1、punctuation 一、,and . 二、;and : 三、? and ! 四、“ ” and ( ) 五、 and 六、/ and Underlining and italics1.The Comma(,) (1) A comma is used to join coordinate clauses . It is put before the conjunction ( and, but, or, for, so, nor, or yet), and it have to be joined with a comma and a conjunction. e . g: Hurry up
2、 , or well be late . He is walking on the road , and the dog follows him . (2)A comma is used after an adverbial clause or phrase, including a prepositional and a participial phrase placed before the subject , or inserted in the middle of the sentence : When the class is over , we will run to the ca
3、nteen . Since the accident, he has lost his legs. PPT里面都是照抄課本上的句子,能否精簡(jiǎn)一點(diǎn),比如這個(gè)句子A comma is used to join coordinate clauses . It is put before the conjunction ( and, but, or, for, so, nor, or yet), and it have to be joined with a comma and a conjunction. e . g: Hurry up , or well be late . 能否精簡(jiǎn),例子是不是自
4、己舉的,不要照能否精簡(jiǎn),例子是不是自己舉的,不要照著書本上的例子,下面的一樣的修改著書本上的例子,下面的一樣的修改 判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)的練習(xí)很好判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)的練習(xí)很好 能否在第能否在第2章章PPT前面把今天要講解的所有前面把今天要講解的所有的標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)都羅列出來?的標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)都羅列出來? (3) Commas are used to separate a series of words or phrases with the same function in the sentence : Amy , Max , and Tom are going to the school. They are singing
5、, dancing , and jumping. (4)Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are set off by commas : Amy , who standing there, is our classmate. The mother ,after sending her kids to school, began to go to work. (5) Commas set off parenthetical elements: Many interesting places in Beijing , such as the Summer Pal
6、ace and the Temple of Heaven , attract thousands of visitors daily. (6)In dates , a comma is used to separate the day and the year if the order is month-day-year ; no comma need be used if the order is day-month-year: I was born on 11 March 1996. Macao was restored to China on December 20,1999. (7)
7、With numbers of 1,000 or over , commas or little blank spaces may be used separate digits by thousands . From right to left , a comma is placed after every three numerals: 1,500,000 55,000,000 663 800 301 963 2. The Period (.) (1) The period (full stop ) is used at the end of a declarative sentence
8、, a mildly imperative sentence , and an indirect question: She is a student. I asked the people where is the bus stop . (2) The period is used with most abbreviations : Mr. a. m p. m (3) Three spaced periods make the ellipsis mark , which indicates the omission of one or more words within a quoted p
9、assage. The Semicolon(;) The Semicolon(;) 分號(hào)分號(hào) (1)The semicolon is used (1)The semicolon is used between two coordinate between two coordinate clausesclauses which are which are not linked by a conjunction.not linked by a conjunction. eg:She got there very late eg:She got there very late; ;she felt
10、very sorry.she felt very sorry. His brother is rudeHis brother is rude; ;his sister is polite.his sister is polite.(2)Conjunctive adverbs like therefore, (2)Conjunctive adverbs like therefore, however, however, nonetheless, hence, otherwise, besides, nonetheless, hence, otherwise, besides, moreover,
11、moreover,etc.,should not be used as etc.,should not be used as conjunctions to link two coordinate clauses.conjunctions to link two coordinate clauses. eg: I realize I need exercise;however, Ill lie down first to think about it. He didnt go to the meeting;therefore,he doesnt know what new decisions
12、were made. 下列各詞和短語如用于連接復(fù)合句時(shí),常與分號(hào)連用: then;however;thus ;furthermore;also in addition;in fact;on the other hand;likewise;moreover (3)The semicolon is used with (3)The semicolon is used with conjunctionsconjunctions when the clauses contain when the clauses contain internal ernal punctua
13、tion. eg:He wrote a few good books when he was eg:He wrote a few good books when he was young and pooryoung and poor;but ;but after he became after he became famous and rich, he wrote nothing worth famous and rich, he wrote nothing worth reading.reading.(4)The semicolon is used to (4)The semicolon i
14、s used to separate a separate a series of items with internal commas. series of items with internal commas. eg:The employees were Tom Hankseg:The employees were Tom Hanks, , the man the managerager; Jim WhiteJim White, , the enginer the enginer; and Dr. Jaand Dr. Jack Lee. ck Lee. (5)A semicolon may
15、 be used tojoinclauseswithwordsomitted,andtheomissionissometimesindicatedbyacomma. eg:In this prestigious university there are many famous professors;in that smaller university,a few;in our college, none. 判斷對(duì)錯(cuò) 1.Theessayispoorlyorganized,thereisnocentralidea. 2.Imtootired;Icantstayawakeanylonger. 3.
16、Asavehiclewashard-working,commonplace,andheroic;anditoftenseemedtotransmitthosequalitiestothepersonwhorodeinit.The Colon(:) The Colon(:) 冒號(hào)冒號(hào)(1)The colon is used to (1)The colon is used to introduce a quotation introduce a quotation or a statement.or a statement. eg:The professor saideg:The professo
17、r said: : “It was horrible.” “It was horrible.”(2)The colon is used to (2)The colon is used to introduce an introduce an explanation,a summary, or an appositive. explanation,a summary, or an appositive. eg:This is her plan: go shopping. eg:This is her plan: go shopping. (3)The colon is used between
18、thehourandtheminute to show the time,to record the scores of games,to end the salutation of a business letter and the introductory remark of a speaker to the chairman and audience. eg:There are three flights to Tokyo today:at 11:35,16:20and20:50 China beat Japan 3:2 in the championships. Dear Mr. Le
19、e:(美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之美國英語中,信件或演說詞的稱呼語之后用冒號(hào),而在英國英語中多用逗號(hào)。后用冒號(hào),而在英國英語中多用逗號(hào)。) The Question Mark(?) 1.The question mark is used after a direct question . e.j:What is your name? An indirect question is punctuated in the same way as a declarative sentence. e.j:He asked me what my name was. I asked my sister
20、 if she had a date. 2.The question mark is used after a statement turn into a question(said in a rising tone) 一句陳述句加問號(hào)之后可以變?yōu)橐痪鋯柧洌ㄓ蒙仙恼Z調(diào)說) e.j:You love it. You love it? A question mark between parentheses indicates the writers uncertainty about the correctness of the preceding eord,figure or date. 一個(gè)
21、問號(hào)放在括號(hào)中表示作者對(duì)前一個(gè)詞語,數(shù)字或日期的正確性表示不確定 e.j:Lao Zi lived in the 571(?) B. C. Exercise 1.He was born in 1923(-) and died in 1979. A. (.) B.(,) C.(?) D.(/) 2.Will you please give me a call tomorrow(-) A.(.) B.(?) In polite language, but also by periods rather than a question mark.The Exclmation Mark(!) The e
22、xclamation mark is used after an exclamatory sentence,or an emphatic interjection,or a phrase expressing strong emotion. 感嘆標(biāo)記用于感嘆句后,或一個(gè)有力的感嘆詞,或一個(gè)短語后,用來表達(dá)強(qiáng)烈的情感。 e.j:What great work he has done! How beautiful the poem is! Quick! Oh dear! No more! The exclamation mark indicates strong emphasis and ther
23、efore should be used sparingly.It is better to use more moderate comma to represent a period of exclamation. 感嘆標(biāo)記表示強(qiáng)烈的重點(diǎn),因此應(yīng)謹(jǐn)慎使用。最好能夠使用較為溫和的逗號(hào)來表示一段時(shí)期的感嘆。 e.j:Have a nice weekend,his friend said when she was leaving. Sometimes the exclamation mark is used after a slogan. 有時(shí),感嘆號(hào)用在一個(gè)口號(hào)后面。 e.j:just do i
24、t! Exercise 1.What happy summer holidays we are having(-)he said. A.(.) B.(!) C.(,) D.() 2.Help(-)Help(-)shouted the boy struggling in the river. A.(.),(.) B.(,),(!) C.(!),(,) D.(!),(!)Exercise3.That was clever(-)A.(.) B(!) C.(,) D.(。) You can use it to mark a word as ironic(反諷(反諷的)的) or sarcastic(挖
25、苦的)(挖苦的).4. Ill never get it right(-)A.(.) B.(!) C.(!) D.(?)Dont overuse the exclamation mark and dont include a series of exclamation marks. 不要過度使用 7 7.Quotation Marks.Quotation Marks(.)(1)(1)Double Double quotation marks are used to quotation marks are used to enclose enclose direct quotations in
26、dialogue or from books or direct quotations in dialogue or from books or articles.articles.ue.g.Mr.Joohnson,who was working in his field that morning,said,The alien spaceship appeared right before my own two eyes.u(2)(2)Single Single quotation marks are used to quotation marks are used to enclose a
27、enclose a quotation within a quotationquotation within a quotation. .a.e.g.We all remember what Martin Luther King said:I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal.(3)Indirect q
28、uotations are(3)Indirect quotations are not enclosed by not enclosed by quotation marks.quotation marks.e.g.She said she liked Byrons poems.(4)(4)Use quotation marks for:Use quotation marks for: titles of articles,essays,short stories,short titles of articles,essays,short stories,short poems,songs,p
29、oems,songs,etc.etc.e.g.Have you heard the song Loser, by Bigbang? headings of chapters or subdivisions of booksheadings of chapters or subdivisions of bookse.g.Have you read The Old Man and the Sea? Titles of books,newspapers and magazines Titles of books,newspapers and magazines are generally under
30、lined or italicized.are generally underlined or italicized. e.g.She enjoys reading Shakespeares plays and has read Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet,and King LearHamlet,Romeo and Juliet,and King Lear. Do not use quotation marks for referring to Do not use quotation marks for referring to the Bible or other sa
31、cred texts or legal the Bible or other sacred texts or legal documents.documents. (5)Words with special meaning are sometimes (5)Words with special meaning are sometimes put between quotation marks.put between quotation marks. e.g.I have a hard time spelling miscellaneous.(6)Other punctuation used w
32、ith (6)Other punctuation used with quotation marks quotation marks should follow three rules:should follow three rules:The comma and the period may be placed The comma and the period may be placed either inside or outside the quotation marks.either inside or outside the quotation marks.e.g.“Youve do
33、ne very well so far,” said Joy, “but I remember that someone said, Who laughs last, who laughs best.”The colon and the semicolon are placed The colon and the semicolon are placed outside the quotation marks.outside the quotation marks.e.g.My mothers favorite quote was from Shakespeare:“This above al
34、l, to thine own self be true.”The dash,the question mark,and the The dash,the question mark,and the exclamation mark are placed within the quotation exclamation mark are placed within the quotation marks when they are connected with the quoted marks when they are connected with the quoted words,and
35、they are placed outside when they are words,and they are placed outside when they are connected with the whole sentence.connected with the whole sentence.e.g.Do you agree with the saying,“A living dog is better than a dead lion”? The teacher asked, Could you understand me?ExerciseExercise:1、I believ
36、e,Jack remarked,that the best time of year to visit Europe is in the spring.At least thats what I read in a book entitled Guide to Europe.1、I believe,Jack remarked,that the best time of year to visit Europe is in the spring.At least thats what I read in a book entitled Guide to Europe.2、She asked,Is
37、 Time a magazine you read regularly?2、She asked,Is Time a magazine you read regularly?3、When did Roosevelt say,We have nothing to fear but fear itself? When did Roosevelt say,We have nothing to fear but fear itself?4、A Perfect Day for Bananafish is,I believe,J.D.Salingers best short story. A Perfect
38、 Day for Bananafish is,I believe,J.D.Salingers best short story.8、Parentheses/Brackets( (.) )(1)Parentheses are used to (1)Parentheses are used to set off set off parenthetical,supp;ementary,or illustrative words. parenthetical,supp;ementary,or illustrative words. e.g.EmilyDickenson (1830-1886) wasa
39、greatpoetinAmericanliterature.(2)Parentheses enclose figures or letters used for (2)Parentheses enclose figures or letters used for enumeration.enumeration.e.g.This article includes two parts (1) the introduction, (2)the conclusion. Exercise:Exercise:1、A PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization deleg
40、ation is to visei China next month.2、He is teaching two courses Oral and Grammar this semester. Answer:1、A PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) delegation is to visei China next month.2、He is teaching two courses (Oral and Grammar) this semester.Squares brackets:(n.) 方括號(hào).Usage:1.Square brackets
41、 are used to indicate corrections or explanations in quoted matter made by the writer who is quoting. Eg:She was born in 1978.actually 1979 她生于1978年。【實(shí)際上是1979年】2.Square brackets are used instead of parentheses within parentheses.Eg: (This is the colorred that she wants.) (這就是他想要的顏色【紅色】)Differences:I
42、n Chinese:方括號(hào)“”,又可稱正方括號(hào)。用來標(biāo)示行文中的補(bǔ)缺或訂誤、國際音標(biāo)、參考文獻(xiàn)等。The dash The dash (n.) 破折號(hào)()Usage:1.The dash indicates a break in thought or a change in tone , or a speakers confusion or hesitation.Eg:Only one thing is now wantinga refrigerator. 現(xiàn)在僅缺少一件東西冰箱。 Would Mr. T consider taking responsibility? T先生打算對(duì)此事負(fù)責(zé)嗎?
43、2.The dash indicates an unfinished or Interrupted statement.Eg:In a word , the spirit of the whole country may be described as self-relianceand arduous struggle.總而言之,整個(gè)國家的精神可以說是自力更生,艱苦奮斗。3.A pair of dashes set off a parenthetical element.Eg:The continent of Asia has the worlds highest mountainsthe H
44、imalayas, the earth on the highest mountain Mt. Everest. 亞洲大陸有世界上最高的山系喜瑪拉雅山,有目前地球上最高的山峰珠穆朗瑪峰。 Then the proposalsboth Xiao Yangs and minewere adopted后來兩個(gè)建議小楊的和我的都被采納了。4.The dash is sometimes used to introduce a summarizing clause after a series of nouns.Eg:New houses , larger schools , more sheep , m
45、ore pigs and chickens , morehorse and donkeyseverywhere we saw signs of the communes prosperity 新房子,擴(kuò)建的學(xué)校,更多的豬、羊、雞、馬和驢,到處(是)我們可以看到公社的繁榮景象。5.The dash is sometimes used just like quotation marks in a dialogue.Eg:When was Shakespeare born and when did he die? He was born in 1564 and died in 1616.6.The
46、dash may be used to introduce subheadings and authors after quotations.Eg:Language and Philosophy - a comparative study of the contemporary Anglo American and German law philosophy語言與哲學(xué) 當(dāng)代英美與德法哲學(xué)傳統(tǒng)比較研究 The sunrise River flowers red wins the fire, the spring to the river green as blue. - Bai Juyi日出江花
47、紅勝火,春來江水綠如藍(lán)。 白居易Differences:中文里的破折號(hào):1.用來引出行文中解釋說明的語句。 2.表示總結(jié)上文。3.表示猶豫不定或遲疑。4.表示意思轉(zhuǎn)折。5.把解釋性話語放在兩個(gè)破折號(hào)之間,第二個(gè)破折號(hào)后面可以用逗號(hào)表示句中停頓。Exercises:1.Theheadoftheschoolwhichis,I havetherighttosuspendanystudent whobreaktherules.答案:“” The slash /1.The slash indicates alternatives, representing 1.The slash indicates a
48、lternatives, representing the words the words oror or or and/oand/or.r. eg.May be you can to the school by bus/on foot.2.The slash used to separate lines in short 2.The slash used to separate lines in short quotations of poetry being quoted in running text.quotations of poetry being quoted in running text. eg.She wrinkled her brows in concentration,and wrote the poem: Live and let live/For man is man and master of his fate. 3.When fractions are written in a sentence, a slash is used to separate the numerator from the denominator. eg.There are 3/1 college students facing th
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