1、廈門韋博博英語培培訓分享享老友記記對白:1200 風流流牙醫(yī)1120 Thee Onne WWithh thhe EEvill Orrthoodonntisst廈門韋博博英語( HYPERLINK / wwww.xmmwebbi.ccom)分享的的提供一一點老友友記英語語對白資料料120 風流牙牙醫(yī)1220 TThe Onee Wiith thee Evvil OrtthoddonttisttSceene: Moonicca aand Racchells, evveryyonee iss thheree.Channdleer: I cannt bellievve yyou wouuld act
2、tuallly sayy thhat. I wouuld mucch rrathher be Mr.Peaanutt thhan Mr.Sallty.Joeyy: NNo wway! Mrr.Saaltyy iss a saiilorr, aall rigght, hees gott too bee, llikee, tthettougghesst ssnacck ttherre iis.Rosss: II doontt knnow, yoou ddont wwannna mmesss wiith corrn nnutss. TTheyyree crraaaazy.Moniica: (lloo
3、kkingg ouut oof tthe winndoww) OOh mmy GGod. Yoou gguyss! YYou gottta comme ssee thiis! Theeres ssomee crreepp ouut ttherre wwithh a tellesccopee!Rosss: II caantt beelieeve it! Hees loookinng rrighht aat uus!Rachhel: Ohh, tthatt iss soo siick.Channdleer: I feeel vviollateed. Andd noot iin aa goood w
4、ayy.Phoeebe: Hoow ccan peooplee doo thhat?. (AAll butt Phhoebbe wwalkk awway froom tthe winndoww inn diisguust.) OOh, youu guuys, loook! Uggly Nakked Guyy goot ggravvityy boootss!Openningg CrrediitsSceene: Ceentrral Perrk, eveeryoone butt Raacheel iis ttherre.Channdleer: I am telllinng yyou, yeearss
5、 frrom noww, sschooolcchilldreen wwilll sttudyy itt ass onne oof tthe greeateest firrst dattes of alll tiime. Itt waas uunbeelieevabble! Wee coouldd tootallly be ourrsellvess, wwe ddidnnt havve tto pplayy anny ggamees.Moniica: Soo haave youu caalleed hher yett?Channdleer: Leet hher knoow II liike he
6、rr? WWhatt arre yyou, innsanne? (Thhe ggirlls mmakee diisguusteed nnoisses.) IItss thhe nnextt daay! Howw neeedyy doo I wannt tto sseemm? (To thee guuys) Im rrighht, rigght?Joeyy annd RRosss: OOh, yeaah. Yeaah. Lett heer ddanggle.Moniica: I cannt bellievve mmy ppareentss arre aactuuallly ppresssurri
7、ngg mee too fiind onee off yoou ppeopple.Phoeebe: Ohh, GGod, juust do it! (GGrabbbinng tthe phoone.) CCalll heer! Stoop bbeinng sso ttesttostterooneyy!Channdleer: Whhichh, bby tthe wayy, iis tthe reaal SSan Fraanciiscoo trreatt. (Callls herr, tthenn huurriiedlly hhanggs uup.) I gott heer mmachhinee.
8、Joeyy: HHer ansswerr maachiine?Channdleer: Noo, iinteeresstinnglyy ennouggh hher leaaf bblowwer picckedd upp.Phoeebe: Soo, uuh, whyy diidnt yyou sayy annythhingg?Channdleer: Ohh, nno-nno-nno-nno. Lasst ttimee I lefft aa spponttaneeouss meessaage I eendeed uup uusinng tthe phrrasee YYes inddeeddy-oo.
9、Moniica: Loook loook! Its RRachhel andd Baarryy. NNo, donnt eveerybbodyy loook at oncce!Rosss: OOkayy, ookayy, wwhatts goiing on?Phoeebe: Okkay, thheyre jusst ttalkkingg.Rosss: YYeahh, wwelll, ddoess hee loook upsset? Dooes he loook llikee hee waas jjustt toold to shoove anyythiing?Phoeebe: Noo, nno
10、 aactuuallly, hes ssmillingg. andd. Ohh myy Good, donnt do thaat!Rosss: WWhatt? WWhatt? WWhatt?!Phoeebe: Thhat mann accrosss tthe strreett juust kicckedd thhat piggeonn! (Racchell ennterrs.) Ohh!Channdleer: (bblufffinng) Andd baasiccallly, thaatss hoow aa biill beccomees aa laaw.All: Ohh!. RRighht!C
11、hanndleer: Heey RRachh!Moniica: Hoowdd itt goo?Rachhel: Yknoow, it wass, uuh. itt waas aactuuallly rreallly greeat. Hee toook me to lunnch at thee Ruussiian Teaa Rooom, annd II haad tthatt chhickken, whheree yknoow yyou pokke iit aand alll thhe bbuttter squuirtts oout.Phoeebe: Noot aa goood dayy foo
12、r bbirdds.Rachhel: Thhen we toook aa waalk dowwn tto BBenddallls, annd II toold himm noot tto, butt hee goot mme aa liittlle bbotttle of Chaanell.Rosss: TThatts nicce. nnow, waas tthatt beeforre oor aafteer yyou tolld hhim to stoop ccalllingg, sstopp seendiing youu flloweers andd too geenerrallly ll
13、eavve yyou aloone, hmmm?Rachhel: Riightt,. weell,. we nevver acttuallly gott too thhat. Oh, itt waas jjustt soo niice to seee hiim aagaiin, ykknoww? IIt wwas commforrtabble, itt waas ffamiiliaar. iit wwas jusst nnicee!Rosss: TThatts, thhats nnicee twwicee!Moniica: Raacheel, whaatss gooingg onn? II m
14、eean isnnt thiis tthe samme BBarrry wwho youu leeft at thee alltarr?Joeyy: DDuh, whhereevee yoou bbeenn?Rachhel: Yeeah, buut iit wwas diffferrentt wiith himm toodayy! AAnd he wassntt, llikee, OOrthhodoontiist Guyy, yyknnow? I meaan, we hadd fuun! Is theere anyythiing wroong witth tthatt?(Rosss proom
15、ptts Chaandller by hitttinng hhim on thee arrm.)Channdleer: Yess!Rachhel: Whhy?Channdleer: I havve mmy rreassonss.Moniica: Okkay, hoow aabouut tthe facct tthatt hees enggageed tto aanottherr woomann, wwho jusst hhapppenss too bee yoour ex-besst ffrieend?Rachhel: Alll rrighht. Alll riightt, aall rigg
16、ht, alll rrighht, alll riightt, II knnow its sstuppid! I willl ggo ssee himm thhis aftternnoonn, aand I wwilll juust putt ann ennd tto iit!Sceene: Baarryys Offficee, tthe posst-ccoittal Barrry andd Raacheel aare reccoveerinng oon tthe chaair.Rachhel: Woow. WWow!Barrry: Yeaah.Rachhel: Im nnot craazy,
17、 riightt? II meean, itt waas nneveer llikee thhat.Barrry: Noooo, it wassntt.Rachhel: Oooh, andd itts so nicce hhaviing thiis llitttle sinnk hheree.Sceene: Moonicca aand Racchells, evveryyonee iss thheree exxceppt RRachhel.Channdleer: (oon pphonne, reaadinng ffromm a scrriptt) OOh, Danniellle! I wass
18、ntt exxpecctinng tthe macchinne. GGivee mee a calll wwhenn yoou gget a cchannce. (RRatttless soome disshess) BBye-byee. (Hanngs up.) OOh GGod!Moniica:Thaatss whhat youuvee beeen worrkinng oon ffor thee paast twoo hoourss?!Channdleer: Heey, Ivve bbeenn hooninng!Rosss: WWhatt waas wwithh thhe ddishhes
19、?Channdleer: Ohh, uuh. I wannt hher to thiink I mmighht bbe iin aa reestaauraant. yyknnow? I migght havve ssomee kiind of liffe, likke II haavennt beeen ssitttingg arrounnd hheree hooninng ffor thee paast feww hoourss.Moniica: (llookkingg ouut tthe winndoww) LLookk loook! Hees doiing it agaain, thhe
20、 gguy witth tthe tellesccopee!Phoeebe: Ohh myy Good! (Waalkss too thhe wwinddow) Goo awway! (GGestturiing.) SStopp loookiing in herre!Moniica: Grreatt, nnow hes wwaviing bacck.Joeyy: MMan, wee goottaa doo soometthinng aabouut tthatt guuy. Thiis mmornningg, II caaughht hhim loookinng iintoo ouur aapa
21、rrtmeent. Itt crreepps mme oout! I feeel llikee I cannt do stuuff!Moniica: Whhat kinnda stuuff?Joeyy: WWilll yoou ggroww upp? IIm nott taalkiing aboout sexxy sstufff, butt, llikee, wwhenn Im ccookkingg naakedd.Phoeebe: Yoou ccookk naakedd?Joeyy: YYeahh, ttoasst, oattmeaal. nnothhingg thhat spaatteer
22、s.(A ppausse aas ttheyy loook at Chaandller.)Channdleer: Whhat aree yoou llookkingg att mee foor? I ddidnnt knoow tthatt.Sceene: Baarryys Offficee, RRachhel andd Baarryy arre ggetttingg maarriied.Barrry: Whaatss thhe mmattter?Rachhel: Ohh, iitss juust. Oh, Baarryy, tthiss waas nnot goood.Barrry: No,
23、 itt waas. It wass veery verry ggoodd.Rachhel: Weell, whhat aboout Minndy?Barrry: Oh, waay, wayy beetteer tthann Miindyy.Rachhel: Noo, nnot thaat, I mmeann, wwhatt abboutt yoou aand Minndy?Barrry: Welll, if youu waant, Ill jusstIIlll juust breeak it offf wiith herr.Rachhel: Noo. NNo-nno-nno-nno, no.
24、 I meaan, donnt do thaat. Nott, II meean nott foor mme. Bernnicee: (oveer iinteercoom) Dr. Faarbeer, Bobbby Russh iis hheree foor hhis adjjusttmennt.Barrry: (innto intterccom) Thhankks, Berrnicce. (Too Raacheel) Letts go awaay tthiss weeekeend.Rachhel: Ohh, BBarrry.! CComee onn, tthiss iss alll wway
25、 tooo.Barrry: We cann, wwe ccan go to Aruuba! Whhen I wwentt thheree onn whhat wouuld havve bbeenn ouur hhoneeymooon, itt waas, uh. it wass reeallly nnicee. YYou wouuldve likked it.(Pauuse as Racchell reealiisess.)Rachhel: I hadd a braa.(Barrry finnds it draapedd onn a cuppboaard andd giivess itt to
26、o Raacheel, theey kkisss ass Boobbyy ennterrs.)Bobbby: Heyy, DDr. Farrberr.(Racchell annd BBarrry qquiccklyy spplitt annd pprettendd Baarryy iss exxamiininng RRachhels mmoutth.)Barrry: Alll riightt Miiss Greeen, evveryythiing loooks finne. YYep, I thiink were staartiing to seee soome reaal pproggres
27、ss hheree.(Bobbby loooks on, deeadppan.)Rachhel: Whhat?!Bobbby: Imm twwelvve, Imm noot sstuppid.(Racchell gllarees aat hhim.)Sceene: Moonicca aand Racchells, Chhanddlerr ennterrs ccluttchiing hiss phhonee.Channdleer: Caan II usse yyourr phhonee?Moniica: Yeeah. uuh, butt foor ffutuure reffereencee, t
28、thatt thhingg inn yoour hannd ccan alsso bbe uusedd ass a phoone.(Chaandller diaals hiss owwn pphonne aand it rinngs.)Channdleer: Yees, its wworkkingg! WWhy isnnt shee caalliing me bacck?Joeyy: MMaybbe sshe nevver gott yoour messsagge.Phoeebe: Yknoow, if youu waant, yoou ccan calll hher macchinne, a
29、ndd iff shhe hhas a llot of beeeps, thhat meaans shee prrobaablyy diidnt gget herr meessaagess yeet.Channdleer: Ydonnt thiink thaat mmakees mme sseemm a litttlee.Rosss: .ddespperaate, neeedyy, ppathhetiic?Channdleer: Ahh, yyou obvviouuslyy saaw mmy pperssonaal aad.(He callls andd quuickkly hanngs up
30、.)Phoeebe: Hoow mmanyy beeepss?Channdleer: Shhe aanswwereed.Moniica: Yseee, tthiss iss whheree yooudd usse tthatt hhelllo worrd wwe ttalkked aboout.Channdleer: Im nnot gonnna tallk tto hher, shhe oobviioussly gott myy meessaage andd iss chhoossingg noot tto ccalll mee. NNow Imm neeedyy annd ssnubbbe
31、dd. GGod, I misss jjustt beeingg neeedyy.(Racchell ennterrs.)All: Heey! Hi!Phoeebe: Hoowdd hee taake it?Rachhel: Prrettty wwelll, aactuuallly. (Wannderringg innto thee kiitchhen.)Moniica: (wwandderiing in aftter herr) UUh, Racch. hhow comme yyou havve ddenttal flooss in youur hhairr?Rachhel: Ohh, dd
32、o II?Moniica: Uhh huuh.Rachhel: (iin aa loow vvoicce) We endded up havvingg seex iin hhis chaair.Moniica: Yoou hhad sexx inn hiis cchaiir?!. I saiid tthatt a litttlee tooo llouddly, diidnt II?Rosss: YYou-youu haad wwhatt?Phoeebe: Seex iin hhis chaair.Rosss: WWhatt, uuh. wwhatt weere youu thhinkkingg
33、?Rachhel: I donnt knoow! I mmeann, wwe sstilll ccaree abboutt eaach othher. Thherees a hhisttoryy thheree. Sllikee yoou aand Carrol.Rosss: NNo! No no, itt iss noothiing likke mme aand Carrol!Rachhel: Plleasse. If shee saaid to youu, Rosss, I wwantt yoou oon tthiss coouchh, rrighht hheree, rrighht nn
34、ow, wwhatt woouldd yoou ssay? (Rosss fflouundeers.)Channdleer: Iff itt heelpss, II coouldd sllidee ovver.Rosss: IItss, iitss, iitss, uuh, a ttotaallyy diiferrentt siituaatioon! Its, its aapplles andd orrangges, itts, itts ortthoddonttistts aand lessbi- I gottta go.Phoeebe: Whheree arre yyou goiing?R
35、osss: (leaavinng) I jjustt haave to go, alll rrighht? Do I nneedd a reaasonn? HHuh? I meaan II haave thiingss too doo wiith my liffe, I hhavee a jamm paackeed sscheedulle, andd I am latte- forr keeepiing up witth iit. Okaay?(Rosss eexitts, a pphonne rringgs, andd Chhanddlerr diivess foor hhis phoone
36、.)Channdleer: Heelloo? HHelllo?(Racchell piickss upp thheirr phhonee annd tthe rinnginng sstopps. Ass shhe ttalkks oon tthe phoone, ann ellabooratte vvisuual gagg iss sppun outt whhichh iss tooo ddiffficuult to desscriibe in worrds.)Rachhel: (oon pphonne) Helllo?(Liisteens) Miindyy! HHi! Heyy, hhow
37、aree yoou? (Liisteens) Yees, yess, IIvee heeardd, cconggrattulaatioons, thhat is so greeat. (LListtenss) RReallly? (LListtenss) OOh. (Liisteens) Okkay. Okkay, weell Imm woorkiing tommorrrow, buut iif yyou wannt yyou cann, yyou cann, yyou cann coome by andd. (LListtenss) OOkayy. (LListtenss) GGreaat.
38、 (Lisstenns) Greeat. (Liisteens) Alll rrighht, so Illl, so Illl ssee youu toomorrroww! (Lisstenns) Okaay. (LListtenss) OOkayy. (LListtenss) BBye. (HHanggs uup aand sitts ddownn heeaviily.) OOh GGod. Ohh Good. Oh Godd.Channdleer: Soo hoowss Miindyy?Rachhel: Ohh, sshe wannts to seee mee toomorrroww.Oh
39、, shhe ssounndedd reeallly wweirrd, I ggottta ccalll Baarryy. (DDoess soo, oon pphonne) Hi, itts me, I jusst. Miindyy! Minndy! Hii! NNo, I ffiguuredd thhats wwherre yyoud bbe!Commmercciall BrreakkSceene: Moonicca aand Racchells, thhe nnextt moorniing. CChanndleer iis ssitttingg annd sstarringg att h
40、iis pphonne. Moonicca eenteers andd crreepps uup nnextt too Chhanddlerr.Moniica: Brrrrrrrrrr!(Chaandller cluutchhes at hiss phhonee beeforre rreallisiing.)Channdleer: Heell is fillledd wiith peooplee liike youu.Joeyy: (entteriing) Hees bacck! Thee peeepeerss baack!(Racchell ennterrs ffromm heer rroo
41、mm.)Joeyy: (ducckinng) Gett doown!Rachhel: Geet ddownn?Channdleer: .Annd bbooggie!Rachhel: Thhankks, butt I gottta go to worrk aand gett myy eyyes scrratcchedd ouut bby MMinddy.Moniica: Reelaxx. YYknnow, shhe mmay nott evven knoow.Rachhel: Plleasse. I hhaveentt heeardd frrom herr inn seevenn moonthh
42、s, andd noow sshe callls me? I meaan, whaat eelsee iss itt abboutt? OOh! Shee waas mmy bbestt frriennd, youu guuys! Wee weent to cammp ttogeetheer. sshe tauughtt mee hoow tto kkisss.Joeyy: (inttrigguedd) YYeahh?Rachhel: Annd nnow, yknoow, Imm liike. Imm liike thee ottherr woomann! II feeel so.Joeyy:
43、 .Naaughhty!Rachhel: Riightt, IIlll seee yyou guyys llateer.Joeyy: OOh, holld uup, Illl wwalkk ouut wwithh yoou. Noww, RRachh, wwhenn shhe ttaugght youu too kiiss, yoou wweree att caamp, annd. weere youu weeariing anyy kiindaa liittlle uunifformm, oor- (Raacheel eexitts aand slaams thee dooor in his
44、s faace.) TThatts finne, yeaah.(Joeey eexitts.)Channdleer: Okkay, Im ggonnna ggo tto tthe batthrooom. Wiill youu waatchh myy phhonee?Moniica: Whhy ddont yyou jusst ttakee itt wiith youu?Channdleer: Heey, we havvent bbeenn onn a seccondd daate, shhe nneedds tto hhearr mee peee?Moniica: Whhy ddont yyo
45、u jusst ccalll heer?Channdleer: I cannt calll hher, I lefft aa meessaage! I havve ssomee prridee.Moniica: Doo yoou?Channdleer: Noo! (Callls) Daanieellee, hhi! Its, uh, itts Chaandller! (LListtenss) IIm finne. Uh, liisteen, I ddont kknoww iff yoou ttrieed tto ccalll mee, bbecaausee, uuh, idiiot thaat
46、 II amm, II accciddenttallly sshutt offf mmy pphonne. (Liisteens) Ohh, uuh, okaay, thaatss fiine, thhats ggreaat. (Liisteens) Okkay. (PPutss doown thee phhonee.) (too Moonicca) Shees on thee ottherr liine, shhess goonnaa caall me bacck. (Hee sttartts ddoinng aa liittlle jjig.) SShes oon tthe othher
47、linne, shees gonnna calll mme bbackk, sshes oon tthe othher linne, gonnna calll mme bbackk.Moniica: Doontt yoou hhavee too peee?Channdleer: SSwhhy IIm danncinng.Sceene: Ceentrral Perrk, Racchell iss seerviing cofffeee ass Miindyy ennterrs.Rachhel: Miindyy.Minddy: Heyy, yyou.Rachhel: Heey, youu. SSo,
48、 whaatss upp?Minddy: Um. wwe sshouuld reaallyy bee siittiing forr thhis.Rachhel: Suure we shoouldd. Soo.Minddy: Noww, II knnow thiingssvee beeen weiird lattelyy, bbut youuree liike my olddestt frriennd iin tthe worrld. Excceptt foor mmaybbe LLaurrie Schhafffer, whho II doontt taalk to anyywheere, cc
49、ausse sshes aall bittterr noow tthatt shhe llostt thhe wweigght andd itt tuurnss ouut sshe doeesnt hhavee a preettyy faace. .OOkayy, IIm jusst ggonnna aask youu thhis oncce, andd I wannt aa sttraiightt annsweer.Rachhel: Okkay.Minddy: Willl yyou be my maiid oof hhonoour?Rachhel: Off cooursse!Minddy:
50、Oh thaatss soo grreatt!Rachhel: Waas tthatt alll yyou wanntedd too assk mme?Minddy: Thaatss alll!Rachhel: Ohhhhhh! (Miindyy sttartts tto ssob.) .WWhatt? WWhatt?Minddy: Thaatss noot aall.Rachhel: Ohh suure it is!Minddy: Oh no, itt issntt! NNo! I tthinnk BBarrry iis sseeiing sommeonne iin tthe citty.R
51、achhel: Umm, wwhatt- wwhatt woouldd maake youu thhinkk thhat?Minddy: Welll, eveer ssincce wwe aannoouncced thee enngaggemeent, hees beeen aactiing reaallyy weeirdd, aand theen llastt niightt, hhe ccamee hoome smeelliing likke CChannel.Rachhel: (ddrawws bbackk) RReallly. Miindyy, iif iitlll mmakee yo
52、ou ffeell anny bbettter, whhen I wwas enggageed tto hhim he wennt tthrooughh a whoole weiird thiing tooo.Minddy: Oh Godd! YYou seee, tthatts whaat II waas aafraaid of!Rachhel: Whhat? Whhats wwhatt yoou wweree affraiid oof?Minddy: Okaay, okaay. wwhenn Baarryy waas eengaagedd too yoou, he andd I.kkind
53、d off. haad aa liittlle tthinng oon tthe sidde.Rachhel: Whhat?Minddy: I kknoww. II knnow, annd wwhenn hee prropoosedd too mee, eeverryonne ssaidd DDont ddo iit, hes jjustt goonnaa doo too yoou wwhatt hee diid tto RRachhel, aand noww I feeel sso sstuppid.Rachhel: Uhh. Ohh, MMinddy, youu arre sso sstu
54、ppid. Ohh, wwe aare botth sso sstuppid.Minddy: Whaat ddo yyou meaan?Rachhel: (ooffeers herr arrm tto MMinddy aand shee snnifffs) Smeell fammiliiar?Minddy: Oh no.Rachhel: Ohh, II amm soo soorryy.Minddy: No me, I am so sorrry.(Theey hhug andd Jooey entterss.)Joeyy: (wattchees tthemm foor aa whhilee) O
55、Oh mmy.Sceene: Moonicca aand Racchells, Phhoebbe aand Rosss aare doiing a ccrossswoord, Moonicca iis ccookkingg, aand Chaandller is stiill staarinng aat hhis phoone.Rosss: FFourr leetteers: CCirccle or hooop.Channdleer: Riing dammmitt, rringg!Rosss: TThannks.Joeyy: (entteriing) Heey, youu knnow ourr
56、 phhonees nott woorkiing?Channdleer: Whaat?!Joeyy: II trriedd too caall youu frrom thee cooffeee sshopp, aand theere wass noo annsweer.Channdleer: (iinveestiigattingg) II tuurneed iit ooff. Mootheer oof GGod, I turrnedd itt offf!Moniica: Juust likke yyou tolld hher youu diid! (Chhanddlerr gllarees a
57、at hher.) . Jusst ppoinntinng oout thee irronyy.Joeyy: HHey, soo liisteen, I wwentt accrosss tthe strreett annd ttalkked to thee dooormman- I gott thhe ppeeppers nnamee! CCan I uuse thee phhonee?Channdleer: Nnngghhhh!Joeyy: (to Monnicaa) CCan I uuse youur pphonne? (Onn phhonee) YYeahh, tthe nummberr
58、 foor aa Siidneey MMarkks, pleeasee.Rosss: Heaatinng ddeviice.Phoeebe: Raadiaatorr.Rosss: FFivee leetteers.Phoeebe: Rddtorr.Joeyy: (on phoone) Yeeah, iss Siidneey ttherre? (Liisteens) Ohh, tthiss iss? (To thee gaang) Siidneeyss a womman.Moniica: Soo shhess a womman! Soo whhat?Joeyy: YYeahh. YYeahh,
59、sso wwhatt? (On phoone) Loook, I livve aacrooss thee sttreeet, (waalkiing to thee wiindoow) andd I knoow aall aboout youu annd yyourr liittlle tteleescoope, annd II doontt apppreeciaate it, okkay? (LListtenss) YYeahh, II caan ssee youu riightt noow! (Liisteens) Heelloo! (Lisstenns) If I wwannna wwal
60、kk arrounnd mmy aaparrtmeent in my undderwwearr, II shhoulldnt hhavee too feeel likke(Lisstenns)Thaank youu, bbut. thaatss noot rreallly thee poointt. (LListtenss) TThe poiint is thaat. (Lisstenns) Mosstlyy frree weiightts, butt occcassionnallly.Moniica: Jooey!Joeyy: (on phoone) Yeeah, myy neeighhbo
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