愿走新路線。要挑戰(zhàn)自我,喜歡冒險,所以寧愿走新路線。 d d 要方便省心,害怕麻煩,所以寧愿走原路線要方便省心,害怕麻煩,所以寧愿走原路線。 3、

10、when expressing an opinion, others think i am: a the intense impression always delivered to the audience. b always express extremely accurate. c can always revolve around the ultimate goal. d whether the people around me would feel comfortable afterwards. 3、在表達一件事情上,別人認為我:、在表達一件事情上,別人認為我: a 總是給人感受到強

11、烈印象??偸墙o人感受到強烈印象。 b 總是表述極其準確??偸潜硎鰳O其準確。 c 總能圍繞最終目的??偰車@最終目的。 d 總能讓周圍人很舒服??偰茏屩車撕苁娣?。 4、in fact, my life time hope have more: a stimulation. b sense of security. c challenge. d stableness. 4 4、在生命多數(shù)時候,我其實更加希望:、在生命多數(shù)時候,我其實更加希望: a a 刺激。刺激。 b b 安全。安全。 c c 挑戰(zhàn)。挑戰(zhàn)。 d d 穩(wěn)定。穩(wěn)定。 5、 i consider my emotional charac

12、ter to be: a moody, swings frequently b appears to be rational, but essentially emotional, and hardly recover from any hurt. c swift and direct, easy to get pissed off in unstable mood. d born to be stable. 5、 我認為自己在情感上的基本特點是:我認為自己在情感上的基本特點是: a 情緒多變,經(jīng)常情緒波動。情緒多變,經(jīng)常情緒波動。 b 外表自我抑制強,但內(nèi)心感情起伏大,一旦挫傷難以平復。外表

13、自我抑制強,但內(nèi)心感情起伏大,一旦挫傷難以平復。 c 感情不拖泥帶水,較直接,一旦不穩(wěn)定,容易發(fā)怒。感情不拖泥帶水,較直接,一旦不穩(wěn)定,容易發(fā)怒。 d 天性四平八穩(wěn)。天性四平八穩(wěn)。 6、 in my entire life, in terms of controlling apart from career, i: a neither feel like controlling the others, nor myself. only the desire to influence and lead the others. b control myself as well as require

14、 the others with principles. c possesses internal desire to control others and want them to obey. d not interested in influencing the others or vice versa. 6 6、 我認為自己在整個人生中,除了工作以外,在控制我認為自己在整個人生中,除了工作以外,在控制 欲上面,我:欲上面,我: a a 沒有控制欲,有感染帶動他人的欲望,但自控能力不沒有控制欲,有感染帶動他人的欲望,但自控能力不 算強。算強。 b b 用規(guī)則來保持我對自己的控制和對他人的要

15、求。用規(guī)則來保持我對自己的控制和對他人的要求。 c c 內(nèi)心有控制欲、希望別人服從我。內(nèi)心有控制欲、希望別人服從我。 d d 不去管別人,也不愿意別人來管我。不去管別人,也不愿意別人來管我。 7、when contact with my lover, i tend to emphatically: a do things that we both like together. i would show my love towards lover. b i take very good care of him/her and am very sensitive for what he/she w

16、ants. c we can exchange important ideas, discuss or even argue in an objective manner. d embrace and understand the different ideas from him/her. 7 7、當與情人交往時,我傾向于著重:、當與情人交往時,我傾向于著重: a a 一起做喜歡的事情,對他的愛意溢于言表。一起做喜歡的事情,對他的愛意溢于言表。 b b 體貼人微,對他的需求極其敏感。體貼人微,對他的需求極其敏感。 c c 溝通重要的想法,盡情地辯論事情。溝通重要的想法,盡情地辯論事情。 d d

17、 包容另一半所有的不同觀點。包容另一半所有的不同觀點。 8、 interpersonally i am inclined to: a am open-minded, can establish friendship or a connection quickly. b enter a relationship cautiously and prudently but would sustain a long- term friendship once the relationship is established. c intend to lead a dominant part in any

18、 relationship. d let nature take its course, be calm and passive. 8 8、 在人際交往時,我:在人際交往時,我: a a 心態(tài)開放,可以快速建立起人際關系。心態(tài)開放,可以快速建立起人際關系。 b b 非常審慎緩慢地進人,一旦認為是朋友便會長久。非常審慎緩慢地進人,一旦認為是朋友便會長久。 c c 希望在人際關系中占據(jù)主導地位。希望在人際關系中占據(jù)主導地位。 d d 順其自然,不溫不火,相對被動。順其自然,不溫不火,相對被動。 9、 i feature myself as: a sentimental b a clear thin

19、ker c fast-executor d a peaceful person 9 9、我認為自己為人更是:、我認為自己為人更是: a a 感情豐富。感情豐富。 b b 思路清晰。思路清晰。 c c 做事直接。做事直接。 d d 為人溫為人溫 和。和。 10、 when giving a task, my style would be: a will not finish it until the deadline. b finish it myself precisely, dont bother others c do it as quickly as possible,and then

20、find the next task. d adopt conventional approaches and turn to others if needed. 1010、 通常我完成任務的方式是:通常我完成任務的方式是: a a 經(jīng)常是趕在最后期限前的一刻完成。經(jīng)常是趕在最后期限前的一刻完成。 b b 自己精確地做,不麻煩別人。自己精確地做,不麻煩別人。 c c 最快速做完,再找下一個任務。最快速做完,再找下一個任務。 d d 該怎么做就怎么做,需要時從他人處得到幫忙。該怎么做就怎么做,需要時從他人處得到幫忙。 11、 if someone offends me, i would: a f

21、orgive him/her eventually even though i thought the hurt he/she did to me was deep and unforgivable. b being out of rage and never forgive him/her, and would not see him/her any more. c eager for revenge due to extreme irritation. d let go, because there was less than that point. 1111、 如果有人深深惹惱我時,我如

22、果有人深深惹惱我時,我 a a 內(nèi)心受傷,認為不可能原諒,但最終還是會原諒對方。內(nèi)心受傷,認為不可能原諒,但最終還是會原諒對方。 b b 如此之深的憤怒不會忘記,同時未來完全避開那個家伙。如此之深的憤怒不會忘記,同時未來完全避開那個家伙。 c c 火冒三丈,內(nèi)心期望有機會狠狠地回應。火冒三丈,內(nèi)心期望有機會狠狠地回應。 d d 避免攤牌,因為還不到那個地步。避免攤牌,因為還不到那個地步。 12、 in inter-personal relationship, i care more about: a to be welcome. b to be understood. c to be resp

23、ected. d to be accepted. 1212、 在人際關系中,我最在意的是:在人際關系中,我最在意的是: a a 歡迎。歡迎。 b b 理解。理解。 c c 尊敬。尊敬。 d d 接納。接納。 13、in work i express myself more on: a full of passion,a lot of ideas,innovative and creative. b exquisite, precise, and reliable. c strong, straight-forward, and enforceable. d patient, adaptable

24、 and good at coordinating. 1313、在工作上,我表現(xiàn)出來更多的是:、在工作上,我表現(xiàn)出來更多的是: a a 熱忱,有很多想法且很有靈性。熱忱,有很多想法且很有靈性。 b b 完美精確且為人可靠。完美精確且為人可靠。 c c 堅強而有推動力。堅強而有推動力。 d d 有耐心且適應性強。有耐心且適應性強。 14、 my former teachers would most probably comment me as: a emotional, good at expressing myself. b can keep secret, sometimes lonely

25、and unsocial. c swift and independent, willing to settle things independently. d relaxed, stable, easy-going, mild and passive. 1414、 我過往的老師最有可能對我的評價是:我過往的老師最有可能對我的評價是: a a 情緒起伏大,善于表達和抒發(fā)情感。情緒起伏大,善于表達和抒發(fā)情感。 b b 嚴格保護自己的私密,有時會顯得孤獨或是不合群。嚴格保護自己的私密,有時會顯得孤獨或是不合群。 c c 動作敏捷又獨立,且喜歡自己做事情。動作敏捷又獨立,且喜歡自己做事情。 d d

26、看起來輕松,反應度偏低,比較溫和??雌饋磔p松,反應度偏低,比較溫和。 15、 my friends would most probably comment me as: a quite talkative and have fanaticism infect others. b raise considerate plans together with detailed explanations. c expressive, straight-forward and sharp when talking about people and things i dont like. d good l

27、istener,speak little. 1515、 朋友對我的評價最有可能的是:朋友對我的評價最有可能的是: a a 喜歡對朋友傾訴事情,也有狂熱感染別人。喜歡對朋友傾訴事情,也有狂熱感染別人。 b b 能夠提出很多問題,而且需要許多精細的解說。能夠提出很多問題,而且需要許多精細的解說。 c c 直言表達想法,有時會直率地談論不喜歡的人事物。直言表達想法,有時會直率地談論不喜歡的人事物。 d d 通常與他人一起時是多聽少說。通常與他人一起時是多聽少說。 16、 in helping with others, i intend to be: a dont trouble trouble un

28、less trouble troubles me. but if someone does turn to me for help, i would help him/her. b only help those who deserve it. c why should i help an irrelevant person? but i will keep my promise if i agreed to help. d always have the guts to stand out and help the others. 16、 在幫助他人的問題上,我傾向于:在幫助他人的問題上,我

29、傾向于: a 我不主動,但若他來找我,那我定幫。我不主動,但若他來找我,那我定幫。 b 值得幫助的人就幫。值得幫助的人就幫。 c 無關者何必幫,但我若承諾,必完成。無關者何必幫,但我若承諾,必完成。 d 雖無英雄打虎膽,常有自告奮勇心。雖無英雄打虎膽,常有自告奮勇心。 17、 when praised by other people, my guts feeling is: a dispensable. am not too excited about it. b id rather have people praise for my ability, not with superficial

30、 words. c suspicious about the sincerity of the person and avoid too much attention from the others. d being praised is always a nice thing that makes me happy. 17、 面對他人對自己的贊美,我的本能反應是:面對他人對自己的贊美,我的本能反應是: a 沒有也無所謂,欣喜也不至于。沒有也無所謂,欣喜也不至于。 b 我不需那些贊美,寧可他們欣賞我的能力。我不需那些贊美,寧可他們欣賞我的能力。 c 有點懷疑對方是否認真或立即回避眾人的關注。有

31、點懷疑對方是否認真或立即回避眾人的關注。 d 贊美是一件多么令人愉悅的事。贊美是一件多么令人愉悅的事。 18、facing current condition, i would be more accustomed to be: a i am happy about my current status, regardless of the changes outside. b if i dont proceed, the others will exceed me. so i must keep moving forward. c to take as many alternatives in

32、to account as possible before anything happens. d it is more important to enjoy life every day. 18、面對生活的現(xiàn)狀,我更傾向于:、面對生活的現(xiàn)狀,我更傾向于: a 外面怎么變化與我無關,我覺得自己這樣還行。外面怎么變化與我無關,我覺得自己這樣還行。 b 這個世界如果我沒什么進步,別人就會進步,所以我需要不停地前這個世界如果我沒什么進步,別人就會進步,所以我需要不停地前 進。進。 c 在所有的問題未發(fā)生之前,就應該盡量想好所有的可能性。在所有的問題未發(fā)生之前,就應該盡量想好所有的可能性。 d 每天的

33、生活,開心快樂最重要。每天的生活,開心快樂最重要。 19、 concerning rules, my attitude is: a reluctant to break rules; but may not be able to meet the requirement due to being over-relaxed. b breaking and creating rules rather than merely complying with them. c strictly obeying the rules, and achieve the best within the range

34、. d tired of being constrained by rules, it would be more fun to play with the under -the-table rules. 1919、 對于規(guī)則,我內(nèi)心的態(tài)度是:對于規(guī)則,我內(nèi)心的態(tài)度是: a a 不愿違反規(guī)則,但可能因為松散而無法達到規(guī)則要求。不愿違反規(guī)則,但可能因為松散而無法達到規(guī)則要求。 b b 打破規(guī)則,希望由自己來制定規(guī)則,而不是遵守規(guī)則。打破規(guī)則,希望由自己來制定規(guī)則,而不是遵守規(guī)則。 c c 嚴格遵守規(guī)則,且竭盡全力做到規(guī)則內(nèi)的最好。嚴格遵守規(guī)則,且竭盡全力做到規(guī)則內(nèi)的最好。 d d 不喜被規(guī)則束縛

35、,不按規(guī)則出牌,會覺得新鮮有趣。不喜被規(guī)則束縛,不按規(guī)則出牌,會覺得新鮮有趣。 20、 in my opinion, the feature of my behaviors is: a slow in action, follows the procedure and cooperating with others. b target-oriented. always focus on target and good at finding the core issues. c being cautious, well-prepared for the preventive action pla

36、n and aftermath, takes care of everything with all cost. d active and vigorous, quick in responding. 20、 我認為自己做事上:我認為自己做事上: a 慢條斯理,按部就班,能與周圍協(xié)調(diào)一致。慢條斯理,按部就班,能與周圍協(xié)調(diào)一致。 b 目標明確,集中精力為實現(xiàn)目標而努力,善于抓住核心。目標明確,集中精力為實現(xiàn)目標而努力,善于抓住核心。 c 慎重小心,為做好預防及善后,會盡心操勞。慎重小心,為做好預防及善后,會盡心操勞。 d 豐富躍動,傾向于快速反應。豐富躍動,傾向于快速反應。 21、 when f

37、acing pressures, i am inclined to: a make pressure invisible and wait for it to go away. b the more pressure it is, the more resilience there will be. c chew and digest the pressure on my own as it may not help turning to others for help d escaping pressure by instinct, if not search for alternative

38、 ways to release my pressure. 21、 在面對壓力時,我比較傾向于選用:在面對壓力時,我比較傾向于選用: a 眼不見為凈。眼不見為凈。 b 壓力越大,抵抗力越大。壓力越大,抵抗力越大。 c 在自己的內(nèi)心慢慢地咀嚼壓力。在自己的內(nèi)心慢慢地咀嚼壓力。 d 本能地回避壓力,回避不掉就想方設法發(fā)泄。本能地回避壓力,回避不掉就想方設法發(fā)泄。 22、 when breaking up with some one, i will: a be very depressed, but time washes everything away and life goes on. b on

39、ce i am determined, i can forget the past even though i was deeply hurt. c indulging in the sad mood, not able to get out in a long period and cant accept any new relationship. d be over-whelmed with sorrow turn to friends or other channels for comfort. 22、 當結束一段刻骨銘心的感情時,我會當結束一段刻骨銘心的感情時,我會: a 日子總要過,

40、時間會沖淡一切。日子總要過,時間會沖淡一切。 b 雖然受傷,但一旦下定決心,就會努力把過去的影子甩掉。雖然受傷,但一旦下定決心,就會努力把過去的影子甩掉。 c 深陷悲傷,在相當長的時期里難以自拔,也不愿再接受新的深陷悲傷,在相當長的時期里難以自拔,也不愿再接受新的 人。人。 d 痛不欲生,需要找朋友傾訴,尋求化解之道。痛不欲生,需要找朋友傾訴,尋求化解之道。 23、 when someone comes to me for comfort, i normally intend to: a lisen carefully,perceive and understand his/her feeli

41、ng. b making judgment or conclusions directly. c give some analysis or inference. d express some comments or opinions,and have the same emotional fluctuations. 23、 面對他人的傾訴,我回顧自己大多時候本能上傾向面對他人的傾訴,我回顧自己大多時候本能上傾向 于:于: a 靜靜地聽,認同對方感受。靜靜地聽,認同對方感受。 b 做出定論,并直接給予解決方法。做出定論,并直接給予解決方法。 c 給予分析或推理,安撫他。給予分析或推理,安撫他。

42、 d 發(fā)表評論和意見,與對方的情緒共起落。發(fā)表評論和意見,與對方的情緒共起落。 24、 i would feel more content when with the following team that can: a reach consensus in a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. b have thorough and ardent debate. c can discuss in details the pros and cons as well as the consequences. d chat freely, casually

43、and joyfully. 2424、 我在以下哪個群體中較感滿足?我在以下哪個群體中較感滿足? a a 能心平氣和大家達成一致的。能心平氣和大家達成一致的。 b b 能彼此展開充分激烈的辯論。能彼此展開充分激烈的辯論。 c c 能詳細討論事情。能詳細討論事情。 d d 能隨意無拘束地自由交談,同時又很開心。能隨意無拘束地自由交談,同時又很開心。 25、 i deem my working style to be: a i would be happy with my routine work if there is no compelling pressure. b it a most im

44、portant way to achieve life goal and achievements. c or i dont do, or i am the best. d it will be prefect if there is much fun in my work, but i really feel dull for something i am not interested with 25、 我覺得工作我覺得工作: a 最好沒有壓力,讓我做我熟悉的工作就不錯。最好沒有壓力,讓我做我熟悉的工作就不錯。 b 是達成人生目標和成就的最重要的途徑。是達成人生目標和成就的最重要的途徑。 c

45、 要么不做,要做就做到最好。要么不做,要做就做到最好。 d 如果能將樂趣融合在工作那太棒了,如果是不喜歡的工作實如果能將樂趣融合在工作那太棒了,如果是不喜歡的工作實 在沒勁。在沒勁。 26、 if i am the manager, i wish my subordinates see me as: a asomeone easy-going and considerate. b someone with outstanding competence and strong leadership. c fair and reliable. d adorable and influencing.

46、26、 如果我是領導,我內(nèi)心更希望在部屬心目中,我是:如果我是領導,我內(nèi)心更希望在部屬心目中,我是: a 可以親近的和善于為他們著想的??梢杂H近的和善于為他們著想的。 b 有很強的能力和富有領導力的。有很強的能力和富有領導力的。 c 公平公正且足以信賴的。公平公正且足以信賴的。 d 被他們喜歡并且覺得富有感召力的。被他們喜歡并且覺得富有感召力的。 27、 i would like to be identified and acknowledged as: a life goes on no matter what people think of me as. b its very import

47、ant to get recognition from elites. c i only care about the prospective of those whom i care. d i wish to be well-accepted by every one. 27、 我希望得到的認同方式是:我希望得到的認同方式是: a 有無皆可。有無皆可。 b 精英的認同最重要。精英的認同最重要。 c 只要我認同的人或我在乎的人認同就可。只要我認同的人或我在乎的人認同就可。 d 盡量大眾都能認同。盡量大眾都能認同。 28、 when i was a kid, i: a didnt like tr

48、ying something new and i always stick to the things i am familiar with. b was the leader of other children, everyone listens to me. c was very shy in front of strangers and would intentionally avoid them. d naughty and cute, optimistic and warm-hearted. 28、 當我還是個孩子的時,我:當我還是個孩子的時,我: a 不太會積極嘗試新事物,通常比較

49、喜歡舊有的和熟悉的。不太會積極嘗試新事物,通常比較喜歡舊有的和熟悉的。 b 是孩子王,大家經(jīng)常聽我的決定。是孩子王,大家經(jīng)常聽我的決定。 c 害羞見生人,有意識地回避。害羞見生人,有意識地回避。 d 調(diào)皮可愛,在大部分的情況下是調(diào)皮而熱心的。調(diào)皮可愛,在大部分的情況下是調(diào)皮而熱心的。 29、 if i was a parent, i would be: a not willing to interfere my children, easy to be convinced. b strict and give instructions directly c picky and sticking

50、 to my opinion. d willing to play with the kids, loved by the kids and their friends. 29、 如果我是父母,我也許是:如果我是父母,我也許是: a 不愿干涉子女或容易被說動的。不愿干涉子女或容易被說動的。 b 嚴厲的或直接給予方向指點的。嚴厲的或直接給予方向指點的。 c 用行動代替語言來表示關愛或高要求的。用行動代替語言來表示關愛或高要求的。 d 愿意陪孩子一起玩,孩子的朋友們所喜歡和歡迎的。愿意陪孩子一起玩,孩子的朋友們所喜歡和歡迎的。 30、 which of the following statemen

51、t matches me the best? a the truth is always simple. still water runs deep. good manner is the best clothes. a contented mind is a perpetual feast b follow you own heart, regardless of what the others would say .life is full of tribulation, but it can be overcome. to be successful is the only meanin

52、g of life.to me, solving a problem feels as good as a vacation c you will never succeed without paying attention to minor things.rationality is the noble essence of a soul.less is more. not extravagant.cautiousness is more powerful than boldness d enjoy the life when you can. be honest to yourself.t

53、urn the fantasy into reality.its not the money that makes you happy, but the happiness about my achievement and the passion for creativity. 30、 以下有四組格言,哪組里符合我感覺的數(shù)目最多以下有四組格言,哪組里符合我感覺的數(shù)目最多? a 1 最深刻的真理是最簡單和最平凡的。最深刻的真理是最簡單和最平凡的。2 要在人世間取得成功必須大智若愚。要在人世間取得成功必須大智若愚。3 好脾氣好脾氣 是一個人在社交中所能穿著的最佳服飾。是一個人在社交中所能穿著的最佳

54、服飾。4 知足是人生在世最大的幸福。知足是人生在世最大的幸福。 b 1 走自己的路,讓人家去說吧。走自己的路,讓人家去說吧。 2 雖然世界充滿了苦難,但苦難總能被戰(zhàn)勝。雖然世界充滿了苦難,但苦難總能被戰(zhàn)勝。 3 有所成有所成 就是人生唯一真正的樂趣。就是人生唯一真正的樂趣。 4 對我而言解決一個問題和享受一個假期一樣好。對我而言解決一個問題和享受一個假期一樣好。 c 1 一個不注意小事情的人,永遠不會成就大事業(yè)。一個不注意小事情的人,永遠不會成就大事業(yè)。2 理性是靈魂中最高貴的因素。理性是靈魂中最高貴的因素。3 切切 忌浮夸,與其說得過分,不如說得不全。忌浮夸,與其說得過分,不如說得不全。4

55、謹慎比大膽要有力量得多。謹慎比大膽要有力量得多。 d 1 與其在死的時候握著一大筆錢,還不如活時活得豐富多彩。與其在死的時候握著一大筆錢,還不如活時活得豐富多彩。2 任何時候都要最真實地任何時候都要最真實地 對待你自己,這比什么都重要。對待你自己,這比什么都重要。 3 使生活變成幻想,再把幻想化為現(xiàn)實。使生活變成幻想,再把幻想化為現(xiàn)實。4 和喜歡的人在和喜歡的人在 一起做喜歡做的事就是最大的快樂。一起做喜歡做的事就是最大的快樂。 測試計算方法測試計算方法: : 前題合計數(shù)()()()()前題合計數(shù)()()()() 后題合計數(shù)()()()()后題合計數(shù)()()()() 把兩部分的數(shù)目匯總一起,就

56、是你的性格色彩把兩部分的數(shù)目匯總一起,就是你的性格色彩 紅色前后的總數(shù)()紅色前后的總數(shù)() 藍色前后的總數(shù)()藍色前后的總數(shù)() 黃色前后的總數(shù)()黃色前后的總數(shù)() 綠色前后的總數(shù)()綠色前后的總數(shù)() typical red people: outgoing + emotional red person is active, optimistic, nature charming. happiness is the strongest driving force for them. they are easy going and good at sociality. they are c

57、urious baby, not good at planning, emotional. red people are creative, quick-minded. but they sometimes are considered as subjective, rash and impulsive. typical blue people: introversion + rational blue person has worshipful quality and very supportive. to friends, they are loyal, sincere and like

58、to have deeper mental care and communication. they always keep calm and cool, they are perfectionist. blue people act slow, request accurate, they are suspicious, and like to make the record. blue people are considered as not easy going, censorious and serious. typical yellow: leader, outgoing + rat

59、ional yellow person is very direct, but also very strict. they are forward- looking and have leadership. ormally they have strong responsibility, decisoion-making and self-confident. yellow people are very direct and preciseness. yellow people are good at controlling people and surroundings. people

60、consider yellow ones: stubborn, lack of patience, tough and dominant. typical green: introversion + emotional yellow people are the ambassador of peace, their inner core is going for harmonious and peace. they are tolerant and transparent, normally are very friendly and flexible, the good listener.


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